. /** * Privacy class for requesting user data. * * @package assignfeedback_comments * @copyright 2018 Adrian Greeve
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace assignfeedback_comments\privacy; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/locallib.php'); use \core_privacy\local\metadata\collection; use \core_privacy\local\request\writer; use \core_privacy\local\request\contextlist; use \mod_assign\privacy\assign_plugin_request_data; use \mod_assign\privacy\useridlist; /** * Privacy class for requesting user data. * * @package assignfeedback_comments * @copyright 2018 Adrian Greeve
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class provider implements \core_privacy\local\metadata\provider, \mod_assign\privacy\assignfeedback_provider, \mod_assign\privacy\assignfeedback_user_provider { /** * Return meta data about this plugin. * * @param collection $collection A list of information to add to. * @return collection Return the collection after adding to it. */ public static function get_metadata(collection $collection) : collection { $data = [ 'assignment' => 'privacy:metadata:assignmentid', 'grade' => 'privacy:metadata:gradepurpose', 'commenttext' => 'privacy:metadata:commentpurpose' ]; $collection->add_database_table('assignfeedback_comments', $data, 'privacy:metadata:tablesummary'); $collection->link_subsystem('core_files', 'privacy:metadata:filepurpose'); return $collection; } /** * No need to fill in this method as all information can be acquired from the assign_grades table in the mod assign * provider. * * @param int $userid The user ID. * @param contextlist $contextlist The context list. */ public static function get_context_for_userid_within_feedback(int $userid, contextlist $contextlist) { // This uses the assign_grades table. } /** * This also does not need to be filled in as this is already collected in the mod assign provider. * * @param useridlist $useridlist A list of user IDs */ public static function get_student_user_ids(useridlist $useridlist) { // Not required. } /** * If you have tables that contain userids and you can generate entries in your tables without creating an * entry in the assign_grades table then please fill in this method. * * @param \core_privacy\local\request\userlist $userlist The userlist object */ public static function get_userids_from_context(\core_privacy\local\request\userlist $userlist) { // Not required. } /** * Export all user data for this plugin. * * @param assign_plugin_request_data $exportdata Data used to determine which context and user to export and other useful * information to help with exporting. */ public static function export_feedback_user_data(assign_plugin_request_data $exportdata) { // Get that comment information and jam it into that exporter. $assign = $exportdata->get_assign(); $plugin = $assign->get_plugin_by_type('assignfeedback', 'comments'); $gradeid = $exportdata->get_pluginobject()->id; $comments = $plugin->get_feedback_comments($gradeid); if ($comments && !empty($comments->commenttext)) { $currentpath = array_merge( $exportdata->get_subcontext(), [get_string('privacy:commentpath', 'assignfeedback_comments')] ); $comments->commenttext = writer::with_context($assign->get_context())->rewrite_pluginfile_urls( $currentpath, ASSIGNFEEDBACK_COMMENTS_COMPONENT, ASSIGNFEEDBACK_COMMENTS_FILEAREA, $gradeid, $comments->commenttext ); $data = (object) [ 'commenttext' => format_text($comments->commenttext, $comments->commentformat, ['context' => $exportdata->get_context()]) ]; writer::with_context($exportdata->get_context())->export_data($currentpath, $data); writer::with_context($exportdata->get_context())->export_area_files($currentpath, ASSIGNFEEDBACK_COMMENTS_COMPONENT, ASSIGNFEEDBACK_COMMENTS_FILEAREA, $gradeid); } } /** * Any call to this method should delete all user data for the context defined in the deletion_criteria. * * @param assign_plugin_request_data $requestdata Data useful for deleting user data from this sub-plugin. */ public static function delete_feedback_for_context(assign_plugin_request_data $requestdata) { $assign = $requestdata->get_assign(); $fs = get_file_storage(); $fs->delete_area_files($requestdata->get_context()->id, ASSIGNFEEDBACK_COMMENTS_COMPONENT, ASSIGNFEEDBACK_COMMENTS_FILEAREA); $plugin = $assign->get_plugin_by_type('assignfeedback', 'comments'); $plugin->delete_instance(); } /** * Calling this function should delete all user data associated with this grade entry. * * @param assign_plugin_request_data $requestdata Data useful for deleting user data. */ public static function delete_feedback_for_grade(assign_plugin_request_data $requestdata) { global $DB; $fs = new \file_storage(); $fs->delete_area_files($requestdata->get_context()->id, ASSIGNFEEDBACK_COMMENTS_COMPONENT, ASSIGNFEEDBACK_COMMENTS_FILEAREA, $requestdata->get_pluginobject()->id); $DB->delete_records('assignfeedback_comments', ['assignment' => $requestdata->get_assignid(), 'grade' => $requestdata->get_pluginobject()->id]); } /** * Deletes all feedback for the grade ids / userids provided in a context. * assign_plugin_request_data contains: * - context * - assign object * - grade ids (pluginids) * - user ids * @param assign_plugin_request_data $deletedata A class that contains the relevant information required for deletion. */ public static function delete_feedback_for_grades(assign_plugin_request_data $deletedata) { global $DB; if (empty($deletedata->get_gradeids())) { return; } list($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($deletedata->get_gradeids(), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); $fs = new \file_storage(); $fs->delete_area_files_select( $deletedata->get_context()->id, ASSIGNFEEDBACK_COMMENTS_COMPONENT, ASSIGNFEEDBACK_COMMENTS_FILEAREA, $sql, $params ); $params['assignment'] = $deletedata->get_assignid(); $DB->delete_records_select('assignfeedback_comments', "assignment = :assignment AND grade $sql", $params); } }