/* global TOOLBOX, BODY, SELECTOR */ /** * Resource and activity toolbox class. * * This class is responsible for managing AJAX interactions with activities and resources * when viewing a quiz in editing mode. * * @module mod_quiz-resource-toolbox * @namespace M.mod_quiz.resource_toolbox */ /** * Resource and activity toolbox class. * * This is a class extending TOOLBOX containing code specific to resources * * This class is responsible for managing AJAX interactions with activities and resources * when viewing a quiz in editing mode. * * @class resources * @constructor * @extends M.course.toolboxes.toolbox */ var RESOURCETOOLBOX = function() { RESOURCETOOLBOX.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; Y.extend(RESOURCETOOLBOX, TOOLBOX, { /** * An Array of events added when editing a max mark field. * These should all be detached when editing is complete. * * @property editmaxmarkevents * @protected * @type Array * @protected */ editmaxmarkevents: [], /** * */ NODE_PAGE: 1, NODE_SLOT: 2, NODE_JOIN: 3, /** * Initialize the resource toolbox * * For each activity the commands are updated and a reference to the activity is attached. * This way it doesn't matter where the commands are going to called from they have a reference to the * activity that they relate to. * This is essential as some of the actions are displayed in an actionmenu which removes them from the * page flow. * * This function also creates a single event delegate to manage all AJAX actions for all activities on * the page. * * @method initializer * @protected */ initializer: function() { M.mod_quiz.quizbase.register_module(this); Y.delegate('click', this.handle_data_action, BODY, SELECTOR.ACTIVITYACTION, this); Y.delegate('click', this.handle_data_action, BODY, SELECTOR.DEPENDENCY_LINK, this); this.initialise_select_multiple(); }, /** * Initialize the select multiple options * * Add actions to the buttons that enable multiple slots to be selected and managed at once. * * @method initialise_select_multiple * @protected */ initialise_select_multiple: function() { // Click select multiple button to show the select all options. Y.one(SELECTOR.SELECTMULTIPLEBUTTON).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Y.one('body').addClass(CSS.SELECTMULTIPLE); }); // Click cancel button to show the select all options. Y.one(SELECTOR.SELECTMULTIPLECANCELBUTTON).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Y.one('body').removeClass(CSS.SELECTMULTIPLE); }); // Click select all link to check all the checkboxes. Y.one(SELECTOR.SELECTALL).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Y.all(SELECTOR.SELECTMULTIPLECHECKBOX).set('checked', 'checked'); }); // Click deselect all link to show the select all checkboxes. Y.one(SELECTOR.DESELECTALL).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Y.all(SELECTOR.SELECTMULTIPLECHECKBOX).set('checked', ''); }); // Disable delete multiple button by default. Y.one(SELECTOR.SELECTMULTIPLEDELETEBUTTON).setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); // Assign the delete method to the delete multiple button. Y.delegate('click', this.delete_multiple_action, BODY, SELECTOR.SELECTMULTIPLEDELETEBUTTON, this); // Enable the delete all button only when at least one slot is selected. Y.delegate('click', this.toggle_select_all_buttons_enabled, BODY, SELECTOR.SELECTMULTIPLECHECKBOX, this); Y.delegate('click', this.toggle_select_all_buttons_enabled, BODY, SELECTOR.SELECTALL, this); Y.delegate('click', this.toggle_select_all_buttons_enabled, BODY, SELECTOR.DESELECTALL, this); }, /** * Handles the delegation event. When this is fired someone has triggered an action. * * Note not all actions will result in an AJAX enhancement. * * @protected * @method handle_data_action * @param {EventFacade} ev The event that was triggered. * @returns {boolean} */ handle_data_action: function(ev) { // We need to get the anchor element that triggered this event. var node = ev.target; if (!node.test('a')) { node = node.ancestor(SELECTOR.ACTIVITYACTION); } // From the anchor we can get both the activity (added during initialisation) and the action being // performed (added by the UI as a data attribute). var action = node.getData('action'), activity = node.ancestor(SELECTOR.ACTIVITYLI); if (!node.test('a') || !action || !activity) { // It wasn't a valid action node. return; } // Switch based upon the action and do the desired thing. switch (action) { case 'editmaxmark': // The user wishes to edit the maxmark of the resource. this.edit_maxmark(ev, node, activity, action); break; case 'delete': // The user is deleting the activity. this.delete_with_confirmation(ev, node, activity, action); break; case 