. /** * This file contains a class definition for the Context Settings resource * * @package ltiservice_toolsettings * @copyright 2014 Vital Source Technologies http://vitalsource.com * @author Stephen Vickers * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace ltiservice_toolsettings\local\resources; use ltiservice_toolsettings\local\service\toolsettings; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * A resource implementing the Context-level (ToolProxyBinding) Settings. * * @package ltiservice_toolsettings * @since Moodle 2.8 * @copyright 2014 Vital Source Technologies http://vitalsource.com * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class linksettings extends \mod_lti\local\ltiservice\resource_base { /** * Class constructor. * * @param \mod_lti\local\ltiservice\service_base $service Service instance */ public function __construct($service) { parent::__construct($service); $this->id = 'LtiLinkSettings'; $this->template = '/links/{link_id}(/custom)'; $this->variables[] = 'LtiLink.custom.url'; $this->formats[] = 'application/vnd.ims.lti.v2.toolsettings+json'; $this->formats[] = 'application/vnd.ims.lti.v2.toolsettings.simple+json'; $this->methods[] = 'GET'; $this->methods[] = 'PUT'; } /** * Execute the request for this resource. * * @param \mod_lti\local\ltiservice\response $response Response object for this request. */ public function execute($response) { global $DB, $COURSE; $params = $this->parse_template(); $linkid = $params['link_id']; $bubble = optional_param('bubble', '', PARAM_ALPHA); $contenttype = $response->get_accept(); $simpleformat = !empty($contenttype) && ($contenttype == $this->formats[1]); $ok = (empty($bubble) || ((($bubble == 'distinct') || ($bubble == 'all')))) && (!$simpleformat || empty($bubble) || ($bubble != 'all')) && (empty($bubble) || ($response->get_request_method() == self::HTTP_GET)); if (!$ok) { $response->set_code(406); } $systemsetting = null; $contextsetting = null; $lti = null; if ($ok) { $ok = !empty($linkid); if ($ok) { $lti = $DB->get_record('lti', array('id' => $linkid), 'course,typeid', MUST_EXIST); $ok = $this->check_tool($lti->typeid, $response->get_request_data(), array(toolsettings::SCOPE_TOOL_SETTINGS)); } if (!$ok) { $response->set_code(401); } } if ($ok) { if (!empty($this->get_service()->get_tool_proxy())) { $id = $this->get_service()->get_tool_proxy()->id; } else { $id = -$this->get_service()->get_type()->id; } if ($response->get_request_method() == 'GET') { $linksettings = lti_get_tool_settings($id, $lti->course, $linkid); if (!empty($bubble)) { $contextsetting = new contextsettings($this->get_service()); if ($COURSE == 'site') { $contextsetting->params['context_type'] = 'Group'; } else { $contextsetting->params['context_type'] = 'CourseSection'; } $contextsetting->params['context_id'] = $lti->course; if ($id >= 0) { $contextsetting->params['vendor_code'] = $this->get_service()->get_tool_proxy()->vendorcode; } else { $contextsetting->params['vendor_code'] = 'tool'; } $contextsetting->params['product_code'] = abs($id); $contextsettings = lti_get_tool_settings($id, $lti->course); $systemsetting = new systemsettings($this->get_service()); if ($id >= 0) { $systemsetting->params['config_type'] = 'toolproxy'; } else { $systemsetting->params['config_type'] = 'tool'; } $systemsetting->params['tool_proxy_id'] = abs($id); $systemsettings = lti_get_tool_settings($id); if ($bubble == 'distinct') { toolsettings::distinct_settings($systemsettings, $contextsettings, $linksettings); } } else { $contextsettings = null; $systemsettings = null; } $json = ''; if ($simpleformat) { $response->set_content_type($this->formats[1]); $json .= "{"; } else { $response->set_content_type($this->formats[0]); $json .= "{\n \"@context\":\"http://purl.imsglobal.org/ctx/lti/v2/ToolSettings\",\n \"@graph\":[\n"; } $settings = toolsettings::settings_to_json($systemsettings, $simpleformat, 'ToolProxy', $systemsetting); $json .= $settings; $isfirst = strlen($settings) <= 0; $settings = toolsettings::settings_to_json($contextsettings, $simpleformat, 'ToolProxyBinding', $contextsetting); if (strlen($settings) > 0) { if (!$isfirst) { $json .= ","; if (!$simpleformat) { $json .= "\n"; } } $isfirst = false; } $json .= $settings; $settings = toolsettings::settings_to_json($linksettings, $simpleformat, 'LtiLink', $this); if ((strlen($settings) > 0) && !$isfirst) { $json .= ","; if (!$simpleformat) { $json .= "\n"; } } $json .= $settings; if ($simpleformat) { $json .= "\n}"; } else { $json .= "\n ]\n}"; } $response->set_body($json); } else { // PUT. $settings = null; if ($response->get_content_type() == $this->formats[0]) { $json = json_decode($response->get_request_data()); $ok = !empty($json); if ($ok) { $ok = isset($json->{"@graph"}) && is_array($json->{"@graph"}) && (count($json->{"@graph"}) == 1) && ($json->{"@graph"}[0]->{"@type"} == 'LtiLink'); } if ($ok) { $settings = $json->{"@graph"}[0]->custom; unset($settings->{'@id'}); } } else { // Simple JSON. $json = json_decode($response->get_request_data(), true); $ok = !empty($json); if ($ok) { $ok = is_array($json); } if ($ok) { $settings = $json; } } if ($ok) { lti_set_tool_settings($settings, $id, $lti->course, $linkid); } else { $response->set_code(406); } } } } /** * Parse a value for custom parameter substitution variables. * * @param string $value String to be parsed * * @return string */ public function parse_value($value) { if (strpos($value, '$LtiLink.custom.url') !== false) { $id = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT); // Course Module ID. if (!empty($id)) { $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('lti', $id, 0, false, MUST_EXIST); $this->params['link_id'] = $cm->instance; } $value = str_replace('$LtiLink.custom.url', parent::get_endpoint(), $value); } return $value; } }