/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('recordset-sort', function (Y, NAME) { /** * Adds default and custom sorting functionality to the Recordset utility * @module recordset * @submodule recordset-sort */ var Compare = Y.ArraySort.compare, isValue = Y.Lang.isValue; /** * Plugin that adds default and custom sorting functionality to the Recordset utility * @class RecordsetSort */ function RecordsetSort(field, desc, sorter) { RecordsetSort.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } Y.mix(RecordsetSort, { NS: "sort", NAME: "recordsetSort", ATTRS: { /** * @description The last properties used to sort. Consists of an object literal with the keys "field", "desc", and "sorter" * * @attribute lastSortProperties * @public * @type object */ lastSortProperties: { value: { field: undefined, desc: true, sorter: undefined }, validator: function(v) { return (isValue(v.field) && isValue(v.desc) && isValue(v.sorter)); } }, /** * @description Default sort function to use if none is specified by the user. * Takes two records, the key to sort by, and whether sorting direction is descending or not (boolean). * If two records have the same value for a given key, the ID is used as the tie-breaker. * * @attribute defaultSorter * @public * @type function */ defaultSorter: { value: function(recA, recB, field, desc) { var sorted = Compare(recA.getValue(field), recB.getValue(field), desc); if (sorted === 0) { return Compare(recA.get("id"), recB.get("id"), desc); } else { return sorted; } } }, /** * @description A boolean telling if the recordset is in a sorted state. * * @attribute defaultSorter * @public * @type function */ isSorted: { value: false } } }); Y.extend(RecordsetSort, Y.Plugin.Base, { /** * @description Sets up the default function to use when the "sort" event is fired. * * @method initializer * @protected */ initializer: function(config) { var self = this, host = this.get('host'); this.publish("sort", { defaultFn: Y.bind("_defSortFn", this) }); //Toggle the isSorted ATTR based on events. //Remove events dont affect isSorted, as they are just popped/sliced out this.on("sort", function() { self.set('isSorted', true); }); this.onHostEvent('add', function() { self.set('isSorted', false); }, host); this.onHostEvent('update', function() { self.set('isSorted', false); }, host); }, destructor: function(config) { }, /** * @description Method that all sort calls go through. * Sets up the lastSortProperties object with the details of the sort, and passes in parameters * to the "defaultSorter" or a custom specified sort function. * * @method _defSortFn * @private */ _defSortFn: function(e) { //have to work directly with _items here - changing the recordset. this.get("host")._items.sort(function(a, b) { return (e.sorter)(a, b, e.field, e.desc); }); this.set('lastSortProperties', e); }, /** * @description Sorts the recordset. * * @method sort * @param field {string} A key to sort by. * @param desc {boolean} True if you want sort order to be descending, false if you want sort order to be ascending * @public */ sort: function(field, desc, sorter) { this.fire("sort", { field: field, desc: desc, sorter: sorter || this.get("defaultSorter") }); }, /** * @description Resorts the recordset based on the last-used sort parameters (stored in 'lastSortProperties' ATTR) * * @method resort * @public */ resort: function() { var p = this.get('lastSortProperties'); this.fire("sort", { field: p.field, desc: p.desc, sorter: p.sorter || this.get("defaultSorter") }); }, /** * @description Reverses the recordset calling the standard array.reverse() method. * * @method reverse * @public */ reverse: function() { this.get('host')._items.reverse(); }, /** * @description Sorts the recordset based on the last-used sort parameters, but flips the order. (ie: Descending becomes ascending, and vice versa). * * @method flip * @public */ flip: function() { var p = this.get('lastSortProperties'); //If a predefined field is not provided by which to sort by, throw an error if (isValue(p.field)) { this.fire("sort", { field: p.field, desc: !p.desc, sorter: p.sorter || this.get("defaultSorter") }); } else { Y.log('You called flip before setting a field by which to sort by. Maybe you meant to call reverse().'); } } }); Y.namespace("Plugin").RecordsetSort = RecordsetSort; }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["arraysort", "recordset-base", "plugin"]});