. /** * This file defines an mform to assess a submission by comments grading strategy * * @package workshopform_comments * @copyright 2009 David Mudrak
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once(__DIR__ . '/../assessment_form.php'); // Parent class definition. /** * Class representing a form for assessing submissions by comments grading strategy * * @uses moodleform */ class workshop_comments_assessment_form extends workshop_assessment_form { /** * Define the elements to be displayed at the form * * Called by the parent::definition() * * @return void */ protected function definition_inner(&$mform) { $fields = $this->_customdata['fields']; $current = $this->_customdata['current']; $nodims = $this->_customdata['nodims']; // number of assessment dimensions $mform->addElement('hidden', 'nodims', $nodims); $mform->setType('nodims', PARAM_INT); for ($i = 0; $i < $nodims; $i++) { // dimension header $dimtitle = get_string('dimensionnumber', 'workshopform_comments', $i+1); $mform->addElement('header', 'dimensionhdr__idx_'.$i, $dimtitle); // dimension id $mform->addElement('hidden', 'dimensionid__idx_'.$i, $fields->{'dimensionid__idx_'.$i}); $mform->setType('dimensionid__idx_'.$i, PARAM_INT); // grade id $mform->addElement('hidden', 'gradeid__idx_'.$i); // value set by set_data() later $mform->setType('gradeid__idx_'.$i, PARAM_INT); // dimension description $desc = '
'."\n"; $desc .= format_text($fields->{'description__idx_'.$i}, $fields->{'description__idx_'.$i.'format'}); $desc .= "\n
"; $mform->addElement('html', $desc); // comment $label = get_string('dimensioncommentfor', 'workshopform_comments', $dimtitle); //$mform->addElement('editor', 'peercomment__idx_' . $i, $label, null, array('maxfiles' => 0)); $mform->addElement('textarea', 'peercomment__idx_' . $i, $label, array('cols' => 60, 'rows' => 10)); $mform->addRule('peercomment__idx_' . $i, null, 'required', null, 'client'); } $this->set_data($current); } }