. /** * Adhoc task handling migrating data to the new messaging table schema. * * @package core_message * @copyright 2018 Mark Nelson
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_message\task; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Class handling migrating data to the new messaging table schema. * * @package core_message * @copyright 2018 Mark Nelson
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class migrate_message_data extends \core\task\adhoc_task { /** * Run the migration task. */ public function execute() { global $DB; $userid = $this->get_custom_data()->userid; // Get the user's preference. $hasbeenmigrated = get_user_preferences('core_message_migrate_data', false, $userid); if (!$hasbeenmigrated) { // To determine if we should update the preference. $updatepreference = true; // Get all the users the current user has received a message from. $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(useridfrom) FROM {message} m WHERE useridto = ? UNION SELECT DISTINCT(useridfrom) FROM {message_read} m WHERE useridto = ?"; $users = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, [$userid, $userid]); // Get all the users the current user has messaged. $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(useridto) FROM {message} m WHERE useridfrom = ? UNION SELECT DISTINCT(useridto) FROM {message_read} m WHERE useridfrom = ?"; $users = $users + $DB->get_records_sql($sql, [$userid, $userid]); if (!empty($users)) { // Loop through each user and migrate the data. foreach ($users as $otheruserid => $user) { $ids = [$userid, $otheruserid]; sort($ids); $key = implode('_', $ids); // Set the lock data. $timeout = 5; // In seconds. $locktype = 'core_message_migrate_data'; // Get an instance of the currently configured lock factory. $lockfactory = \core\lock\lock_config::get_lock_factory($locktype); // See if we can grab this lock. if ($lock = $lockfactory->get_lock($key, $timeout)) { try { $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction(); $this->migrate_data($userid, $otheruserid); $transaction->allow_commit(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { throw $e; } finally { $lock->release(); } } else { // Couldn't get a lock, move on to next user but make sure we don't update user preference so // we still try again. $updatepreference = false; continue; } } } if ($updatepreference) { set_user_preference('core_message_migrate_data', true, $userid); } else { // Throwing an exception in the task will mean that it isn't removed from the queue and is tried again. throw new \moodle_exception('Task failed.'); } } } /** * Helper function to deal with migrating the data. * * @param int $userid The current user id. * @param int $otheruserid The user id of the other user in the conversation. * @throws \dml_exception */ private function migrate_data($userid, $otheruserid) { global $DB; if ($userid == $otheruserid) { // Since 3.7, pending self-conversations should be migrated during the upgrading process so shouldn't be any // self-conversations on the legacy tables. However, this extra-check has been added just in case. $conversation = \core_message\api::get_self_conversation($userid); if (empty($conversation)) { $conversation = \core_message\api::create_conversation( \core_message\api::MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_SELF, [$userid] ); } $conversationid = $conversation->id; } else if (!$conversationid = \core_message\api::get_conversation_between_users([$userid, $otheruserid])) { $conversation = \core_message\api::create_conversation( \core_message\api::MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL, [ $userid, $otheruserid ] ); $conversationid = $conversation->id; } // First, get the rows from the 'message' table. $select = "(useridfrom = ? AND useridto = ?) OR (useridfrom = ? AND useridto = ?)"; $params = [$userid, $otheruserid, $otheruserid, $userid]; $messages = $DB->get_recordset_select('message', $select, $params, 'id ASC'); foreach ($messages as $message) { if ($message->notification) { $this->migrate_notification($message, false); } else { $this->migrate_message($conversationid, $message); } } $messages->close(); // Ok, all done, delete the records from the 'message' table. $DB->delete_records_select('message', $select, $params); // Now, get the rows