_tpls as $tplIdx => $tpl) { $out .= sprintf('%s%d %d 0 R', $this->tplPrefix, $tplIdx, $tpl['n']); } return $out; } /** * Writes a PDF value to the resulting document. * * Prepares the value for encryption of imported data by FPDI * * @param array $value */ protected function _prepareValue(&$value) { switch ($value[0]) { case pdf_parser::TYPE_STRING: if ($this->encrypted) { $value[1] = $this->_unescape($value[1]); $value[1] = $this->_encrypt_data($this->_currentObjId, $value[1]); $value[1] = TCPDF_STATIC::_escape($value[1]); } break; case pdf_parser::TYPE_STREAM: if ($this->encrypted) { $value[2][1] = $this->_encrypt_data($this->_currentObjId, $value[2][1]); $value[1][1]['/Length'] = array( pdf_parser::TYPE_NUMERIC, strlen($value[2][1]) ); } break; case pdf_parser::TYPE_HEX: if ($this->encrypted) { $value[1] = $this->hex2str($value[1]); $value[1] = $this->_encrypt_data($this->_currentObjId, $value[1]); // remake hexstring of encrypted string $value[1] = $this->str2hex($value[1]); } break; } } /** * Un-escapes a PDF string * * @param string $s * @return string */ protected function _unescape($s) { $out = ''; for ($count = 0, $n = strlen($s); $count < $n; $count++) { if ($s[$count] != '\\' || $count == $n-1) { $out .= $s[$count]; } else { switch ($s[++$count]) { case ')': case '(': case '\\': $out .= $s[$count]; break; case 'f': $out .= chr(0x0C); break; case 'b': $out .= chr(0x08); break; case 't': $out .= chr(0x09); break; case 'r': $out .= chr(0x0D); break; case 'n': $out .= chr(0x0A); break; case "\r": if ($count != $n-1 && $s[$count+1] == "\n") $count++; break; case "\n": break; default: // Octal-Values if (ord($s[$count]) >= ord('0') && ord($s[$count]) <= ord('9')) { $oct = ''. $s[$count]; if (ord($s[$count+1]) >= ord('0') && ord($s[$count+1]) <= ord('9')) { $oct .= $s[++$count]; if (ord($s[$count+1]) >= ord('0') && ord($s[$count+1]) <= ord('9')) { $oct .= $s[++$count]; } } $out .= chr(octdec($oct)); } else { $out .= $s[$count]; } } } } return $out; } /** * Hexadecimal to string * * @param string $data * @return string */ public function hex2str($data) { $data = preg_replace('/[^0-9A-Fa-f]/', '', rtrim($data, '>')); if ((strlen($data) % 2) == 1) { $data .= '0'; } return pack('H*', $data); } /** * String to hexadecimal * * @param string $str * @return string */ public function str2hex($str) { return current(unpack('H*', $str)); } }