// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Controls the conversation page in the message drawer. * * This function handles all of the user actions that the user can take * when interacting with the conversation page. * * It maintains a view state which is a data representation of the view * and only operates on that data. * * The view state is immutable and should never be modified directly. Instead * all changes to the view state should be done using the StateManager which * will generate a new version of the view state with the requested changes. * * After any changes to the view state the module will call the render function * to ask the renderer to update the UI. * * General rules for this module: * 1.) Never modify viewState directly. All changes should be via the StateManager. * 2.) Call render() with the new state when you want to update the UI * 3.) Never modify the UI directly in this module. This module is only concerned * with the data in the view state. * * The general flow for a user interaction will be something like: * User interaction: User clicks "confirm block" button to block the other user * 1.) This module is hears the click * 2.) This module sends a request to the server to block the user * 3.) The server responds with the new user profile * 4.) This module generates a new state using the StateManager with the updated * user profile. * 5.) This module asks the Patcher to generate a patch from the current state and * the newly generated state. This patch tells the renderer what has changed * between the states. * 6.) This module gives the Renderer the generated patch. The renderer updates * the UI with changes according to the patch. * * @module core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation * @copyright 2018 Ryan Wyllie
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define( [ 'jquery', 'core/auto_rows', 'core/backoff_timer', 'core/custom_interaction_events', 'core/notification', 'core/pending', 'core/pubsub', 'core/str', 'core_message/message_repository', 'core_message/message_drawer_events', 'core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation_constants', 'core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation_patcher', 'core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation_renderer', 'core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation_state_manager', 'core_message/message_drawer_router', 'core_message/message_drawer_routes', ], function( $, AutoRows, BackOffTimer, CustomEvents, Notification, Pending, PubSub, Str, Repository, MessageDrawerEvents, Constants, Patcher, Renderer, StateManager, MessageDrawerRouter, MessageDrawerRoutes ) { // Contains a cache of all view states that have been loaded so far // which saves us having to reload stuff with network requests when // switching between conversations. var stateCache = {}; // The current data representation of the view. var viewState = null; var loadedAllMessages = false; var messagesOffset = 0; var newMessagesPollTimer = null; var isRendering = false; var renderBuffer = []; // If the UI is currently resetting. var isResetting = true; // If the UI is currently sending a message. var isSendingMessage = false; // If the UI is currently deleting a conversation. var isDeletingConversationContent = false; // These functions which will be generated when this module is // first called. See generateRenderFunction for details. var render = null; // The list of renderers that have been registered to render // this conversation. See generateRenderFunction for details. var renderers = []; var NEWEST_FIRST = Constants.NEWEST_MESSAGES_FIRST; var LOAD_MESSAGE_LIMIT = Constants.LOAD_MESSAGE_LIMIT; var MILLISECONDS_IN_SEC = Constants.MILLISECONDS_IN_SEC; var SELECTORS = Constants.SELECTORS; var CONVERSATION_TYPES = Constants.CONVERSATION_TYPES; /** * Get the other user userid. * * @return {Number} Userid. */ var getOtherUserId = function() { if (!viewState || viewState.type == CONVERSATION_TYPES.PUBLIC) { return null; } var loggedInUserId = viewState.loggedInUserId; if (viewState.type == CONVERSATION_TYPES.SELF) { // It's a self-conversation, so the other user is the one logged in. return loggedInUserId; } var otherUserIds = Object.keys(viewState.members).filter(function(userId) { return loggedInUserId != userId; }); return otherUserIds.length ? otherUserIds[0] : null; }; /** * Search the cache to see if we've already loaded a private conversation * with the given user id. * * @param {Number} userId The id of the other user. * @return {Number|null} Conversation id. */ var getCachedPrivateConversationIdFromUserId = function(userId) { return Object.keys(stateCache).reduce(function(carry, id) { if (!carry) { var state = stateCache[id].state; if (state.type != CONVERSATION_TYPES.PUBLIC) { if (userId in state.members) { // We've found a cached conversation for this user! carry = state.id; } } } return carry; }, null); }; /** * Get profile info for logged in user. * * @param {Object} body Conversation body container element. * @return {Object} */ var getLoggedInUserProfile = function(body) { return { id: parseInt(body.attr('data-user-id'), 10), fullname: null, profileimageurl: null, profileimageurlsmall: null, isonline: null, showonlinestatus: null, isblocked: null, iscontact: null, isdeleted: null, canmessage: null, requirescontact: null, contactrequests: [] }; }; /** * Get the messages offset value to load more messages. * * @return {Number} */ var getMessagesOffset = function() { return messagesOffset; }; /** * Set the messages offset value for loading more messages. * * @param {Number} value The offset value */ var setMessagesOffset = function(value) { messagesOffset = value; stateCache[viewState.id].messagesOffset = value; }; /** * Check if all messages have been loaded. * * @return {Bool} */ var hasLoadedAllMessages = function() { return loadedAllMessages; }; /** * Set whether all messages have been loaded or not. * * @param {Bool} value If all messages have been loaded. */ var setLoadedAllMessages = function(value) { loadedAllMessages = value; stateCache[viewState.id].loadedAllMessages = value; }; /** * Get the messages container element. * * @param {Object} body Conversation body container element. * @return {Object} The messages container element. */ var getMessagesContainer = function(body) { return body.find(SELECTORS.MESSAGES_CONTAINER); }; /** * Reformat the conversation for an event payload. * * @param {Object} state The view state. * @return {Object} New formatted conversation. */ var formatConversationForEvent = function(state) { return { id: state.id, name: state.name, subname: state.subname, imageUrl: state.imageUrl, isFavourite: state.isFavourite, isMuted: state.isMuted, type: state.type, totalMemberCount: state.totalMemberCount, loggedInUserId: state.loggedInUserId, messages: state.messages.map(function(message) { return $.extend({}, message); }), members: Object.keys(state.members).map(function(id) { var formattedMember = $.extend({}, state.members[id]); formattedMember.contactrequests = state.members[id].contactrequests.map(function(request) { return $.extend({}, request); }); return formattedMember; }) }; }; /** * Load up an empty private conversation between the logged in user and the * other user. Sets all of the conversation details based on the other user. * * A conversation isn't created until the user sends the first message. * * @param {Object} loggedInUserProfile The logged in user profile. * @param {Number} otherUserId The other user id. * @return {Object} Profile returned from repository. */ var loadEmptyPrivateConversation = function(loggedInUserProfile, otherUserId) { var loggedInUserId = loggedInUserProfile.id; // If the other user id is the same as the logged in user then this is a self // conversation. var conversationType = loggedInUserId == otherUserId ? CONVERSATION_TYPES.SELF : CONVERSATION_TYPES.PRIVATE; var newState = StateManager.setLoadingMembers(viewState, true); newState = StateManager.setLoadingMessages(newState, true); render(newState); return Repository.getMemberInfo(loggedInUserId, [otherUserId], true, true) .then(function(profiles) { if (profiles.length) { return profiles[0]; } else { throw new Error('Unable to load other user profile'); } }) .then(function(profile) { // If the conversation is a self conversation then the profile loaded is the // logged in user so only add that to the members array. var members = conversationType == CONVERSATION_TYPES.SELF ? [profile] : [profile, loggedInUserProfile]; var newState = StateManager.addMembers(viewState, members); newState = StateManager.setLoadingMembers(newState, false); newState = StateManager.setLoadingMessages(newState, false); newState = StateManager.setName(newState, profile.fullname); newState = StateManager.setType(newState, conversationType); newState = StateManager.setImageUrl(newState, profile.profileimageurl); newState = StateManager.setTotalMemberCount(newState, members.length); render(newState); return profile; }) .catch(function(error) { var newState = StateManager.setLoadingMembers(viewState, false); render(newState); Notification.exception(error); }); }; /** * Create a new state from a conversation object. * * @param {Object} conversation The conversation object. * @param {Number} loggedInUserId The logged in user id. * @return {Object} new state. */ var updateStateFromConversation = function(conversation, loggedInUserId) { var otherUser = null; if (conversation.type == CONVERSATION_TYPES.PRIVATE) { // For private conversations, remove current logged in user from the members list to get the other user. var otherUsers = conversation.members.filter(function(member) { return member.id != loggedInUserId; }); otherUser = otherUsers.length ? otherUsers[0] : null; } else if (conversation.type == CONVERSATION_TYPES.SELF) { // Self-conversations have only one member. otherUser = conversation.members[0]; } var name = conversation.name; var imageUrl = conversation.imageurl; if (conversation.type != CONVERSATION_TYPES.PUBLIC) { name = name || otherUser ? otherUser.fullname : ''; imageUrl = imageUrl || otherUser ? otherUser.profileimageurl : ''; } var newState = StateManager.addMembers(viewState, conversation.members); newState = StateManager.setName(newState, name); newState = StateManager.setSubname(newState, conversation.subname); newState = StateManager.setType(newState, conversation.type); newState = StateManager.setImageUrl(newState, imageUrl); newState = StateManager.setTotalMemberCount(newState, conversation.membercount); newState = StateManager.setIsFavourite(newState, conversation.isfavourite); newState = StateManager.setIsMuted(newState, conversation.ismuted); newState = StateManager.addMessages(newState, conversation.messages); newState = StateManager.setCanDeleteMessagesForAllUsers(newState, conversation.candeletemessagesforallusers); return newState; }; /** * Get the details for a conversation from the conversation id. * * @param {Number} conversationId The conversation id. * @param {Object} loggedInUserProfile The logged in user profile. * @param {Number} messageLimit The number of messages to include. * @param {Number} messageOffset The number of messages to skip. * @param {Bool} newestFirst Order messages newest first. * @return {Object} Promise resolved when loaded. */ var loadNewConversation = function( conversationId, loggedInUserProfile, messageLimit, messageOffset, newestFirst ) { var loggedInUserId = loggedInUserProfile.id; var newState = StateManager.setLoadingMembers(viewState, true); newState = StateManager.setLoadingMessages(newState, true); render(newState); return Repository.getConversation( loggedInUserId, conversationId, true, true, 0, 0, messageLimit + 1, messageOffset, newestFirst ) .then(function(conversation) { if (conversation.messages.length > messageLimit) { conversation.messages = conversation.messages.slice(1); } else { setLoadedAllMessages(true); } setMessagesOffset(messageOffset + messageLimit); return conversation; }) .then(function(conversation) { var hasLoggedInUser = conversation.members.filter(function(member) { return member.id == loggedInUserProfile.id; }); if (hasLoggedInUser.length < 1) { conversation.members = conversation.members.concat([loggedInUserProfile]); } var newState = updateStateFromConversation(conversation, loggedInUserProfile.id); newState = StateManager.setLoadingMembers(newState, false); newState = StateManager.setLoadingMessages(newState, false); return render(newState) .then(function() { return conversation; }); }) .then(function() { return markConversationAsRead(conversationId); }) .catch(function(error) { var newState = StateManager.setLoadingMembers(viewState, false); newState = StateManager.setLoadingMessages(newState, false); render(newState); Notification.exception(error); }); }; /** * Get the details for a conversation from and existing conversation object. * * @param {Object} conversation The conversation object. * @param {Object} loggedInUserProfile The logged in user profile. * @param {Number} messageLimit The number of messages to include. * @param {Bool} newestFirst Order messages newest first. * @return {Object} Promise resolved when loaded. */ var loadExistingConversation = function( conversation, loggedInUserProfile, messageLimit, newestFirst ) { var hasLoggedInUser = conversation.members.filter(function(member) { return member.id == loggedInUserProfile.id; }); if (hasLoggedInUser.length < 1) { conversation.members = conversation.members.concat([loggedInUserProfile]); } var messageCount = conversation.messages.length; var hasLoadedEnoughMessages = messageCount >= messageLimit; var newState = updateStateFromConversation(conversation, loggedInUserProfile.id); newState = StateManager.setLoadingMembers(newState, false); newState = StateManager.setLoadingMessages(newState, !hasLoadedEnoughMessages); var renderPromise = render(newState); return renderPromise.then(function() { if (!hasLoadedEnoughMessages) { // We haven't got enough messages so let's load some more. return loadMessages(conversation.id, messageLimit, messageCount, newestFirst, []); } else { // We've got enough messages. No need to load any more for now. return {messages: conversation.messages}; } }) .then(function() { var messages = viewState.messages; // Update the offset to reflect the number of messages we've loaded. setMessagesOffset(messages.length); markConversationAsRead(viewState.id); return messages; }) .catch(Notification.exception); }; /** * Load messages for this conversation and pass them to the renderer. * * @param {Number} conversationId Conversation id. * @param {Number} limit Number of messages to load. * @param {Number} offset Get messages from offset. * @param {Bool} newestFirst Get newest messages first. * @param {Array} ignoreList Ignore any messages with ids in this list. * @param {Number|null} timeFrom Only get messages from this time onwards. * @return {Promise} renderer promise. */ var loadMessages = function(conversationId, limit, offset, newestFirst, ignoreList, timeFrom) { return Repository.getMessages( viewState.loggedInUserId, conversationId, limit ? limit + 1 : limit, offset, newestFirst, timeFrom ) .then(function(result) { if (result.messages.length && ignoreList.length) { result.messages = result.messages.filter(function(message) { // Skip any messages in our ignore list. return ignoreList.indexOf(parseInt(message.id, 10)) < 0; }); } return result; }) .then(function(result) { if (!limit) { return result; } else if (result.messages.length > limit) { // Ignore the last result which was just to test if there are more // to load. result.messages = result.messages.slice(0, -1); } else { setLoadedAllMessages(true); } return result; }) .then(function(result) { var membersToAdd = result.members.filter(function(member) { return !