// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Controls the overview page of the message drawer. * * @module core_message/message_drawer_view_overview * @copyright 2018 Ryan Wyllie
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define( [ 'jquery', 'core/key_codes', 'core/pubsub', 'core/str', 'core_message/message_drawer_router', 'core_message/message_drawer_routes', 'core_message/message_drawer_events', 'core_message/message_drawer_view_overview_section', 'core_message/message_repository', 'core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation_constants' ], function( $, KeyCodes, PubSub, Str, Router, Routes, MessageDrawerEvents, Section, MessageRepository, Constants ) { var SELECTORS = { CONTACT_REQUEST_COUNT: '[data-region="contact-request-count"]', FAVOURITES: '[data-region="view-overview-favourites"]', GROUP_MESSAGES: '[data-region="view-overview-group-messages"]', MESSAGES: '[data-region="view-overview-messages"]', SEARCH_INPUT: '[data-region="view-overview-search-input"]', SECTION_TOGGLE_BUTTON: '[data-toggle]' }; // Categories displayed in the message drawer. Some methods (such as filterCountsByType) are expecting their value // will be the same as the defined in the CONVERSATION_TYPES, except for the favourite. var OVERVIEW_SECTION_TYPES = { PRIVATE: [Constants.CONVERSATION_TYPES.PRIVATE, Constants.CONVERSATION_TYPES.SELF], PUBLIC: [Constants.CONVERSATION_TYPES.PUBLIC], FAVOURITE: null }; var loadAllCountsPromise = null; /** * Load the total and unread conversation counts from the server for this user. This function * returns a jQuery promise that will be resolved with the counts. * * The request is only sent once per page load and will be cached for subsequent * calls to this function. * * @param {Number} loggedInUserId The logged in user's id * @return {Object} jQuery promise */ var loadAllCounts = function(loggedInUserId) { if (loadAllCountsPromise === null) { loadAllCountsPromise = MessageRepository.getAllConversationCounts(loggedInUserId); } return loadAllCountsPromise; }; /** * Filter a set of counts to return only the count for the given type. * * This is used on the result returned by the loadAllCounts function. * * @param {Object} counts Conversation counts indexed by conversation type. * @param {Array|null} types The conversation types handlded by this section (null for all conversation types). * @param {bool} includeFavourites If this section includes favourites * @return {Number} */ var filterCountsByTypes = function(counts, types, includeFavourites) { var total = 0; if (types && types.length) { total = types.reduce(function(carry, type) { return carry + counts.types[type]; }, total); } if (includeFavourites) { total += counts.favourites; } return total; }; /** * Opens one of the sections based on whether the section has unread conversations * or any conversations * * Default section priority is favourites, groups, then messages. A section can increase * in priority if it has conversations in it. It can increase even further if it has * unread conversations. * * @param {Array} sections List of section roots, total counts, and unread counts. */ var openSection = function(sections) { var isAlreadyOpen = sections.some(function(section) { var sectionRoot = section[0]; return Section.isVisible(sectionRoot); }); if (isAlreadyOpen) { // The user has already opened a section so there is nothing to do. return; } // Order the sections so that sections with unread conversations are prioritised // over sections without and sections with total conversations are prioritised // over sections without. sections.sort(function(a, b) { var aTotal = a[1]; var aUnread = a[2]; var bTotal = b[1]; var bUnread = b[2]; if (aUnread > 0 && bUnread == 0) { return -1; } else if (aUnread == 0 && bUnread > 0) { return 1; } else if (aTotal > 0 && bTotal == 0) { return -1; } else if (aTotal == 0 && bTotal > 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }); // Get the root of the first section after sorting. var sectionRoot = sections[0][0]; var button = sectionRoot.find(SELECTORS.SECTION_TOGGLE_BUTTON); // Click