/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('event-touch', function (Y, NAME) { /** Adds touch event facade normalization properties (touches, changedTouches, targetTouches etc.) to the DOM event facade. Adds touch events to the DOM events whitelist. @example YUI().use('event-touch', function (Y) { Y.one('#myDiv').on('touchstart', function(e) { ... }); }); @module event @submodule event-touch */ var SCALE = "scale", ROTATION = "rotation", IDENTIFIER = "identifier", win = Y.config.win, GESTURE_MAP = {}; /** * Adds touch event facade normalization properties to the DOM event facade * * @method _touch * @for DOMEventFacade * @private * @param ev {Event} the DOM event * @param currentTarget {HTMLElement} the element the listener was attached to * @param wrapper {CustomEvent} the custom event wrapper for this DOM event */ Y.DOMEventFacade.prototype._touch = function(e, currentTarget, wrapper) { var i,l, etCached, et,touchCache; Y.log("Calling facade._touch() with e = " + e, "debug", "event-touch"); if (e.touches) { Y.log("Found e.touches. Replicating on facade", "info", "event-touch"); /** * Array of individual touch events for touch points that are still in * contact with the touch surface. * * @property touches * @type {DOMEventFacade[]} */ this.touches = []; touchCache = {}; for (i = 0, l = e.touches.length; i < l; ++i) { et = e.touches[i]; touchCache[Y.stamp(et)] = this.touches[i] = new Y.DOMEventFacade(et, currentTarget, wrapper); } } if (e.targetTouches) { Y.log("Found e.targetTouches. Replicating on facade", "info", "event-touch"); /** * Array of individual touch events still in contact with the touch * surface and whose `touchstart` event occurred inside the same taregt * element as the current target element. * * @property targetTouches * @type {DOMEventFacade[]} */ this.targetTouches = []; for (i = 0, l = e.targetTouches.length; i < l; ++i) { et = e.targetTouches[i]; etCached = touchCache && touchCache[Y.stamp(et, true)]; this.targetTouches[i] = etCached || new Y.DOMEventFacade(et, currentTarget, wrapper); if (etCached) { Y.log("Found native event in touches. Using same facade in targetTouches", "info", "event-touch"); } } } if (e.changedTouches) { Y.log("Found e.changedTouches. Replicating on facade", "info", "event-touch"); /** An array of event-specific touch events. For `touchstart`, the touch points that became active with the current event. For `touchmove`, the touch points that have changed since the last event. For `touchend`, the touch points that have been removed from the touch surface. @property changedTouches @type {DOMEventFacade[]} **/ this.changedTouches = []; for (i = 0, l = e.changedTouches.length; i < l; ++i) { et = e.changedTouches[i]; etCached = touchCache && touchCache[Y.stamp(et, true)]; this.changedTouches[i] = etCached || new Y.DOMEventFacade(et, currentTarget, wrapper); if (etCached) { Y.log("Found native event in touches. Using same facade in changedTouches", "info", "event-touch"); } } } if (SCALE in e) { this[SCALE] = e[SCALE]; } if (ROTATION in e) { this[ROTATION] = e[ROTATION]; } if (IDENTIFIER in e) { this[IDENTIFIER] = e[IDENTIFIER]; } }; //Adding MSPointer events to whitelisted DOM Events. MSPointer event payloads //have the same properties as mouse events. if (Y.Node.DOM_EVENTS) { Y.mix(Y.Node.DOM_EVENTS, { touchstart:1, touchmove:1, touchend:1, touchcancel:1, gesturestart:1, gesturechange:1, gestureend:1, MSPointerDown:1, MSPointerUp:1, MSPointerMove:1, MSPointerCancel:1, pointerdown:1, pointerup:1, pointermove:1, pointercancel:1 }); } //Add properties to Y.EVENT.GESTURE_MAP based on feature detection. if ((win && ("ontouchstart" in win)) && !(Y.UA.chrome && Y.UA.chrome < 6)) { GESTURE_MAP.start = ["touchstart", "mousedown"]; GESTURE_MAP.end = ["touchend", "mouseup"]; GESTURE_MAP.move = ["touchmove", "mousemove"]; GESTURE_MAP.cancel = ["touchcancel", "mousecancel"]; } else if (win && win.PointerEvent) { GESTURE_MAP.start = "pointerdown"; GESTURE_MAP.end = "pointerup"; GESTURE_MAP.move = "pointermove"; GESTURE_MAP.cancel = "pointercancel"; } else if (win && ("msPointerEnabled" in win.navigator)) { GESTURE_MAP.start = "MSPointerDown"; GESTURE_MAP.end = "MSPointerUp"; GESTURE_MAP.move = "MSPointerMove"; GESTURE_MAP.cancel = "MSPointerCancel"; } else { GESTURE_MAP.start = "mousedown"; GESTURE_MAP.end = "mouseup"; GESTURE_MAP.move = "mousemove"; GESTURE_MAP.cancel = "mousecancel"; } /** * A object literal with keys "start", "end", and "move". The value for each key is a * string representing the event for that environment. For touch environments, the respective * values are "touchstart", "touchend" and "touchmove". Mouse and MSPointer environments are also * supported via feature detection. * * @property _GESTURE_MAP * @type Object * @static */ Y.Event._GESTURE_MAP = GESTURE_MAP; }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["node-base"]});