(member.id in viewState.members); }); var newState = StateManager.addMembers(viewState, membersToAdd); newState = StateManager.addMessages(newState, result.messages); newState = StateManager.setLoadingMessages(newState, false); return render(newState) .then(function() { return result; }); }) .catch(function(error) { var newState = StateManager.setLoadingMessages(viewState, false); render(newState); // Re-throw the error for other error handlers. throw error; }); }; /** * Create a callback function for getting new messages for this conversation. * * @param {Number} conversationId Conversation id. * @param {Bool} newestFirst Show newest messages first * @return {Function} Callback function that returns a renderer promise. */ var getLoadNewMessagesCallback = function(conversationId, newestFirst) { return function() { var messages = viewState.messages; var mostRecentMessage = messages.length ? messages[messages.length - 1] : null; if (mostRecentMessage && !isResetting && !isSendingMessage && !isDeletingConversationContent) { // There may be multiple messages with the same time created value since // the accuracy is only down to the second. The server will include these // messages in the result (since it does a >= comparison on time from) so // we need to filter them back out of the result so that we're left only // with the new messages. var ignoreMessageIds = []; for (var i = messages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var message = messages[i]; if (message.timeCreated === mostRecentMessage.timeCreated) { ignoreMessageIds.push(message.id); } else { // Since the messages are ordered in ascending order of time created // we can break as soon as we hit a message with a different time created // because we know all other messages will have lower values. break; } } return loadMessages( conversationId, 0, 0, newestFirst, ignoreMessageIds, mostRecentMessage.timeCreated ) .then(function(result) { if (result.messages.length) { // If we found some results then restart the polling timer // because the other user might be sending messages. newMessagesPollTimer.restart(); // We've also got a new last message so publish that for other // components to update. var conversation = formatConversationForEvent(viewState); PubSub.publish(MessageDrawerEvents.CONVERSATION_NEW_LAST_MESSAGE, conversation); return markConversationAsRead(conversationId); } else { return result; } }); } return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); }; }; /** * Mark a conversation as read. * * @param {Number} conversationId The conversation id. * @return {Promise} The renderer promise. */ var markConversationAsRead = function(conversationId) { var loggedInUserId = viewState.loggedInUserId; var pendingPromise = new Pending('core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation:markConversationAsRead'); return Repository.markAllConversationMessagesAsRead(loggedInUserId, conversationId) .then(function() { var newState = StateManager.markMessagesAsRead(viewState, viewState.messages); PubSub.publish(MessageDrawerEvents.CONVERSATION_READ, conversationId); return render(newState); }) .then(function(result) { pendingPromise.resolve(); return result; }); }; /** * Tell the statemanager there is request to block a user and run the renderer * to show the block user dialogue. * * @param {Number} userId User id. */ var requestBlockUser = function(userId) { cancelRequest(userId); var newState = StateManager.addPendingBlockUsersById(viewState, [userId]); render(newState); }; /** * Send the repository a request to block a user, update the statemanager and publish * a contact has been blocked. * * @param {Number} userId User id of user to block. * @return {Promise} Renderer promise. */ var blockUser = function(userId) { var newState = StateManager.setLoadingConfirmAction(viewState, true); var pendingPromise = new Pending('core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation:blockUser'); render(newState); return Repository.blockUser(viewState.loggedInUserId, userId) .then(function(profile) { var newState = StateManager.addMembers(viewState, [profile]); newState = StateManager.removePendingBlockUsersById(newState, [userId]); newState = StateManager.setLoadingConfirmAction(newState, false); PubSub.publish(MessageDrawerEvents.CONTACT_BLOCKED, userId); return render(newState); }) .then(function(result) { pendingPromise.resolve(); return result; }); }; /** * Tell the statemanager there is a request to unblock a user and run the renderer * to show the unblock user dialogue. * * @param {Number} userId User id of user to unblock. */ var requestUnblockUser = function(userId) { cancelRequest(userId); var newState = StateManager.addPendingUnblockUsersById(viewState, [userId]); render(newState); }; /** * Send the repository a request to unblock a user, update the statemanager and publish * a contact has been unblocked. * * @param {Number} userId User id of user to unblock. * @return {Promise} Renderer promise. */ var unblockUser = function(userId) { var newState = StateManager.setLoadingConfirmAction(viewState, true); var pendingPromise = new Pending('core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation:unblockUser'); render(newState); return Repository.unblockUser(viewState.loggedInUserId, userId) .then(function(profile) { var newState = StateManager.addMembers(viewState, [profile]); newState = StateManager.removePendingUnblockUsersById(newState, [userId]); newState = StateManager.setLoadingConfirmAction(newState, false); PubSub.publish(MessageDrawerEvents.CONTACT_UNBLOCKED, userId); return render(newState); }) .then(function(result) { pendingPromise.resolve(); return result; }); }; /** * Tell the statemanager there is a request to remove a user from the contact list * and run the renderer to show the remove user from contacts dialogue. * * @param {Number} userId User id of user to remove from contacts. */ var requestRemoveContact = function(userId) { cancelRequest(userId); var newState = StateManager.addPendingRemoveContactsById(viewState, [userId]); render(newState); }; /** * Send the repository a request to remove a user from the contacts list. update the statemanager * and publish a contact has been removed. * * @param {Number} userId User id of user to remove from contacts. * @return {Promise} Renderer promise. */ var removeContact = function(userId) { var newState = StateManager.setLoadingConfirmAction(viewState, true); var pendingPromise = new