. /** * Question statistics calculator class. Used in the quiz statistics report but also available for use elsewhere. * * @package core * @subpackage questionbank * @copyright 2013 Open University * @author Jamie Pratt
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_question\statistics\questions; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * This class has methods to compute the question statistics from the raw data. * * @copyright 2013 Open University * @author Jamie Pratt
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class calculator { /** * @var all_calculated_for_qubaid_condition all the stats calculated for slots and sub-questions and variants of those * questions. */ protected $stats; /** * @var float */ protected $sumofmarkvariance = 0; /** * @var array[] keyed by a string representing the pool of questions that this random question draws from. * string as returned from {@link \core_question\statistics\questions\calculated::random_selector_string} */ protected $randomselectors = array(); /** * @var \progress_trace */ protected $progress; /** * @var string The class name of the class to instantiate to store statistics calculated. */ protected $statscollectionclassname = '\core_question\statistics\questions\all_calculated_for_qubaid_condition'; /** * Constructor. * * @param object[] questions to analyze, keyed by slot, also analyses sub questions for random questions. * we expect some extra fields - slot, maxmark and number on the full question data objects. * @param \core\progress\base|null $progress the element to send progress messages to, default is {@link \core\progress\none}. */ public function __construct($questions, $progress = null) { if ($progress === null) { $progress = new \core\progress\none(); } $this->progress = $progress; $this->stats = new $this->statscollectionclassname(); foreach ($questions as $slot => $question) { $this->stats->initialise_for_slot($slot, $question); $this->stats->for_slot($slot)->randomguessscore = $this->get_random_guess_score($question); } } /** * Calculate the stats. * * @param \qubaid_condition $qubaids Which question usages to calculate the stats for? * @return all_calculated_for_qubaid_condition The calculated stats. */ public function calculate($qubaids) { $this->progress->start_progress('', 6); list($lateststeps, $summarks) = $this->get_latest_steps($qubaids); if ($lateststeps) { $this->progress->start_progress('', count($lateststeps), 1); // Compute the statistics of position, and for random questions, work // out which questions appear in which positions. foreach ($lateststeps as $step) { $this->progress->increment_progress(); $israndomquestion = ($step->questionid != $this->stats->for_slot($step->slot)->questionid); $breakdownvariants = !$israndomquestion && $this->stats->for_slot($step->slot)->break_down_by_variant(); // If this is a variant we have not seen before create a place to store stats calculations for this variant. if ($breakdownvariants && !$this->stats->has_slot($step->slot, $step->variant)) { $question = $this->stats->for_slot($step->slot)->question; $this->stats->initialise_for_slot($step->slot, $question, $step->variant); $this->stats->for_slot($step->slot, $step->variant)->randomguessscore = $this->get_random_guess_score($question); } // Step data walker for main question. $this->initial_steps_walker($step, $this->stats->for_slot($step->slot), $summarks, true, $breakdownvariants); // If this is a random question do the calculations for sub question stats. if ($israndomquestion) { if (!$this->stats->has_subq($step->questionid)) { $this->stats->initialise_for_subq($step); } else if ($this->stats->for_subq($step->questionid)->maxmark != $step->maxmark) { $this->stats->for_subq($step->questionid)->differentweights = true; } // If this is a variant of this subq we have not seen before create a place to store stats calculations for it. if (!