// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ /* global SELECTOR, TOOLSELECTOR, AJAXBASE, COMMENTCOLOUR, ANNOTATIONCOLOUR, AJAXBASEPROGRESS, CLICKTIMEOUT */ /** * Provides an in browser PDF editor. * * @module moodle-assignfeedback_editpdf-editor */ /** * EDITOR * This is an in browser PDF editor. * * @namespace M.assignfeedback_editpdf * @class editor * @constructor * @extends Y.Base */ var EDITOR = function() { EDITOR.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; EDITOR.prototype = { /** * Store old coordinates of the annotations before rotation happens. */ oldannotationcoordinates: null, /** * The dialogue used for all action menu displays. * * @property type * @type M.core.dialogue * @protected */ dialogue: null, /** * The panel used for all action menu displays. * * @property type * @type Y.Node * @protected */ panel: null, /** * The number of pages in the pdf. * * @property pagecount * @type Number * @protected */ pagecount: 0, /** * The active page in the editor. * * @property currentpage * @type Number * @protected */ currentpage: 0, /** * A list of page objects. Each page has a list of comments and annotations. * * @property pages * @type array * @protected */ pages: [], /** * The reported status of the document. * * @property documentstatus * @type int * @protected */ documentstatus: 0, /** * The yui node for the loading icon. * * @property loadingicon * @type Node * @protected */ loadingicon: null, /** * Image object of the current page image. * * @property pageimage * @type Image * @protected */ pageimage: null, /** * YUI Graphic class for drawing shapes. * * @property graphic * @type Graphic * @protected */ graphic: null, /** * Info about the current edit operation. * * @property currentedit * @type M.assignfeedback_editpdf.edit * @protected */ currentedit: new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.edit(), /** * Current drawable. * * @property currentdrawable * @type M.assignfeedback_editpdf.drawable|false * @protected */ currentdrawable: false, /** * Current drawables. * * @property drawables * @type array(M.assignfeedback_editpdf.drawable) * @protected */ drawables: [], /** * Current comment when the comment menu is open. * @property currentcomment * @type M.assignfeedback_editpdf.comment * @protected */ currentcomment: null, /** * Current annotation when the select tool is used. * @property currentannotation * @type M.assignfeedback_editpdf.annotation * @protected */ currentannotation: null, /** * Track the previous annotation so we can remove selection highlights. * @property lastannotation * @type M.assignfeedback_editpdf.annotation * @protected */ lastannotation: null, /** * Last selected annotation tool * @property lastannotationtool * @type String * @protected */ lastannotationtool: "pen", /** * The users comments quick list * @property quicklist * @type M.assignfeedback_editpdf.quickcommentlist * @protected */ quicklist: null, /** * The search comments window. * @property searchcommentswindow * @type M.core.dialogue * @protected */ searchcommentswindow: null, /** * The selected stamp picture. * @property currentstamp * @type String * @protected */ currentstamp: null, /** * The stamps. * @property stamps * @type Array * @protected */ stamps: [], /** * Prevent new comments from appearing * immediately after clicking off a current * comment * @property editingcomment * @type Boolean * @public */ editingcomment: false, /** * Should inactive comments be collapsed? * * @property collapsecomments * @type Boolean * @public */ collapsecomments: true, /** * Called during the initialisation process of the object. * @method initializer */ initializer: function() { var link; link = Y.one('#' + this.get('linkid')); if (link) { link.on('click', this.link_handler, this); link.on('key', this.link_handler, 'down:13', this); // We call the amd module to see if we can take control of the review panel. require(['mod_assign/grading_review_panel'], function(ReviewPanelManager) { var panelManager = new ReviewPanelManager(); var panel = panelManager.getReviewPanel('assignfeedback_editpdf'); if (panel) { panel = Y.one(panel); panel.empty(); link.ancestor('.fitem').hide(); this.open_in_panel(panel); } this.currentedit.start = false; this.currentedit.end = false; if (!this.get('readonly')) { this.quicklist = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.quickcommentlist(this); } }.bind(this)); } }, /** * Called to show/hide buttons and set the current colours/stamps. * @method refresh_button_state */ refresh_button_state: function() { var button, currenttoolnode, imgurl, drawingregion, stampimgurl, drawingcanvas; // Initalise the colour buttons. button = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.COMMENTCOLOURBUTTON); imgurl = M.util.image_url('background_colour_' + this.currentedit.commentcolour, 'assignfeedback_editpdf'); button.one('img').setAttribute('src', imgurl); if (this.currentedit.commentcolour === 'clear') { button.one('img').setStyle('borderStyle', 'dashed'); } else { button.one('img').setStyle('borderStyle', 'solid'); } button = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.ANNOTATIONCOLOURBUTTON); imgurl = M.util.image_url('colour_' + this.currentedit.annotationcolour, 'assignfeedback_editpdf'); button.one('img').setAttribute('src', imgurl); currenttoolnode = this.get_dialogue_element(TOOLSELECTOR[this.currentedit.tool]); currenttoolnode.addClass('assignfeedback_editpdf_selectedbutton'); currenttoolnode.setAttribute('aria-pressed', 'true'); drawingregion = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.DRAWINGREGION); drawingregion.setAttribute('data-currenttool', this.currentedit.tool); button = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.STAMPSBUTTON); stampimgurl = this.get_stamp_image_url(this.currentedit.stamp); button.one('img').setAttrs({'src': stampimgurl, 'height': '16', 'width': '16'}); drawingcanvas = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.DRAWINGCANVAS); switch (this.currentedit.tool) { case 'drag': drawingcanvas.setStyle('cursor', 'move'); break; case 'highlight': drawingcanvas.setStyle('cursor', 'text'); break; case 'select': drawingcanvas.setStyle('cursor', 'default'); break; case 'stamp': drawingcanvas.setStyle('cursor', 'url(' + stampimgurl + '), crosshair'); break; default: drawingcanvas.setStyle('cursor', 'crosshair'); } }, /** * Called to get the bounds of the drawing region. * @method get_canvas_bounds */ get_canvas_bounds: function() { var canvas = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.DRAWINGCANVAS), offsetcanvas = canvas.getXY(), offsetleft = offsetcanvas[0], offsettop = offsetcanvas[1], width = parseInt(canvas.getStyle('width'), 10), height = parseInt(canvas.getStyle('height'), 10); return new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.rect(offsetleft, offsettop, width, height); }, /** * Called to translate from window coordinates to canvas coordinates. * @method get_canvas_coordinates * @param M.assignfeedback_editpdf.point point in window coordinats. */ get_canvas_coordinates: function(point) { var bounds = this.get_canvas_bounds(), newpoint = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.point(point.x - bounds.x, point.y - bounds.y); bounds.x = bounds.y = 0; newpoint.clip(bounds); return newpoint; }, /** * Called to translate from canvas coordinates to window coordinates. * @method get_window_coordinates * @param M.assignfeedback_editpdf.point point in window coordinats. */ get_window_coordinates: function(point) { var bounds = this.get_canvas_bounds(), newpoint = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.point(point.x + bounds.x, point.y + bounds.y); return newpoint; }, /** * Open the edit-pdf editor in the panel in the page instead of a popup. * @method open_in_panel */ open_in_panel: function(panel) { var drawingcanvas; this.panel = panel; panel.append(this.get('body')); panel.addClass(CSS.DIALOGUE); this.loadingicon = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.LOADINGICON); drawingcanvas = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.DRAWINGCANVAS); this.graphic = new Y.Graphic({render: drawingcanvas}); if (!this.get('readonly')) { drawingcanvas.on('gesturemovestart', this.edit_start, null, this); drawingcanvas.on('gesturemove', this.edit_move, null, this); drawingcanvas.on('gesturemoveend', this.edit_end, null, this); this.refresh_button_state(); } this.start_generation(); }, /** * Called to open the pdf editing dialogue. * @method link_handler */ link_handler: function(e) { var drawingcanvas; var resize = true; e.preventDefault(); if (!this.dialogue) { this.dialogue = new M.core.dialogue({ headerContent: this.get('header'), bodyContent: this.get('body'), footerContent: this.get('footer'), modal: true, width: '840px', visible: false, draggable: true }); // Add custom class for styling. this.dialogue.get('boundingBox').addClass(CSS.DIALOGUE); this.loadingicon = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.LOADINGICON); drawingcanvas = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.DRAWINGCANVAS); this.graphic = new Y.Graphic({render: drawingcanvas}); if (!this.get('readonly')) { drawingcanvas.on('gesturemovestart', this.edit_start, null, this); drawingcanvas.on('gesturemove', this.edit_move, null, this); drawingcanvas.on('gesturemoveend', this.edit_end, null, this); this.refresh_button_state(); } this.start_generation(); drawingcanvas.on('windowresize', this.resize, this); resize = false; } this.dialogue.centerDialogue(); this.dialogue.show(); // Redraw when the dialogue is moved, to ensure the absolute elements are all positioned correctly. this.dialogue.dd.on('drag:end', this.redraw, this); if (resize) { this.resize(); // When re-opening the dialog call redraw, to make sure the size + layout is correct. } }, /** * Called to load the information and annotations for all pages. * * @method start_generation */ start_generation: function() { this.poll_document_conversion_status(); }, /** * Poll the current document conversion status and start the next step * in the process. * * @method poll_document_conversion_status */ poll_document_conversion_status: function() { var requestUserId = this.get('userid'); Y.io(AJAXBASE, { method: 'get', context: this, sync: false, data: { sesskey: M.cfg.sesskey, action: 'pollconversions', userid: this.get('userid'), attemptnumber: this.get('attemptnumber'), assignmentid: this.get('assignmentid'), readonly: this.get('readonly') ? 