// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * This class provides the enhancements to the drag-drop marker editing form. * * @package qtype_ddmarker * @subpackage form * @copyright 2018 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define(['jquery', 'core/dragdrop', 'qtype_ddmarker/shapes'], function($, dragDrop, Shapes) { "use strict"; /** * Create the manager object that deals with keeping everything synchronised for one drop zone. * * @param {int} dropzoneNo the index of this drop zone in the form. 0, 1, .... * @constructor */ function DropZoneManager(dropzoneNo) { this.dropzoneNo = dropzoneNo; this.svgEl = null; this.shape = Shapes.make(this.getShapeType(), this.getLabel()); this.updateCoordinatesFromForm(); } /** * Update the coordinates from a particular string. * * @param {SVGElement} [svg] the SVG element that is the preview. */ DropZoneManager.prototype.updateCoordinatesFromForm = function(svg) { var coordinates = this.getCoordinates(), currentNumPoints = this.shape.getType() === 'polygon' && this.shape.points.length; if (this.shape.getCoordinates() === coordinates) { return; } if (!this.shape.parse(coordinates)) { // Invalid coordinates. Don't update the preview. return; } if (this.shape.getType() === 'polygon' && currentNumPoints !== this.shape.points.length) { // Polygon, and size has changed. var currentyActive = this.isActive(); this.removeFromSvg(); if (svg) { this.addToSvg(svg); if (currentyActive) { this.setActive(); } } } else { // Simple update. this.updateSvgEl(); } }; /** * Update the label. */ DropZoneManager.prototype.updateLabel = function() { var label = this.getLabel(); if (this.shape.label !== label) { this.shape.label = label; this.updateSvgEl(); } }; /** * Handle if the type of shape has changed. * * @param {SVGElement} [svg] an SVG element to add this new shape to. */ DropZoneManager.prototype.changeShape = function(svg) { var newShapeType = this.getShapeType(), currentyActive = this.isActive(); if (newShapeType === this.shape.getType()) { return; } // It has really changed. this.removeFromSvg(); this.shape = Shapes.getSimilar(newShapeType, this.shape); if (svg) { this.addToSvg(svg); if (currentyActive) { this.setActive(); } } this.setCoordinatesInForm(); }; /** * Add this drop zone to an SVG graphic. * * @param {SVGElement} svg the SVG image to which to add this drop zone. */ DropZoneManager.prototype.addToSvg = function(svg) { if (this.svgEl !== null) { throw new Error('this.svgEl already set'); } this.svgEl = this.shape.makeSvg(svg); if (!this.svgEl) { return; } this.svgEl.setAttribute('class', 'dropzone'); this.svgEl.setAttribute('data-dropzone-no', this.dropzoneNo); // Add handles. var handles = this.shape.getHandlePositions(); if (handles === null) { return; } var moveHandle = Shapes.createSvgElement(this.svgEl, 'circle'); moveHandle.setAttribute('cx', handles.moveHandle.x); moveHandle.setAttribute('cy', handles.moveHandle.y); moveHandle.setAttribute('r', 7); moveHandle.setAttribute('class', 'handle move'); for (var i = 0; i < handles.editHandles.length; ++i) { this.makeEditHandle(i, handles.editHandles[i]); } }; /** * Add a new edit handle. * * @param {int} index the handle index. * @param {Point} point the point at which to add the handle. */ DropZoneManager.prototype.makeEditHandle = function(index, point) { var editHandle = Shapes.createSvgElement(this.svgEl, 'rect'); editHandle.setAttribute('x', point.x - 6); editHandle.setAttribute('y', point.y - 6); editHandle.setAttribute('width', 11); editHandle.setAttribute('height', 11); editHandle.setAttribute('class', 'handle edit'); editHandle.setAttribute('data-edit-handle-no', index); }; /** * Remove this drop zone from an SVG image. */ DropZoneManager.prototype.removeFromSvg = function() { if (this.svgEl !