$this->stats->has_subq($step->questionid, $step->variant)) { $this->stats->initialise_for_subq($step, $step->variant); } $this->initial_steps_walker($step, $this->stats->for_subq($step->questionid), $summarks, false); // Extra stuff we need to do in this loop for subqs to keep track of where they need to be displayed later. $number = $this->stats->for_slot($step->slot)->question->number; $this->stats->for_subq($step->questionid)->usedin[$number] = $number; // Keep track of which random questions are actually selected from each pool of questions that random // questions are pulled from. $randomselectorstring = $this->stats->for_slot($step->slot)->random_selector_string(); if (!isset($this->randomselectors[$randomselectorstring])) { $this->randomselectors[$randomselectorstring] = array(); } $this->randomselectors[$randomselectorstring][$step->questionid] = $step->questionid; } } $this->progress->end_progress(); foreach ($this->randomselectors as $key => $notused) { ksort($this->randomselectors[$key]); $this->randomselectors[$key] = implode(',', $this->randomselectors[$key]); } $this->stats->subquestions = question_load_questions($this->stats->get_all_subq_ids()); // Compute the statistics for sub questions, if there are any. $this->progress->start_progress('', count($this->stats->subquestions), 1); foreach ($this->stats->subquestions as $qid => $subquestion) { $this->progress->increment_progress(); $subquestion->maxmark = $this->stats->for_subq($qid)->maxmark; $this->stats->for_subq($qid)->question = $subquestion; $this->stats->for_subq($qid)->randomguessscore = $this->get_random_guess_score($subquestion); if ($variants = $this->stats->for_subq($qid)->get_variants()) { foreach ($variants as $variant) { $this->stats->for_subq($qid, $variant)->question = $subquestion; $this->stats->for_subq($qid, $variant)->randomguessscore = $this->get_random_guess_score($subquestion); } $this->stats->for_subq($qid)->sort_variants(); } $this->initial_question_walker($this->stats->for_subq($qid)); if ($this->stats->for_subq($qid)->usedin) { sort($this->stats->for_subq($qid)->usedin, SORT_NUMERIC); $this->stats->for_subq($qid)->positions = implode(',', $this->stats->for_subq($qid)->usedin); } else { $this->stats->for_subq($qid)->positions = ''; } } $this->progress->end_progress(); // Finish computing the averages, and put the sub-question data into the // corresponding questions. $slots = $this->stats->get_all_slots(); $totalnumberofslots = count($slots); $maxindex = $totalnumberofslots - 1; $this->progress->start_progress('', $totalnumberofslots, 1); foreach ($slots as $index => $slot) { $this->stats->for_slot($slot)->sort_variants(); $this->progress->increment_progress(); $nextslotindex = $index + 1; $nextslot = ($nextslotindex > $maxindex) ? false : $slots[$nextslotindex]; $this->initial_question_walker($this->stats->for_slot($slot)); // The rest of this loop is to finish working out where randomly selected question stats should be displayed. if ($this->stats->for_slot($slot)->question->qtype == 'random') { $randomselectorstring = $this->stats->for_slot($slot)->random_selector_string(); if ($nextslot && ($randomselectorstring == $this->stats->for_slot($nextslot)->random_selector_string())) { continue; // Next loop iteration. } if (isset($this->randomselectors[$randomselectorstring])) { $this->stats->for_slot($slot)->subquestions = $this->randomselectors[$randomselectorstring]; } } } $this->progress->end_progress(); // Go through the records one more time. $this->progress->start_progress('', count($lateststeps), 1); foreach ($lateststeps as $step) { $this->progress->increment_progress(); $israndomquestion = ($this->stats->for_slot($step->slot)->question->qtype == 'random'); $this->secondary_steps_walker($step, $this->stats->for_slot($step->slot), $summarks); if ($israndomquestion) { $this->secondary_steps_walker($step, $this->stats->for_subq($step->questionid), $summarks); } } $this->progress->end_progress(); $slots = $this->stats->get_all_slots(); $this->progress->start_progress('', count($slots), 1); $sumofcovariancewithoverallmark = 0; foreach ($this->stats->get_all_slots() as $slot) { $this->progress->increment_progress(); $this->secondary_question_walker($this->stats->for_slot($slot)); $this->sumofmarkvariance += $this->stats->for_slot($slot)->markvariance; if ($this->stats->for_slot($slot)->covariancewithoverallmark >= 0) { $sumofcovariancewithoverallmark += sqrt($this->stats->for_slot($slot)->covariancewithoverallmark); } } $this->progress->end_progress(); $subqids = $this->stats->get_all_subq_ids(); $this->progress->start_progress('', count($subqids), 1); foreach ($subqids as $subqid) { $this->progress->increment_progress(); $this->secondary_question_walker($this->stats->for_subq($subqid)); } $this->progress->end_progress(); foreach ($this->stats->get_all_slots() as $slot) { if ($sumofcovariancewithoverallmark) { if ($this->stats->for_slot($slot)->negcovar) { $this->stats->for_slot($slot)->effectiveweight = null; } else { $this->stats->for_slot($slot)->effectiveweight = 100 * sqrt($this->stats->for_slot($slot)->covariancewithoverallmark) / $sumofcovariancewithoverallmark; } } else { $this->stats->for_slot($slot)->effectiveweight = null; } } $this->stats->cache($qubaids); // All finished. $this->progress->end_progress(); } return $this->stats; } /** * Used when computing Coefficient of Internal Consistency by quiz statistics. * * @return float */ public function get_sum_of_mark_variance() { return $this->sumofmarkvariance; } /** * Get the latest step data from the db, from which we will calculate stats. * * @param \qubaid_condition $qubaids Which question usages to get the latest steps for? * @return array with two items * - $lateststeps array of latest step data for the question usages * - $summarks array of total marks for each usage, indexed by usage id */ protected function get_latest_steps($qubaids) { $dm = new \question_engine_data_mapper(); $fields = " qas.id, qa.questionusageid, qa.questionid, qa.variant, qa.slot, qa.maxmark, qas.fraction * qa.maxmark as mark"; $lateststeps = $dm->load_questions_usages_latest_steps($qubaids, $this->stats->get_all_slots(), $fields); $summarks = array(); if ($lateststeps) { foreach ($lateststeps as $step) { if (!isset($summarks[$step->questionusageid])) { $summarks[$step->questionusageid] = 0; } $summarks[$step->questionusageid] += $step->mark; } } return array($lateststeps, $summarks); } /** * Calculating the stats is a four step process. * * We loop through all 'last step' data first. * * Update $stats->totalmarks, $stats->markarray, $stats->totalothermarks * and $stats->othermarksarray to include another state. * * @param object $step the state to add to the statistics. * @param calculated $stats the question statistics we are accumulating. * @param array $summarks of the sum of marks for each question usage, indexed by question usage id * @param bool $positionstat whether this is a statistic of position of question. * @param bool $dovariantalso do we also want to do the same calculations for this variant? */ protected function initial_steps_walker($step, $stats, $summarks, $positionstat = true, $dovariantalso = true) { $stats->s++; $stats->totalmarks += $step->mark; $stats->markarray[] = $step->mark; if ($positionstat) { $stats->totalothermarks += $summarks[$step->questionusageid] - $step->mark; $stats->othermarksarray[] = $summarks[$step->questionusageid] - $step->mark; } else { $stats->totalothermarks += $summarks[$step->questionusageid]; $stats->othermarksarray[] = $summarks[$step->questionusageid]; } if ($dovariantalso) { $this->initial_steps_walker($step, $stats->variantstats[$step->variant], $summarks, $positionstat, false); } } /** * Then loop through all questions for the first time. * * Perform some computations on the per-question statistics calculations after * we have been through all the step data. * * @param calculated $stats question stats to update. */ protected function initial_question_walker($stats) { $stats->markaverage = $stats->totalmarks / $stats->s; if ($stats->maxmark != 0) { $stats->facility = $stats->markaverage / $stats->maxmark; } else { $stats->facility = null; } $stats->othermarkaverage = $stats->totalothermarks / $stats->s; $stats->summarksaverage = $stats->totalsummarks / $stats->s; sort($stats->markarray, SORT_NUMERIC); sort($stats->othermarksarray, SORT_NUMERIC); // Here we have collected enough data to make the decision about which questions have variants whose stats we also want to // calculate. We delete the initialised structures where they are not needed. if (!