1 : 0 }, on: { success: function(tid, response) { var currentUserRegion = Y.one(SELECTOR.USERINFOREGION); if (currentUserRegion) { var currentUserId = currentUserRegion.getAttribute('data-userid'); if (currentUserId && (currentUserId != requestUserId)) { // Polling conversion status needs to abort because // the current user changed. return; } } var data = this.handle_response_data(response), poll = false; if (data) { this.documentstatus = data.status; if (data.status === 0) { // The combined document is still waiting for input to be ready. poll = true; } else if (data.status === 1 || data.status === 3) { // The combine document is ready for conversion into a single PDF. poll = true; } else if (data.status === 2 || data.status === -1) { // The combined PDF is ready. // We now know the page count and can convert it to a set of images. this.pagecount = data.pagecount; if (data.pageready == data.pagecount) { this.prepare_pages_for_display(data); } else { // Some pages are not ready yet. // Note: We use a different polling process here which does not block. this.update_page_load_progress(); // Fetch the images for the combined document. this.start_document_to_image_conversion(); } } if (poll) { // Check again in 1 second. Y.later(1000, this, this.poll_document_conversion_status); } } }, failure: function(tid, response) { return new M.core.exception(response.responseText); } } }); }, /** * Spwan the PDF to Image conversion on the server. * * @method get_images_for_documents */ start_document_to_image_conversion: function() { Y.io(AJAXBASE, { method: 'get', context: this, sync: false, data: { sesskey: M.cfg.sesskey, action: 'pollconversions', userid: this.get('userid'), attemptnumber: this.get('attemptnumber'), assignmentid: this.get('assignmentid'), readonly: this.get('readonly') ? 1 : 0 }, on: { success: function(tid, response) { var data = this.handle_response_data(response); if (data) { this.documentstatus = data.status; if (data.status === 2) { // The pages are ready. Add all of the annotations to them. this.prepare_pages_for_display(data); } } }, failure: function(tid, response) { return new M.core.exception(response.responseText); } } }); }, /** * Display an error in a small part of the page (don't block everything). * * @param string The error text. * @param boolean dismissable Not critical messages can be removed after a short display. * @protected * @method warning */ warning: function(message, dismissable) { var icontemplate = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.ICONMESSAGECONTAINER); var warningregion = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.WARNINGMESSAGECONTAINER); var delay = 15, duration = 1; var messageclasses = 'assignfeedback_editpdf_warningmessages alert alert-warning'; if (dismissable) { delay = 4; messageclasses = 'assignfeedback_editpdf_warningmessages alert alert-info'; } var warningelement = Y.Node.create('
'); // Copy info icon template. warningelement.append(icontemplate.one('*').cloneNode()); // Append the message. warningelement.append(message); // Add the entire warning to the container. warningregion.prepend(warningelement); // Remove the message after a short delay. warningelement.transition( { duration: duration, delay: delay, opacity: 0 }, function() { warningelement.remove(); } ); }, /** * The info about all pages in the pdf has been returned. * * @param string The ajax response as text. * @protected * @method prepare_pages_for_display */ prepare_pages_for_display: function(data) { var i, j, comment, error, annotation, readonly; if (!data.pagecount) { if (this.dialogue) { this.dialogue.hide(); } // Display alert dialogue. error = new M.core.alert({message: M.util.get_string('cannotopenpdf', 'assignfeedback_editpdf')}); error.show(); return; } this.pages = data.pages; for (i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++) { for (j = 0; j < this.pages[i].comments.length; j++) { comment = this.pages[i].comments[j]; this.pages[i].comments[j] = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.comment(this, comment.gradeid, comment.pageno, comment.x, comment.y, comment.width, comment.colour, comment.rawtext); } for (j = 0; j < this.pages[i].annotations.length; j++) { annotation = this.pages[i].annotations[j]; this.pages[i].annotations[j] = this.create_annotation(annotation.type, annotation); } } readonly = this.get('readonly'); if (!readonly && data.partial) { // Warn about non converted files, but only for teachers. this.warning(M.util.get_string('partialwarning', 'assignfeedback_editpdf'), false); } // Update the ui. if (this.quicklist) { this.quicklist.load(); } this.setup_navigation(); this.setup_toolbar(); this.change_page(); }, /** * Fetch the page images. * * @method update_page_load_progress */ update_page_load_progress: function() { var checkconversionstatus, ajax_error_total = 0, progressbar = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.PROGRESSBARCONTAINER + ' .bar'); if (!progressbar) { return; } // If pages are not loaded, check PDF conversion status for the progress bar. checkconversionstatus = { method: 'get', context: this, sync: false, data: { sesskey: M.cfg.sesskey, action: 'conversionstatus', userid: this.get('userid'), attemptnumber: this.get('attemptnumber'), assignmentid: this.get('assignmentid') }, on: { success: function(tid, response) { ajax_error_total = 0; var progress = 0; var progressbar = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.PROGRESSBARCONTAINER + ' .bar'); if (progressbar) { // Calculate progress. progress = (response.response / this.pagecount) * 100; progressbar.setStyle('width', progress + '%'); progressbar.ancestor(SELECTOR.PROGRESSBARCONTAINER).setAttribute('aria-valuenow', progress); if (progress < 100) { // Keep polling until all pages are generated. M.util.js_pending('checkconversionstatus'); Y.later(1000, this, function() { M.util.js_complete('checkconversionstatus'); Y.io(AJAXBASEPROGRESS, checkconversionstatus); }); } } }, failure: function(tid, response) { ajax_error_total = ajax_error_total + 1; // We only continue on error if the all pages were not generated, // and if the ajax call did not produce 5 errors in the row. if (this.pagecount === 0 && ajax_error_total < 5) { M.util.js_pending('checkconversionstatus'); Y.later(1000, this, function() { M.util.js_complete('checkconversionstatus'); Y.io(AJAXBASEPROGRESS, checkconversionstatus); }); } return new M.core.exception(response.responseText); } } }; // We start the AJAX "generated page total number" call a second later to give a chance to // the AJAX "combined pdf generation" call to clean the previous submission images. M.util.js_pending('checkconversionstatus'); Y.later(1000, this, function() { ajax_error_total = 0; M.util.js_complete('checkconversionstatus'); Y.io(AJAXBASEPROGRESS, checkconversionstatus); }); }, /** * Handle response data. * * @method handle_response_data * @param {object} response * @return {object} */ handle_response_data: function(response) { var data; try { data = Y.JSON.parse(response.responseText); if (data.error) { if (this.dialogue) { this.dialogue.hide(); } new M.core.alert({ message: M.util.get_string('cannotopenpdf', 'assignfeedback_editpdf'), visible: true }); } else { return data; } } catch (e) { if (this.dialogue) { this.dialogue.hide(); } new M.core.alert({ title: M.util.get_string('cannotopenpdf', 'assignfeedback_editpdf'), visible: true }); } return; }, /** * Get the full pluginfile url for an image file - just given the filename. * * @public * @method get_stamp_image_url * @param string filename */ get_stamp_image_url: function(filename) { var urls = this.get('stampfiles'), fullurl = ''; Y.Array.each(urls, function(url) { if (url.indexOf(filename) > 0) { fullurl = url; } }, this); return fullurl; }, /** * Attach listeners and enable the color picker buttons. * @protected * @method setup_toolbar */ setup_toolbar: function() { var toolnode, commentcolourbutton, annotationcolourbutton, searchcommentsbutton, expcolcommentsbutton, rotateleftbutton, rotaterightbutton, currentstampbutton, stampfiles, picker, filename; searchcommentsbutton = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.SEARCHCOMMENTSBUTTON); searchcommentsbutton.on('click', this.open_search_comments, this); searchcommentsbutton.on('key', this.open_search_comments, 'down:13', this); expcolcommentsbutton = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.EXPCOLCOMMENTSBUTTON); expcolcommentsbutton.on('click', this.expandCollapseComments, this); expcolcommentsbutton.on('key', this.expandCollapseComments, 'down:13', this); if (this.get('readonly')) { return; } // Rotate Left. rotateleftbutton = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.ROTATELEFTBUTTON); rotateleftbutton.on('click', this.rotatePDF, this, true); rotateleftbutton.on('key', this.rotatePDF, 'down:13', this, true); // Rotate Right. rotaterightbutton = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.ROTATERIGHTBUTTON); rotaterightbutton.on('click', this.rotatePDF, this, false); rotaterightbutton.on('key', this.rotatePDF, 'down:13', this, false); this.disable_touch_scroll(); // Setup the tool buttons. Y.each(TOOLSELECTOR, function(selector, tool) { toolnode = this.get_dialogue_element(selector); toolnode.on('click', this.handle_tool_button, this, tool); toolnode.on('key', this.handle_tool_button, 'down:13', this, tool); toolnode.setAttribute('aria-pressed', 'false'); }, this); // Set the default tool. commentcolourbutton = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.COMMENTCOLOURBUTTON); picker = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.colourpicker({ buttonNode: commentcolourbutton, colours: COMMENTCOLOUR, iconprefix: 'background_colour_', callback: function(e) { var colour = e.target.getAttribute('data-colour'); if (!colour) { colour = e.target.ancestor().getAttribute('data-colour'); } this.currentedit.commentcolour = colour; this.handle_tool_button(e, "comment"); }, context: this }); annotationcolourbutton = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.ANNOTATIONCOLOURBUTTON); picker = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.colourpicker({ buttonNode: annotationcolourbutton, iconprefix: 'colour_', colours: ANNOTATIONCOLOUR, callback: function(e) { var colour = e.target.getAttribute('data-colour'); if (!colour) { colour = e.target.ancestor().getAttribute('data-colour'); } this.currentedit.annotationcolour = colour; if (this.lastannotationtool) { this.handle_tool_button(e, this.lastannotationtool); } else { this.handle_tool_button(e, "pen"); } }, context: this }); stampfiles = this.get('stampfiles'); if (stampfiles.length <= 