// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Question class for drag and drop marker question type, used to support the question and preview pages. * * @package qtype_ddmarker * @subpackage question * @copyright 2018 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define(['jquery', 'core/dragdrop', 'qtype_ddmarker/shapes', 'core/key_codes'], function($, dragDrop, Shapes, keys) { "use strict"; /** * Object to handle one drag-drop markers question. * * @param {String} containerId id of the outer div for this question. * @param {String} bgImgUrl the URL of the background image. * @param {boolean} readOnly whether the question is being displayed read-only. * @param {Object[]} visibleDropZones the geometry of any drop-zones to show. * Objects have fields shape, coords and markertext. * @constructor */ function DragDropMarkersQuestion(containerId, bgImgUrl, readOnly, visibleDropZones) { this.containerId = containerId; this.visibleDropZones = visibleDropZones; if (readOnly) { this.getRoot().addClass('qtype_ddmarker-readonly'); } this.loadImage(bgImgUrl); } /** * Load the background image is loaded, then do the rest of the display. * * @param {String} bgImgUrl the URL of the background image. */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.loadImage = function(bgImgUrl) { var thisQ = this; this.getRoot().find('.dropbackground') .one('load', function() { if (thisQ.visibleDropZones.length > 0) { thisQ.drawDropzones(); } thisQ.repositionDrags(); }) .attr('src', bgImgUrl) .css({'border': '1px solid #000', 'max-width': 'none'}); }; /** * Draws the svg shapes of any drop zones that should be visible for feedback purposes. */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.drawDropzones = function() { var bgImage = this.getRoot().find('img.dropbackground'); this.getRoot().find('div.dropzones').html('
'); var svg = this.getRoot().find('svg.dropzones'); svg.css('position', 'absolute'); var nextColourIndex = 0; for (var dropZoneNo = 0; dropZoneNo < this.visibleDropZones.length; dropZoneNo++) { var colourClass = 'color' + nextColourIndex; nextColourIndex = (nextColourIndex + 1) % 8; this.addDropzone(svg, dropZoneNo, colourClass); } }; /** * Adds a dropzone shape with colour, coords and link provided to the array of shapes. * * @param {jQuery} svg the SVG image to which to add this drop zone. * @param {int} dropZoneNo which drop-zone to add. * @param {string} colourClass class name */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.addDropzone = function(svg, dropZoneNo, colourClass) { var dropZone = this.visibleDropZones[dropZoneNo], shape = Shapes.make(dropZone.shape, ''), existingmarkertext; if (!shape.parse(dropZone.coords)) { return; } existingmarkertext = this.getRoot().find('div.markertexts span.markertext' + dropZoneNo); if (existingmarkertext.length) { if (dropZone.markertext !== '') { existingmarkertext.html(dropZone.markertext); } else { existingmarkertext.remove(); } } else if (dropZone.markertext !== '') { var classnames = 'markertext markertext' + dropZoneNo; this.getRoot().find('div.markertexts').append('
' + dropZone.markertext + '
'); } var shapeSVG = shape.makeSvg(svg[0]); shapeSVG.setAttribute('class', 'dropzone ' + colourClass); }; /** * Draws the drag items on the page (and drop zones if required). * The idea is to re-draw all the drags and drops whenever there is a change * like a widow resize or an item dropped in place. */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.repositionDropZones = function() { var svg = this.getRoot().find('svg.dropzones'); if (svg.length === 0) { return; } var bgPosition = this.convertToWindowXY(new Shapes.Point(-1, 0)); svg.offset({'left': bgPosition.x, 'top': bgPosition.y}); for (var dropZoneNo = 0; dropZoneNo < this.visibleDropZones.length; dropZoneNo++) { var markerspan = this.getRoot().find('div.ddarea div.markertexts span.markertext' + dropZoneNo); if (markerspan.length === 0) { continue; } var dropZone = this.visibleDropZones[dropZoneNo], shape = Shapes.make(dropZone.shape, ''); if (!shape.parse(dropZone.coords)) { continue; } var handles = shape.getHandlePositions(), textPos = this.convertToWindowXY(handles.moveHandle.offset( -markerspan.outerWidth() / 2, -markerspan.outerHeight() / 2)); markerspan.offset({'left': textPos.x - 4, 'top': textPos.y}); } }; /** * Draws the drag items on the page (and drop zones if required). * The idea is to re-draw all the drags and drops whenever there is a change * like a widow resize or an item dropped in place. */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.repositionDrags = function() { var root = this.getRoot(), thisQ = this; root.find('div.dragitems .dragitem').each(function(key, item) { $(item).addClass('unneeded'); }); root.find('input.choices').each(function(key, input) { var choiceNo = thisQ.getChoiceNoFromElement(input), coords = thisQ.getCoords(input), dragHome = thisQ.dragHome(choiceNo); for (var i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) { var drag = thisQ.dragItem(choiceNo, i); if (!drag.length || drag.hasClass('beingdragged')) { drag = thisQ.cloneNewDragItem(dragHome, i); } else { drag.removeClass('unneeded'); } drag.offset({'left': coords[i].x, 'top': coords[i].y}); } }); root.find('div.dragitems .dragitem').each(function(key, itm) { var item = $(itm); if (item.hasClass('unneeded') && !item.hasClass('beingdragged')) { item.remove(); } }); this.repositionDropZones(); var bgImage = this.bgImage(), bgPosition = bgImage.offset(); bgImage.data('prev-top', bgPosition.top).data('prev-left', bgPosition.left); }; /** * Determine what drag items need to be shown and * return coords of all drag items except any that are currently being dragged * based on contents of hidden inputs and whether drags are 'infinite' or how many * drags should be shown. * * @param {jQuery} inputNode * @returns {Point[]} coordinates of however many copies of the drag item should be shown. */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.getCoords = function(inputNode) { var root = this.getRoot(), choiceNo = this.getChoiceNoFromElement(inputNode), noOfDrags = Number(this.getClassnameNumericSuffix(inputNode, 'noofdrags')), dragging = root.find('span.dragitem.beingdragged.choice' + choiceNo).length > 0, coords = [], val = $(inputNode).val(); if (val !== '') { var coordsStrings = val.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < coordsStrings.length; i++) { coords[i] = this.convertToWindowXY(Shapes.Point.parse(coordsStrings[i])); } } var displayeddrags = coords.length + (dragging ? 1 : 0); if ($(inputNode).hasClass('infinite') || (displayeddrags < noOfDrags)) { coords[coords.length] = this.dragHomeXY(choiceNo); } return coords; }; /** * Converts the relative x and y position coordinates into * absolute x and y position coordinates. * * @param {Point} point relative to the background image. * @returns {Point} point relative to the page. */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.convertToWindowXY = function(point) { var bgImage = this.bgImage(); // The +1 seems rather odd, but seems to give the best results in // the three main browsers at a range of zoom levels. // (Its due to the 1px border around the image, that shifts the // image pixels by 1 down and to the left.) return point.offset(bgImage.offset().left + 1, bgImage.offset().top + 1); }; /** * Utility function converting window coordinates to relative to the * background image coordinates. * * @param {Point} point relative to the page. * @returns {Point} point relative to the background image. */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.convertToBgImgXY = function(point) { var bgImage = this.bgImage(); return point.offset(-bgImage.offset().left - 1, -bgImage.offset().top - 1); }; /** * Is the point within the background image? * * @param {Point} point relative to the BG image. * @return {boolean} true it they are. */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.coordsInBgImg = function(point) { var bgImage = this.bgImage(); return point.x > 0 && point.x <= bgImage.width() && point.y > 0 && point.y <= bgImage.height(); }; /** * Returns coordinates for the home position of a choice. * * @param {Number} choiceNo * @returns {Point} coordinates */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.dragHomeXY = function(choiceNo) { var dragItemHome = this.dragHome(choiceNo); return new Shapes.Point(dragItemHome.offset().left, dragItemHome.offset().top); }; /** * Get the outer div for this question. * @returns {jQuery} containing that div. */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.getRoot = function() { return $(document.getElementById(this.containerId)); }; /** * Get the img that is the background image. * @returns {jQuery} containing that img. */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.bgImage = function() { return this.getRoot().find('img.dropbackground'); }; /** * Return the DOM node for this choice's home position. * @param {Number} choiceNo * @returns {jQuery} containing the home. */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.dragHome = function(choiceNo) { return this.getRoot().find('div.dragitems span.draghome.choice' + choiceNo); }; /** * Return the DOM node for a particular instance of a particular choice. * @param {Number} choiceNo * @param {Number} itemNo * @returns {jQuery} containing the item. */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.dragItem = function(choiceNo, itemNo) { return this.getRoot().find('div.dragitems span.dragitem.choice' + choiceNo + '.item' + itemNo); }; /** * Create a draggable copy of the drag item. * * @param {jQuery} dragHome to clone * @param {Number} itemNo new item number * @return {jQuery} drag */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.cloneNewDragItem = function(dragHome, itemNo) { var drag = dragHome.clone(true); drag.removeClass('draghome').addClass('dragitem').addClass('item' + itemNo); dragHome.after(drag); drag.attr('tabIndex', 0); return drag; }; DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.handleDragStart = function(e) { var thisQ = this, dragged = $(e.target).closest('.dragitem'); var info = dragDrop.prepare(e); if (!info.start) { return; } dragged.addClass('beingdragged'); dragDrop.start(e, dragged, function() { void (1); // Nothing to do, but we need a function. }, function(x, y, dragged) { thisQ.dragEnd(dragged); }); }; /** * Functionality at the end of a drag drop. * @param {jQuery} dragged the marker that was dragged. */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.dragEnd = function(dragged) { dragged.removeClass('beingdragged'); var choiceNo = this.getChoiceNoFromElement(dragged); this.saveCoordsForChoice(choiceNo, dragged); this.repositionDrags(); }; /** * Save the coordinates for a dropped item in the form field. * @param {Number} choiceNo which copy of the choice this was. * @param {jQuery} dropped the choice that was dropped here. */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.saveCoordsForChoice = function(choiceNo, dropped) { var coords = [], numItems = this.getRoot().find('span.dragitem.choice' + choiceNo).length, bgImgXY, addme = true; // Re-build the coords array based on data in the ddform inputs. // While long winded and unnecessary if there is only one drop item // for a choice, it does account for moving any one of several drop items // within a choice that have already been placed. for (var i = 0; i <= numItems; i++) { var drag = this.dragItem(choiceNo, i); if (drag.length === 0) { continue; } if (!drag.hasClass('beingdragged')) { bgImgXY = this.convertToBgImgXY(new Shapes.Point(drag.offset().left, drag.offset().top)); if (this.coordsInBgImg(bgImgXY)) { coords[coords.length] = bgImgXY; } } if (dropped && dropped.length !== 0 && (dropped[0].innerText === drag[0].innerText)) { addme = false; } } // If dropped has been passed it is because a new item has been dropped onto the background image // so add its coordinates to the array. if (addme) { bgImgXY = this.convertToBgImgXY(new Shapes.Point(dropped.offset().left, dropped.offset().top)); if (this.coordsInBgImg(bgImgXY)) { coords[coords.length] = bgImgXY; } } this.getRoot().find('input.choice' + choiceNo).val(coords.join(';')); }; /** * Handle key down / press events on markers. * @param {KeyboardEvent} e */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.handleKeyPress = function(e) { var drag = $(e.target).closest('.dragitem'), point = new Shapes.Point(drag.offset().left, drag.offset().top), choiceNo = this.getChoiceNoFromElement(drag); switch (e.keyCode) { case keys.arrowLeft: case 65: // A. point.x -= 1; break; case keys.arrowRight: case 68: // D. point.x += 1; break; case keys.arrowDown: case 83: // S. point.y += 1; break; case keys.arrowUp: case 87: // W. point.y -= 1; break; case keys.space: case keys.escape: point = null; break; default: return; // Ingore other keys. } e.preventDefault(); if (point !