// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * This module operates on the view states from the message_drawer_view_conversation module. * It exposes functions that can be used to generate new version of the state. * * Important notes for this module: * 1.) The existing state is always immutable. It should never be modified. * 2.) All functions that operate on the state should always clone the state and * modify the cloned state before returning it. * * It's important that the states remain immutable because they are diff'd in * the message_drawer_view_conversation_patcher module in order to work out what * has changed. * * @module core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation_state_manager * @copyright 2018 Ryan Wyllie
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define(['jquery'], function($) { /** * Clone a state, a state is a collection of information about the variables required to build * the conversation user interface. * * @param {Object} state State to clone * @return {Object} newstate A copy of the state to clone. */ var cloneState = function(state) { // Do a deep extend to make sure we recursively copy objects and // arrays so that the new state doesn't contain any references to // the old state, e.g. adding a value to an array in the new state // shouldn't also add it to the old state. return $.extend(true, {}, state); }; /** * Format messages to be used in a state. * * @param {Array} messages The messages to format. * @param {Number} loggedInUserId The logged in user id. * @param {Array} members The converstation members. * @return {Array} Formatted messages. */ var formatMessages = function(messages, loggedInUserId, members) { return messages.map(function(message) { var fromLoggedInUser = message.useridfrom == loggedInUserId; return { id: parseInt(message.id, 10), isRead: message.isread, fromLoggedInUser: fromLoggedInUser, userFrom: members[message.useridfrom], text: message.text, timeCreated: parseInt(message.timecreated, 10) }; }); }; /** * Format members to be used in a state. * * @param {Array} members The messages to format. * @return {Array} Formatted members. */ var formatMembers = function(members) { return members.map(function(member) { return { id: member.id, fullname: member.fullname, profileurl: member.profileurl, profileimageurl: member.profileimageurl, profileimageurlsmall: member.profileimageurlsmall, isonline: member.isonline, showonlinestatus: member.showonlinestatus, isblocked: member.isblocked, iscontact: member.iscontact, isdeleted: member.isdeleted, canmessage: member.canmessage, requirescontact: member.requirescontact, contactrequests: member.contactrequests || [] }; }); }; /** * Create an initial (blank) state. * * @param {Number} midnight Midnight time. * @param {Number} loggedInUserId The logged in user id. * @param {Number} id The conversation id. * @param {Number} messagePollMin The message poll start timeout in seconds. * @param {Number} messagePollMax The message poll max timeout limit in seconds. * @param {Number} messagePollAfterMax The message poll frequency in seconds to reset to after max limit is reached. * @return {Object} Initial state. */ var buildInitialState = function( midnight, loggedInUserId, id, messagePollMin, messagePollMax, messagePollAfterMax ) { return { midnight: midnight, loggedInUserId: loggedInUserId, id: id, messagePollMin: messagePollMin, messagePollMax: messagePollMax, messagePollAfterMax: messagePollAfterMax, name: null, subname: null, type: null, totalMemberCount: null, imageUrl: null, isFavourite: null, isMuted: null, canDeleteMessagesForAllUsers: false, deleteMessagesForAllUsers: false, members: {}, messages: [], hasTriedToLoadMessages: false, loadingMessages: true, sendingMessage: false, loadingMembers: true, loadingConfirmAction: false, pendingBlockUserIds: [], pendingUnblockUserIds: [], pendingRemoveContactIds: [], pendingAddContactIds: [], pendingDeleteMessageIds: [], pendingDeleteConversation: false, selectedMessageIds: [] }; }; /** * Add messages to a state and sort them by timecreated. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} messages Messages to add to state. * @return {Object} state New state with added messages. */ var addMessages = function(state, messages) { var newState = cloneState(state); var formattedMessages = formatMessages(messages, state.loggedInUserId, state.members); var allMessages = state.messages.concat(formattedMessages); // Sort the messages. Oldest to newest. allMessages.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.timeCreated < b.timeCreated) { return -1; } else if (a.timeCreated > b.timeCreated) { return 1; } else if (a.id < b.id) { return -1; } else if (a.id > b.id) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }); // Filter out any duplicate messages. newState.messages = allMessages.filter(function(message, index, sortedMessages) { return !index || message.id !== sortedMessages[index - 1].id; }); return newState; }; /** * Remove messages from state. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} messages Messages to remove from state. * @return {Object} state New state with removed messages. */ var removeMessages = function(state, messages) { var newState = cloneState(state); var removeMessageIds = messages.map(function(message) { return message.id; }); newState.messages = newState.messages.filter(function(message) { return removeMessageIds.indexOf(message.id) < 0; }); return newState; }; /** * Remove messages from state by message id. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} messagesIds Message ids to remove from state. * @return {Object} state New state with removed messages. */ var removeMessagesById = function(state, messagesIds) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.messages = newState.messages.filter(function(message) { return messagesIds.indexOf(message.id) < 0; }); return newState; }; /** * Add conversation member to state. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} members Conversation members to be added to state. * @return {Object} New state with added members. */ var addMembers = function(state, members) { var newState = cloneState(state); var formattedMembers = formatMembers(members); formattedMembers.forEach(function(member) { newState.members[member.id] = member; }); return newState; }; /** * Remove members from state. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} members Members to be removed from state. * @return {Object} New state with removed members. */ var removeMembers = function(state, members) { var newState = cloneState(state); members.forEach(function(member) { delete newState.members[member.id]; }); return newState; }; /** * Set the state loading messages attribute. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Bool} value New loading messages value. * @return {Object} New state with loading messages attribute. */ var setLoadingMessages = function(state, value) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.loadingMessages = value; if (state.loadingMessages && !value) { // If we're going from loading to not loading then // it means we've tried to load. newState.hasTriedToLoadMessages = true; } return newState; }; /** * Set the state sending message attribute. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Bool} value New sending message value. * @return {Object} New state with sending message attribute. */ var setSendingMessage = function(state, value) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.sendingMessage = value; return newState; }; /** * Set the state loading members attribute. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Bool} value New loading members value. * @return {Object} New state with loading members attribute. */ var setLoadingMembers = function(state, value) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.loadingMembers = value; return newState; }; /** * Set the conversation id. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {String} value The ID. * @return {Object} New state. */ var setId = function(state, value) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.id = value; return newState; }; /** * Set the state name attribute. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {String} value New name value. * @return {Object} New state with name attribute. */ var setName = function(state, value) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.name = value; return newState; }; /** * Set the state subname attribute. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {String} value New subname value. * @return {Object} New state. */ var setSubname = function(state, value) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.subname = value; return newState; }; /** * Set the conversation type. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Int} type Conversation type. * @return {Object} New state. */ var setType = function(state, type) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.type = type; return newState; }; /** * Set whether the conversation is a favourite conversation. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Bool} isFavourite If it's a favourite. * @return {Object} New state. */ var setIsFavourite = function(state, isFavourite) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.isFavourite = isFavourite; return newState; }; /** * Set whether the conversation is a muted conversation. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {bool} isMuted If it's muted. * @return {Object} New state. */ var setIsMuted = function(state, isMuted) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.isMuted = isMuted; return newState; }; /** * Set the total member count. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {String} count The count. * @return {Object} New state. */ var setTotalMemberCount = function(state, count) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.totalMemberCount = count; return newState; }; /** * Set the conversation image url. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {String} url The url to the image. * @return {Object} New state. */ var setImageUrl = function(state, url) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.imageUrl = url; return newState; }; /** * Set the state loading confirm action attribute. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Bool} value New loading confirm action value. * @return {Object} New state with loading confirm action attribute. */ var setLoadingConfirmAction = function(state, value) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.loadingConfirmAction = value; return newState; }; /** * Set the state pending delete conversation attribute. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Bool} value New pending delete conversation value. * @return {Object} New state with pending delete conversation attribute. */ var setPendingDeleteConversation = function(state, value) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.pendingDeleteConversation = value; return newState; }; /** * Set the state pending block userids. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} userIds User ids to block. * @return {Object} New state with array of pending block userids. */ var addPendingBlockUsersById = function(state, userIds) { var newState = cloneState(state); userIds.forEach(function(id) { newState.pendingBlockUserIds.push(id); }); return newState; }; /** * Set the state pending remove userids. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} userIds User ids to remove. * @return {Object} New state with array of pending remove userids. */ var addPendingRemoveContactsById = function(state, userIds) { var newState = cloneState(state); userIds.forEach(function(id) { newState.pendingRemoveContactIds.push(id); }); return newState; }; /** * Set the state pending unblock userids. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} userIds User ids to unblock. * @return {Object} New state with array of pending unblock userids. */ var addPendingUnblockUsersById = function(state, userIds) { var newState = cloneState(state); userIds.forEach(function(id) { newState.pendingUnblockUserIds.push(id); }); return newState; }; /** * Set the state pending add users to contacts userids. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} userIds User ids to add users to contacts. * @return {Object} New state with array of pending add users to contacts userids. */ var addPendingAddContactsById = function(state, userIds) { var newState = cloneState(state); userIds.forEach(function(id) { newState.pendingAddContactIds.push(id); }); return newState; }; /** * Set the state pending delete messages. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} messageIds Messages to delete. * @return {Object} New state with array of pending delete message ids. */ var addPendingDeleteMessagesById = function(state, messageIds) { var newState = cloneState(state); messageIds.forEach(function(id) { newState.pendingDeleteMessageIds.push(id); }); return newState; }; /** * Update the state pending block userids. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} userIds User ids to remove from the list of user ids to block. * @return {Object} New state with array of pending block userids. */ var removePendingBlockUsersById = function(state, userIds) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.pendingBlockUserIds = newState.pendingBlockUserIds.filter(function(id) { return userIds.indexOf(id) < 0; }); return newState; }; /** * Update the state pending remove userids. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} userIds User ids to remove from the list of user ids to remove. * @return {Object} New state with array of pending remove userids. */ var removePendingRemoveContactsById = function(state, userIds) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.pendingRemoveContactIds = newState.pendingRemoveContactIds.filter(function(id) { return userIds.indexOf(id) < 0; }); return newState; }; /** * Update the state pending unblock userids. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} userIds User ids to remove from the list of user ids to unblock. * @return {Object} New state with array of pending unblock userids. */ var removePendingUnblockUsersById = function(state, userIds) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.pendingUnblockUserIds = newState.pendingUnblockUserIds.filter(function(id) { return userIds.indexOf(id) < 0; }); return newState; }; /** * Update the state pending add to contacts userids. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} userIds User ids to remove from the list of user ids to add to contacts. * @return {Object} New state with array of pending add to contacts userids. */ var removePendingAddContactsById = function(state, userIds) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.pendingAddContactIds = newState.pendingAddContactIds.filter(function(id) { return userIds.indexOf(id) < 0; }); return newState; }; /** * Update the state pending delete messages userids. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} messageIds Message ids to remove from the list of messages to delete. * @return {Object} New state with array of messages to delete. */ var removePendingDeleteMessagesById = function(state, messageIds) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.pendingDeleteMessageIds = newState.pendingDeleteMessageIds.filter(function(id) { return messageIds.indexOf(id) < 0; }); return newState; }; /** * Add messages to state selected messages. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} messageIds Messages that are selected. * @return {Object} New state with array of not blocked members. */ var addSelectedMessagesById = function(state, messageIds) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.selectedMessageIds = newState.selectedMessageIds.concat(messageIds); return newState; }; /** * Remove messages from the state selected messages. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} messageIds Messages to remove from selected messages. * @return {Object} New state with array of selected messages. */ var removeSelectedMessagesById = function(state, messageIds) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.selectedMessageIds = newState.selectedMessageIds.filter(function(id) { return messageIds.indexOf(id) < 0; }); return newState; }; /** * Mark messages as read. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} readMessages Messages that are read. * @return {Object} New state with array of messages that have the isread attribute set. */ var markMessagesAsRead = function(state, readMessages) { var newState = cloneState(state); var readMessageIds = readMessages.map(function(message) { return message.id; }); newState.messages = newState.messages.map(function(message) { if (readMessageIds.indexOf(message.id) >= 0) { message.isRead = true; } return message; }); return newState; }; /** * Add a contact request to each of the members that the request is for. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} requests The contact requests * @return {Object} New state */ var addContactRequests = function(state, requests) { var newState = cloneState(state); requests.forEach(function(request) { var fromUserId = request.userid; var toUserId = request.requesteduserid; newState.members[fromUserId].contactrequests.push(request); newState.members[toUserId].contactrequests.push(request); }); return newState; }; /** * Remove a contact request from the members of that request. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Array} requests The contact requests * @return {Object} New state */ var removeContactRequests = function(state, requests) { var newState = cloneState(state); requests.forEach(function(request) { var fromUserId = request.userid; var toUserId = request.requesteduserid; newState.members[fromUserId].contactrequests = newState.members[fromUserId].contactrequests.filter(function(existing) { return existing.userid != fromUserId; }); newState.members[toUserId].contactrequests = newState.members[toUserId].contactrequests.filter(function(existing) { return existing.requesteduserid != toUserId; }); }); return newState; }; /** * Set wheter the message of the conversation can delete for all users. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Bool} value If it can delete for all users. * @return {Object} New state. */ var setCanDeleteMessagesForAllUsers = function(state, value) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.canDeleteMessagesForAllUsers = value; return newState; }; /** * Set wheter the messages of the conversation delete for all users. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Bool} value Delete messages for all users. * @return {Object} New state. */ var setDeleteMessagesForAllUsers = function(state, value) { var newState = cloneState(state); newState.deleteMessagesForAllUsers = value; return newState; }; return { buildInitialState: buildInitialState, addMessages: addMessages, removeMessages: removeMessages, removeMessagesById: removeMessagesById, addMembers: addMembers, removeMembers: removeMembers, setLoadingMessages: setLoadingMessages, setSendingMessage: setSendingMessage, setLoadingMembers: setLoadingMembers, setId: setId, setName: setName, setSubname: setSubname, setType: setType, setIsFavourite: setIsFavourite, setIsMuted: setIsMuted, setCanDeleteMessagesForAllUsers: setCanDeleteMessagesForAllUsers, setDeleteMessagesForAllUsers: setDeleteMessagesForAllUsers, setTotalMemberCount: setTotalMemberCount, setImageUrl: setImageUrl, setLoadingConfirmAction: setLoadingConfirmAction, setPendingDeleteConversation: setPendingDeleteConversation, addPendingBlockUsersById: addPendingBlockUsersById, addPendingRemoveContactsById: addPendingRemoveContactsById, addPendingUnblockUsersById: addPendingUnblockUsersById, addPendingAddContactsById: addPendingAddContactsById, addPendingDeleteMessagesById: addPendingDeleteMessagesById, removePendingBlockUsersById: removePendingBlockUsersById, removePendingRemoveContactsById: removePendingRemoveContactsById, removePendingUnblockUsersById: removePendingUnblockUsersById, removePendingAddContactsById: removePendingAddContactsById, removePendingDeleteMessagesById: removePendingDeleteMessagesById, addSelectedMessagesById: addSelectedMessagesById, removeSelectedMessagesById: removeSelectedMessagesById, markMessagesAsRead: markMessagesAsRead, addContactRequests: addContactRequests, removeContactRequests: removeContactRequests }; });