== null) { this.svgEl.parentNode.removeChild(this.svgEl); this.svgEl = null; } }; /** * Update the shape of this drop zone (but not type) in an SVG image. */ DropZoneManager.prototype.updateSvgEl = function() { if (this.svgEl === null) { return; } this.shape.updateSvg(this.svgEl); // Adjust handles. var handles = this.shape.getHandlePositions(); if (handles === null) { return; } // Move handle. // The shape + its label are the first two children of svgEl. // Then come the move handle followed by the edit handles. this.svgEl.childNodes[2].setAttribute('cx', handles.moveHandle.x); this.svgEl.childNodes[2].setAttribute('cy', handles.moveHandle.y); // Edit handles. for (var i = 0; i < handles.editHandles.length; ++i) { this.svgEl.childNodes[3 + i].setAttribute('x', handles.editHandles[i].x - 6); this.svgEl.childNodes[3 + i].setAttribute('y', handles.editHandles[i].y - 6); } }; /** * Find out of this drop zone is currently being edited. * * @return {boolean} true if it is. */ DropZoneManager.prototype.isActive = function() { return this.svgEl !== null && this.svgEl.getAttribute('class').match(/\bactive\b/); }; /** * Set this drop zone as being edited. */ DropZoneManager.prototype.setActive = function() { // Move this one to last, so that it is always on top. // (Otherwise the handles may not be able to receive events.) var parent = this.svgEl.parentNode; parent.removeChild(this.svgEl); parent.appendChild(this.svgEl); this.svgEl.setAttribute('class', this.svgEl.getAttribute('class') + ' active'); }; /** * Set the coordinates in the form to match the current shape. */ DropZoneManager.prototype.setCoordinatesInForm = function() { dragDropForm.form.setFormValue('drops', [this.dropzoneNo, 'coords'], this.shape.getCoordinates()); }; /** * Returns the coordinates for a drop zone from the text input in the form. * @returns {string} the coordinates. */ DropZoneManager.prototype.getCoordinates = function() { return dragDropForm.form.getFormValue('drops', [this.dropzoneNo, 'coords']).replace(/\s*/g, ''); }; /** * Returns the selected marker number from the dropdown in the form. * @returns {int} choice number. */ DropZoneManager.prototype.getChoiceNo = function() { return dragDropForm.form.getFormValue('drops', [this.dropzoneNo, 'choice']); }; /** * Returns the selected marker number from the dropdown in the form. * @returns {String} marker label text. */ DropZoneManager.prototype.getLabel = function() { return dragDropForm.form.getMarkerText(this.getChoiceNo()); }; /** * Returns the selected type of shape in the form. * @returns {String} 'circle', 'rectangle' or 'polygon'. */ DropZoneManager.prototype.getShapeType = function() { return dragDropForm.form.getFormValue('drops', [this.dropzoneNo, 'shape']); }; /** * Start responding to dragging the move handle. * @param {Event} e Event object */ DropZoneManager.prototype.handleMove = function(e) { var info = dragDrop.prepare(e); if (!info.start) { return; } var movingDropZone = this, lastX = info.x, lastY = info.y, dragProxy = this.makeDragProxy(info.x, info.y), bgImg = $('fieldset#id_previewareaheader .dropbackground'), maxX = bgImg.width(), maxY = bgImg.height(); dragDrop.start(e, $(dragProxy), function(pageX, pageY) { movingDropZone.shape.move(pageX - lastX, pageY - lastY, maxX, maxY); lastX = pageX; lastY = pageY; movingDropZone.updateSvgEl(); movingDropZone.setCoordinatesInForm(); }, function() { document.body.removeChild(dragProxy); }); }; /** * Start responding to dragging the move handle. * @param {Event} e Event object * @param {int} handleIndex * @param {SVGElement} [svg] an SVG element to add this new shape to. */ DropZoneManager.prototype.handleEdit = function(e, handleIndex, svg) { var info = dragDrop.prepare(e); if (!info.start) { return; } // For polygons, CTRL + drag adds a new point. if (this.shape.getType() === 'polygon' && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { this.shape.addNewPointAfter(handleIndex); this.removeFromSvg(); this.addToSvg(svg); this.setActive(); } var changingDropZone = this, lastX = info.x, lastY = info.y, dragProxy = this.makeDragProxy(info.x, info.y), bgImg = $('fieldset#id_previewareaheader .dropbackground'), maxX = bgImg.width(), maxY = bgImg.height(); dragDrop.start(e, $(dragProxy), function(pageX, pageY) { changingDropZone.shape.edit(handleIndex, pageX - lastX, pageY - lastY, maxX, maxY); lastX = pageX; lastY = pageY; changingDropZone.updateSvgEl(); changingDropZone.setCoordinatesInForm(); }, function() { document.body.removeChild(dragProxy); changingDropZone.shape.normalizeShape(); changingDropZone.updateSvgEl(); changingDropZone.setCoordinatesInForm(); }); }; /** * Make an invisible drag proxy. * * @param {int} x x position . * @param {int} y y position. * @returns {HTMLElement} the drag proxy. */ DropZoneManager.prototype.makeDragProxy = function(x, y) { var dragProxy = document.createElement('div'); dragProxy.style.position = 'absolute'; dragProxy.style.top = y + 'px'; dragProxy.style.left = x + 'px'; dragProxy.style.width = '1px'; dragProxy.style.height = '1px'; document.body.appendChild(dragProxy); return dragProxy; }; /** * Singleton object for managing all the parts of the form. */ var dragDropForm = { /** * @var {object} with properties width and height. */ maxSizes: null, // Object containing maximum sizes for the background image. /** * @var {object} for interacting with the file pickers. */ fp: null, // Object containing functions associated with the file picker. /** * @var {int} the number of drop-zones on the form. */ noDropZones: null, /** * @var {DropZoneManager[]} the drop zones in the preview, indexed by drop zone number. */ dropZones: [], /** * Initialise the form. * * @param {Object} maxBgimageSize object with two properties width and height. */ init: function(maxBgimageSize) { dragDropForm.maxSizes = maxBgimageSize; dragDropForm.fp = dragDropForm.filePickers(); dragDropForm.noDropZones = dragDropForm.form.getFormValue('nodropzone', []); dragDropForm.setupPreviewArea(); dragDropForm.setOptionsForDragItemSelectors(); dragDropForm.createShapes(); dragDropForm.setupEventHandlers(); dragDropForm.waitForFilePickerToInitialise(); }, /** * Add html for the preview area. */ setupPreviewArea: function() { $('fieldset#id_previewareaheader div.fcontainer').append( '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'); }, /** * When a new marker is added this function updates the Marker dropdown controls in Drop zones. */ setOptionsForDragItemSelectors: function() { var dragItemsOptions = {'0': ''}; var noItems = dragDropForm.form.getFormValue('noitems', []); var selectedValues = []; var selector; var i, label; for (i = 1; i <= noItems; i++) { label = dragDropForm.form.getMarkerText(i); if (label !== "") { // HTML escape the label. dragItemsOptions[i] = $('
').text(label).html(); } } // Get all the currently selected drags for each drop. for (i = 0; i < dragDropForm.noDropZones; i++) { selector = $('#id_drops_' + i + '_choice'); selectedValues[i] = Number(selector.val()); } for (i = 0; i < dragDropForm.noDropZones; i++) { selector = $('#id_drops_' + i + '_choice'); // Remove all options for drag choice. selector.find('option').remove(); // And recreate the options. for (var value in dragItemsOptions) { value = Number(value); var option = '
' + dragItemsOptions[value] + '
'; selector.append(option); var optionnode = selector.find('option[value="' + value + '"]'); if (value === 0) { continue; // The 'no item' option is always selectable. } // Is this the currently selected value? if (value === selectedValues[i]) { optionnode.attr('selected', true); continue; // If it s selected, we must leave it enabled. } // Count how many times it is used, and if necessary, disable. var noofdrags = dragDropForm.form.getFormValue('drags', [value - 1, 'noofdrags']); if (Number(noofdrags) === 0) { // 'noofdrags === 0' means infinite. continue; // Nothing to check. } // Go through all selected values in drop downs. for (var k in selectedValues) { if (Number(selectedValues[k]) !