. /** * Discussion summary exporter class. * * @package mod_forum * @copyright 2019 Andrew Nicols
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace mod_forum\local\exporters; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); use mod_forum\local\entities\discussion_summary as discussion_summary_entity; use core\external\exporter; use renderer_base; /** * Discussion summary exporter class. * * @copyright 2019 Andrew Nicols
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class discussion_summary extends exporter { /** @var discussion_summary_entity The discussion summary information */ private $summary; /** @var stdClass[] The group information for each author */ private $groupsbyid; /** @var stdClass[] The group information for each author */ private $groupsbyauthorid; /** @var int The number of replies to the discussion */ private $replycount; /** @var int number of unread posts if the user is tracking these */ private $unreadcount; /** @var int The latest post id in the discussion */ private $latestpostid; /** @var int|null The context id for the author of the first post */ private $firstpostauthorcontextid; /** @var int|null The context id for the author of the latest post */ private $latestpostauthorcontextid; /** * Constructor. * * @param discussion_summary_entity $summary The discussion summary information * @param stdClass[] $groupsbyid The group information for each author * @param stdClass[] $groupsbyauthorid The group information for each author * @param int $replycount The number of replies to the discussion * @param int $unreadcount number of unread posts if the user is tracking these * @param int $latestpostid The latest post id in the discussion * @param int|null $firstpostauthorcontextid The context id for the author of the first post * @param int|null $latestpostauthorcontextid The context id for the author of the latest post * @param array $related The related objects */ public function __construct( discussion_summary_entity $summary, array $groupsbyid, array $groupsbyauthorid, int $replycount, int $unreadcount, int $latestpostid, ?int $firstpostauthorcontextid, ?int $latestpostauthorcontextid, array $related = [] ) { $this->summary = $summary; $this->groupsbyid = $groupsbyid; $this->groupsbyauthorid = $groupsbyauthorid; $this->replycount = $replycount; $this->unreadcount = $unreadcount; $this->latestpostid = $latestpostid; $this->firstpostauthorcontextid = $firstpostauthorcontextid; $this->latestpostauthorcontextid = $latestpostauthorcontextid; return parent::__construct([], $related); } /** * Return the list of additional properties. * * @return array */ protected static function define_other_properties() { return [ 'id' => ['type' => PARAM_INT], 'discussion' => [ 'type' => discussion::read_properties_definition(), ], 'replies' => ['type' => PARAM_INT], 'unread' => ['type' => PARAM_INT], 'firstpostauthor' => [ 'type' => author::read_properties_definition(), ], 'latestpostauthor' => [ 'type' => author::read_properties_definition(), ], 'latestpostid' => ['type' => PARAM_INT], ]; } /** * Get the additional values to inject while exporting. * * @param renderer_base $output The renderer. * @return array Keys are the property names, values are their values. */ protected function get_other_values(renderer_base $output) { $capabilitymanager = $this->related['capabilitymanager']; $forum = $this->related['forum']; $user = $this->related['user']; $latestpostauthor = $this->related['latestauthor']; $discussion = $this->summary->get_discussion(); $related = (array) (object) $this->related; $related['latestpostid'] = $this->latestpostid; $related['groupsbyid'] = $this->groupsbyid; $discussionexporter = new discussion($discussion, $related); $related = [ 'urlfactory' => $this->related['urlfactory'], 'context' => $this->related['forum']->get_context(), 'forum' => $forum, ]; $firstpostauthor = new author( $this->summary->get_first_post_author(), $this->firstpostauthorcontextid, $this->groupsbyauthorid[$this->summary->get_first_post_author()->get_id()], $capabilitymanager->can_view_post( $user, $discussion, $this->summary->get_first_post() ), $related ); $latestpostauthor = new author( $latestpostauthor ?? $this->summary->get_latest_post_author(), $this->latestpostauthorcontextid, [], $capabilitymanager->can_view_post( $user, $discussion, $this->summary->get_first_post() ), $related ); return [ 'id' => $discussion->get_id(), 'discussion' => $discussionexporter->export($output), 'replies' => $this->replycount, 'unread' => $this->unreadcount, 'firstpostauthor' => $firstpostauthor->export($output), 'latestpostauthor' => $latestpostauthor->export($output), 'latestpostid' => $this->latestpostid, ]; } /** * Returns a list of objects that are related. * * @return array */ protected static function define_related() { return [ 'legacydatamapperfactory' => 'mod_forum\local\factories\legacy_data_mapper', 'context' => 'context', 'forum' => 'mod_forum\local\entities\forum', 'capabilitymanager' => 'mod_forum\local\managers\capability', 'urlfactory' => 'mod_forum\local\factories\url', 'user' => 'stdClass', 'favouriteids' => 'int[]?', 'latestauthor' => 'mod_forum\local\entities\author?' ]; } }