. /** * Contains the definiton of the email message processors (sends messages to users via email) * * @package message_email * @copyright 2008 Luis Rodrigues and Martin Dougiamas * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/message/output/lib.php'); /** * The email message processor * * @package message_email * @copyright 2008 Luis Rodrigues and Martin Dougiamas * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class message_output_email extends message_output { /** * Processes the message (sends by email). * @param object $eventdata the event data submitted by the message sender plus $eventdata->savedmessageid */ function send_message($eventdata) { global $CFG, $DB; // skip any messaging suspended and deleted users if ($eventdata->userto->auth === 'nologin' or $eventdata->userto->suspended or $eventdata->userto->deleted) { return true; } //the user the email is going to $recipient = null; //check if the recipient has a different email address specified in their messaging preferences Vs their user profile $emailmessagingpreference = get_user_preferences('message_processor_email_email', null, $eventdata->userto); $emailmessagingpreference = clean_param($emailmessagingpreference, PARAM_EMAIL); // If the recipient has set an email address in their preferences use that instead of the one in their profile // but only if overriding the notification email address is allowed if (!empty($emailmessagingpreference) && !empty($CFG->messagingallowemailoverride)) { //clone to avoid altering the actual user object $recipient = clone($eventdata->userto); $recipient->email = $emailmessagingpreference; } else { $recipient = $eventdata->userto; } // Check if we have attachments to send. $attachment = ''; $attachname = ''; if (!empty($CFG->allowattachments) && !empty($eventdata->attachment)) { if (empty($eventdata->attachname)) { // Attachment needs a file name. debugging('Attachments should have a file name. No attachments have been sent.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } else if (!($eventdata->attachment instanceof stored_file)) { // Attachment should be of a type stored_file. debugging('Attachments should be of type stored_file. No attachments have been sent.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } else { // Copy attachment file to a temporary directory and get the file path. $attachment = $eventdata->attachment->copy_content_to_temp(); // Get attachment file name. $attachname = clean_filename($eventdata->attachname); } } // Configure mail replies - this is used for incoming mail replies. $replyto = ''; $replytoname = ''; if (isset($eventdata->replyto)) { $replyto = $eventdata->replyto; if (isset($eventdata->replytoname)) { $replytoname = $eventdata->replytoname; } } // We email messages from private conversations straight away, but for group we add them to a table to be sent later. $emailuser = true; if (!$eventdata->notification) { if ($eventdata->conversationtype == \core_message\api::MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_GROUP) { $emailuser = false; } } if ($emailuser) { $result = email_to_user($recipient, $eventdata->userfrom, $eventdata->subject, $eventdata->fullmessage, $eventdata->fullmessagehtml, $attachment, $attachname, true, $replyto, $replytoname); } else { $messagetosend = new stdClass(); $messagetosend->useridfrom = $eventdata->userfrom->id; $messagetosend->useridto = $recipient->id; $messagetosend->conversationid = $eventdata->convid; $messagetosend->messageid = $eventdata->savedmessageid; $result = $DB->insert_record('message_email_messages', $messagetosend, false); } // Remove an attachment file if any. if (!empty($attachment) && file_exists($attachment)) { unlink($attachment); } return $result; } /** * Creates necessary fields in the messaging config form. * * @param array $preferences An array of user preferences */ function config_form($preferences){ global $USER, $OUTPUT, $CFG; $string = ''; $choices = array(); $choices['0'] = get_string('textformat'); $choices['1'] = get_string('htmlformat'); $current = $preferences->mailformat; $string .= $OUTPUT->container(html_writer::label(get_string('emailformat'), 'mailformat')); $string .= $OUTPUT->container(html_writer::select($choices, 'mailformat', $current, false, array('id' => 'mailformat'))); $string .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'userid', 'value' => $USER->id)); if (!empty($CFG->allowusermailcharset)) { $choices = array(); $charsets = get_list_of_charsets(); if (!empty($CFG->sitemailcharset)) { $choices['0'] = get_string('site').' ('.$CFG->sitemailcharset.')'; } else { $choices['0'] = get_string('site').' (UTF-8)'; } $choices = array_merge($choices, $charsets); $current = $preferences->mailcharset; $string .= $OUTPUT->container(html_writer::label(get_string('emailcharset'), 'mailcharset')); $string .= $OUTPUT->container( html_writer::select($choices, 'preference_mailcharset', $current, false, array('id' => 'mailcharset')) ); } if (!empty($CFG->messagingallowemailoverride)) { $inputattributes = array('size' => '30', 'name' => 'email_email', 'value' => $preferences->email_email, 'id' => 'email_email'); $string .= html_writer::label(get_string('email', 'message_email'), 'email_email'); $string .= $OUTPUT->container(html_writer::empty_tag('input', $inputattributes)); if (empty($preferences->email_email) && !empty($preferences->userdefaultemail)) { $string .= $OUTPUT->container(get_string('ifemailleftempty', 'message_email', $preferences->userdefaultemail)); } if (!empty($preferences->email_email) && !validate_email($preferences->email_email)) { $string .= $OUTPUT->container(get_string('invalidemail'), 'error'); } $string .= '
'; } return $string; } /** * Parses the submitted form data and saves it into preferences array. * * @param stdClass $form preferences form class * @param array $preferences preferences array */ function process_form($form, &$preferences){ global $CFG; if (isset($form->email_email)) { $preferences['message_processor_email_email'] = clean_param($form->email_email, PARAM_EMAIL); } if (isset($form->preference_mailcharset)) { $preferences['mailcharset'] = $form->preference_mailcharset; if (!array_key_exists($preferences['mailcharset'], get_list_of_charsets())) { $preferences['mailcharset'] = '0'; } } if (isset($form->mailformat) && isset($form->userid)) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/lib.php'); $user = core_user::get_user($form->userid, '*', MUST_EXIST); $user->mailformat = clean_param($form->mailformat, PARAM_INT); user_update_user($user, false, false); } } /** * Returns the default message output settings for this output * * @return int The default settings */ public function get_default_messaging_settings() { return MESSAGE_PERMITTED + MESSAGE_DEFAULT_LOGGEDIN + MESSAGE_DEFAULT_LOGGEDOFF; } /** * Loads the config data from database to put on the form during initial form display * * @param array $preferences preferences array * @param int $userid the user id */ function load_data(&$preferences, $userid){ $preferences->email_email = get_user_preferences( 'message_processor_email_email', '', $userid); } /** * Returns true as message can be sent to internal support user. * * @return bool */ public function can_send_to_any_users() { return true; } }