Pending('core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation:removeContact'); render(newState); return Repository.deleteContacts(viewState.loggedInUserId, [userId]) .then(function(profiles) { var newState = StateManager.addMembers(viewState, profiles); newState = StateManager.removePendingRemoveContactsById(newState, [userId]); newState = StateManager.setLoadingConfirmAction(newState, false); PubSub.publish(MessageDrawerEvents.CONTACT_REMOVED, userId); return render(newState); }) .then(function(result) { pendingPromise.resolve(); return result; }); }; /** * Tell the statemanager there is a request to add a user to the contact list * and run the renderer to show the add user to contacts dialogue. * * @param {Number} userId User id of user to add to contacts. */ var requestAddContact = function(userId) { cancelRequest(userId); var newState = StateManager.addPendingAddContactsById(viewState, [userId]); render(newState); }; /** * Send the repository a request to add a user to the contacts list. update the statemanager * and publish a contact has been added. * * @param {Number} userId User id of user to add to contacts. * @return {Promise} Renderer promise. */ var addContact = function(userId) { var newState = StateManager.setLoadingConfirmAction(viewState, true); var pendingPromise = new Pending('core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation:addContactRequests'); render(newState); return Repository.createContactRequest(viewState.loggedInUserId, userId) .then(function(response) { if (!response.request) { throw new Error(response.warnings[0].message); } return response.request; }) .then(function(request) { var newState = StateManager.removePendingAddContactsById(viewState, [userId]); newState = StateManager.addContactRequests(newState, [request]); newState = StateManager.setLoadingConfirmAction(newState, false); return render(newState); }) .then(function(result) { pendingPromise.resolve(); return result; }); }; /** * Set the current conversation as a favourite conversation. * * @return {Promise} Renderer promise. */ var setFavourite = function() { var userId = viewState.loggedInUserId; var conversationId = viewState.id; var pendingPromise = new Pending('core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation:setFavourite'); return Repository.setFavouriteConversations(userId, [conversationId]) .then(function() { var newState = StateManager.setIsFavourite(viewState, true); return render(newState); }) .then(function() { return PubSub.publish( MessageDrawerEvents.CONVERSATION_SET_FAVOURITE, formatConversationForEvent(viewState) ); }) .then(function(result) { pendingPromise.resolve(); return result; }); }; /** * Unset the current conversation as a favourite conversation. * * @return {Promise} Renderer promise. */ var unsetFavourite = function() { var userId = viewState.loggedInUserId; var conversationId = viewState.id; var pendingPromise = new Pending('core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation:unsetFavourite'); return Repository.unsetFavouriteConversations(userId, [conversationId]) .then(function() { var newState = StateManager.setIsFavourite(viewState, false); return render(newState); }) .then(function() { return PubSub.publish( MessageDrawerEvents.CONVERSATION_UNSET_FAVOURITE, formatConversationForEvent(viewState) ); }) .then(function(result) { pendingPromise.resolve(); return result; }); }; /** * Set the current conversation as a muted conversation. * * @return {Promise} Renderer promise. */ var setMuted = function() { var userId = viewState.loggedInUserId; var conversationId = viewState.id; var pendingPromise = new Pending('core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation:markConversationAsRead'); return Repository.setMutedConversations(userId, [conversationId]) .then(function() { var newState = StateManager.setIsMuted(viewState, true); return render(newState); }) .then(function() { return PubSub.publish( MessageDrawerEvents.CONVERSATION_SET_MUTED, formatConversationForEvent(viewState) ); }) .then(function(result) { pendingPromise.resolve(); return result; }); }; /** * Unset the current conversation as a muted conversation. * * @return {Promise} Renderer promise. */ var unsetMuted = function() { var userId = viewState.loggedInUserId; var conversationId = viewState.id; return Repository.unsetMutedConversations(userId, [conversationId]) .then(function() { var newState = StateManager.setIsMuted(viewState, false); return render(newState); }) .then(function() { return PubSub.publish( MessageDrawerEvents.CONVERSATION_UNSET_MUTED, formatConversationForEvent(viewState) ); }); }; /** * Tell the statemanager there is a request to delete the selected messages * and run the renderer to show confirm delete messages dialogue. * * @param {Number} userId User id. */ var requestDeleteSelectedMessages = function(userId) { var selectedMessageIds = viewState.selectedMessageIds; cancelRequest(userId); var newState = StateManager.addPendingDeleteMessagesById(viewState, selectedMessageIds); render(newState); }; /** * Send the repository a request to delete the messages pending deletion. Update the statemanager * and publish a message deletion event. * * @return {Promise} Renderer promise. */ var deleteSelectedMessages = function() { var pendingPromise = new Pending('core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation:deleteSelectedMessages'); var messageIds = viewState.pendingDeleteMessageIds; var newState = StateManager.setLoadingConfirmAction(viewState, true); render(newState); var deleteMessagesPromise = null; if (newState.deleteMessagesForAllUsers) { deleteMessagesPromise = Repository.deleteMessagesForAllUsers(viewState.loggedInUserId, messageIds); } else { deleteMessagesPromise = Repository.deleteMessages(viewState.loggedInUserId, messageIds); } // Mark that we are deleting content from the conversation to prevent updates of it. isDeletingConversationContent = true; // Stop polling for new messages to the open conversation. if (newMessagesPollTimer) { newMessagesPollTimer.stop(); } return deleteMessagesPromise.then(function() { var newState = StateManager.removeMessagesById(viewState, messageIds); newState = StateManager.removePendingDeleteMessagesById(newState, messageIds); newState = StateManager.removeSelectedMessagesById(newState, messageIds); newState = StateManager.setLoadingConfirmAction(newState, false); newState = StateManager.setDeleteMessagesForAllUsers(newState, false); var prevLastMessage = viewState.messages[viewState.messages.length - 1]; var newLastMessage = newState.messages.length ? newState.messages[newState.messages.length - 1] : null; if (newLastMessage && newLastMessage.id != prevLastMessage.id) { var conversation = formatConversationForEvent(newState); PubSub.publish(MessageDrawerEvents.CONVERSATION_NEW_LAST_MESSAGE, conversation); } else if (!newState.messages.length) { PubSub.publish(MessageDrawerEvents.CONVERSATION_DELETED, newState.id); } isDeletingConversationContent = false; return render(newState); }) .then(function(result) { pendingPromise.resolve(); return result; }) .catch(Notification.exception); }; /** * Tell the statemanager there is a request to delete a conversation * and run the renderer to show confirm delete conversation dialogue. * * @param {Number} userId User id of other user. */ var requestDeleteConversation = function(userId) { cancelRequest(userId); var newState = StateManager.setPendingDeleteConversation(viewState, true); render(newState); }; /** * Send