YUI.add('gallery-sm-treeview', function (Y, NAME) { var Micro = Y.Template.Micro; Y.namespace('TreeView').Templates = { children: Micro.compile( '
' + 'role="tree" tabindex="0"' + '<% } else { %>' + 'role="group"' + '<% } %>' + '>
' ), node: Micro.compile( '
" role="treeitem" aria-labelled-by="<%= data.node.id %>-label">' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
<%== data.node.label %>
' + '
' + '
' ) }; /*jshint expr:true, onevar:false */ /** Provides the `Y.TreeView` widget. @module gallery-sm-treeview @main gallery-sm-treeview **/ /** TreeView widget. @class TreeView @constructor @extends View @uses Tree @uses Tree.Labelable @uses Tree.Openable @uses Tree.Selectable **/ var getClassName = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName, TreeView = Y.Base.create('treeView', Y.View, [ Y.Tree, Y.Tree.Labelable, Y.Tree.Openable, Y.Tree.Selectable ], { // -- Public Properties ---------------------------------------------------- /** CSS class names used by this treeview. @property {Object} classNames @param {String} canHaveChildren Class name indicating that a tree node can contain child nodes (whether or not it actually does). @param {String} children Class name for a list of child nodes. @param {String} hasChildren Class name indicating that a tree node has one or more child nodes. @param {String} icon Class name for a tree node's icon. @param {String} indicator Class name for an open/closed indicator. @param {String} label Class name for a tree node's user-visible label. @param {String} node Class name for a tree node item. @param {String} noTouch Class name added to the TreeView container when not using a touchscreen device. @param {String} open Class name indicating that a tree node is open. @param {String} row Class name for a row container encompassing the indicator and label within a tree node. @param {String} selected Class name for a tree node that's selected. @param {String} touch Class name added to the TreeView container when using a touchscreen device. @param {String} treeview Class name for the TreeView container. **/ classNames: { canHaveChildren: getClassName('treeview-can-have-children'), children : getClassName('treeview-children'), hasChildren : getClassName('treeview-has-children'), icon : getClassName('treeview-icon'), indicator : getClassName('treeview-indicator'), label : getClassName('treeview-label'), node : getClassName('treeview-node'), noTouch : getClassName('treeview-notouch'), open : getClassName('treeview-open'), row : getClassName('treeview-row'), selected : getClassName('treeview-selected'), touch : getClassName('treeview-touch'), treeview : getClassName('treeview') }, /** Whether or not this TreeView has been rendered. @property {Boolean} rendered @default false **/ rendered: false, /** Default templates used to render this TreeView. @property {Object} templates **/ templates: Y.TreeView.Templates, // -- Protected Properties ------------------------------------------------- /** Simple way to type-check that this is a TreeView instance. @property {Boolean} _isYUITreeView @default true @protected **/ _isYUITreeView: true, /** Cached value of the `lazyRender` attribute. @property {Boolean} _lazyRender @protected **/ // -- Lifecycle Methods ---------------------------------------------------- initializer: function (config) { if (config && config.templates) { this.templates = Y.merge(this.templates, config.templates); } this._renderQueue = {}; this._attachTreeViewEvents(); }, destructor: function () { clearTimeout(this._renderTimeout); this._detachTreeViewEvents(); this._renderQueue = null; }, // -- Public Methods ------------------------------------------------------- destroyNode: function (node, options) { node._htmlNode = null; return Y.Tree.prototype.destroyNode.call(this, node, options); }, /** Returns the HTML node (as a `Y.Node` instance) associated with the specified `Tree.Node` instance, if any. @method getHTMLNode @param {Tree.Node} treeNode Tree node. @return {Node} `Y.Node` instance associated with the given tree node, or `undefined` if one was not found. **/ getHTMLNode: function (treeNode) { if (!treeNode._htmlNode) { treeNode._htmlNode = this.get('container').one('#' + treeNode.id); } return treeNode._htmlNode; }, /** Renders this TreeView into its container. If the container hasn't already been added to the current document, it will be appended to the `` element. @method render @chainable **/ render: function () { var container = this.get('container'), isTouchDevice = 'ontouchstart' in Y.config.win; container.addClass(this.classNames.treeview); container.addClass(this.classNames[isTouchDevice ? 