'addpagebreak': case 'removepagebreak': // The user is adding or removing a page break. this.update_page_break(ev, node, activity, action); break; case 'adddependency': case 'removedependency': // The user is adding or removing a dependency between questions. this.update_dependency(ev, node, activity, action); break; default: // Nothing to do here! break; } }, /** * Add a loading icon to the specified activity. * * The icon is added within the action area. * * @method add_spinner * @param {Node} activity The activity to add a loading icon to * @return {Node|null} The newly created icon, or null if the action area was not found. */ add_spinner: function(activity) { var actionarea = activity.one(SELECTOR.ACTIONAREA); if (actionarea) { return M.util.add_spinner(Y, actionarea); } return null; }, /** * If a select multiple checkbox is checked enable the buttons in the select multiple * toolbar otherwise disable it. * * @method toggle_select_all_buttons_enabled */ toggle_select_all_buttons_enabled: function() { var checked = Y.all(SELECTOR.SELECTMULTIPLECHECKBOX + ':checked'); var deletebutton = Y.one(SELECTOR.SELECTMULTIPLEDELETEBUTTON); if (checked && !checked.isEmpty()) { deletebutton.removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { deletebutton.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } }, /** * Deletes the given activity or resource after confirmation. * * @protected * @method delete_with_confirmation * @param {EventFacade} ev The event that was fired. * @param {Node} button The button that triggered this action. * @param {Node} activity The activity node that this action will be performed on. */ delete_with_confirmation: function(ev, button, activity) { // Prevent the default button action. ev.preventDefault(); // Get the element we're working on. var element = activity, // Create confirm string (different if element has or does not have name) confirmstring = '', qtypename = M.util.get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_' + element.getAttribute('class').match(/qtype_([^\s]*)/)[1]); confirmstring = M.util.get_string('confirmremovequestion', 'quiz', qtypename); // Create the confirmation dialogue. var confirm = new M.core.confirm({ question: confirmstring, modal: true }); // If it is confirmed. confirm.on('complete-yes', function() { var spinner = this.add_spinner(element); var data = { 'class': 'resource', 'action': 'DELETE', 'id': Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.slot.getId(element) }; this.send_request(data, spinner, function(response) { if (response.deleted) { // Actually remove the element. Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.slot.remove(element); this.reorganise_edit_page(); if (M.core.actionmenu && M.core.actionmenu.instance) { M.core.actionmenu.instance.hideMenu(ev); } } }); }, this); }, /** * Finds the section that would become empty if we remove the selected slots. * * @protected * @method find_sections_that_would_become_empty * @returns {String} The name of the first section found */ find_sections_that_would_become_empty: function() { var section; var sectionnodes = Y.all(SELECTOR.SECTIONLI); if (sectionnodes.size() > 1) { sectionnodes.some(function(node) { var sectionname = node.one(SELECTOR.INSTANCESECTION).getContent(); var checked = node.all(SELECTOR.SELECTMULTIPLECHECKBOX + ':checked'); var unchecked = node.all(SELECTOR.SELECTMULTIPLECHECKBOX + ':not(:checked)'); if (!checked.isEmpty() && unchecked.isEmpty()) { section = sectionname; } return section; }); } return section; }, /** * Takes care of what needs to happen when the user clicks on the delete multiple button. * * @protected * @method delete_multiple_action * @param {EventFacade} ev The event that was fired. */ delete_multiple_action: function(ev) { var problemsection = this.find_sections_that_would_become_empty(); if (typeof problemsection !== 'undefined') { var alert = new M.core.alert({ title: M.util.get_string('cannotremoveslots', 'quiz'), message: M.util.get_string('cannotremoveallsectionslots', 'quiz', problemsection) }); alert.show(); } else { this.delete_multiple_with_confirmation(ev); } }, /** * Deletes the given activities or resources after confirmation. * * @protected * @method delete_multiple_with_confirmation * @param {EventFacade} ev The event that was fired. */ delete_multiple_with_confirmation: function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var ids = ''; var slots = []; Y.all(SELECTOR.SELECTMULTIPLECHECKBOX + ':checked').each(function(node) { var slot = Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.slot.getSlotFromComponent(node); ids += ids === '' ? '' : ','; ids += Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.slot.getId(slot); slots.push(slot); }); var element = Y.one('div.mod-quiz-edit-content'); // Do nothing if no slots are selected. if (!slots || !slots.length) { return; } // Create the confirmation dialogue. var confirm = new M.core.confirm({ question: M.util.get_string('areyousureremoveselected', 'quiz'), modal: true }); // If it is confirmed. confirm.on('complete-yes', function() { var spinner = this.add_spinner(element); var data = { 'class': 'resource', field: 'deletemultiple', ids: ids }; // Delete items on server. this.send_request(data, spinner, function(response) { // Delete locally if deleted on server. if (response.deleted) { // Actually remove the element. Y.all(SELECTOR.SELECTMULTIPLECHECKBOX + ':checked').each(function(node) { Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.slot.remove(node.ancestor('li.activity')); }); // Update the page numbers and sections. this.reorganise_edit_page(); // Remove the select multiple options. Y.one('body').removeClass(CSS.SELECTMULTIPLE); } }); }, this); }, /** * Edit the maxmark for the resource * * @protected * @method edit_maxmark * @param {EventFacade} ev The event that was fired. * @param {Node} button The button that triggered this action. * @param {Node} activity The activity node that this action will be performed on. * @param {String} action The action that has been requested. * @return Boolean */ edit_maxmark: function(ev, button, activity) { // Get the element we're working on var instancemaxmark = activity.one(SELECTOR.INSTANCEMAXMARK), instance = activity.one(SELECTOR.ACTIVITYINSTANCE), currentmaxmark = instancemaxmark.get('firstChild'), oldmaxmark = currentmaxmark.get('data'), maxmarktext = oldmaxmark, thisevent, anchor = instancemaxmark, // Grab the anchor so that we can swap it with the edit form. data = { 'class': 'resource', 'field': 'getmaxmark', 'id': Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.slot.getId(activity) }; // Prevent the default actions. ev.preventDefault(); this.send_request(data, null, function(response) { if (M.core.actionmenu && M.core.actionmenu.instance) { M.core.actionmenu.instance.hideMenu(ev); } // Try to retrieve the existing string from the server. if (response.instancemaxmark) { maxmarktext = response.instancemaxmark; } // Create the editor and submit button. var editform = Y.Node.create('
'); var editinstructions = Y.Node.create('
') .set('innerHTML', M.util.get_string('edittitleinstructions', 'moodle')); var editor = Y.Node.create('
').setAttrs({ 'value': maxmarktext, 'autocomplete': 'off', 'aria-describedby': 'id_editinstructions', 'maxLength': '12', 'size': parseInt(this.get('config').questiondecimalpoints, 10) + 2 }); // Clear the existing content and put the editor in. editform.appendChild(editor); editform.setData('anchor', anchor); instance.insert(editinstructions, 'before'); anchor.replace(editform); // We hide various components whilst editing: activity.addClass(CSS.EDITINGMAXMARK); // Focus and select the editor text. editor.focus().select(); // Cancel the edit if we lose focus or the escape key is pressed. thisevent = editor.on('blur', this.edit_maxmark_cancel, this, activity, false); this.editmaxmarkevents.push(thisevent); thisevent = editor.on('key', this.edit_maxmark_cancel, 'esc', this, activity, true); this.editmaxmarkevents.push(thisevent); // Handle form submission. thisevent = editform.on('submit', this.edit_maxmark_submit, this, activity, oldmaxmark); this.editmaxmarkevents.push(thisevent); }); }, /** * Handles the submit event when editing the activity or resources maxmark. * * @protected * @method edit_maxmark_submit * @param {EventFacade} ev The event that triggered this. * @param {Node} activity The activity whose maxmark we are altering. * @param {String} originalmaxmark The original maxmark the activity or resource had. */ edit_maxmark_submit: function(ev, activity, originalmaxmark) { // We don't actually want to submit anything. ev.preventDefault(); var newmaxmark = Y.Lang.trim(activity.one(SELECTOR.ACTIVITYFORM + ' ' + SELECTOR.ACTIVITYMAXMARK).get('value')); var spinner = this.add_spinner(activity); this.edit_maxmark_clear(activity); activity.one(SELECTOR.INSTANCEMAXMARK).setContent(newmaxmark); if (newmaxmark !== null && newmaxmark !== "" && newmaxmark !