// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Controls a section of the overview page in the message drawer. * * @module core_message/message_drawer_view_overview_section * @copyright 2018 Ryan Wyllie
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define( [ 'jquery', 'core/custom_interaction_events', 'core/notification', 'core/pending', 'core/pubsub', 'core/str', 'core/templates', 'core/user_date', 'core_message/message_repository', 'core_message/message_drawer_events', 'core_message/message_drawer_router', 'core_message/message_drawer_routes', 'core_message/message_drawer_lazy_load_list', 'core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation_constants' ], function( $, CustomEvents, Notification, Pending, PubSub, Str, Templates, UserDate, MessageRepository, MessageDrawerEvents, MessageDrawerRouter, MessageDrawerRoutes, LazyLoadList, MessageDrawerViewConversationContants ) { var SELECTORS = { TOGGLE: '[data-region="toggle"]', CONVERSATION: '[data-conversation-id]', BLOCKED_ICON_CONTAINER: '[data-region="contact-icon-blocked"]', LAST_MESSAGE: '[data-region="last-message"]', LAST_MESSAGE_DATE: '[data-region="last-message-date"]', MUTED_ICON_CONTAINER: '[data-region="muted-icon-container"]', UNREAD_COUNT: '[data-region="unread-count"]', SECTION_TOTAL_COUNT: '[data-region="section-total-count"]', SECTION_TOTAL_COUNT_CONTAINER: '[data-region="section-total-count-container"]', SECTION_UNREAD_COUNT: '[data-region="section-unread-count"]', PLACEHOLDER_CONTAINER: '[data-region="placeholder-container"]' }; var TEMPLATES = { CONVERSATIONS_LIST: 'core_message/message_drawer_conversations_list', CONVERSATIONS_LIST_ITEMS_PLACEHOLDER: 'core_message/message_drawer_conversations_list_items_placeholder' }; var LOAD_LIMIT = 50; var loadedConversationsById = {}; var deletedConversationsById = {}; var loadedTotalCounts = false; var loadedUnreadCounts = false; /** * Get the section visibility status. * * @param {Object} root The section container element. * @return {Bool} Is section visible. */ var isVisible = function(root) { return LazyLoadList.getRoot(root).hasClass('show'); }; /** * Set this section as expanded. * * @param {Object} root The section container element. */ var setExpanded = function(root) { root.addClass('expanded'); }; /** * Set this section as collapsed. * * @param {Object} root The section container element. */ var setCollapsed = function(root) { root.removeClass('expanded'); }; /** * Render the total count value and show it for the user. Also update the placeholder * HTML for better visuals. * * @param {Object} root The section container element. * @param {Number} count The total count */ var renderTotalCount = function(root, count) { var container = root.find(SELECTORS.SECTION_TOTAL_COUNT_CONTAINER); var countElement = container.find(SELECTORS.SECTION_TOTAL_COUNT); countElement.text(count); container.removeClass('hidden'); Str.get_string('totalconversations', 'core_message', count).done(function(string) { container.attr('aria-label', string); }); var numPlaceholders = count > 20 ? 20 : count; // Array of "true" up to the number of placeholders we want. var placeholders = Array.apply(null, Array(numPlaceholders)).map(function() { return true; }); // Replace the current placeholder (loading spinner) with some nicer placeholders that // better represent the content. Templates.render(TEMPLATES.CONVERSATIONS_LIST_ITEMS_PLACEHOLDER, {placeholders: placeholders}) .then(function(html) { var placeholderContainer = root.find(SELECTORS.PLACEHOLDER_CONTAINER); placeholderContainer.html(html); return; }) .catch(function() { // Silently ignore. Doesn't matter if we can't render the placeholders. }); }; /** * Render the unread count value and show it for the user if it's higher than zero. * * @param {Object} root The section container element. * @param {Number} count The unread count */ var renderUnreadCount = function(root, count) { var countElement = root.find(SELECTORS.SECTION_UNREAD_COUNT); countElement.text(count); Str.get_string('unreadconversations', 'core_message', count).done(function(string) { countElement.attr('aria-label', string); }); if (count > 0) { countElement.removeClass('hidden'); } }; /** * Create a formatted conversation object from the the one we get from events. The new object * will be in a format that matches what we receive from the server. * * @param {Object} conversation * @return {Object} formatted conversation. */ var formatConversationFromEvent = function(conversation) { // Recursively lowercase all of the keys for an object. var recursivelyLowercaseKeys = function(object) { return Object.keys(object).reduce(function(carry, key) { if ($.isArray(object[key])) { carry[key.toLowerCase()] = object[key].map(recursivelyLowercaseKeys); } else { carry[key.toLowerCase()] = object[key]; } return carry; }, {}); }; // Recursively lowercase all of the keys for the conversation. var formatted = recursivelyLowercaseKeys(conversation); // Make sure all messages have the useridfrom property set. formatted.messages = formatted.messages.map(function(message) { message.useridfrom = message.userfrom.id; return message; }); return formatted; }; /** * Render the messages in the overview page. * * @param {Array} conversations List of conversations to render. * @param {Number} userId Logged in user id. * @return {Object} jQuery promise. */ var render = function(conversations, userId) { var formattedConversations = conversations.map(function(conversation) { var lastMessage = conversation.messages.length ? conversation.messages[conversation.messages.length - 1] : null; var formattedConversation = { id: conversation.id, imageurl: conversation.imageurl, name: conversation.name, subname: conversation.subname, unreadcount: conversation.unreadcount, ismuted: conversation.ismuted, lastmessagedate: lastMessage ? lastMessage.timecreated : null, sentfromcurrentuser: lastMessage ? lastMessage.useridfrom == userId : null, lastmessage: lastMessage ? $(lastMessage.text).text() || lastMessage.text : null }; var otherUser = null; if (conversation.type == MessageDrawerViewConversationContants.CONVERSATION_TYPES.SELF) { // Self-conversations have only one member. otherUser = conversation.members[0]; } else if (conversation.type == MessageDrawerViewConversationContants.CONVERSATION_TYPES.PRIVATE) { // For private conversations, remove the current userId from the members to get the other user. otherUser = conversation.members.reduce(function(carry, member) { if (!carry && member.id != userId) { carry = member; } return carry; }, null); } if (otherUser !== null) { formattedConversation.userid = otherUser.id; formattedConversation.showonlinestatus = otherUser.showonlinestatus; formattedConversation.isonline = otherUser.isonline; formattedConversation.isblocked = otherUser.isblocked; } if (conversation.type == MessageDrawerViewConversationContants.CONVERSATION_TYPES.PUBLIC) { formattedConversation.lastsendername = conversation.members.reduce(function(carry, member) { if (!carry && lastMessage && member.id == lastMessage.useridfrom) { carry = member.fullname; } return carry; }, null); } return formattedConversation; }); formattedConversations.forEach(function(conversation) { if (new Date().toDateString() == new Date(conversation.lastmessagedate * 1000).toDateString()) { conversation.istoday = true; } }); return Templates.render(TEMPLATES.CONVERSATIONS_LIST, {conversations: formattedConversations}); }; /** * Build the callback to load conversations. * * @param {Array|null} types The conversation types for this section. * @param {bool} includeFavourites Include/exclude favourites. * @param {Number} offset Result offset * @return {Function} */ var getLoadCallback = function(types, includeFavourites, offset) { // Note: This function is a bit messy because we've added the concept of loading // multiple conversations types (e.g. private + self) at once but haven't properly // updated the web service to accept an array of types. Instead we've added a new // parameter for the self type which means we can only ever load self + other type. // This should be improved to make it more extensible in the future. Adding new params // for each type isn't very scalable. var type = null; // Include self conversations in the results by default. var includeSelfConversations = true; if (types && types.length) { // Just get the conversation types that aren't "self" for now. var nonSelfConversationTypes = types.filter(function(candidate) { return candidate != MessageDrawerViewConversationContants.CONVERSATION_TYPES.SELF; }); // If we're specifically asking for a list of types that doesn't include the self // conversations then we don't need to include them. includeSelfConversations = types.length != nonSelfConversationTypes.length; // As mentioned above the webservice is currently limited to loading one type at a // time (plus self conversations) so let's hope we never change this. type = nonSelfConversationTypes[0]; } return function(root, userId) { return MessageRepository.getConversations( userId, type, LOAD_LIMIT + 1, offset, includeFavourites, includeSelfConversations ) .then(function(response) { var conversations = response.conversations; if (conversations.length > LOAD_LIMIT) { conversations = conversations.slice(0, -1); } else { LazyLoadList.setLoadedAll(root, true); } offset = offset + LOAD_LIMIT; conversations.forEach(function(conversation) { loadedConversationsById[conversation.id] = conversation; }); return conversations; }) .catch(Notification.exception); }; }; /** * Get the total count container element. * * @param {Object} root Overview messages container element. * @return {Object} Total count container element. */ var getTotalConversationCountElement = function(root) { return root.find(SELECTORS.SECTION_TOTAL_COUNT); }; /** * Get the unread conversations count container element. * * @param {Object} root Overview messages container element. * @return {Object} Unread conversations count container element. */ var getTotalUnreadConversationCountElement = function(root) { return root.find(SELECTORS.SECTION_UNREAD_COUNT); }; /** * Increment the total conversations count. * * @param {Object} root Overview messages container element. */ var incrementTotalConversationCount = function(root) { if (loadedTotalCounts) { var element = getTotalConversationCountElement(root); var count = parseInt(element.text()); count = count + 1; element.text(count); } }; /** * Decrement the total conversations count. * * @param {Object} root Overview messages container element. */ var decrementTotalConversationCount = function(root) { if (loadedTotalCounts) { var element = getTotalConversationCountElement(root); var count = parseInt(element.text()); count = count - 1; element.text(count); } }; /** * Decrement the total unread conversations count. * * @param {Object} root Overview messages container element. */ var decrementTotalUnreadConversationCount = function(root) { if (loadedUnreadCounts) { var element = getTotalUnreadConversationCountElement(root); var count = parseInt(element.text()); count = count - 1; element.text(count); if (count < 1) { element.addClass('hidden'); } } }; /** * Get a contact / conversation element. * * @param {Object} root Overview messages container element. * @param {Number} conversationId The conversation id. * @return {Object} Conversation element. */ var getConversationElement = function(root, conversationId) { return root.find('[data-conversation-id="' + conversationId + '"]'); }; /** * Get a contact / conversation element from a user id. * * @param {Object} root Overview messages container element. * @param {Number} userId The user id. * @return {Object} Conversation element. */ var getConversationElementFromUserId = function(root, userId) { return root.find('[data-user-id="' + userId + '"]'); }; /** * Show the conversation is muted icon. * * @param {Object} conversationElement The conversation element. */ var muteConversation = function(conversationElement) { conversationElement.find(SELECTORS.MUTED_ICON_CONTAINER).removeClass('hidden'); }; /** * Hide the conversation is muted icon. * * @param {Object} conversationElement The conversation element. */ var unmuteConversation = function(conversationElement) { conversationElement.find(SELECTORS.MUTED_ICON_CONTAINER).addClass('hidden'); }; /** * Show the contact is blocked icon. * * @param {Object} conversationElement The conversation element. */ var blockContact = function(conversationElement) { conversationElement.find(SELECTORS.BLOCKED_ICON_CONTAINER).removeClass('hidden'); }; /** * Hide the contact is blocked icon. * * @param {Object} conversationElement The conversation element. */ var unblockContact = function(conversationElement) { conversationElement.find(SELECTORS.BLOCKED_ICON_CONTAINER).addClass('hidden'); }; /** * Create an render new conversation element in the list of conversations. * * @param {Object} root Overview messages container element. * @param {Object} conversation The conversation. * @param {Number} userId The logged in user id. * @return {Object} jQuery promise */ var createNewConversationFromEvent = function(root, conversation, userId) { var existingConversations = root.find(SELECTORS.CONVERSATION); if (!existingConversations.length) { // If we didn't have any conversations then we need to show // the content of the list and hide the empty message. var listRoot = LazyLoadList.getRoot(root); LazyLoadList.showContent(listRoot); LazyLoadList.hideEmptyMessage(listRoot); } // Cache the conversation. loadedConversationsById[conversation.id] = conversation; return render([conversation], userId) .then(function(html) { var contentContainer = LazyLoadList.getContentContainer(root); return contentContainer.prepend(html); }) .then(function() { return incrementTotalConversationCount(root); }) .catch(Notification.exception); }; /** * Delete a conversation from the list of conversations. * * @param {Object} root Overview messages container element. * @param {Object} conversationElement