'touch' : 'noTouch']); this._childrenNode = this.renderChildren(this.rootNode, { container: container }); if (!container.inDoc()) { Y.one('body').append(container); } this.rendered = true; return this; }, /** Renders the children of the specified tree node. If a container is specified, it will be assumed to be an existing rendered tree node, and the children will be rendered (or re-rendered) inside it. @method renderChildren @param {Tree.Node} treeNode Tree node whose children should be rendered. @param {Object} [options] Options. @param {Node} [options.container] `Y.Node` instance of a container into which the children should be rendered. If the container already contains rendered children, they will be re-rendered in place. @return {Node} `Y.Node` instance containing the rendered children. **/ renderChildren: function (treeNode, options) { options || (options = {}); var container = options.container, childrenNode = container && container.one('>.' + this.classNames.children), lazyRender = this._lazyRender; if (!childrenNode) { childrenNode = Y.Node.create(this.templates.children({ classNames: this.classNames, node : treeNode, treeview : this // not currently used, but may be useful for custom templates })); } if (treeNode.hasChildren()) { childrenNode.set('aria-expanded', treeNode.isOpen()); for (var i = 0, len = treeNode.children.length; i < len; i++) { var child = treeNode.children[i]; this.renderNode(child, { container : childrenNode, renderChildren: !lazyRender || child.isOpen() }); } } // Keep track of whether or not this node's children have been rendered // so we'll know whether we need to render them later if the node is // opened. treeNode.state.renderedChildren = true; if (container) { container.append(childrenNode); } return childrenNode; }, /** Renders the specified tree node and its children (if any). If a container is specified, the rendered node will be appended to it. @method renderNode @param {Tree.Node} treeNode Tree node to render. @param {Object} [options] Options. @param {Node} [options.container] `Y.Node` instance of a container to which the rendered tree node should be appended. @param {Boolean} [options.renderChildren=false] Whether or not to render this node's children. @return {Node} `Y.Node` instance of the rendered tree node. **/ renderNode: function (treeNode, options) { options || (options = {}); var classNames = this.classNames, hasChildren = treeNode.hasChildren(), htmlNode = treeNode._htmlNode, nodeClassNames = {}, className; // Build the hash of CSS classes for this node. nodeClassNames[classNames.node] = true; nodeClassNames[classNames.canHaveChildren] = !!treeNode.canHaveChildren; nodeClassNames[classNames.hasChildren] = hasChildren; if (htmlNode) { // This node has already been rendered, so we just need to update // the DOM instead of re-rendering it from scratch. htmlNode.one('.' + classNames.label).setHTML(treeNode.label); for (className in nodeClassNames) { if (nodeClassNames.hasOwnProperty(className)) { htmlNode.toggleClass(className, nodeClassNames[className]); } } } else { // This node hasn't been rendered yet, so render it from scratch. var enabledClassNames = []; for (className in nodeClassNames) { if (nodeClassNames.hasOwnProperty(className) && nodeClassNames[className]) { enabledClassNames.push(className); } } htmlNode = treeNode._htmlNode = Y.Node.create(this.templates.node({ classNames : classNames, nodeClassNames: enabledClassNames, node : treeNode, treeview : this // not currently used, but may be useful for custom templates })); } this._syncNodeOpenState(treeNode, htmlNode); this._syncNodeSelectedState(treeNode, htmlNode); if (hasChildren) { if (options.renderChildren) { this.renderChildren(treeNode, { container: htmlNode }); } } else { // If children were previously rendered but this node no longer has // children, remove the empty child list. var childrenNode = htmlNode.one('>.' + classNames.children); if (childrenNode) { childrenNode.remove(true); } } treeNode.state.rendered = true; if (options.container) { options.container.append(htmlNode); } return htmlNode; }, // -- Protected Methods ---------------------------------------------------- _attachTreeViewEvents: function () { this._treeViewEvents || (this._treeViewEvents = []); var classNames = this.classNames, container = this.get('container'); this._treeViewEvents.push( // Custom events. this.after({ add : this._afterAdd, clear : this._afterClear, close : this._afterClose, multiSelectChange: this._afterTreeViewMultiSelectChange, // sheesh open : this._afterOpen, remove : this._afterRemove, select : this._afterSelect, unselect : this._afterUnselect }), // DOM events. container.on('mousedown', this._onMouseDown, this), container.delegate('click', this._onIndicatorClick, '.' + classNames.indicator, this), container.delegate('click', this._onRowClick, '.' + classNames.row, this), container.delegate('dblclick', this._onRowDoubleClick, '.' + classNames.canHaveChildren + ' > .' + classNames.row, this) ); }, _detachTreeViewEvents: function () { (new Y.EventHandle(this._treeViewEvents)).detach(); }, _processRenderQueue: function () { if (!this.rendered) { return; } var queue = this._renderQueue, node; for (var id in queue) { if (queue.hasOwnProperty(id)) { node = this.getNodeById(id); if (node) { this.renderNode(node, queue[id]); } } } this._renderQueue = {}; }, _queueRender: function (node, options) { if (!this.rendered) { return; } var queue = this._renderQueue, self = this; clearTimeout(this._renderTimeout); queue[node.id] = Y.merge(queue[node.id], options); this._renderTimeout = setTimeout(function () { self._processRenderQueue(); }, 15); return this; }, /** Setter for the `lazyRender` attribute. Just caches the value in a property for faster lookups. @method _setLazyRender @return {Boolean} Value. @protected **/ _setLazyRender: function (value) { /*jshint boss:true */ return this._lazyRender = value; }, _syncNodeOpenState: function (node, htmlNode) { htmlNode || (htmlNode = this.getHTMLNode(node)); if (!htmlNode) { return; } if (node.isOpen()) { htmlNode .addClass(this.classNames.open) .set('aria-expanded', true); } else { htmlNode .removeClass(this.classNames.open) .set('aria-expanded', false); } }, _syncNodeSelectedState: function (node, htmlNode) { htmlNode || (htmlNode = this.getHTMLNode(node)); if (!htmlNode) { return; } var multiSelect = this.get('multiSelect'); if (node.isSelected()) { htmlNode.addClass(this.classNames.selected); if (multiSelect) { // It's only necessary to set aria-selected when multi-select is // enabled and focus can't be used to track the selection state. htmlNode.set('aria-selected', true); } else { htmlNode.set('tabIndex', 0); } } else { htmlNode .removeClass(this.classNames.selected) .removeAttribute('tabIndex'); if (multiSelect) { htmlNode.set('aria-selected', false); } } }, // -- Protected Event Handlers --------------------------------------------- _afterAdd: function (e) { // Nothing to do if the treeview hasn't been rendered yet. if (!this.rendered) { return; } var parent = e.parent, parentIsRoot = parent.isRoot(), treeNode = e.node, htmlChildren, htmlParent; if (parentIsRoot) { htmlChildren = this._childrenNode; } else { htmlParent = this.getHTMLNode(parent), htmlChildren = htmlParent && htmlParent.one('>.' + this.classNames.children); } if (htmlChildren) { // Parent's children have already been rendered. Instead of // re-rendering all of them, just render the new node and insert it // at the correct position. htmlChildren.insert(this.renderNode(treeNode, { renderChildren: !this._lazyRender || treeNode.isOpen() }), e.index); // Schedule the parent node to be re-rendered in order to update its // state. This is done asynchronously and throttled in order to // avoid re-rendering the parent many times if multiple children are // added in quick succession. if (!parentIsRoot) { this._queueRender(parent); } } else if (!parentIsRoot) { // Either the parent hasn't been