from the 'message_read' table. $messages = $DB->get_recordset_select('message_read', $select, $params, 'id ASC'); foreach ($messages as $message) { if ($message->notification) { $this->migrate_notification($message, true); } else { $this->migrate_message($conversationid, $message); } } $messages->close(); // Ok, all done, delete the records from the 'message_read' table. $DB->delete_records_select('message_read', $select, $params); } /** * Helper function to deal with migrating an individual notification. * * @param \stdClass $notification * @param bool $isread Was the notification read? * @throws \dml_exception */ private function migrate_notification($notification, $isread) { global $DB; $tabledata = new \stdClass(); $tabledata->useridfrom = $notification->useridfrom; $tabledata->useridto = $notification->useridto; $tabledata->subject = $notification->subject; $tabledata->fullmessage = $notification->fullmessage; $tabledata->fullmessageformat = $notification->fullmessageformat ?? FORMAT_MOODLE; $tabledata->fullmessagehtml = $notification->fullmessagehtml; $tabledata->smallmessage = $notification->smallmessage; $tabledata->component = $notification->component; $tabledata->eventtype = $notification->eventtype; $tabledata->contexturl = $notification->contexturl; $tabledata->contexturlname = $notification->contexturlname; $tabledata->timeread = $notification->timeread ?? null; $tabledata->timecreated = $notification->timecreated; $newid = $DB->insert_record('notifications', $tabledata); // Check if there is a record to move to the new 'message_popup_notifications' table. if ($mp = $DB->get_record('message_popup', ['messageid' => $notification->id, 'isread' => (int) $isread])) { $mpn = new \stdClass(); $mpn->notificationid = $newid; $DB->insert_record('message_popup_notifications', $mpn); $DB->delete_records('message_popup', ['id' => $mp->id]); } } /** * Helper function to deal with migrating an individual message. * * @param int $conversationid The conversation between the two users. * @param \stdClass $message The message from either the 'message' or 'message_read' table * @throws \dml_exception */ private function migrate_message($conversationid, $message) { global $DB; // Create the object we will be inserting into the database. $tabledata = new \stdClass(); $tabledata->useridfrom = $message->useridfrom; $tabledata->conversationid = $conversationid; $tabledata->subject = $message->subject; $tabledata->fullmessage = $message->fullmessage; $tabledata->fullmessageformat = $message->fullmessageformat ?? FORMAT_MOODLE; $tabledata->fullmessagehtml = $message->fullmessagehtml; $tabledata->smallmessage = $message->smallmessage; $tabledata->timecreated = $message->timecreated; $messageid = $DB->insert_record('messages', $tabledata); // Check if we need to mark this message as deleted for the user from. if ($message->timeuserfromdeleted) { $mua = new \stdClass(); $mua->userid = $message->useridfrom; $mua->messageid = $messageid; $mua->action = \core_message\api::MESSAGE_ACTION_DELETED; $mua->timecreated = $message->timeuserfromdeleted; $DB->insert_record('message_user_actions', $mua); } // Check if we need to mark this message as deleted for the user to. if ($message->timeusertodeleted and ($message->useridfrom != $message->useridto)) { $mua = new \stdClass(); $mua->userid = $message->useridto; $mua->messageid = $messageid; $mua->action = \core_message\api::MESSAGE_ACTION_DELETED; $mua->timecreated = $message->timeusertodeleted; $DB->insert_record('message_user_actions', $mua); } // Check if we need to mark this message as read for the user to (it is always read by the user from). // Note - we do an isset() check here because this column only exists in the 'message_read' table. if (isset($message->timeread)) { $mua = new \stdClass(); $mua->userid = $message->useridto; $mua->messageid = $messageid; $mua->action = \core_message\api::MESSAGE_ACTION_READ; $mua->timecreated = $message->timeread; $DB->insert_record('message_user_actions', $mua); } } /** * Queues the task. * * @param int $userid */ public static function queue_task($userid) { // Let's set up the adhoc task. $task = new \core_message\task\migrate_message_data(); $task->set_custom_data( [ 'userid' => $userid ] ); // Queue it. \core\task\manager::queue_adhoc_task($task, true); } }