The conversation element. */ var deleteConversation = function(root, conversationElement) { conversationElement.remove(); decrementTotalConversationCount(root); var conversations = root.find(SELECTORS.CONVERSATION); if (!conversations.length) { // If we don't have any conversations then we need to hide // the content of the list and show the empty message. var listRoot = LazyLoadList.getRoot(root); LazyLoadList.hideContent(listRoot); LazyLoadList.showEmptyMessage(listRoot); } }; /** * Mark a conversation as read. * * @param {Object} root Overview messages container element. * @param {Object} conversationElement The conversation element. */ var markConversationAsRead = function(root, conversationElement) { var unreadCount = conversationElement.find(SELECTORS.UNREAD_COUNT); unreadCount.text('0'); unreadCount.addClass('hidden'); decrementTotalUnreadConversationCount(root); }; /** * Listen to, and handle events in this section. * * @param {String} namespace Unique identifier for the Routes * @param {Object} root The section container element. * @param {Function} loadCallback The callback to load items. * @param {Array|null} types The conversation types for this section * @param {bool} includeFavourites If this section includes favourites * @param {String} fromPanel Routing argument to send if the section is loaded in message index left panel. */ var registerEventListeners = function(namespace, root, loadCallback, types, includeFavourites, fromPanel) { var listRoot = LazyLoadList.getRoot(root); var conversationBelongsToThisSection = function(conversation) { // Make sure the type is an int so that the index of check matches correctly. var conversationType = parseInt(conversation.type, 10); if ( // If the conversation type isn't one this section cares about then we can ignore it. (types && types.indexOf(conversationType) < 0) || // If this is the favourites section and the conversation isn't a favourite then ignore it. (includeFavourites && !conversation.isFavourite) || // If this section doesn't include favourites and the conversation is a favourite then ignore it. (!includeFavourites && conversation.isFavourite) ) { return false; } return true; }; // Set the minimum height of the section to the height of the toggle. This // smooths out the collapse animation. var toggle = root.find(SELECTORS.TOGGLE); root.css('min-height', toggle.outerHeight()); root.on('show.bs.collapse', function() { setExpanded(root); LazyLoadList.show(listRoot, loadCallback, function(contentContainer, conversations, userId) { return render(conversations, userId) .then(function(html) { contentContainer.append(html); return html; }) .catch(Notification.exception); }); }); root.on('hidden.bs.collapse', function() { setCollapsed(root); }); PubSub.subscribe(MessageDrawerEvents.CONTACT_BLOCKED, function(userId) { var conversationElement = getConversationElementFromUserId(root, userId); if (conversationElement.length) { blockContact(conversationElement); } }); PubSub.subscribe(MessageDrawerEvents.CONTACT_UNBLOCKED, function(userId) { var conversationElement = getConversationElementFromUserId(root, userId); if (conversationElement.length) { unblockContact(conversationElement); } }); PubSub.subscribe(MessageDrawerEvents.CONVERSATION_SET_MUTED, function(conversation) { var conversationId = conversation.id; var conversationElement = getConversationElement(root, conversationId); if (conversationElement.length) { muteConversation(conversationElement); } }); PubSub.subscribe(MessageDrawerEvents.CONVERSATION_UNSET_MUTED, function(conversation) { var conversationId = conversation.id; var conversationElement = getConversationElement(root, conversationId); if (conversationElement.length) { unmuteConversation(conversationElement); } }); PubSub.subscribe(MessageDrawerEvents.CONVERSATION_NEW_LAST_MESSAGE, function(conversation) { if (!conversationBelongsToThisSection(conversation)) { return; } var pendingPromise = new Pending('core_message/message_drawer_view_overview_section:new'); var loggedInUserId = conversation.loggedInUserId; var conversationId = conversation.id; var element = getConversationElement(root, conversationId); conversation = formatConversationFromEvent(conversation); if (element.length) { var contentContainer = LazyLoadList.getContentContainer(root); render([conversation], loggedInUserId) .then(function(html) { if (deletedConversationsById[conversationId]) { // This conversation was deleted at some point since the messaging drawer was created. if (conversation.messages[0].timeadded < deletedConversationsById[conversationId]) { // The 'new' message was added before the conversation was deleted. // This is probably