$stats->get_variants() || !$stats->break_down_by_variant()) { $stats->clear_variants(); } foreach ($stats->get_variants() as $variant) { $this->initial_question_walker($stats->variantstats[$variant]); } } /** * Loop through all last step data again. * * Now we know the averages, accumulate the date needed to compute the higher * moments of the question scores. * * @param object $step the state to add to the statistics. * @param calculated $stats the question statistics we are accumulating. * @param float[] $summarks of the sum of marks for each question usage, indexed by question usage id */ protected function secondary_steps_walker($step, $stats, $summarks) { $markdifference = $step->mark - $stats->markaverage; if ($stats->subquestion) { $othermarkdifference = $summarks[$step->questionusageid] - $stats->othermarkaverage; } else { $othermarkdifference = $summarks[$step->questionusageid] - $step->mark - $stats->othermarkaverage; } $overallmarkdifference = $summarks[$step->questionusageid] - $stats->summarksaverage; $sortedmarkdifference = array_shift($stats->markarray) - $stats->markaverage; $sortedothermarkdifference = array_shift($stats->othermarksarray) - $stats->othermarkaverage; $stats->markvariancesum += pow($markdifference, 2); $stats->othermarkvariancesum += pow($othermarkdifference, 2); $stats->covariancesum += $markdifference * $othermarkdifference; $stats->covariancemaxsum += $sortedmarkdifference * $sortedothermarkdifference; $stats->covariancewithoverallmarksum += $markdifference * $overallmarkdifference; if (isset($stats->variantstats[$step->variant])) { $this->secondary_steps_walker($step, $stats->variantstats[$step->variant], $summarks); } } /** * And finally loop through all the questions again. * * Perform more per-question statistics calculations. * * @param calculated $stats question stats to update. */ protected function secondary_question_walker($stats) { if ($stats->s > 1) { $stats->markvariance = $stats->markvariancesum / ($stats->s - 1); $stats->othermarkvariance = $stats->othermarkvariancesum / ($stats->s - 1); $stats->covariance = $stats->covariancesum / ($stats->s - 1); $stats->covariancemax = $stats->covariancemaxsum / ($stats->s - 1); $stats->covariancewithoverallmark = $stats->covariancewithoverallmarksum / ($stats->s - 1); $stats->sd = sqrt($stats->markvariancesum / ($stats->s - 1)); if ($stats->covariancewithoverallmark >= 0) { $stats->negcovar = 0; } else { $stats->negcovar = 1; } } else { $stats->markvariance = null; $stats->othermarkvariance = null; $stats->covariance = null; $stats->covariancemax = null; $stats->covariancewithoverallmark = null; $stats->sd = null; $stats->negcovar = 0; } if ($stats->markvariance * $stats->othermarkvariance) { $stats->discriminationindex = 100 * $stats->covariance / sqrt($stats->markvariance * $stats->othermarkvariance); } else { $stats->discriminationindex = null; } if ($stats->covariancemax) { $stats->discriminativeefficiency = 100 * $stats->covariance / $stats->covariancemax; } else { $stats->discriminativeefficiency = null; } foreach ($stats->variantstats as $variantstat) { $this->secondary_question_walker($variantstat); } } /** * Given the question data find the average grade that random guesses would get. * * @param object $questiondata the full question object. * @return float the random guess score for this question. */ protected function get_random_guess_score($questiondata) { return \question_bank::get_qtype( $questiondata->qtype, false)->get_random_guess_score($questiondata); } /** * Find time of non-expired statistics in the database. * * @param \qubaid_condition $qubaids Which question usages to look for? * @return int|bool Time of cached record that matches this qubaid_condition or false is non found. */ public function get_last_calculated_time($qubaids) { return $this->stats->get_last_calculated_time($qubaids); } /** * Load cached statistics from the database. * * @param \qubaid_condition $qubaids Which question usages to load the cached stats for? * @return all_calculated_for_qubaid_condition The cached stats. */ public function get_cached($qubaids) { $this->stats->get_cached($qubaids); return $this->stats; } }