the repository a request to delete a conversation. Update the statemanager * and publish a conversation deleted event. * * @return {Promise} Renderer promise. */ var deleteConversation = function() { var pendingPromise = new Pending('core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation:markConversationAsRead'); var newState = StateManager.setLoadingConfirmAction(viewState, true); render(newState); // Mark that we are deleting the conversation to prevent updates of it. isDeletingConversationContent = true; // Stop polling for new messages to the open conversation. if (newMessagesPollTimer) { newMessagesPollTimer.stop(); } return Repository.deleteConversation(viewState.loggedInUserId, viewState.id) .then(function() { var newState = StateManager.removeMessages(viewState, viewState.messages); newState = StateManager.removeSelectedMessagesById(newState, viewState.selectedMessageIds); newState = StateManager.setPendingDeleteConversation(newState, false); newState = StateManager.setLoadingConfirmAction(newState, false); PubSub.publish(MessageDrawerEvents.CONVERSATION_DELETED, newState.id); isDeletingConversationContent = false; return render(newState); }) .then(function(result) { pendingPromise.resolve(); return result; }); }; /** * Tell the statemanager to cancel all pending actions. * * @param {Number} userId User id. */ var cancelRequest = function(userId) { var pendingDeleteMessageIds = viewState.pendingDeleteMessageIds; var newState = StateManager.removePendingAddContactsById(viewState, [userId]); newState = StateManager.removePendingRemoveContactsById(newState, [userId]); newState = StateManager.removePendingUnblockUsersById(newState, [userId]); newState = StateManager.removePendingBlockUsersById(newState, [userId]); newState = StateManager.removePendingDeleteMessagesById(newState, pendingDeleteMessageIds); newState = StateManager.setPendingDeleteConversation(newState, false); newState = StateManager.setDeleteMessagesForAllUsers(newState, false); render(newState); }; /** * Accept the contact request from the given user. * * @param {Number} userId User id of other user. * @return {Promise} Renderer promise. */ var acceptContactRequest = function(userId) { var pendingPromise = new Pending('core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation:acceptContactRequest'); // Search the list of the logged in user's contact requests to find the // one from this user. var loggedInUserId = viewState.loggedInUserId; var requests = viewState.members[userId].contactrequests.filter(function(request) { return request.requesteduserid == loggedInUserId; }); var request = requests[0]; var newState = StateManager.setLoadingConfirmAction(viewState, true); render(newState); return Repository.acceptContactRequest(userId, loggedInUserId) .then(function(profile) { var newState = StateManager.removeContactRequests(viewState, [request]); newState = StateManager.addMembers(viewState, [profile]); newState = StateManager.setLoadingConfirmAction(newState, false); return render(newState); }) .then(function() { PubSub.publish(MessageDrawerEvents.CONTACT_ADDED, viewState.members[userId]); PubSub.publish(MessageDrawerEvents.CONTACT_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, request); return; }) .then(function(result) { pendingPromise.resolve(); return result; }); }; /** * Decline the contact request from the given user. * * @param {Number} userId User id of other user. * @return {Promise} Renderer promise. */ var declineContactRequest = function(userId) { var pendingPromise = new Pending('core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation:declineContactRequest'); // Search the list of the logged in user's contact requests to find the // one from this user. var loggedInUserId = viewState.loggedInUserId; var requests = viewState.members[userId].contactrequests.filter(function(request) { return request.requesteduserid == loggedInUserId; }); var request = requests[0]; var newState = StateManager.setLoadingConfirmAction(viewState, true); render(newState); return Repository.declineContactRequest(userId, loggedInUserId) .then(function(profile) { var newState = StateManager.removeContactRequests(viewState, [request]); newState = StateManager.addMembers(viewState, [profile]); newState = StateManager.setLoadingConfirmAction(newState, false); return render(newState); }) .then(function() { PubSub.publish(MessageDrawerEvents.CONTACT_REQUEST_DECLINED, request); return; }) .then(function(result) { pendingPromise.resolve(); return result; }); }; /** * Send a message to the repository, update the statemanager publish a message send event * and call the renderer. * * @param {Number} conversationId The conversation to send to. * @param {String} text Text to send. */ var sendMessage = function(conversationId, text) { var pendingPromise = new Pending('core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation:sendMessage'); // Flag that we're processing the queue. isSendingMessage = true; var newState = StateManager.setSendingMessage(viewState, true); var newConversationId = null; render(newState); var sendMessagePromise = null; var newCanDeleteMessagesForAllUsers = null; if (!conversationId && (viewState.type != CONVERSATION_TYPES.PUBLIC)) { // If it's a new private conversation then we need to use the old // web service function to create the conversation. var otherUserId = getOtherUserId(); sendMessagePromise = Repository.sendMessageToUser(otherUserId, text) .then(function(message) { newConversationId = parseInt(message.conversationid, 10); newCanDeleteMessagesForAllUsers = message.candeletemessagesforallusers; return message; }); } else { sendMessagePromise = Repository.sendMessageToConversation(conversationId, text); } sendMessagePromise.then(function(message) { var newState = StateManager.addMessages(viewState, [message]); newState = StateManager.setSendingMessage(newState, false); var conversation = formatConversationForEvent(newState); if (!newState.id) { // If this message created the conversation then save the conversation // id. newState = StateManager.setId(newState, newConversationId); conversation.id = newConversationId; resetMessagePollTimer(newConversationId); PubSub.publish(MessageDrawerEvents.CONVERSATION_CREATED, conversation); newState = StateManager.setCanDeleteMessagesForAllUsers(newState, newCanDeleteMessagesForAllUsers); } render(newState); isSendingMessage = false; PubSub.publish(MessageDrawerEvents.CONVERSATION_NEW_LAST_MESSAGE, conversation); return; }) .then(function(result) { pendingPromise.resolve(); return result; }) .catch(function(error) { isSendingMessage = false; var newState = StateManager.setSendingMessage(viewState, false); render(newState); Notification.exception(error); }); }; /** * Toggle the selected messages update the statemanager and render the result. * * @param {Number} messageId The id of the message to be toggled */ var toggleSelectMessage = function(messageId) { var newState = viewState; if (viewState.selectedMessageIds.indexOf(messageId) > -1) { newState = StateManager.removeSelectedMessagesById(viewState, [messageId]); } else { newState = StateManager.addSelectedMessagesById(viewState, [messageId]); } render(newState); }; /** * Cancel edit mode (selecting the messages). */ var cancelEditMode = function() { cancelRequest(getOtherUserId()); var newState = StateManager.removeSelectedMessagesById(viewState, viewState.selectedMessageIds); render(newState); }; /** * Process