array( 'expression' => "/^
(.*?)<\/nowiki>/ims", 'tags' => array(), 'token' => array('
', '
') ), 'header' => array( 'expression' => "/^\ *(={1,6})\ *(.+?)(={1,6})\ *$/ims", 'tags' => array(), //none 'token' => '=' ), 'line_break' => array( 'expression' => "/^-{3,4}\s*$/im", 'tags' => array(), 'token' => '---' ), 'desc_list' => array( 'expression' => "/(?:^.+?\:.+?\;\n)+/ims", 'tags' => array(), 'token' => array(':', ';'), 'tag' => 'dl' ), 'table' => array( 'expression' => "/\{\|(.+?)\|\}/ims" ), 'tab_paragraph' => array( 'expression' => "/^(\:+)(.+?)$/ims", 'tag' => 'p' ), 'list' => array( 'expression' => "/^((?:\ *[\*|#]{1,5}\ *.+?)+)(\n\s*(?:\n|<(?:h\d|pre|table|tbody|thead|tr|th|td|ul|li|ol|hr)\ *\/?>))/ims", 'tags' => array(), 'token' => array('*', '#') ), 'paragraph' => array( 'expression' => "/^\ *((?:<(?!\ *\/?(?:h\d|pre|table|tbody|thead|tr|th|td|ul|li|ol|hr)\ *\/?>)|[^<\s]).+?)\n\s*\n/ims", //not specified -> all tags (null or unset) 'tag' => 'p' ) ); protected $tagrules = array( 'nowiki' => array( 'expression' => "/
(.*?)<\/nowiki>/is", 'token' => array('
', '
') ), 'image' => array( 'expression' => "/\[\[image:(.+?)\|(.+?)\]\]/is", 'token' => array("[[image:", "|alt]]") ), 'attach' => array( 'expression' => "/\[\[attach:(.+?)\]\]/is", 'token' => array("[[attach:", "|name]]") ), 'link' => array( 'expression' => "/\[\[(.+?)\]\]/is", 'tag' => 'a', 'token' => array("[[", "]]") ), 'url_tag' => array( 'expression' => "/\[(.+?)\]/is", 'tag' => 'a', 'token' => array("[", "]") ), 'url' => array( 'expression' => "/(? 'a', 'token' => 'http://' ), 'italic' => array( 'expression' => "/\'{3}(.+?)(\'{3}(?:\'{2})?)/is", 'tag' => 'em', 'token' => array("'''", "'''") ), 'bold' => array( 'expression' => "/\'{2}(.+?)\'{2}/is", 'tag' => 'strong', 'token' => array("''", "''") ) ); protected function after_parsing() { parent::after_parsing(); } /** * Block hooks */ protected function header_block_rule($match) { if($match[1] != $match[3]) { return $match[0]; } $num = strlen($match[1]); return $this->generate_header($match[2], $num); } protected function table_block_rule($match) { $rows = explode("\n|-", $match[1]); $table = array(); foreach($rows as $r) { $colsendline = explode("\n", $r); $cols = array(); foreach($colsendline as $ce) { $cols = array_merge($cols, $this->get_table_cells($ce)); } if(!empty($cols)) { $table[] = $cols; } } return $this->generate_table($table); } private function get_table_cells($string) { $string = ltrim($string); $type = (!empty($string) && $string[0] == "!") ? 'header' : 'normal'; $string = substr($string, 1); if(empty($string)) { $normalcells = array(); } else { $normalcells = explode("||", $string); } $cells = array(); foreach($normalcells as $nc) { $headercells = explode("!!", $nc); $countheadercells = count($headercells); for($i = 0; $i < $countheadercells; $i++) { $cells[] = array($type, $headercells[$i]); $type = 'header'; } $type = 'normal'; } return $cells; } protected function tab_paragraph_block_rule($match) { $num = strlen($match[1]); $text = $match[2]; $html = ""; for($i = 0; $i < $num - 1; $i++) { $html = parser_utils::h('p', $html, array('class' => 'wiki_tab_paragraph')); } return parser_utils::h('p', $text, array('class' => 'wiki_tab_paragraph')); } protected function desc_list_block_rule($match) { preg_match_all("/^(.+?)\:(.+?)\;$/ims", $match[0], $listitems, PREG_SET_ORDER); $list = ""; foreach($listitems as $li) { $term = $li[1]; $this->rules($term); $description = $li[2]; $this->rules($description); $list .= parser_utils::h('dt', $term).parser_utils::h('dd', $description); } return $list; } /** * Tag functions */ /** * Bold and italic similar to creole... */ protected function italic_tag_rule($match) { $text = $match[1]; if(strlen($match[2]) == 5) { $text .= "''"; } $this->rules($text, array('only' => array('bold'))); if(strpos($text, "''") !== false) { $text = str_replace("''", $this->protect("''"), $text); } return array($text, array()); } /** * Link tag functions */ protected function link_tag_rule($match) { return $this->format_link($match[1]); } protected function url_tag_tag_rule($match) { $text = trim($match[1]); if(preg_match("/(.+?)\|(.+)/is", $text, $matches)) { $link = $matches[1]; $text = $matches[2]; } else if(preg_match("/(.+?)\ (.+)/is", $text, $matches)) { $link = $matches[1]; $text = $matches[2]; } else { $link = $text; } return array($this->protect($text), array('href' => $this->protect($link))); } protected function url_tag_rule($match) { $url = $this->protect($match[1]); $options = array('href' => $url); return array($url, $options); } /** * Attachments & images */ protected function image_tag_rule($match) { return $this->format_image($match[1], $match[2]); } protected function attach_tag_rule($match) { $parts = explode("|", $match[1]); $url = array_shift($parts); if(count($parts) > 0) { $text = array_shift($parts); } $extension = substr($url, strrpos($url, ".")); $text = empty($text) ? $url : $text; $imageextensions = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp', 'gif', 'tif'); if(in_array($extension, $imageextensions)) { $align = 'left'; if(count($parts) > 0) { switch(strtolower($text)) { case 'right': $align = 'right'; break; case 'center': $align = 'center'; break; default: $align = 'left'; } $text = $parts[0]; } return $this->format_image($url, $text, $text, $align); } else { $url = $this->real_path($url); return parser_utils::h('a', $text, array('href' => $url, 'class' => 'wiki-attachment')); } } }