/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('graphics-group', function (Y, NAME) { /** * The graphics-group submodule allows from drawing a shape multiple times within a single instance. * * @module graphics * @submodule graphics-group */ var ShapeGroup, CircleGroup, RectGroup, EllipseGroup, DiamondGroup, Y_Lang = Y.Lang; /** * Abstract class for creating groups of shapes with the same styles and dimensions. * * @class ShapeGroup * @constructor * @submodule graphics-group */ ShapeGroup = function() { ShapeGroup.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; ShapeGroup.NAME = "shapeGroup"; Y.extend(ShapeGroup, Y.Path, { /** * Updates the shape. * * @method _draw * @private */ _draw: function() { var xvalues = this.get("xvalues"), yvalues = this.get("yvalues"), x, y, xRad, yRad, i = 0, len, dimensions = this.get("dimensions"), width = dimensions.width, height = dimensions.height, radius = dimensions.radius, yRadius = dimensions.yRadius, widthIsArray = Y_Lang.isArray(width), heightIsArray = Y_Lang.isArray(height), radiusIsArray = Y_Lang.isArray(radius), yRadiusIsArray = Y_Lang.isArray(yRadius); if(xvalues && yvalues && xvalues.length > 0) { this.clear(); len = xvalues.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { x = xvalues[i]; y = yvalues[i]; xRad = radiusIsArray ? radius[i] : radius; yRad = yRadiusIsArray ? yRadius[i] : yRadius; if(!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y) && !isNaN(xRad)) { this.drawShape({ x: x, y: y, width: widthIsArray ? width[i] : width, height: heightIsArray ? height[i] : height, radius: xRad, yRadius: yRad }); this.closePath(); } } this._closePath(); } }, /** * Parses and array of lengths into radii * * @method _getRadiusCollection * @param {Array} val Array of lengths * @return Array * @private */ _getRadiusCollection: function(val) { var i = 0, len = val.length, radii = []; for(; i < len; ++i) { radii[i] = val[i] * 0.5; } return radii; } }); ShapeGroup.ATTRS = Y.merge(Y.Path.ATTRS, { dimensions: { getter: function() { var dimensions = this._dimensions, radius, yRadius, width, height; if(dimensions.hasOwnProperty("radius")) { return dimensions; } else { width = dimensions.width; height = dimensions.height; radius = Y_Lang.isArray(width) ? this._getRadiusCollection(width) : (width * 0.5); yRadius = Y_Lang.isArray(height) ? this._getRadiusCollection(height) : (height * 0.5); return { width: width, height: height, radius: radius, yRadius: yRadius }; } }, setter: function(val) { this._dimensions = val; return val; } }, xvalues: { getter: function() { return this._xvalues; }, setter: function(val) { this._xvalues = val; } }, yvalues: { getter: function() { return this._yvalues; }, setter: function(val) { this._yvalues = val; } } }); Y.ShapeGroup = ShapeGroup; /** * Abstract class for creating groups of circles with the same styles and dimensions. * * @class CircleGroup * @constructor * @submodule graphics-group */ CircleGroup = function() { CircleGroup.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; CircleGroup.NAME = "circleGroup"; Y.extend(CircleGroup, Y.ShapeGroup, { /** * Algorithm for drawing shape. * * @method drawShape * @param {Object} cfg Parameters used to draw the shape. */ drawShape: function(cfg) { this.drawCircle(cfg.x, cfg.y, cfg.radius); } }); CircleGroup.ATTRS = Y.merge(Y.ShapeGroup.ATTRS, { dimensions: { getter: function() { var dimensions = this._dimensions, radius, yRadius, width, height; if(dimensions.hasOwnProperty("radius")) { return dimensions; } else { width = dimensions.width; height = dimensions.height; radius = Y_Lang.isArray(width) ? this._getRadiusCollection(width) : (width * 0.5); yRadius = radius; return { width: width, height: height, radius: radius, yRadius: yRadius }; } } } }); CircleGroup.ATTRS = Y.ShapeGroup.ATTRS; Y.CircleGroup = CircleGroup; /** * Abstract class for creating groups of rects with the same styles and dimensions. * * @class GroupRect * @constructor * @submodule graphics-group */ RectGroup = function() { RectGroup.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; RectGroup.NAME = "rectGroup"; Y.extend(RectGroup, Y.ShapeGroup, { /** * Updates the rect. * * @method _draw * @private */ drawShape: function(cfg) { this.drawRect(cfg.x, cfg.y, cfg.width, cfg.height); } }); RectGroup.ATTRS = Y.ShapeGroup.ATTRS; Y.RectGroup = RectGroup; /** * Abstract class for creating groups of diamonds with the same styles and dimensions. * * @class GroupDiamond * @constructor * @submodule graphics-group */ DiamondGroup = function() { DiamondGroup.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; DiamondGroup.NAME = "diamondGroup"; Y.extend(DiamondGroup, Y.ShapeGroup, { /** * Updates the diamond. * * @method _draw * @private */ drawShape: function(cfg) { this.drawDiamond(cfg.x, cfg.y, cfg.width, cfg.height); } }); DiamondGroup.ATTRS = Y.ShapeGroup.ATTRS; Y.DiamondGroup = DiamondGroup; /** * Abstract class for creating groups of ellipses with the same styles and dimensions. * * @class EllipseGroup * @constructor * @submodule graphics-group */ EllipseGroup = function() { EllipseGroup.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; EllipseGroup.NAME = "ellipseGroup"; Y.extend(EllipseGroup, Y.ShapeGroup, { /** * Updates the ellipse. * * @method _draw * @private */ drawShape: function(cfg) { this.drawEllipse(cfg.x, cfg.y, cfg.width, cfg.height); } }); EllipseGroup.ATTRS = Y.ShapeGroup.ATTRS; Y.EllipseGroup = EllipseGroup; }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["graphics"]});