the patches in the render buffer one at a time in order until the * buffer is empty. * * @param {Object} header The conversation header container element. * @param {Object} body The conversation body container element. * @param {Object} footer The conversation footer container element. */ var processRenderBuffer = function(header, body, footer) { if (isRendering) { return; } if (!renderBuffer.length) { return; } isRendering = true; var renderable = renderBuffer.shift(); var renderPromises = renderers.map(function(renderFunc) { return renderFunc(renderable.patch); }); $.when.apply(null, renderPromises) .then(function() { isRendering = false; renderable.deferred.resolve(true); // Keep processing the buffer until it's empty. processRenderBuffer(header, body, footer); return; }) .catch(function(error) { isRendering = false; renderable.deferred.reject(error); Notification.exception(error); }); }; /** * Create a function to render the Conversation. * * @param {Object} header The conversation header container element. * @param {Object} body The conversation body container element. * @param {Object} footer The conversation footer container element. * @param {Bool} isNewConversation Has someone else already initialised a conversation? * @return {Promise} Renderer promise. */ var generateRenderFunction = function(header, body, footer, isNewConversation) { var rendererFunc = function(patch) { return Renderer.render(header, body, footer, patch); }; if (!isNewConversation) { // Looks like someone got here before us! We'd better update our // UI to make sure it matches. var initialState = StateManager.buildInitialState(viewState.midnight, viewState.loggedInUserId, viewState.id); var syncPatch = Patcher.buildPatch(initialState, viewState); rendererFunc(syncPatch); } renderers.push(rendererFunc); return function(newState) { var patch = Patcher.buildPatch(viewState, newState); var deferred = $.Deferred(); // Check if the patch has any data. Ignore empty patches. if (Object.keys(patch).length) { // Add the patch to the render buffer which gets processed in order. renderBuffer.push({ patch: patch, deferred: deferred }); } else { deferred.resolve(true); } // This is a great place to add in some console logging if you need // to debug something. You can log the current state, the next state, // and the generated patch and see exactly what will be updated. // Optimistically update the state. We're going to assume that the rendering // will always succeed. The rendering is asynchronous (annoyingly) so it's buffered // but it'll reach eventual consistency with the current state. viewState = newState; if (newState.id) { // Only cache created conversations. stateCache[newState.id] = { state: newState, messagesOffset: getMessagesOffset(), loadedAllMessages: hasLoadedAllMessages() }; } // Start processing the buffer. processRenderBuffer(header, body, footer); return deferred.promise(); }; }; /** * Create a confirm action function. * * @param {Function} actionCallback The callback function. * @return {Function} Confirm action handler. */ var generateConfirmActionHandler = function(actionCallback) { return function(e, data) { if (!viewState.loadingConfirmAction) { actionCallback(getOtherUserId()); var newState = StateManager.setLoadingConfirmAction(viewState, false); render(newState); } data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }; }; /** * Send message event handler. * * @param {Object} e Element this event handler is called on. * @param {Object} data Data for this event. */ var handleSendMessage = function(e, data) { var target = $(e.target); var footerContainer = target.closest(SELECTORS.FOOTER_CONTAINER); var textArea = footerContainer.find(SELECTORS.MESSAGE_TEXT_AREA); var text = textArea.val().trim(); if (text !== '') { sendMessage(viewState.id, text); } data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }; /** * Select message event handler. * * @param {Object} e Element this event handler is called on. * @param {Object} data Data for this event. */ var handleSelectMessage = function(e, data) { var selection = window.getSelection(); var target = $(e.target); if (selection.toString() != '') { // Bail if we're selecting. return; } if (target.is('a')) { // Clicking on a link in the message so ignore it. return; } var element = target.closest(SELECTORS.MESSAGE); var messageId = parseInt(element.attr('data-message-id'), 10); toggleSelectMessage(messageId); data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }; /** * Cancel edit mode event handler. * * @param {Object} e Element this event handler is called on. * @param {Object} data Data for this event. */ var handleCancelEditMode = function(e, data) { cancelEditMode(); data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }; /** * Show the view contact page. * * @param {String} namespace Unique identifier for the Routes * @return {Function} View contact handler. */ var generateHandleViewContact = function(namespace) { return function(e, data) { var otherUserId = getOtherUserId(); var otherUser = viewState.members[otherUserId]; MessageDrawerRouter.go(namespace, MessageDrawerRoutes.VIEW_CONTACT, otherUser); data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }; }; /** * Set this conversation as a favourite. * * @param {Object} e Element this event handler is called on. * @param {Object} data Data for this event. */ var handleSetFavourite = function(e, data) { setFavourite().catch(Notification.exception); data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }; /** * Unset this conversation as a favourite. * * @param {Object} e Element this event handler is called on. * @param {Object} data Data for this event. */ var handleUnsetFavourite = function(e, data) { unsetFavourite().catch(Notification.exception); data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }; /** * Show the view group info page. * Set this conversation as muted. * * @param {Object} e Element this event handler is called on. * @param {Object} data Data for this event. */ var handleSetMuted = function(e, data) { setMuted().catch(Notification.exception); data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }; /** * Unset this conversation as muted. * * @param {Object} e Element this event handler is called on. * @param {Object} data Data for this event. */ var handleUnsetMuted = function(e, data) { unsetMuted().catch(Notification.exception); data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }; /** * Handle clicking on the checkbox that toggles deleting messages for * all users. * * @param {Object} e Element this event handler is called on. */ var handleDeleteMessagesForAllUsersToggle = function(e) { var newValue = $(e.target).prop('checked'); var newState = StateManager.setDeleteMessagesForAllUsers(viewState, newValue); render(newState); }; /** * Show the view contact page. * * @param {String} namespace Unique identifier for the Routes * @return {Function} View group info handler. */ var generateHandleViewGroupInfo = function(namespace) { return function(e, data) { MessageDrawerRouter.go( namespace, MessageDrawerRoutes.VIEW_GROUP_INFO, { id: viewState.id, name: viewState.name, subname: viewState.subname, imageUrl: viewState.imageUrl, totalMemberCount: viewState.totalMemberCount }, viewState.loggedInUserId ); data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }; }; /** * Listen to, and handle events for