// Define a function that will run in the context of a // Node instance: var CSS = { LINK: 'mod-assign-history-link', OPEN: 'mod-assign-history-link-open', CLOSED: 'mod-assign-history-link-closed', PANEL: 'mod-assign-history-panel' }, COUNT = 0, TOGGLE = function() { var id = this.get('for'), panel = Y.one('#' + id); if (this.hasClass(CSS.OPEN)) { this.removeClass(CSS.OPEN); this.addClass(CSS.CLOSED); this.setStyle('overflow', 'hidden'); panel.hide(); } else { this.removeClass(CSS.CLOSED); this.addClass(CSS.OPEN); panel.show(); } }, HISTORY = function() { var link = null, panel = null, wrapper = null, container = this; // Loop through all the children of this container and turn // every odd node to a link to open/close the following panel. this.get('children').each(function() { if (link) { COUNT++; // First convert the link to an anchor. wrapper = Y.Node.create('
'); panel = this; container.insertBefore(wrapper, link); link.remove(false); wrapper.appendChild(link); // Add a for attribute to the link to link to the id of the panel. if (!panel.get('id')) { panel.set('id', CSS.PANEL + COUNT); } wrapper.set('for', panel.get('id')); // Add an aria attribute for the live region. panel.set('aria-live', 'polite'); wrapper.addClass(CSS.LINK); if (COUNT == 1) { wrapper.addClass(CSS.OPEN); } else { wrapper.addClass(CSS.CLOSED); } panel.addClass(CSS.PANEL); if (COUNT == 1) { panel.show(); } else { panel.hide(); } link = null; } else { link = this; } }); // Setup event listeners. this.delegate('click', TOGGLE, '.' + CSS.LINK); }; // Use addMethod to add history to the Node prototype: Y.Node.addMethod("history", HISTORY); // Extend this functionality to NodeLists. Y.NodeList.importMethod(Y.Node.prototype, "history");