. /** * Provides support for the conversion of moodle1 backup to the moodle2 format * * @package workshopform_rubric * @copyright 2011 David Mudrak
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Conversion handler for the rubric grading strategy data */ class moodle1_workshopform_rubric_handler extends moodle1_workshopform_handler { /** @var array legacy elements to process */ protected $elements = array(); /** @var array legacy rubrics records to process */ protected $rubrics = array(); /** * Prepare to gather legacy elements info for a new workshop instance */ public function on_elements_start() { $this->elements = array(); $this->rubrics = array(); } /** * Processes one
* * @param array $data legacy element data * @param array $raw raw element data */ public function process_legacy_element(array $data, array $raw) { $this->elements[] = $data; $this->rubrics[$data['id']] = array(); } /** * Processes one
*/ public function process_legacy_rubric($data, $raw) { $this->rubrics[$data['elementid']][] = $data; } /** * Processes gathered elements and rubrics */ public function on_elements_end() { $numofrubrics = 0; foreach ($this->rubrics as $itemid => $levels) { $numofrubrics += count($levels); } if ($numofrubrics == 0) { $this->convert_legacy_criterion_elements(); } else { $this->convert_legacy_rubric_elements(); } } /** * Processes gathered elements coming from the legacy criterion strategy * * Legacy criterion strategy is converted to a rubric with single rubric item * and the layout set to 'list'. */ protected function convert_legacy_criterion_elements() { $this->write_xml('workshopform_rubric_config', array('layout' => 'list')); $firstelement = reset($this->elements); if ($firstelement === false) { // no elements defined in moodle.xml return; } // write the xml describing the artificial single rubric item $this->xmlwriter->begin_tag('workshopform_rubric_dimension', array('id' => $firstelement['id'])); $this->xmlwriter->full_tag('sort', 1); $this->xmlwriter->full_tag('description', trim(get_string('dimensionnumber', 'workshopform_rubric', ''))); $this->xmlwriter->full_tag('descriptionformat', FORMAT_HTML); foreach ($this->elements as $element) { $this->write_xml('workshopform_rubric_level', array( 'id' => $element['id'], 'grade' => $element['maxscore'], 'definition' => $element['description'], 'definitionformat' => FORMAT_HTML ), array('/workshopform_rubric_level/id')); } $this->xmlwriter->end_tag('workshopform_rubric_dimension'); } /** * Processes gathered elements coming from the legacy rubric strategy */ protected function convert_legacy_rubric_elements() { $this->write_xml('workshopform_rubric_config', array('layout' => 'grid')); foreach ($this->elements as $element) { $this->xmlwriter->begin_tag('workshopform_rubric_dimension', array('id' => $element['id'])); $this->xmlwriter->full_tag('sort', $element['elementno']); $this->xmlwriter->full_tag('description', $element['description']); $this->xmlwriter->full_tag('descriptionformat', FORMAT_HTML); foreach ($this->rubrics[$element['id']] as $rubric) { $fakerecord = new stdClass(); $fakerecord->rgrade = $rubric['rubricno']; $fakerecord->eweight = $element['weight']; $fakerecord->rdesc = $rubric['description']; $level = (array)workshopform_rubric_upgrade_rubric_level($fakerecord, $element['id']); unset($level['dimensionid']); $level['id'] = $this->converter->get_nextid(); $this->write_xml('workshopform_rubric_level', $level, array('/workshopform_rubric_level/id')); } $this->xmlwriter->end_tag('workshopform_rubric_dimension'); } } } /** * Transforms given record into an object to be saved into workshopform_rubric_levels * * This is used during Rubric 1.9 -> Rubric 2.0 conversion * * @param stdClass $old legacy record from joined workshop_elements_old + workshop_rubrics_old * @param int $newdimensionid id of the new workshopform_rubric dimension record to be linked to * @return stdclass to be saved in workshopform_rubric_levels */ function workshopform_rubric_upgrade_rubric_level(stdclass $old, $newdimensionid) { $new = new stdclass(); $new->dimensionid = $newdimensionid; $new->grade = $old->rgrade * workshopform_rubric_upgrade_weight($old->eweight); $new->definition = $old->rdesc; $new->definitionformat = FORMAT_HTML; return $new; } /** * Given old workshop element weight, returns the weight multiplier * * Negative weights are not supported any more and are replaced with weight = 0. * Legacy workshop did not store the raw weight but the index in the array * of weights (see $WORKSHOP_EWEIGHTS in workshop 1.x). workshop 2.0 uses * integer weights only (0-16) so all previous weights are multiplied by 4. * * @param $oldweight index in legacy $WORKSHOP_EWEIGHTS * @return int new weight */ function workshopform_rubric_upgrade_weight($oldweight) { switch ($oldweight) { case 8: $weight = 1; break; case 9: $weight = 2; break; case 10: $weight = 3; break; case 11: $weight = 4; break; case 12: $weight = 6; break; case 13: $weight = 8; break; case 14: $weight = 16; break; default: $weight = 0; } return $weight; }