0) { this.get_dialogue_element(TOOLSELECTOR.stamp).ancestor().hide(); } else { filename = stampfiles[0].substr(stampfiles[0].lastIndexOf('/') + 1); this.currentedit.stamp = filename; currentstampbutton = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.STAMPSBUTTON); picker = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.stamppicker({ buttonNode: currentstampbutton, stamps: stampfiles, callback: function(e) { var stamp = e.target.getAttribute('data-stamp'), filename; if (!stamp) { stamp = e.target.ancestor().getAttribute('data-stamp'); } filename = stamp.substr(stamp.lastIndexOf('/')); this.currentedit.stamp = filename; this.handle_tool_button(e, "stamp"); }, context: this }); this.refresh_button_state(); } }, /** * Change the current tool. * @protected * @method handle_tool_button */ handle_tool_button: function(e, tool) { var currenttoolnode; e.preventDefault(); // Change style of the pressed button. currenttoolnode = this.get_dialogue_element(TOOLSELECTOR[this.currentedit.tool]); currenttoolnode.removeClass('assignfeedback_editpdf_selectedbutton'); currenttoolnode.setAttribute('aria-pressed', 'false'); this.currentedit.tool = tool; if (tool !== "comment" && tool !== "select" && tool !== "drag" && tool !== "stamp") { this.lastannotationtool = tool; } this.refresh_button_state(); }, /** * JSON encode the current page data - stripping out drawable references which cannot be encoded. * @protected * @method stringify_current_page * @return string */ stringify_current_page: function() { var comments = [], annotations = [], page, i = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.pages[this.currentpage].comments.length; i++) { comments[i] = this.pages[this.currentpage].comments[i].clean(); } for (i = 0; i < this.pages[this.currentpage].annotations.length; i++) { annotations[i] = this.pages[this.currentpage].annotations[i].clean(); } page = {comments: comments, annotations: annotations}; return Y.JSON.stringify(page); }, /** * Generate a drawable from the current in progress edit. * @protected * @method get_current_drawable */ get_current_drawable: function() { var comment, annotation, drawable = false; if (!this.currentedit.start || !this.currentedit.end) { return false; } if (this.currentedit.tool === 'comment') { comment = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.comment(this); drawable = comment.draw_current_edit(this.currentedit); } else { annotation = this.create_annotation(this.currentedit.tool, {}); if (annotation) { drawable = annotation.draw_current_edit(this.currentedit); } } return drawable; }, /** * Find an element within the dialogue. * @protected * @method get_dialogue_element */ get_dialogue_element: function(selector) { if (this.panel) { return this.panel.one(selector); } else { return this.dialogue.get('boundingBox').one(selector); } }, /** * Redraw the active edit. * @protected * @method redraw_active_edit */ redraw_current_edit: function() { if (this.currentdrawable) { this.currentdrawable.erase(); } this.currentdrawable = this.get_current_drawable(); }, /** * Event handler for mousedown or touchstart. * @protected * @param Event * @method edit_start */ edit_start: function(e) { var canvas = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.DRAWINGCANVAS), offset = canvas.getXY(), scrolltop = canvas.get('docScrollY'), scrollleft = canvas.get('docScrollX'), point = {x: e.clientX - offset[0] + scrollleft, y: e.clientY - offset[1] + scrolltop}, selected = false; // Ignore right mouse click. if (e.button === 3) { return; } if (this.currentedit.starttime) { return; } if (this.editingcomment) { return; } this.currentedit.starttime = new Date().getTime(); this.currentedit.start = point; this.currentedit.end = {x: point.x, y: point.y}; if (this.currentedit.tool === 'select') { var x = this.currentedit.end.x, y = this.currentedit.end.y, annotations = this.pages[this.currentpage].annotations; // Find the first annotation whose bounds encompass the click. Y.each(annotations, function(annotation) { if (((x - annotation.x) * (x - annotation.endx)) <= 0 && ((y - annotation.y) * (y - annotation.endy)) <= 0) { selected = annotation; } }); if (selected) { this.lastannotation = this.currentannotation; this.currentannotation = selected; if (this.lastannotation && this.lastannotation !== selected) { // Redraw the last selected annotation to remove the highlight. if (this.lastannotation.drawable) { this.lastannotation.drawable.erase(); this.drawables.push(this.lastannotation.draw()); } } // Redraw the newly selected annotation to show the highlight. if (this.currentannotation.drawable) { this.currentannotation.drawable.erase(); } this.drawables.push(this.currentannotation.draw()); } else { this.lastannotation = this.currentannotation; this.currentannotation = null; // Redraw the last selected annotation to remove the highlight. if (this.lastannotation && this.lastannotation.drawable) { this.lastannotation.drawable.erase(); this.drawables.push(this.lastannotation.draw()); } } } if (this.currentannotation) { // Used to calculate drag offset. this.currentedit.annotationstart = {x: this.currentannotation.x, y: this.currentannotation.y}; } }, /** * Event handler for mousemove. * @protected * @param Event * @method edit_move */ edit_move: function(e) { var bounds = this.get_canvas_bounds(), canvas = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.DRAWINGCANVAS), drawingregion = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.DRAWINGREGION), clientpoint = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.point(e.clientX + canvas.get('docScrollX'), e.clientY + canvas.get('docScrollY')), point = this.get_canvas_coordinates(clientpoint), activeelement = document.activeElement, diffX, diffY; if (activeelement.type === 'textarea') { return; } e.preventDefault(); // Ignore events out of the canvas area. if (point.x < 0 || point.x > bounds.width || point.y < 0 || point.y > bounds.height) { return; } if (this.currentedit.tool === 'pen') { this.currentedit.path.push(point); } if (this.currentedit.tool === 'select') { if (this.currentannotation && this.currentedit) { this.currentannotation.move(this.currentedit.annotationstart.x + point.x - this.currentedit.start.x, this.currentedit.annotationstart.y + point.y - this.currentedit.start.y); } } else if (this.currentedit.tool === 'drag') { diffX = point.x - this.currentedit.start.x; diffY = point.y - this.currentedit.start.y; drawingregion.getDOMNode().scrollLeft -= diffX; drawingregion.getDOMNode().scrollTop -= diffY; } else { if (this.currentedit.start) { this.currentedit.end = point; this.redraw_current_edit(); } } }, /** * Event handler for mouseup or touchend. * @protected * @param Event * @method edit_end */ edit_end: function() { var duration, comment, annotation; duration = new Date().getTime() - this.currentedit.start; if (duration < CLICKTIMEOUT || this.currentedit.start === false) { return; } if (this.currentedit.tool === 'comment') { if (this.currentdrawable) { this.currentdrawable.erase(); } this.currentdrawable = false; comment = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.comment(this); if (comment.init_from_edit(this.currentedit)) { this.pages[this.currentpage].comments.push(comment); this.drawables.push(comment.draw(true)); this.editingcomment = true; } } else { annotation = this.create_annotation(this.currentedit.tool, {}); if (annotation) { if (this.currentdrawable) { this.currentdrawable.erase(); } this.currentdrawable = false; if (annotation.init_from_edit(this.currentedit)) { this.pages[this.currentpage].annotations.push(annotation); this.drawables.push(annotation.draw()); } } } // Save the changes. this.save_current_page(); // Reset the current edit. this.currentedit.starttime = 0; this.currentedit.start = false; this.currentedit.end = false; this.currentedit.path = []; }, /** * Resize the dialogue window when the browser is resized. * @public * @method resize */ resize: function() { var drawingregion, drawregionheight; if (this.dialogue) { if (!this.dialogue.get('visible')) { return; } this.dialogue.centerDialogue(); } // Make sure the dialogue box is not bigger than the max height of the viewport. drawregionheight = Y.one('body').get('winHeight') - 120; // Space for toolbar + titlebar. if (drawregionheight < 100) { drawregionheight = 100; } drawingregion = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.DRAWINGREGION); if (this.dialogue) { drawingregion.setStyle('maxHeight', drawregionheight + 'px'); } this.redraw(); return true; }, /** * Factory method for creating annotations of the correct subclass. * @public * @method create_annotation */ create_annotation: function(type, data) { data.type = type; data.editor = this; if (type === "line") { return new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.annotationline(data); } else if (type === "rectangle") { return new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.annotationrectangle(data); } else if (type === "oval") { return new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.annotationoval(data); } else if (type === "pen") { return new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.annotationpen(data); } else if (type === "highlight") { return new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.annotationhighlight(data); } else if (type === "stamp") { return new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.annotationstamp(data); } return false; }, /** * Save all the annotations and comments for the current page. * @protected * @method save_current_page */ save_current_page: function() { this.clear_warnings(false); var ajaxurl = AJAXBASE, config; config = { method: 'post', context: this, sync: false, data: { 'sesskey': M.cfg.sesskey, 'action': 'savepage', 'index': this.currentpage, 'userid': this.get('userid'), 'attemptnumber': this.get('attemptnumber'), 'assignmentid': this.get('assignmentid'), 'page': this.stringify_current_page() }, on: { success: function(tid, response) { var jsondata; try { jsondata = Y.JSON.parse(response.responseText); if (jsondata.error) { return new M.core.ajaxException(jsondata); } // Show warning that we have not saved the feedback. Y.one(SELECTOR.UNSAVEDCHANGESINPUT).set('value', 'true'); this.warning(M.util.get_string('draftchangessaved', 'assignfeedback_editpdf'), true); } catch (e) { return new M.core.exception(e); } }, failure: function(tid, response) { return new M.core.exception(response.responseText); } } }; Y.io(ajaxurl, config); }, /** * Event handler to open the comment search interface. * * @param Event e * @protected * @method open_search_comments */ open_search_comments: function(e) { if (!this.searchcommentswindow) { this.searchcommentswindow = new M.assignfeedback_editpdf.commentsearch({ editor: this }); } this.searchcommentswindow.show(); e.preventDefault(); }, /** * Toggle function to expand/collapse all comments on page. * * @protected * @method expandCollapseComments */ expandCollapseComments: function() { var comments = Y.all('.commentdrawable'); if (this.collapsecomments) { this.collapsecomments = false; comments.removeClass('commentcollapsed'); } else { this.collapsecomments = true; comments.addClass('commentcollapsed'); } }, /** * Redraw all the comments and annotations. * @protected * @method redraw */ redraw: function() { var i, page; page = this.pages[this.currentpage]; if (page === undefined) { return; // Can happen if a redraw is triggered by an event, before the page has been selected. } while (this.drawables.length > 0) { this.drawables.pop().erase(); } for (i = 0; i < page.annotations.length; i++) { this.drawables.push(page.annotations[i].draw()); } for (i = 0; i < page.comments.length; i++) { this.drawables.push(page.comments[i].draw(false)); } }, /** * Clear all current warning messages from display. * @protected * @method clear_warnings * @param {Boolean} allwarnings If true, all previous warnings are removed. */ clear_warnings: function(allwarnings) { // Remove all warning messages, they may not relate to the current document or page anymore. var warningregion = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.WARNINGMESSAGECONTAINER); if (allwarnings) { warningregion.empty(); } else { warningregion.all('.alert-info').remove(true); } }, /** * Load the image for this pdf page and remove the loading icon (if there). * @protected * @method change_page */ change_page: function() { var drawingcanvas = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.DRAWINGCANVAS), page, previousbutton, nextbutton; previousbutton = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.PREVIOUSBUTTON); nextbutton = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.NEXTBUTTON); if (this.currentpage > 0) { previousbutton.removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { previousbutton.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); } if (this.currentpage < (this.pagecount - 1)) { nextbutton.removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { nextbutton.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); } page = this.pages[this.currentpage]; if (this.loadingicon) { this.loadingicon.hide(); } drawingcanvas.setStyle('backgroundImage', 'url("' + page.url + '")'); drawingcanvas.setStyle('width', page.width + 'px'); drawingcanvas.setStyle('height', page.height + 'px'); drawingcanvas.scrollIntoView(); // Update page select. this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.PAGESELECT).set('selectedIndex', this.currentpage); this.resize(); // Internally will call 'redraw', after checking the dialogue size. }, /** * Now we know how many pages there are, * we can enable the navigation controls. * @protected * @method setup_navigation */ setup_navigation: function() { var pageselect, i, strinfo, option, previousbutton, nextbutton; pageselect = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.PAGESELECT); var options = pageselect.all('option'); if (options.size() <= 1) { for (i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++) { option = Y.Node.create('
'); option.setAttribute('value', i); strinfo = {page: i + 1, total: this.pages.length}; option.setHTML(M.util.get_string('pagexofy', 'assignfeedback_editpdf', strinfo)); pageselect.append(option); } } pageselect.removeAttribute('disabled'); pageselect.on('change', function() { this.currentpage = pageselect.get('value'); this.clear_warnings(false); this.change_page(); }, this); previousbutton = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.PREVIOUSBUTTON); nextbutton = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.NEXTBUTTON); previousbutton.on('click', this.previous_page, this); previousbutton.on('key', this.previous_page, 'down:13', this); nextbutton.on('click', this.next_page, this); nextbutton.on('key', this.next_page, 'down:13', this); }, /** * Navigate to the previous page. * @protected * @method previous_page */ previous_page: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.currentpage--; if (this.currentpage < 0) { this.currentpage = 0; } this.clear_warnings(false); this.change_page(); }, /** * Navigate to the next page. * @protected * @method next_page */ next_page: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.currentpage++; if (this.currentpage >= this.pages.length) { this.currentpage = this.pages.length - 1; } this.clear_warnings(false); this.change_page(); }, /** * Update any absolutely positioned nodes, within each drawable, when the drawing canvas is scrolled * @protected * @method move_canvas */ move_canvas: function() { var drawingregion, x, y, i; drawingregion = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.DRAWINGREGION); x = parseInt(drawingregion.get('scrollLeft'), 10); y = parseInt(drawingregion.get('scrollTop'), 10); for (i = 0; i < this.drawables.length; i++) { this.drawables[i].scroll_update(x, y); } }, /** * Calculate degree to rotate. * @protected * @param {Object} e javascript event * @param {boolean} left true if rotating left, false if rotating right * @method rotatepdf */ rotatePDF: function(e, left) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.get('destroyed')) { return; } var self = this; // Save old coordinates. var i; this.oldannotationcoordinates = []; var annotations = this.pages[this.currentpage].annotations; for (i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) { var oldannotation = annotations[i]; this.oldannotationcoordinates.push([oldannotation.x, oldannotation.y]); } var ajaxurl = AJAXBASE; var config = { method: 'post', context: this, sync: false, data: { 'sesskey': M.cfg.sesskey, 'action': 'rotatepage', 'index': this.currentpage, 'userid': this.get('userid'), 'attemptnumber': this.get('attemptnumber'), 'assignmentid': this.get('assignmentid'), 'rotateleft': left }, on: { success: function(tid, response) { var jsondata; try { jsondata = Y.JSON.parse(response.responseText); var page = self.pages[self.currentpage]; page.url = jsondata.page.url; page.width = jsondata.page.width; page.height = jsondata.page.height; self.loadingicon.hide(); // Change canvas size to fix the new page. var drawingcanvas = self.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.DRAWINGCANVAS); drawingcanvas.setStyle('backgroundImage', 'url("' + page.url + '")'); drawingcanvas.setStyle('width', page.width + 'px'); drawingcanvas.setStyle('height', page.height + 'px'); /** * Move annotation to old position. * Reason: When canvas size change * > Shape annotations move with relation to canvas coordinates * > Nodes of stamp annotations move with relation to canvas coordinates * > Presentation (picture) of stamp annotations stay to document coordinates (stick to its own position) * > Without relocating the node and presentation of a stamp annotation to the same x,y position, * the stamp annotation cannot be chosen when using "drag" tool. * The following code brings all annotations to their old positions with relation to the canvas coordinates. */ var i; // Annotations. var annotations = page.annotations; for (i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) { if (self.oldannotationcoordinates && self.oldannotationcoordinates[i]) { var oldX = self.oldannotationcoordinates[i][0]; var oldY = self.oldannotationcoordinates[i][1]; var annotation = annotations[i]; annotation.move(oldX, oldY); } } /** * Update Position of comments with relation to canvas coordinates. * Without this code, the comments will stay at their positions in windows/document coordinates. */ var oldcomments = page.comments; for (i = 0; i < oldcomments.length; i++) { oldcomments[i].updatePosition(); } // Save Annotations. return self.save_current_page(); } catch (e) { return new M.core.exception(e); } }, failure: function(tid, response) { return new M.core.exception(response.responseText); } } }; Y.io(ajaxurl, config); }, /** * Test the browser support for options objects on event listeners. * @return Boolean */ event_listener_options_supported: function() { var passivesupported = false, options, testeventname = "testpassiveeventoptions"; // Options support testing example from: // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/addEventListener try { options = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", { get: function() { passivesupported = true; } }); // We use an event name that is not likely to conflict with any real event. document.addEventListener(testeventname, options, options); // We remove the event listener as we have tested the options already. document.removeEventListener(testeventname, options, options); } catch(err) { // It's already false. passivesupported = false; } return passivesupported; }, /** * Disable Touch Move scrolling */ disable_touch_scroll: function() { if (this.event_listener_options_supported()) { document.addEventListener('touchmove', this.stop_touch_scroll.bind(this), {passive: false}); } }, /** * Stop Touch Scrolling * @param {Object} e */ stop_touch_scroll: function(e) { var drawingregion = this.get_dialogue_element(SELECTOR.DRAWINGREGION); if (drawingregion.contains(e.target)) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } } }; Y.extend(EDITOR, Y.Base, EDITOR.prototype, { NAME: 'moodle-assignfeedback_editpdf-editor', ATTRS: { userid: { validator: Y.Lang.isInteger, value: 0 }, assignmentid: { validator: Y.Lang.isInteger, value: 0 }, attemptnumber: { validator: Y.Lang.isInteger, value: 0 }, header: { validator: Y.Lang.isString, value: '' }, body: { validator: Y.Lang.isString, value: '' }, footer: { validator: Y.Lang.isString, value: '' }, linkid: { validator: Y.Lang.isString, value: '' }, deletelinkid: { validator: Y.Lang.isString, value: '' }, readonly: { validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean, value: true }, stampfiles: { validator: Y.Lang.isArray, value: '' } } }); M.assignfeedback_editpdf = M.assignfeedback_editpdf || {}; M.assignfeedback_editpdf.editor = M.assignfeedback_editpdf.editor || {}; /** * Init function - will create a new instance every time. * @method editor.init * @static * @param {Object} params */ M.assignfeedback_editpdf.editor.init = M.assignfeedback_editpdf.editor.init || function(params) { M.assignfeedback_editpdf.instance = new EDITOR(params); return M.assignfeedback_editpdf.instance; };