Documentation for the gesturemove triplet of events can be found on the YUI global, * along with the other supported events.
It is recommended that you use Y.bind to set up context and additional arguments for your event handler, * however if you want to pass the context and arguments as additional signature arguments to on/delegate, * you need to provide a null value for the configuration object, e.g: node.on("gesturemovestart", fn, null, context, arg1, arg2, arg3)
node.on("gesturemovestart", fn, null, context, arg1, arg2, arg3)
By default this event is only fired when the same node * has received a "gesturemovestart" event. The subscriber can set standAlone to true, in the configuration properties, * if they want to listen for this event without an initial "gesturemovestart".
By default this event sets up it's internal "touchmove" and "mousemove" DOM listeners on the document element. The subscriber * can set the root configuration property, to specify which node to attach DOM listeners to, if different from the document.
This event can also be listened for using node.delegate().
It is recommended that you use Y.bind to set up context and additional arguments for your event handler, * however if you want to pass the context and arguments as additional signature arguments to on/delegate, * you need to provide a null value for the configuration object, e.g: node.on("gesturemove", fn, null, context, arg1, arg2, arg3)
node.on("gesturemove", fn, null, context, arg1, arg2, arg3)
By default this event is only fired when the same node * has received a "gesturemove" or "gesturemovestart" event. The subscriber can set standAlone to true, in the configuration properties, * if they want to listen for this event without a preceding "gesturemovestart" or "gesturemove".
By default this event sets up it's internal "touchend" and "mouseup" DOM listeners on the document element. The subscriber * can set the root configuration property, to specify which node to attach DOM listeners to, if different from the document.
It is recommended that you use Y.bind to set up context and additional arguments for your event handler, * however if you want to pass the context and arguments as additional signature arguments to on/delegate, * you need to provide a null value for the configuration object, e.g: node.on("gesturemoveend", fn, null, context, arg1, arg2, arg3)
node.on("gesturemoveend", fn, null, context, arg1, arg2, arg3)