== value) { continue; } // Count down 'noofdrags' and if reach zero then set disabled option for this drag item. if (Number(noofdrags) === 1) { optionnode.attr('disabled', true); break; } else { noofdrags--; } } } if (dragDropForm.dropZones.length > 0) { dragDropForm.dropZones[i].updateLabel(); } } }, /** * Create the shape representation of each dropZone. */ createShapes: function() { for (var dropzoneNo = 0; dropzoneNo < dragDropForm.noDropZones; dropzoneNo++) { dragDropForm.dropZones[dropzoneNo] = new DropZoneManager(dropzoneNo); } }, /** * Events linked to form actions. */ setupEventHandlers: function() { // Changes to labels in the Markers section. $('fieldset#id_draggableitemheader').on('change input', 'input, select', function() { dragDropForm.setOptionsForDragItemSelectors(); }); // Changes to Drop zones section: shape, coordinates and marker. $('fieldset#id_dropzoneheader').on('change input', 'input, select', function(e) { var ids = e.currentTarget.name.match(/^drops\[(\d+)]\[([a-z]*)]$/); if (!ids) { return; } var dropzoneNo = ids[1], inputType = ids[2], dropZone = dragDropForm.dropZones[dropzoneNo]; switch (inputType) { case 'shape': dropZone.changeShape(dragDropForm.form.getSvg()); break; case 'coords': dropZone.updateCoordinatesFromForm(dragDropForm.form.getSvg()); break; case 'choice': dropZone.updateLabel(); break; } }); // Click to toggle graphical editing. var previewArea = $('fieldset#id_previewareaheader'); previewArea.on('click', 'g.dropzone', function(e) { var dropzoneNo = $(e.currentTarget).data('dropzone-no'), currentlyActive = dragDropForm.dropZones[dropzoneNo].isActive(); $(dragDropForm.form.getSvg()).find('.dropzone.active').removeClass('active'); if (!currentlyActive) { dragDropForm.dropZones[dropzoneNo].setActive(); } }); // Drag start on a move handle. previewArea.on('mousedown touchstart', '.dropzone .handle.move', function(e) { var dropzoneNo = $(e.currentTarget).closest('g').data('dropzoneNo'); dragDropForm.dropZones[dropzoneNo].handleMove(e); }); // Drag start on a move handle. previewArea.on('mousedown touchstart', '.dropzone .handle.edit', function(e) { var dropzoneNo = $(e.currentTarget).closest('g').data('dropzoneNo'), handleIndex = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-edit-handle-no'); dragDropForm.dropZones[dropzoneNo].handleEdit(e, handleIndex, dragDropForm.form.getSvg()); }); }, /** * Prevents adding drop zones until the preview background image is ready to load. */ waitForFilePickerToInitialise: function() { if (dragDropForm.fp.file('bgimage').href === null) { // It would be better to use an onload or onchange event rather than this timeout. // Unfortunately attempts to do this early are overwritten by filepicker during its loading. setTimeout(dragDropForm.waitForFilePickerToInitialise, 1000); return; } // From now on, when a new file gets loaded into the filepicker, update the preview. // This is not in the setupEventHandlers section as it needs to be delayed until // after filepicker's javascript has finished. $('form.mform').on('change', '#id_bgimage', dragDropForm.loadPreviewImage); dragDropForm.loadPreviewImage(); }, /** * Loads the preview background image. */ loadPreviewImage: function() { $('fieldset#id_previewareaheader .dropbackground') .one('load', dragDropForm.afterPreviewImageLoaded) .attr('src', dragDropForm.fp.file('bgimage').href); }, /** * Functions to run after background image loaded. */ afterPreviewImageLoaded: function() { var bgImg = $('fieldset#id_previewareaheader .dropbackground'); dragDropForm.constrainImageSize(); // Place the dropzone area over the background image (adding one to account for the border). $('#ddm-dropzone').css('position', 'relative').css('top', (bgImg.height() + 1) * -1); $('#ddm-droparea').css('height', bgImg.height() + 20); dragDropForm.updateSvgDisplay(); }, /** * Limits