conversations. * * @param {string} namespace The route namespace. * @param {Object} header Conversation header container element. * @param {Object} body Conversation body container element. * @param {Object} footer Conversation footer container element. */ var registerEventListeners = function(namespace, header, body, footer) { var isLoadingMoreMessages = false; var messagesContainer = getMessagesContainer(body); var headerActivateHandlers = [ [SELECTORS.ACTION_REQUEST_BLOCK, generateConfirmActionHandler(requestBlockUser)], [SELECTORS.ACTION_REQUEST_UNBLOCK, generateConfirmActionHandler(requestUnblockUser)], [SELECTORS.ACTION_REQUEST_ADD_CONTACT, generateConfirmActionHandler(requestAddContact)], [SELECTORS.ACTION_REQUEST_REMOVE_CONTACT, generateConfirmActionHandler(requestRemoveContact)], [SELECTORS.ACTION_REQUEST_DELETE_CONVERSATION, generateConfirmActionHandler(requestDeleteConversation)], [SELECTORS.ACTION_CANCEL_EDIT_MODE, handleCancelEditMode], [SELECTORS.ACTION_VIEW_CONTACT, generateHandleViewContact(namespace)], [SELECTORS.ACTION_VIEW_GROUP_INFO, generateHandleViewGroupInfo(namespace)], [SELECTORS.ACTION_CONFIRM_FAVOURITE, handleSetFavourite], [SELECTORS.ACTION_CONFIRM_MUTE, handleSetMuted], [SELECTORS.ACTION_CONFIRM_UNFAVOURITE, handleUnsetFavourite], [SELECTORS.ACTION_CONFIRM_UNMUTE, handleUnsetMuted] ]; var bodyActivateHandlers = [ [SELECTORS.ACTION_CANCEL_CONFIRM, generateConfirmActionHandler(cancelRequest)], [SELECTORS.ACTION_CONFIRM_BLOCK, generateConfirmActionHandler(blockUser)], [SELECTORS.ACTION_CONFIRM_UNBLOCK, generateConfirmActionHandler(unblockUser)], [SELECTORS.ACTION_CONFIRM_ADD_CONTACT, generateConfirmActionHandler(addContact)], [SELECTORS.ACTION_CONFIRM_REMOVE_CONTACT, generateConfirmActionHandler(removeContact)], [SELECTORS.ACTION_CONFIRM_DELETE_SELECTED_MESSAGES, generateConfirmActionHandler(deleteSelectedMessages)], [SELECTORS.ACTION_CONFIRM_DELETE_CONVERSATION, generateConfirmActionHandler(deleteConversation)], [SELECTORS.ACTION_REQUEST_ADD_CONTACT, generateConfirmActionHandler(requestAddContact)], [SELECTORS.ACTION_ACCEPT_CONTACT_REQUEST, generateConfirmActionHandler(acceptContactRequest)], [SELECTORS.ACTION_DECLINE_CONTACT_REQUEST, generateConfirmActionHandler(declineContactRequest)], [SELECTORS.MESSAGE, handleSelectMessage], [SELECTORS.DELETE_MESSAGES_FOR_ALL_USERS_TOGGLE, handleDeleteMessagesForAllUsersToggle] ]; var footerActivateHandlers = [ [SELECTORS.SEND_MESSAGE_BUTTON, handleSendMessage], [SELECTORS.ACTION_REQUEST_DELETE_SELECTED_MESSAGES, generateConfirmActionHandler(requestDeleteSelectedMessages)], [SELECTORS.ACTION_REQUEST_ADD_CONTACT, generateConfirmActionHandler(requestAddContact)], [SELECTORS.ACTION_REQUEST_UNBLOCK, generateConfirmActionHandler(requestUnblockUser)], ]; AutoRows.init(footer); CustomEvents.define(header, [ CustomEvents.events.activate ]); CustomEvents.define(body, [ CustomEvents.events.activate ]); CustomEvents.define(footer, [ CustomEvents.events.activate, CustomEvents.events.enter ]); CustomEvents.define(messagesContainer, [ CustomEvents.events.scrollTop, CustomEvents.events.scrollLock ]); messagesContainer.on(CustomEvents.events.scrollTop, function(e, data) { var hasMembers = Object.keys(viewState.members).length > 1; if (!isResetting && !isLoadingMoreMessages && !hasLoadedAllMessages() && hasMembers) { isLoadingMoreMessages = true; var newState = StateManager.setLoadingMessages(viewState, true); render(newState); loadMessages(viewState.id, LOAD_MESSAGE_LIMIT, getMessagesOffset(), NEWEST_FIRST, []) .then(function() { isLoadingMoreMessages = false; setMessagesOffset(getMessagesOffset() + LOAD_MESSAGE_LIMIT); return; }) .catch(function(error) { isLoadingMoreMessages = false; Notification.exception(error); }); } data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }); headerActivateHandlers.forEach(function(handler) { var selector = handler[0]; var handlerFunction = handler[1]; header.on(CustomEvents.events.activate, selector, handlerFunction); }); bodyActivateHandlers.forEach(function(handler) { var selector = handler[0]; var handlerFunction = handler[1]; body.on(CustomEvents.events.activate, selector, handlerFunction); }); footerActivateHandlers.forEach(function(handler) { var selector = handler[0]; var handlerFunction = handler[1]; footer.on(CustomEvents.events.activate, selector, handlerFunction); }); footer.on(CustomEvents.events.enter, SELECTORS.MESSAGE_TEXT_AREA, function(e, data) { var enterToSend = footer.attr('data-enter-to-send'); if (enterToSend && enterToSend != 'false' && enterToSend != '0') { handleSendMessage(e, data); } }); PubSub.subscribe(MessageDrawerEvents.ROUTE_CHANGED, function(newRouteData) { if (newMessagesPollTimer) { if (newRouteData.route != MessageDrawerRoutes.VIEW_CONVERSATION) { newMessagesPollTimer.stop(); } } }); }; /** * Reset the timer that polls for new messages. * * @param {Number} conversationId The conversation id */ var resetMessagePollTimer = function(conversationId) { if (newMessagesPollTimer) { newMessagesPollTimer.stop(); } newMessagesPollTimer = new BackOffTimer( getLoadNewMessagesCallback(conversationId, NEWEST_FIRST), BackOffTimer.getIncrementalCallback( viewState.messagePollMin * MILLISECONDS_IN_SEC, MILLISECONDS_IN_SEC, viewState.messagePollMax * MILLISECONDS_IN_SEC, viewState.messagePollAfterMax * MILLISECONDS_IN_SEC ) ); newMessagesPollTimer.start(); }; /** * Reset the state to the initial state and render the UI. * * @param {Object} body Conversation body container element. * @param {Number|null} conversationId The conversation id. * @param {Object} loggedInUserProfile The logged in user's profile. */ var resetState = function(body, conversationId, loggedInUserProfile) { // Reset all of the states back to the beginning if we're loading a new // conversation. isResetting = true; isRendering = false; renderBuffer = []; isSendingMessage = false; isDeletingConversationContent = false; var loggedInUserId = loggedInUserProfile.id; var midnight = parseInt(body.attr('data-midnight'), 10); var messagePollMin = parseInt(body.attr('data-message-poll-min'), 10); var messagePollMax = parseInt(body.attr('data-message-poll-max'), 10); var messagePollAfterMax = parseInt(body.attr('data-message-poll-after-max'), 10); var initialState = StateManager.buildInitialState( midnight, loggedInUserId, conversationId, messagePollMin, messagePollMax, messagePollAfterMax ); if (!viewState) { viewState = initialState; } if (newMessagesPollTimer) { newMessagesPollTimer.stop(); } render(initialState); }; /** * Load a new empty private conversation between two users or self-conversation. * * @param {Object} body Conversation body container element. * @param {Object} loggedInUserProfile The logged in user's profile. * @param {Int} otherUserId The other user's id. * @return {Promise} Renderer promise. */ var resetNoConversation = function(body, loggedInUserProfile, otherUserId) { // Always reset the state back to the initial state so that the // state manager and patcher can work correctly. resetState(body, null, loggedInUserProfile); var resetNoConversationPromise = null; if (loggedInUserProfile.id != otherUserId) { // Private conversation between two different users. resetNoConversationPromise = Repository.getConversationBetweenUsers( loggedInUserProfile.id, otherUserId, true, true, 0, 0, LOAD_MESSAGE_LIMIT, 0, NEWEST_FIRST ); } else { // Self conversation. resetNoConversationPromise = Repository.getSelfConversation( loggedInUserProfile.id, LOAD_MESSAGE_LIMIT, 