== originalmaxmark) { var data = { 'class': 'resource', 'field': 'updatemaxmark', 'maxmark': newmaxmark, 'id': Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.slot.getId(activity) }; this.send_request(data, spinner, function(response) { if (response.instancemaxmark) { activity.one(SELECTOR.INSTANCEMAXMARK).setContent(response.instancemaxmark); } }); } }, /** * Handles the cancel event when editing the activity or resources maxmark. * * @protected * @method edit_maxmark_cancel * @param {EventFacade} ev The event that triggered this. * @param {Node} activity The activity whose maxmark we are altering. * @param {Boolean} preventdefault If true we should prevent the default action from occuring. */ edit_maxmark_cancel: function(ev, activity, preventdefault) { if (preventdefault) { ev.preventDefault(); } this.edit_maxmark_clear(activity); }, /** * Handles clearing the editing UI and returning things to the original state they were in. * * @protected * @method edit_maxmark_clear * @param {Node} activity The activity whose maxmark we were altering. */ edit_maxmark_clear: function(activity) { // Detach all listen events to prevent duplicate triggers new Y.EventHandle(this.editmaxmarkevents).detach(); var editform = activity.one(SELECTOR.ACTIVITYFORM), instructions = activity.one('#id_editinstructions'); if (editform) { editform.replace(editform.getData('anchor')); } if (instructions) { instructions.remove(); } // Remove the editing class again to revert the display. activity.removeClass(CSS.EDITINGMAXMARK); // Refocus the link which was clicked originally so the user can continue using keyboard nav. Y.later(100, this, function() { activity.one(SELECTOR.EDITMAXMARK).focus(); }); // TODO MDL-50768 This hack is to keep Behat happy until they release a version of // MinkSelenium2Driver that fixes // https://github.com/Behat/MinkSelenium2Driver/issues/80. if (!Y.one('input[name=maxmark')) { Y.one('body').append('
'); } }, /** * Joins or separates the given slot with the page of the previous slot. Reorders the pages of * the other slots * * @protected * @method update_page_break * @param {EventFacade} ev The event that was fired. * @param {Node} button The button that triggered this action. * @param {Node} activity The activity node that this action will be performed on. * @param {String} action The action, addpagebreak or removepagebreak. * @chainable */ update_page_break: function(ev, button, activity, action) { // Prevent the default button action ev.preventDefault(); var nextactivity = activity.next('li.activity.slot'); var spinner = this.add_spinner(nextactivity); var value = action === 'removepagebreak' ? 1 : 2; var data = { 'class': 'resource', 'field': 'updatepagebreak', 'id': Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.slot.getId(nextactivity), 'value': value }; this.send_request(data, spinner, function(response) { if (response.slots) { if (action === 'addpagebreak') { Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.page.add(activity); } else { var page = activity.next(Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.page.SELECTORS.PAGE); Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.page.remove(page, true); } this.reorganise_edit_page(); } }); return this; }, /** * Updates a slot to either require the question in the previous slot to * have been answered, or not, * * @protected * @method update_page_break * @param {EventFacade} ev The event that was fired. * @param {Node} button The button that triggered this action. * @param {Node} activity The activity node that this action will be performed on. * @param {String} action The action, adddependency or removedependency. * @chainable */ update_dependency: function(ev, button, activity, action) { // Prevent the default button action. ev.preventDefault(); var spinner = this.add_spinner(activity); var data = { 'class': 'resource', 'field': 'updatedependency', 'id': Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.slot.getId(activity), 'value': action === 'adddependency' ? 1 : 0 }; this.send_request(data, spinner, function(response) { if (response.hasOwnProperty('requireprevious')) { Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.slot.updateDependencyIcon(activity, response.requireprevious); } }); return this; }, /** * Reorganise the UI after every edit action. * * @protected * @method reorganise_edit_page */ reorganise_edit_page: function() { Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.slot.reorderSlots(); Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.slot.reorderPageBreaks(); Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.page.reorderPages(); Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.slot.updateOneSlotSections(); Y.Moodle.mod_quiz.util.slot.updateAllDependencyIcons(); }, NAME: 'mod_quiz-resource-toolbox', ATTRS: { courseid: { 'value': 0 }, quizid: { 'value': 0 } } }); M.mod_quiz.resource_toolbox = null; M.mod_quiz.init_resource_toolbox = function(config) { M.mod_quiz.resource_toolbox = new RESOURCETOOLBOX(config); return M.mod_quiz.resource_toolbox; };