// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Retrieves messages from the server. * * @module core_message/message_repository * @class message_repository * @package message * @copyright 2016 Ryan Wyllie
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define( [ 'jquery', 'core/ajax', 'core/notification', 'core_message/message_drawer_view_conversation_constants' ], function( $, Ajax, Notification, Constants) { var CONVERSATION_TYPES = Constants.CONVERSATION_TYPES; /** * Retrieve a list of messages from the server. * * @param {object} args The request arguments: * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var query = function(args) { // Normalise the arguments to use limit/offset rather than limitnum/limitfrom. if (typeof args.limit === 'undefined') { args.limit = 0; } if (typeof args.offset === 'undefined') { args.offset = 0; } if (typeof args.type === 'undefined') { args.type = null; } if (typeof args.favouritesonly === 'undefined') { args.favouritesonly = false; } args.limitfrom = args.offset; args.limitnum = args.limit; delete args.limit; delete args.offset; var request = { methodname: 'core_message_data_for_messagearea_conversations', args: args }; var promise = Ajax.call([request])[0]; promise.fail(Notification.exception); return promise; }; /** * Count the number of unread conversations (one or more messages from a user) * for a given user. * * @param {object} args The request arguments: * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var countUnreadConversations = function(args) { var request = { methodname: 'core_message_get_unread_conversations_count', args: args }; var promise = Ajax.call([request])[0]; promise.fail(Notification.exception); return promise; }; /** * Mark all of unread messages for a user as read. * * @param {object} args The request arguments: * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var markAllAsRead = function(args) { var request = { methodname: 'core_message_mark_all_messages_as_read', args: args }; var promise = Ajax.call([request])[0]; promise.fail(Notification.exception); return promise; }; /** * Get contacts for given user. * * @param {int} userId The user id * @param {int} limit Limit for results * @param {int} offset Offset for results * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var getContacts = function(userId, limit, offset) { var args = { userid: userId }; if (typeof limit !== 'undefined') { args.limitnum = limit; } if (typeof offset !== 'undefined') { args.limitfrom = offset; } var request = { methodname: 'core_message_get_user_contacts', args: args }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Request profile information as a user for a given user. * * @param {int} userId The requesting user * @param {int} profileUserId The id of the user who's profile is being requested * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var getProfile = function(userId, profileUserId) { var request = { methodname: 'core_message_data_for_messagearea_get_profile', args: { currentuserid: userId, otheruserid: profileUserId } }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Block a user. * * @param {int} userId The requesting user * @param {int} blockedUserId Id of user to block * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var blockUser = function(userId, blockedUserId) { var requests = [ { methodname: 'core_message_block_user', args: { userid: userId, blockeduserid: blockedUserId } }, { methodname: 'core_message_get_member_info', args: { referenceuserid: userId, userids: [blockedUserId], includecontactrequests: true, includeprivacyinfo: true } } ]; // Wrap both requests in a single promise so that we can catch an error // from either request. return $.when.apply(null, Ajax.call(requests)).then(function(reponse1, profiles) { // Only return the profile. return profiles.length ? profiles[0] : {}; }); }; /** * Unblock a user. * * @param {int} userId The requesting user * @param {int} unblockedUserId Id of user to unblock * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var unblockUser = function(userId, unblockedUserId) { var requests = [ { methodname: 'core_message_unblock_user', args: { userid: userId, unblockeduserid: unblockedUserId } }, { methodname: 'core_message_get_member_info', args: { referenceuserid: userId, userids: [unblockedUserId], includecontactrequests: true, includeprivacyinfo: true } } ]; // Wrap both requests in a single promise so that we can catch an error // from either request. return $.when.apply(null, Ajax.call(requests)).then(function(reponse1, profiles) { // Only return the profile. return profiles.length ? profiles[0] : {}; }); }; /** * Create a request to add a user as a contact. * * @param {int} userId The requesting user * @param {int[]} requestUserIds List of user ids to add * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var createContactRequest = function(userId, requestUserIds) { var request = { methodname: 'core_message_create_contact_request', args: { userid: userId, requesteduserid: requestUserIds } }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Remove a list of users as contacts. * * @param {int} userId The requesting user * @param {int[]} contactUserIds List of user ids to add * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var deleteContacts = function(userId, contactUserIds) { var requests = [ { methodname: 'core_message_delete_contacts', args: { userid: userId, userids: contactUserIds } }, { methodname: 'core_message_get_member_info', args: { referenceuserid: userId, userids: contactUserIds, includecontactrequests: true, includeprivacyinfo: true } } ]; return $.when.apply(null, Ajax.call(requests)).then(function(response1, profiles) { // Return all of the profiles as an array. return profiles; }); }; /** * Get messages between two users. * * @param {int} currentUserId The requesting user * @param {int} conversationId Other user in the conversation * @param {int} limit Limit for results * @param {int} offset Offset for results * @param {bool} newestFirst Order results by newest first * @param {int} timeFrom Only return messages after this timestamp * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var getMessages = function(currentUserId, conversationId, limit, offset, newestFirst, timeFrom) { var args = { currentuserid: currentUserId, convid: conversationId, newest: newestFirst ? true : false }; if (typeof limit !