/*///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This code is based off of // "Live Clock Lite" script - Version 1.0 // By Mark Plachetta (astroboy@zip.com.au) // // The original script displayed a clock. // Mark Nielsen modified it to be a countdown timer // for the lesson module in moodle. // // Below is the code that is used to call this page. // echo "\n"; // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ var stopclock = 0; var myclock = ''; var timeleft, hours, minutes, secs; var javatimeDate = new Date(); var javatime = javatimeDate.getTime(); javatime = Math.floor(javatime / 1000); if (typeof(clocksettings) != 'undefined') { if (clocksettings.starttime) { starttime = parseInt(clocksettings.starttime); } if (clocksettings.servertime) { servertime = parseInt(clocksettings.servertime); } if (clocksettings.testlength) { testlength = parseInt(clocksettings.testlength); } } difference = javatime - servertime; starttime = starttime + difference; /*function leave() { // feable attempt to run a script when someone leaves a timed test early, failed so far window.onunload = window.open('http://www.google.com','','toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,height=500,width=500'); } leave();*/ function show_clock() { currentDate = new Date(); current = currentDate.getTime(); current = Math.floor(current / 1000); var mytime = '', myclock = document.getElementById("lesson-timer"); if (current > starttime + testlength) { mytime += M.util.get_string('timeisup', 'lesson'); stopclock = 1; } else { timeleft = starttime + testlength - current; if (timeleft < 60) { myclock.className = "timeleft1"; } hours = Math.floor(timeleft / 3600); timeleft = timeleft - (hours * 3600); minutes = Math.floor(timeleft / 60); secs = timeleft - (minutes * 60); if (secs < 10) { secs = "0" + secs; } if (minutes < 10) { minutes = "0" + minutes; } mytime += hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + secs; } myclock.innerHTML = mytime; if (stopclock == 0) { setTimeout("show_clock()", 1000); } }