stale data. return; } } contentContainer.prepend(html); element.remove(); return; }) .then(pendingPromise.resolve) .catch(Notification.exception); } else if (conversation.messages.length) { createNewConversationFromEvent(root, conversation, loggedInUserId) .then(pendingPromise.resolve) .catch(); } else { pendingPromise.resolve(); } }); PubSub.subscribe(MessageDrawerEvents.CONVERSATION_DELETED, function(conversationId) { var conversationElement = getConversationElement(root, conversationId); delete loadedConversationsById[conversationId]; deletedConversationsById[conversationId] = new Date(); if (conversationElement.length) { deleteConversation(root, conversationElement); } }); PubSub.subscribe(MessageDrawerEvents.CONVERSATION_READ, function(conversationId) { var conversationElement = getConversationElement(root, conversationId); if (conversationElement.length) { markConversationAsRead(root, conversationElement); } }); PubSub.subscribe(MessageDrawerEvents.CONVERSATION_SET_FAVOURITE, function(conversation) { var conversationElement = null; if (conversationBelongsToThisSection(conversation)) { conversationElement = getConversationElement(root, conversation.id); if (!conversationElement.length) { createNewConversationFromEvent( root, formatConversationFromEvent(conversation), conversation.loggedInUserId ); } } else { conversationElement = getConversationElement(root, conversation.id); if (conversationElement.length) { deleteConversation(root, conversationElement); } } }); PubSub.subscribe(MessageDrawerEvents.CONVERSATION_UNSET_FAVOURITE, function(conversation) { var conversationElement = null; if (conversationBelongsToThisSection(conversation)) { conversationElement = getConversationElement(root, conversation.id); if (!conversationElement.length) { createNewConversationFromEvent( root, formatConversationFromEvent(conversation), conversation.loggedInUserId ); } } else { conversationElement = getConversationElement(root, conversation.id); if (conversationElement.length) { deleteConversation(root, conversationElement); } } }); CustomEvents.define(root, [CustomEvents.events.activate]); root.on(CustomEvents.events.activate, SELECTORS.CONVERSATION, function(e, data) { var conversationElement = $(e.target).closest(SELECTORS.CONVERSATION); var conversationId = conversationElement.attr('data-conversation-id'); var conversation = loadedConversationsById[conversationId]; MessageDrawerRouter.go(namespace, MessageDrawerRoutes.VIEW_CONVERSATION, conversation, fromPanel); data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }); }; /** * Setup the section. * * @param {String} namespace Unique identifier for the Routes * @param {Object} header The header container element. * @param {Object} body The section container element. * @param {Object} footer The footer container element. * @param {Array} types The conversation types that show in this section * @param {bool} includeFavourites If this section includes favourites * @param {Object} totalCountPromise Resolves wth the total conversations count * @param {Object} unreadCountPromise Resolves wth the unread conversations count * @param {bool} fromPanel shown in message app panel. */ var show = function(namespace, header, body, footer, types, includeFavourites, totalCountPromise, unreadCountPromise, fromPanel) { var root = $(body); if (!root.attr('data-init')) { var loadCallback = getLoadCallback(types, includeFavourites, 0); registerEventListeners(namespace, root, loadCallback, types, includeFavourites, fromPanel); if (isVisible(root)) { setExpanded(root); var listRoot = LazyLoadList.getRoot(root); LazyLoadList.show(listRoot, loadCallback, function(contentContainer, conversations, userId) { return render(conversations, userId) .then(function(html) { contentContainer.append(html); return html; }) .catch(Notification.exception); }); } // This is given to us by the calling code because the total counts for all sections // are loaded in a single ajax request rather than one request per section. totalCountPromise.then(function(count) { renderTotalCount(root, count); loadedTotalCounts = true; return; }) .catch(function() { // Silently ignore if we can't updated the counts. No need to bother the user. }); // This is given to us by the calling code because the unread counts for all sections // are loaded in a single ajax request rather than one request per section. unreadCountPromise.then(function(count) { renderUnreadCount(root, count); loadedUnreadCounts = true; return; }) .catch(function() { // Silently ignore if we can't updated the counts. No need to bother the user. }); root.attr('data-init', true); } }; return { show: show, isVisible: isVisible }; });