0, NEWEST_FIRST ); } return resetNoConversationPromise.then(function(conversation) { // Looks like we have a conversation after all! Let's use that. return resetByConversation(body, conversation, loggedInUserProfile); }) .catch(function() { // Can't find a conversation. Oh well. Just load up a blank one. return loadEmptyPrivateConversation(loggedInUserProfile, otherUserId); }); }; /** * Load new messages into the conversation based on a time interval. * * @param {Object} body Conversation body container element. * @param {Number} conversationId The conversation id. * @param {Object} loggedInUserProfile The logged in user's profile. * @return {Promise} Renderer promise. */ var resetById = function(body, conversationId, loggedInUserProfile) { var cache = null; if (conversationId in stateCache) { cache = stateCache[conversationId]; } // Always reset the state back to the initial state so that the // state manager and patcher can work correctly. resetState(body, conversationId, loggedInUserProfile); var promise = $.Deferred().resolve({}).promise(); if (cache) { // We've seen this conversation before so there is no need to // send any network requests. var newState = cache.state; // Reset some loading states just in case they were left weirdly. newState = StateManager.setLoadingMessages(newState, false); newState = StateManager.setLoadingMembers(newState, false); setMessagesOffset(cache.messagesOffset); setLoadedAllMessages(cache.loadedAllMessages); render(newState); } else { promise = loadNewConversation( conversationId, loggedInUserProfile, LOAD_MESSAGE_LIMIT, 0, NEWEST_FIRST ); } return promise.then(function() { return resetMessagePollTimer(conversationId); }); }; /** * Load new messages into the conversation based on a time interval. * * @param {Object} body Conversation body container element. * @param {Object} conversation The conversation. * @param {Object} loggedInUserProfile The logged in user's profile. * @return {Promise} Renderer promise. */ var resetByConversation = function(body, conversation, loggedInUserProfile) { var cache = null; if (conversation.id in stateCache) { cache = stateCache[conversation.id]; } // Always reset the state back to the initial state so that the // state manager and patcher can work correctly. resetState(body, conversation.id, loggedInUserProfile); var promise = $.Deferred().resolve({}).promise(); if (cache) { // We've seen this conversation before so there is no need to // send any network requests. var newState = cache.state; // Reset some loading states just in case they were left weirdly. newState = StateManager.setLoadingMessages(newState, false); newState = StateManager.setLoadingMembers(newState, false); setMessagesOffset(cache.messagesOffset); setLoadedAllMessages(cache.loadedAllMessages); render(newState); } else { promise = loadExistingConversation( conversation, loggedInUserProfile, LOAD_MESSAGE_LIMIT, NEWEST_FIRST ); } return promise.then(function() { return resetMessagePollTimer(conversation.id); }); }; /** * Setup the conversation page. This is a rather complex function because there are a * few combinations of arguments that can be provided to this function to show the * conversation. * * There are: * 1.) A conversation object with no action or other user id (e.g. from the overview page) * 2.) A conversation id with no action or other user id (e.g. from the contacts page) * 3.) No conversation/id with an action and other other user id. (e.g. from contact page) * * @param {string} namespace The route namespace. * @param {Object} header Conversation header container element. * @param {Object} body Conversation body container element. * @param {Object} footer Conversation footer container element. * @param {Object|Number|null} conversationOrId Conversation or id or null * @param {String} action An action to take on the conversation * @param {Number} otherUserId The other user id for a private conversation * @return {Object} jQuery promise */ var show = function(namespace, header, body, footer, conversationOrId, action, otherUserId) { var conversation = null; var conversationId = null; // Check what we were given to identify the conversation. if (conversationOrId && conversationOrId !== null && typeof conversationOrId == 'object') { conversation = conversationOrId; conversationId = parseInt(conversation.id, 10); } else { conversation = null; conversationId = parseInt(conversationOrId, 10); conversationId = isNaN(conversationId) ? null : conversationId; } if (!conversationId && action && otherUserId) { // If we didn't get a conversation id got a user id then let's see if we've // previously loaded a private conversation with this user. conversationId = getCachedPrivateConversationIdFromUserId(otherUserId); } // This is a new conversation if: // 1. We don't already have a state // 2. The given conversation doesn't match the one currently loaded // 3. We have a view state without a conversation id and we weren't given one // but we were given a different other user id. This happens when the user // goes from viewing a user that they haven't yet initialised a conversation // with to viewing a different user that they also haven't initialised a // conversation with. var isNewConversation = !viewState || (viewState.id != conversationId) || (otherUserId && otherUserId != getOtherUserId()); if (!body.attr('data-init')) { // Generate the render function to bind the header, body, and footer // elements to it so that we don't need to pass them around this module. render = generateRenderFunction(header, body, footer, isNewConversation); registerEventListeners(namespace, header, body, footer); body.attr('data-init', true); } if (isNewConversation) { var renderPromise = null; var loggedInUserProfile = getLoggedInUserProfile(body); if (conversation) { renderPromise = resetByConversation(body, conversation, loggedInUserProfile, otherUserId); } else if (conversationId) { renderPromise = resetById(body, conversationId, loggedInUserProfile, otherUserId); } else { renderPromise = resetNoConversation(body, loggedInUserProfile, otherUserId); } return renderPromise .then(function() { isResetting = false; // Focus the first element that can receieve it in the header. header.find(Constants.SELECTORS.CAN_RECEIVE_FOCUS).first().focus(); return; }) .catch(function(error) { isResetting = false; Notification.exception(error); }); } // We're not loading a new conversation so we should reset the poll timer to try to load // new messages. resetMessagePollTimer(conversationId); if (viewState.type == CONVERSATION_TYPES.PRIVATE && action) { // There are special actions that the user can perform in a private (aka 1-to-1) // conversation. var currentOtherUserId = getOtherUserId(); switch (action) { case 'block': return requestBlockUser(currentOtherUserId); case 'unblock': return requestUnblockUser(currentOtherUserId); case 'add-contact': return requestAddContact(currentOtherUserId); case 'remove-contact': return requestRemoveContact(currentOtherUserId); } } // Final fallback to return a promise if we didn't need to do anything. return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); }; /** * String describing this page used for aria-labels. * * @return {Object} jQuery promise */ var description = function() { return Str.get_string('messagedrawerviewconversation', 'core_message', viewState.name); }; return { show: show, description: description }; });