rendered yet, or its children // haven't been rendered yet. Schedule it to be rendered. This is // done asynchronously and throttled in order to avoid re-rendering // the parent many times if multiple children are added in quick // succession. this._queueRender(parent, {renderChildren: true}); } }, _afterClear: function () { // Nothing to do if the treeview hasn't been rendered yet. if (!this.rendered) { return; } clearTimeout(this._renderTimeout); this._renderQueue = {}; delete this._childrenNode; this.rendered = false; this.get('container').empty(); this.render(); }, _afterClose: function (e) { if (this.rendered) { this._syncNodeOpenState(e.node); } }, _afterOpen: function (e) { if (!this.rendered) { return; } var treeNode = e.node, htmlNode = this.getHTMLNode(treeNode); // If this node's children haven't been rendered yet, render them. if (!treeNode.state.renderedChildren) { this.renderChildren(treeNode, { container: htmlNode }); } this._syncNodeOpenState(treeNode, htmlNode); }, _afterRemove: function (e) { if (!this.rendered) { return; } var treeNode = e.node, parent = e.parent; // If this node is in the render queue, remove it from the queue. if (this._renderQueue[treeNode.id]) { delete this._renderQueue[treeNode.id]; } // Remove DOM nodes associated with this node and any of its // descendants, and mark all nodes as unrendered so that they'll be // re-rendered if they're reinserted in the tree. var htmlNode = this.getHTMLNode(treeNode); if (htmlNode) { htmlNode .empty() .remove(true); treeNode._htmlNode = null; } if (!treeNode.state.destroyed) { treeNode.traverse(function (node) { node._htmlNode = null; node.state.rendered = false; node.state.renderedChildren = false; }); } // Re-render the parent to update its state if this was its last child. if (parent && !parent.hasChildren()) { this.renderNode(parent); } }, _afterSelect: function (e) { if (this.rendered) { this._syncNodeSelectedState(e.node); } }, _afterTreeViewMultiSelectChange: function (e) { if (!this.rendered) { return; } var container = this.get('container'), rootList = container.one('> .' + this.classNames.children), htmlNodes = container.all('.' + this.classNames.node); if (e.newVal) { rootList.set('aria-multiselectable', true); htmlNodes.set('aria-selected', false); } else { // When multiselect is disabled, aria-selected must not be set on // any nodes, since focus is used to indicate selection. rootList.removeAttribute('aria-multiselectable'); htmlNodes.removeAttribute('aria-selected'); } }, _afterUnselect: function (e) { if (this.rendered) { this._syncNodeSelectedState(e.node); } }, _onIndicatorClick: function (e) { var rowNode = e.currentTarget.ancestor('.' + this.classNames.row); // Indicator clicks shouldn't toggle selection state, so don't allow // this event to propagate to the _onRowClick() handler. e.stopImmediatePropagation(); this.getNodeById(rowNode.getData('node-id')).toggleOpen(); }, _onMouseDown: function (e) { // This prevents the tree from momentarily grabbing focus before focus // is set on a node. e.preventDefault(); }, _onRowClick: function (e) { // Ignore buttons other than the left button. if (e.button > 1) { return; } var node = this.getNodeById(e.currentTarget.getData('node-id')); if (this.get('multiSelect')) { node[node.isSelected() ? 'unselect' : 'select'](); } else { node.select(); } }, _onRowDoubleClick: function (e) { // Ignore buttons other than the left button. if (e.button > 1) { return; } this.getNodeById(e.currentTarget.getData('node-id')).toggleOpen(); } }, { ATTRS: { /** When `true`, a node's children won't be rendered until the first time that node is opened. This can significantly speed up the time it takes to render a large tree, but might not make sense if you're using CSS that doesn't hide the contents of closed nodes. @attribute {Boolean} lazyRender @default true **/ lazyRender: { lazyAdd: false, // to ensure that the setter runs on init setter : '_setLazyRender', value : true } } }); Y.TreeView = Y.mix(TreeView, Y.TreeView); }, 'gallery-2013.06.20-02-07', { "requires": [ "base-build", "classnamemanager", "template-micro", "tree", "tree-labelable", "tree-openable", "tree-selectable", "view" ], "skinnable": true });