it to expand it. button.click(); }; /** * Get the search input text element. * * @param {Object} header Overview header container element. * @return {Object} The search input element. */ var getSearchInput = function(header) { return header.find(SELECTORS.SEARCH_INPUT); }; /** * Get the logged in user id. * * @param {Object} body Overview body container element. * @return {String} Logged in user id. */ var getLoggedInUserId = function(body) { return body.attr('data-user-id'); }; /** * Decrement the contact request count. If the count is zero or below then * hide the count. * * @param {Object} header Conversation header container element. * @return {Function} A function to handle decrementing the count. */ var decrementContactRequestCount = function(header) { return function() { var countContainer = header.find(SELECTORS.CONTACT_REQUEST_COUNT); var count = parseInt(countContainer.text(), 10); count = isNaN(count) ? 0 : count - 1; if (count <= 0) { countContainer.addClass('hidden'); } else { countContainer.text(count); } }; }; /** * Listen to, and handle event in the overview header. * * @param {String} namespace Unique identifier for the Routes * @param {Object} header Conversation header container element. */ var registerEventListeners = function(namespace, header) { var searchInput = getSearchInput(header); var ignoredKeys = [KeyCodes.tab, KeyCodes.shift, KeyCodes.ctrl, KeyCodes.alt]; searchInput.on('click', function() { Router.go(namespace, Routes.VIEW_SEARCH); }); searchInput.on('keydown', function(e) { if (ignoredKeys.indexOf(e.keyCode) < 0 && e.key != 'Meta') { Router.go(namespace, Routes.VIEW_SEARCH); } }); PubSub.subscribe(MessageDrawerEvents.CONTACT_REQUEST_ACCEPTED, decrementContactRequestCount(header)); PubSub.subscribe(MessageDrawerEvents.CONTACT_REQUEST_DECLINED, decrementContactRequestCount(header)); }; /** * Setup the overview page. * * @param {String} namespace Unique identifier for the Routes * @param {Object} header Overview header container element. * @param {Object} body Overview body container element. * @return {Object} jQuery promise */ var show = function(namespace, header, body) { if (!header.attr('data-init')) { registerEventListeners(namespace, header); header.attr('data-init', true); } var fromPanel = header.attr('data-in-panel') ? 'frompanel' : null; getSearchInput(header).val(''); var loggedInUserId = getLoggedInUserId(body); var allCounts = loadAllCounts(loggedInUserId); var sections = [ // Favourite conversations section. [body.find(SELECTORS.FAVOURITES), OVERVIEW_SECTION_TYPES.FAVOURITE, true], // Group conversations section. [body.find(SELECTORS.GROUP_MESSAGES), OVERVIEW_SECTION_TYPES.PUBLIC, false], // Private conversations section. [body.find(SELECTORS.MESSAGES), OVERVIEW_SECTION_TYPES.PRIVATE, false] ]; sections.forEach(function(args) { var sectionRoot = args[0]; var sectionTypes = args[1]; var includeFavourites = args[2]; var totalCountPromise = allCounts.then(function(result) { return filterCountsByTypes(result.total, sectionTypes, includeFavourites); }); var unreadCountPromise = allCounts.then(function(result) { return filterCountsByTypes(result.unread, sectionTypes, includeFavourites); }); Section.show(namespace, null, sectionRoot, null, sectionTypes, includeFavourites, totalCountPromise, unreadCountPromise, fromPanel); }); return allCounts.then(function(result) { var sectionParams = sections.map(function(section) { var sectionRoot = section[0]; var sectionTypes = section[1]; var includeFavourites = section[2]; var totalCount = filterCountsByTypes(result.total, sectionTypes, includeFavourites); var unreadCount = filterCountsByTypes(result.unread, sectionTypes, includeFavourites); return [sectionRoot, totalCount, unreadCount]; }); // Open up one of the sections for the user. return openSection(sectionParams); }); }; /** * String describing this page used for aria-labels. * * @return {Object} jQuery promise */ var description = function() { return Str.get_string('messagedrawerviewoverview', 'core_message'); }; return { show: show, description: description }; });