the background image display size. */ constrainImageSize: function() { var bgImg = $('fieldset#id_previewareaheader .dropbackground'); var reduceby = Math.max(bgImg.width() / dragDropForm.maxSizes.width, bgImg.height() / dragDropForm.maxSizes.height); if (reduceby > 1) { bgImg.css('width', Math.floor(bgImg.width() / reduceby)); } bgImg.addClass('constrained'); }, /** * Draws or re-draws all dropzones in the preview area based on form data. * Call this function when there is a change in the form data. */ updateSvgDisplay: function() { var bgImg = $('fieldset#id_previewareaheader .dropbackground'), dropzoneNo; if (dragDropForm.form.getSvg()) { // Already exists, just need to be updated. for (dropzoneNo = 0; dropzoneNo < dragDropForm.noDropZones; dropzoneNo++) { dragDropForm.dropZones[dropzoneNo].updateSvgEl(); } } else { // Create. $('#ddm-dropzone').html('
'); for (dropzoneNo = 0; dropzoneNo < dragDropForm.noDropZones; dropzoneNo++) { dragDropForm.dropZones[dropzoneNo].addToSvg(dragDropForm.form.getSvg()); } } }, /** * Helper to make it easy to work with form elements with names like "drops[0][shape]". */ form: { /** * Returns the label text for a marker. * @param {int} markerNo * @returns {string} Marker text */ getMarkerText: function(markerNo) { if (Number(markerNo) !== 0) { var label = dragDropForm.form.getFormValue('drags', [markerNo - 1, 'label']); return label.replace(new RegExp("^\\s*(.*)\\s*$"), "$1"); } else { return ''; } }, /** * Get the SVG element, if there is one, otherwise return null. * * @returns {SVGElement|null} the SVG element or null. */ getSvg: function() { var svg = $('fieldset#id_previewareaheader svg'); if (svg.length === 0) { return null; } else { return svg[0]; } }, toNameWithIndex: function(name, indexes) { var indexString = name; for (var i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) { indexString = indexString + '[' + indexes[i] + ']'; } return indexString; }, getEl: function(name, indexes) { var form = $('form.mform')[0]; return form.elements[this.toNameWithIndex(name, indexes)]; }, /** * Helper to get the value of a form elements with name like "drops[0][shape]". * * @param {String} name the base name, e.g. 'drops'. * @param {String[]} indexes the indexes, e.g. ['0', 'shape']. * @return {String} the value of that field. */ getFormValue: function(name, indexes) { var el = this.getEl(name, indexes); if (el.type === 'checkbox') { return el.checked; } else { return el.value; } }, /** * Helper to get the value of a form elements with name like "drops[0][shape]". * * @param {String} name the base name, e.g. 'drops'. * @param {String[]} indexes the indexes, e.g. ['0', 'shape']. * @param {String} value the value to set. */ setFormValue: function(name, indexes, value) { var el = this.getEl(name, indexes); if (el.type === 'checkbox') { el.checked = value; } else { el.value = value; } } }, /** * Utility to get the file name and url from the filepicker. * @returns {Object} object containing functions {file, name} */ filePickers: function() { var draftItemIdsToName; var nameToParentNode; if (draftItemIdsToName === undefined) { draftItemIdsToName = {}; nameToParentNode = {}; $('form.mform input.filepickerhidden').each(function(key, filepicker) { draftItemIdsToName[filepicker.value] = filepicker.name; nameToParentNode[filepicker.name] = filepicker.parentNode; }); } return { file: function(name) { var fileAnchor = $(nameToParentNode[name]).find('div.filepicker-filelist a'); if (fileAnchor.length) { return {href: fileAnchor.get(0).href, name: fileAnchor.get(0).innerHTML}; } else { return {href: null, name: null}; } }, name: function(draftitemid) { return draftItemIdsToName[draftitemid]; } }; } }; /** * @alias module:qtype_ddmarker/form */ return { /** * Initialise the form javascript features. * @param {Object} maxBgimageSize object with two properties: width and height. */ init: dragDropForm.init }; });