== 'undefined') { args.limitnum = limit; } if (typeof offset !== 'undefined') { args.limitfrom = offset; } if (typeof timeFrom !== 'undefined') { args.timefrom = timeFrom; } var request = { methodname: 'core_message_get_conversation_messages', args: args }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Search for users. * * @param {int} userId The requesting user * @param {string} searchString Search string * @param {int} limit Limit for results * @param {int} offset Offset for results * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var searchUsers = function(userId, searchString, limit, offset) { var args = { userid: userId, search: searchString }; if (typeof limit !== 'undefined') { args.limitnum = limit; } if (typeof offset !== 'undefined') { args.limitfrom = offset; } var request = { methodname: 'core_message_message_search_users', args: args }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Search for messages. * * @param {int} userId The requesting user * @param {string} searchString Search string * @param {int} limit Limit for results * @param {int} offset Offset for results * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var searchMessages = function(userId, searchString, limit, offset) { var args = { userid: userId, search: searchString }; if (typeof limit !== 'undefined') { args.limitnum = limit; } if (typeof offset !== 'undefined') { args.limitfrom = offset; } var request = { methodname: 'core_message_data_for_messagearea_search_messages', args: args }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Send a list of messages to a user. * * @param {int} toUserId The recipient user id * @param {string[]} messages List of messages to send * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var sendMessagesToUser = function(toUserId, messages) { var formattedMessages = messages.map(function(message) { return { touserid: toUserId, text: message }; }); var request = { methodname: 'core_message_send_instant_messages', args: { messages: formattedMessages } }; return Ajax.call([request])[0] .then(function(results) { // Error handling for the weird way the old function works. var errors = results.reduce(function(carry, result) { if (result.errormessage) { carry.push(result.errormessage); } return carry; }, []); if (errors.length) { throw new Error(errors.join("\n")); } return results; }) .then(function(results) { // Format the results to match the other send message function. return results.map(function(result) { return { id: result.msgid, text: result.text, timecreated: result.timecreated, useridfrom: result.useridfrom, conversationid: result.conversationid, candeletemessagesforallusers: result.candeletemessagesforallusers }; }); }); }; /** * Send a single message to a user. * * @param {int} toUserId The recipient user id * @param {string} text The message text * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var sendMessageToUser = function(toUserId, text) { return sendMessagesToUser(toUserId, [text]) .then(function(results) { return results[0]; }); }; /** * Send messages to a conversation. * * @param {int} conversationId The conversation id * @param {string[]} messages List of messages to send * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var sendMessagesToConversation = function(conversationId, messages) { var formattedMessages = messages.map(function(message) { return { text: message }; }); var request = { methodname: 'core_message_send_messages_to_conversation', args: { conversationid: conversationId, messages: formattedMessages } }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Send a message to a conversation. * * @param {int} conversationId The conversation id * @param {string} text The message text * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var sendMessageToConversation = function(conversationId, text) { return sendMessagesToConversation(conversationId, [text]) .then(function(result) { return result[0]; }); }; /** * Save message preferences. * * @param {int} userId The owner of the preferences * @param {object[]} preferences New preferences values * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var savePreferences = function(userId, preferences) { var request = { methodname: 'core_user_update_user_preferences', args: { userid: userId, preferences: preferences } }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Get the user's preferences. * * @param {int} userId The target user * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var getPreferences = function(userId) { var request = { methodname: 'core_user_get_user_preferences', args: { userid: userId } }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Delete a list of messages. * * @param {int} userId The user to delete messages for * @param {int[]} messageIds List of message ids to delete * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var deleteMessages = function(userId, messageIds) { return $.when.apply(null, Ajax.call(messageIds.map(function(messageId) { return { methodname: 'core_message_delete_message', args: { messageid: messageId, userid: userId } }; }))); }; /** * Delete a list of messages for all users. * * @param {int} userId The user to delete messages for * @param {int[]} messageIds List of message ids to delete * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var deleteMessagesForAllUsers = function(userId, messageIds) { return $.when.apply(null, Ajax.call(messageIds.map(function(messageId) { return { methodname: 'core_message_delete_message_for_all_users', args: { messageid: messageId, userid: userId } }; }))); }; /** * Delete a conversation between two users. * * @param {int} userId The user to delete messages for * @param {int} conversationId The id of the conversation * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var deleteConversation = function(userId, conversationId) { var request = { methodname: 'core_message_delete_conversations_by_id', args: { userid: userId, conversationids: [conversationId] } }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Get the list of contact requests for a user. * * @param {int} userId The user id * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var getContactRequests = function(userId) { var request = { methodname: 'core_message_get_contact_requests', args: { userid: userId } }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Accept a contact request. * * @param {int} sendingUserId The user that sent the request * @param {int} recipientUserId The user that received the request * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var acceptContactRequest = function(sendingUserId, recipientUserId) { var requests = [ { methodname: 'core_message_confirm_contact_request', args: { userid: sendingUserId, requesteduserid: recipientUserId } }, { methodname: 'core_message_get_member_info', args: { referenceuserid: recipientUserId, userids: [sendingUserId], includecontactrequests: true, includeprivacyinfo: true } } ]; // Wrap both requests in a single promise so that we can catch an error // from either request. return $.when.apply(null, Ajax.call(requests)).then(function(reponse1, profiles) { // Only return the profile. return profiles.length ? profiles[0] : {}; }); }; /** * Decline a contact request. * * @param {int} sendingUserId The user that sent the request * @param {int} recipientUserId The user that received the request * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var declineContactRequest = function(sendingUserId, recipientUserId) { var requests = [ { methodname: 'core_message_decline_contact_request', args: { userid: sendingUserId, requesteduserid: recipientUserId } }, { methodname: 'core_message_get_member_info', args: { referenceuserid: recipientUserId, userids: [sendingUserId], includecontactrequests: true, includeprivacyinfo: true } } ]; // Wrap both requests in a single promise so that we can catch an error // from either request. return $.when.apply(null, Ajax.call(requests)).then(function(reponse1, profiles) { // Only return the profile. return profiles.length ? profiles[0] : {}; }); }; /** * Get a conversation. * * @param {int} loggedInUserId The logged in user * @param {int} conversationId The conversation id * @param {bool} includeContactRequests Incldue contact requests between members * @param {bool} includePrivacyInfo Include privacy info for members * @param {int} memberLimit Limit for members * @param {int} memberOffset Offset for members * @param {int} messageLimit Limit for messages * @param {int} messageOffset Offset for messages * @param {bool} newestMessagesFirst Order the messages by newest first * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var getConversation = function( loggedInUserId, conversationId, includeContactRequests, includePrivacyInfo, memberLimit, memberOffset, messageLimit, messageOffset, newestMessagesFirst ) { var args = { userid: loggedInUserId, conversationid: conversationId }; if (typeof includeContactRequests != 'undefined' && includeContactRequests !== null) { args.includecontactrequests = includeContactRequests; } if (typeof includePrivacyInfo != 'undefined' && includePrivacyInfo !== null) { args.includeprivacyinfo = includePrivacyInfo; } if (typeof memberLimit != 'undefined' && memberLimit !== null) { args.memberlimit = memberLimit; } if (typeof memberOffset != 'undefined' && memberOffset !== null) { args.memberoffset = memberOffset; } if (typeof messageLimit != 'undefined' && messageLimit !== null) { args.messagelimit = messageLimit; } if (typeof messageOffset != 'undefined' && messageOffset !== null) { args.messageoffset = messageOffset; } if (typeof newestMessagesFirst != 'undefined' && newestMessagesFirst !== null) { args.newestmessagesfirst = newestMessagesFirst; } var request = { methodname: 'core_message_get_conversation', args: args }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Get a conversation between users. * * @param {int} loggedInUserId The logged in user * @param {int} otherUserId The other user id * @param {bool} includeContactRequests Incldue contact requests between members * @param {bool} includePrivacyInfo Include privacy info for members * @param {int} memberLimit Limit for members * @param {int} memberOffset Offset for members * @param {int} messageLimit Limit for messages * @param {int} messageOffset Offset for messages * @param {bool} newestMessagesFirst Order the messages by newest first * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var getConversationBetweenUsers = function( loggedInUserId, otherUserId, includeContactRequests, includePrivacyInfo, memberLimit, memberOffset, messageLimit, messageOffset, newestMessagesFirst ) { var args = { userid: loggedInUserId, otheruserid: otherUserId }; if (typeof includeContactRequests != 'undefined' && includeContactRequests !