// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Load the settings for a message processor. * * @module core_message/notification_processor_settings * @class notification_processor_settings * @package message * @copyright 2016 Ryan Wyllie
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define([ 'jquery', 'core/ajax', 'core/str', 'core/notification', 'core/custom_interaction_events', 'core/modal', 'core/modal_registry', 'core/fragment', ], function( $, Ajax, Str, Notification, CustomEvents, Modal, ModalRegistry, Fragment ) { var registered = false; var SELECTORS = { SAVE_BUTTON: '[data-action="save"]', CANCEL_BUTTON: '[data-action="cancel"]', PROCESSOR: '[data-processor-name]', PREFERENCE_ROW: '[data-region="preference-row"]', }; /** * Constructor for the Modal. * * @param {object} root The root jQuery element for the modal. */ var NotificationProcessorSettings = function(root) { Modal.call(this, root); this.name = null; this.userId = null; this.contextId = null; this.element = null; this.saveButton = this.getFooter().find(SELECTORS.SAVE_BUTTON); this.cancelButton = this.getFooter().find(SELECTORS.CANCEL_BUTTON); }; NotificationProcessorSettings.TYPE = 'core_message-notification_processor_settings'; NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype = Object.create(Modal.prototype); NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.constructor = NotificationProcessorSettings; /** * Set the userid to the given value. * * @method setUserId * @param {int} id The notification userid */ NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.setUserId = function(id) { this.userId = id; }; /** * Retrieve the current userid, if any. * * @method getUserId * @return {int|null} The notification userid */ NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.getUserId = function() { return this.userId; }; /** * Set the object to the given value. * * @method setElement * @param {object} element The notification node element. */ NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.setElement = function(element) { this.element = element; }; /** * Retrieve the current element, if any. * * @method getElement * @return {object|null} The notification node element. */ NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.getElement = function() { return this.element; }; /** * Set the name to the given value. * * @method setName * @param {string} name The notification name. */ NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.setName = function(name) { this.name = name; }; /** * Retrieve the current name, if any. * * @method getName * @return {string|null} The notification name. */ NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.getName = function() { return this.name; }; /** * Set the context id to the given value. * * @method setContextId * @param {Number} id The notification context id */ NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.setContextId = function(id) { this.contextId = id; }; /** * Retrieve the current context id, if any. * * @method getContextId * @return {Number|null} The notification context id */ NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.getContextId = function() { return this.contextId; }; /** * Get the form element from the modal. * * @method getForm * @return {object} */ NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.getForm = function() { return this.getBody().find('form'); }; /** * Disable the buttons in the footer. * * @method disableButtons */ NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.disableButtons = function() { this.saveButton.prop('disabled', true); this.cancelButton.prop('disabled', true); }; /** * Enable the buttons in the footer. * * @method enableButtons */ NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.enableButtons = function() { this.saveButton.prop('disabled', false); this.cancelButton.prop('disabled', false); }; /** * Load the title for the modal to the appropriate value * depending on message outputs. * * @method loadTitleContent * @return {object} A promise resolved with the new title text. */ NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.loadTitleContent = function() { this.titlePromise = Str.get_string('processorsettings', 'message'); this.setTitle(this.titlePromise); return this.titlePromise; }; /** * Load the body for the modal to the appropriate value * depending on message outputs. * * @method loadBodyContent * @return {object} A promise resolved with the fragment html and js from */ NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.loadBodyContent = function() { this.disableButtons(); var args = { userid: this.getUserId(), type: this.getName(), }; this.bodyPromise = Fragment.loadFragment('message', 'processor_settings', this.getContextId(), args); this.setBody(this.bodyPromise); this.bodyPromise.then(function() { this.enableButtons(); return; }.bind(this)) .fail(Notification.exception); return this.bodyPromise; }; /** * Load both the title and body content. * * @method loadAllContent * @return {object} promise */ NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.loadAllContent = function() { return $.when(this.loadTitleContent(), this.loadBodyContent()); }; /** * Load the modal content before showing it. This * is to allow us to re-use the same modal for creating and * editing different message outputs within the page. * * @method show */ NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.show = function() { this.loadAllContent(); Modal.prototype.show.call(this); }; /** * Clear the notification from the modal when it's closed so * that it is loaded fresh next time it's displayed. * * @method hide */ NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.hide = function() { Modal.prototype.hide.call(this); this.setContextId(null); this.setName(null); this.setUserId(null); }; /** * Checks if the processor has been configured. If so then remove the unconfigured * status from the interface. * * @method updateConfiguredStatus * @return {Promise|boolean} */ NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.updateConfiguredStatus = function() { var processorHeader = $(this.getElement()).closest(SELECTORS.PROCESSOR); if (!processorHeader.hasClass('unconfigured')) { return false; } var processorName = processorHeader.attr('data-processor-name'); var request = { methodname: 'core_message_get_message_processor', args: { name: processorName, userid: this.userId, }, }; return Ajax.call([request])[0] .fail(Notification.exception) .done(function(result) { // Check if the user has figured configuring the processor. if (result.userconfigured) { // If they have then we can enable the settings. var notifications = $(SELECTORS.PREFERENCE_ROW + ' [data-processor-name="' + processorName + '"]'); processorHeader.removeClass('unconfigured'); notifications.removeClass('disabled'); } }); }; /** * Set up all of the event handling for the modal. * * @method registerEventListeners */ NotificationProcessorSettings.prototype.registerEventListeners = function() { // Apply parent event listeners. Modal.prototype.registerEventListeners.call(this); // When the user clicks the save button we trigger the form submission. this.getModal().on(CustomEvents.events.activate, SELECTORS.SAVE_BUTTON, function(e, data) { this.getForm().submit(); data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }.bind(this)); this.getModal().on('mpp:formsubmitted', function(e) { this.hide(); this.updateConfiguredStatus(); e.stopPropagation(); }.bind(this)); this.getModal().on(CustomEvents.events.activate, SELECTORS.CANCEL_BUTTON, function(e, data) { this.hide(); data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }.bind(this)); }; // Automatically register with the modal registry the first time this module is imported // so that you can create modals // of this type using the modal factory. if (!registered) { ModalRegistry.register( NotificationProcessorSettings.TYPE, NotificationProcessorSettings, 'core/modal_save_cancel'); registered = true; } return NotificationProcessorSettings; });