var COLOURPICKER_NAME = "Colourpicker", COLOURPICKER; /** * Provides an in browser PDF editor. * * @module moodle-assignfeedback_editpdf-editor */ /** * COLOURPICKER * This is a drop down list of colours. * * @namespace M.assignfeedback_editpdf * @class colourpicker * @constructor * @extends M.assignfeedback_editpdf.dropdown */ COLOURPICKER = function(config) { COLOURPICKER.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [config]); }; Y.extend(COLOURPICKER, M.assignfeedback_editpdf.dropdown, { /** * Initialise the menu. * * @method initializer * @return void */ initializer: function(config) { var colourlist = Y.Node.create('
'), body; // Build a list of coloured buttons. Y.each(this.get('colours'), function(rgb, colour) { var button, listitem, title, img, iconname; title = M.util.get_string(colour, 'assignfeedback_editpdf'); iconname = this.get('iconprefix') + colour; img = M.util.image_url(iconname, 'assignfeedback_editpdf'); button = Y.Node.create('
'); button.setAttribute('data-colour', colour); button.setAttribute('data-rgb', rgb); button.setStyle('backgroundImage', 'none'); listitem = Y.Node.create('
'); listitem.append(button); colourlist.append(listitem); }, this); body = Y.Node.create('
'); // Set the call back. colourlist.delegate('click', this.callback_handler, 'button', this); colourlist.delegate('key', this.callback_handler, 'down:13', 'button', this); // Set the accessible header text. this.set('headerText', M.util.get_string('colourpicker', 'assignfeedback_editpdf')); // Set the body content. body.append(colourlist); this.set('bodyContent', body); COLOURPICKER.superclass.initializer.call(this, config); }, callback_handler: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var callback = this.get('callback'), callbackcontext = this.get('context'), bind; this.hide(); // Call the callback with the specified context. bind = Y.bind(callback, callbackcontext, e); bind(); } }, { NAME: COLOURPICKER_NAME, ATTRS: { /** * The list of colours this colour picker supports. * * @attribute colours * @type {String: String} (The keys of the array are the colour names and the values are localized strings) * @default {} */ colours: { value: {} }, /** * The function called when a new colour is chosen. * * @attribute callback * @type function * @default null */ callback: { value: null }, /** * The context passed to the callback when a colour is chosen. * * @attribute context * @type Y.Node * @default null */ context: { value: null }, /** * The prefix for the icon image names. * * @attribute iconprefix * @type String * @default 'colour_' */ iconprefix: { value: 'colour_' } } }); M.assignfeedback_editpdf = M.assignfeedback_editpdf || {}; M.assignfeedback_editpdf.colourpicker = COLOURPICKER;