== null) { args.includecontactrequests = includeContactRequests; } if (typeof includePrivacyInfo != 'undefined' && includePrivacyInfo !== null) { args.includeprivacyinfo = includePrivacyInfo; } if (typeof memberLimit != 'undefined' && memberLimit !== null) { args.memberlimit = memberLimit; } if (typeof memberOffset != 'undefined' && memberOffset !== null) { args.memberoffset = memberOffset; } if (typeof messageLimit != 'undefined' && messageLimit !== null) { args.messagelimit = messageLimit; } if (typeof messageOffset != 'undefined' && messageOffset !== null) { args.messageoffset = messageOffset; } if (typeof newestMessagesFirst != 'undefined' && newestMessagesFirst !== null) { args.newestmessagesfirst = newestMessagesFirst; } var request = { methodname: 'core_message_get_conversation_between_users', args: args }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Get a self-conversation. * * @param {int} loggedInUserId The logged in user * @param {int} messageLimit Limit for messages * @param {int} messageOffset Offset for messages * @param {bool} newestMessagesFirst Order the messages by newest first * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var getSelfConversation = function( loggedInUserId, messageLimit, messageOffset, newestMessagesFirst ) { var args = { userid: loggedInUserId }; if (typeof messageLimit != 'undefined' && messageLimit !== null) { args.messagelimit = messageLimit; } if (typeof messageOffset != 'undefined' && messageOffset !== null) { args.messageoffset = messageOffset; } if (typeof newestMessagesFirst != 'undefined' && newestMessagesFirst !== null) { args.newestmessagesfirst = newestMessagesFirst; } var request = { methodname: 'core_message_get_self_conversation', args: args }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Get the conversations for a user. * * @param {int} userId The logged in user * @param {int|null} type The type of conversation to get * @param {int} limit Limit for results * @param {int} offset Offset for results * @param {bool|null} favourites If favourites should be included or not * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var getConversations = function( userId, type, limit, offset, favourites, mergeself ) { var args = { userid: userId, type: type }; if (typeof limit != 'undefined' && limit !== null) { args.limitnum = limit; } if (typeof offset != 'undefined' && offset !== null) { args.limitfrom = offset; } if (typeof favourites != 'undefined' && favourites !== null) { args.favourites = favourites; } if (typeof mergeself != 'undefined' && mergeself !== null) { args.mergeself = mergeself; } var request = { methodname: 'core_message_get_conversations', args: args }; return Ajax.call([request])[0] .then(function(result) { if (result.conversations.length) { result.conversations = result.conversations.map(function(conversation) { if (conversation.type == CONVERSATION_TYPES.PRIVATE || conversation.type == CONVERSATION_TYPES.SELF) { var otherUser = conversation.members.length ? conversation.members[0] : null; if (otherUser) { conversation.name = conversation.name ? conversation.name : otherUser.fullname; conversation.imageurl = conversation.imageurl ? conversation.imageurl : otherUser.profileimageurl; } } return conversation; }); } return result; }); }; /** * Get the conversations for a user. * * @param {int} conversationId The conversation id * @param {int} loggedInUserId The logged in user * @param {int} limit Limit for results * @param {int} offset Offset for results * @param {bool} includeContactRequests If contact requests should be included in result * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var getConversationMembers = function(conversationId, loggedInUserId, limit, offset, includeContactRequests) { var args = { userid: loggedInUserId, conversationid: conversationId }; if (typeof limit != 'undefined' && limit !== null) { args.limitnum = limit; } if (typeof offset != 'undefined' && offset !== null) { args.limitfrom = offset; } if (typeof includeContactRequests != 'undefined' && includeContactRequests !== null) { args.includecontactrequests = includeContactRequests; } var request = { methodname: 'core_message_get_conversation_members', args: args }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Set a list of conversations to set as favourites for the given user. * * @param {int} userId The user id * @param {array} conversationIds List of conversation ids to set as favourite * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var setFavouriteConversations = function(userId, conversationIds) { var request = { methodname: 'core_message_set_favourite_conversations', args: { userid: userId, conversations: conversationIds } }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Set a list of conversations to unset as favourites for the given user. * * @param {int} userId The user id * @param {array} conversationIds List of conversation ids to unset as favourite * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var unsetFavouriteConversations = function(userId, conversationIds) { var request = { methodname: 'core_message_unset_favourite_conversations', args: { userid: userId, conversations: conversationIds } }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Set a list of conversations to set as muted for the given user. * * @param {int} userId The user id * @param {array} conversationIds List of conversation ids to set as favourite * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var setMutedConversations = function(userId, conversationIds) { var request = { methodname: 'core_message_mute_conversations', args: { userid: userId, conversationids: conversationIds } }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Set a list of conversations to unset as muted for the given user. * * @param {int} userId The user id * @param {array} conversationIds List of conversation ids to unset as favourite * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var unsetMutedConversations = function(userId, conversationIds) { var request = { methodname: 'core_message_unmute_conversations', args: { userid: userId, conversationids: conversationIds } }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Get a list of user's member info. * * @param {int} referenceUserId The user id * @param {array} userIds List of user ids to get * @param {bool} includeContactRequests Include contact requests between users in response * @param {bool} includePrivacyInfo Include privacy info for reference user in response * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var getMemberInfo = function(referenceUserId, userIds, includeContactRequests, includePrivacyInfo) { var args = { referenceuserid: referenceUserId, userids: userIds }; if (typeof includeContactRequests != 'undefined') { args.includecontactrequests = includeContactRequests; } if (typeof includePrivacyInfo != 'undefined') { args.includeprivacyinfo = includePrivacyInfo; } var request = { methodname: 'core_message_get_member_info', args: args }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Get a list of user's member info. * * @param {int} userId The user id to mark as read for * @param {int} conversationId The conversation to mark as read * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var markAllConversationMessagesAsRead = function(userId, conversationId) { var request = { methodname: 'core_message_mark_all_conversation_messages_as_read', args: { userid: userId, conversationid: conversationId } }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Get the user's message preferences. * * @param {int} userId The user id to load preferences for * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var getUserMessagePreferences = function(userId) { var request = { methodname: 'core_message_get_user_message_preferences', args: { userid: userId } }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * The the count of the user's conversations grouped by type. * * @param {Number} userId The user's id. * @return {Object} jQuery promise. */ var getTotalConversationCounts = function(userId) { var request = { methodname: 'core_message_get_conversation_counts', args: { userid: userId } }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * The the count of the user's unread conversations grouped by type. * * @param {Number} userId The user's id. * @return {Object} jQuery promise. */ var getUnreadConversationCounts = function(userId) { var request = { methodname: 'core_message_get_unread_conversation_counts', args: { userid: userId } }; return Ajax.call([request])[0]; }; /** * Get both the unread and total conversation counts in a single request. * * @param {Number} userId The user's id. * @return {Object} jQuery promise. */ var getAllConversationCounts = function(userId) { var requests = [ { methodname: 'core_message_get_conversation_counts', args: { userid: userId } }, { methodname: 'core_message_get_unread_conversation_counts', args: { userid: userId } }, ]; return $.when.apply(null, Ajax.call(requests)).then(function(total, unread) { return { total: total, unread: unread }; }); }; return { query: query, countUnreadConversations: countUnreadConversations, markAllAsRead: markAllAsRead, getContacts: getContacts, getProfile: getProfile, blockUser: blockUser, unblockUser: unblockUser, createContactRequest: createContactRequest, deleteContacts: deleteContacts, getMessages: getMessages, searchUsers: searchUsers, searchMessages: searchMessages, sendMessagesToUser: sendMessagesToUser, sendMessageToUser: sendMessageToUser, sendMessagesToConversation: sendMessagesToConversation, sendMessageToConversation: sendMessageToConversation, savePreferences: savePreferences, getPreferences: getPreferences, deleteMessages: deleteMessages, deleteMessagesForAllUsers: deleteMessagesForAllUsers, deleteConversation: deleteConversation, getContactRequests: getContactRequests, acceptContactRequest: acceptContactRequest, declineContactRequest: declineContactRequest, getConversation: getConversation, getConversationBetweenUsers: getConversationBetweenUsers, getSelfConversation: getSelfConversation, getConversations: getConversations, getConversationMembers: getConversationMembers, setFavouriteConversations: setFavouriteConversations, setMutedConversations: setMutedConversations, unsetFavouriteConversations: unsetFavouriteConversations, unsetMutedConversations: unsetMutedConversations, getMemberInfo: getMemberInfo, markAllConversationMessagesAsRead: markAllConversationMessagesAsRead, getUserMessagePreferences: getUserMessagePreferences, getTotalConversationCounts: getTotalConversationCounts, getUnreadConversationCounts: getUnreadConversationCounts, getAllConversationCounts: getAllConversationCounts }; });