== null) { point = this.constrainToBgImg(point); } else { point = this.dragHomeXY(choiceNo); } drag.offset({'left': point.x, 'top': point.y}); this.saveCoordsForChoice(choiceNo, drag); this.repositionDrags(); }; /** * Makes sure the dragged item always exists within the background image area. * * @param {Point} windowxy * @returns {Point} coordinates */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.constrainToBgImg = function(windowxy) { var bgImg = this.bgImage(), bgImgXY = this.convertToBgImgXY(windowxy); bgImgXY.x = Math.max(0, bgImgXY.x); bgImgXY.y = Math.max(0, bgImgXY.y); bgImgXY.x = Math.min(bgImg.width(), bgImgXY.x); bgImgXY.y = Math.min(bgImg.height(), bgImgXY.y); return this.convertToWindowXY(bgImgXY); }; /** * Returns the choice number for a node. * * @param {Element|jQuery} node * @returns {Number} */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.getChoiceNoFromElement = function(node) { return Number(this.getClassnameNumericSuffix(node, 'choice')); }; /** * Returns the numeric part of a class with the given prefix. * * @param {Element|jQuery} node * @param {String} prefix * @returns {Number|null} */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.getClassnameNumericSuffix = function(node, prefix) { var classes = $(node).attr('class'); if (classes !== undefined && classes !== '') { var classesarr = classes.split(' '); for (var index = 0; index < classesarr.length; index++) { var patt1 = new RegExp('^' + prefix + '([0-9])+$'); if (patt1.test(classesarr[index])) { var patt2 = new RegExp('([0-9])+$'); var match = patt2.exec(classesarr[index]); return Number(match[0]); } } } return null; }; /** * Handle when the window is resized. */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.handleResize = function() { this.repositionDrags(); }; /** * Check to see if the background image has moved. If so, refresh the layout. */ DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.fixLayoutIfBackgroundMoved = function() { var bgImage = this.bgImage(), bgPosition = bgImage.offset(), prevTop = bgImage.data('prev-top'), prevLeft = bgImage.data('prev-left'); if (prevLeft === undefined || prevTop === undefined) { // Question is not set up yet. Nothing to do. return; } if (prevTop === bgPosition.top && prevLeft === bgPosition.left) { // Things have not moved. return; } // We need to reposition things. this.repositionDrags(); }; /** * Singleton that tracks all the DragDropToTextQuestions on this page, and deals * with event dispatching. * * @type {Object} */ var questionManager = { /** * {boolean} ensures that the event handlers are only initialised once per page. */ eventHandlersInitialised: false, /** * {Object} all the questions on this page, indexed by containerId (id on the .que div). */ questions: {}, // An object containing all the information about each question on the page. /** * Initialise one question. * * @param {String} containerId the id of the div.que that contains this question. * @param {String} bgImgUrl URL fo the background image. * @param {boolean} readOnly whether the question is read-only. * @param {Object[]} visibleDropZones data on any drop zones to draw as part of the feedback. */ init: function(containerId, bgImgUrl, readOnly, visibleDropZones) { questionManager.questions[containerId] = new DragDropMarkersQuestion(containerId, bgImgUrl, readOnly, visibleDropZones); if (!questionManager.eventHandlersInitialised) { questionManager.setupEventHandlers(); questionManager.eventHandlersInitialised = true; } }, /** * Set up the event handlers that make this question type work. (Done once per page.) */ setupEventHandlers: function() { $('body').on('mousedown touchstart', '.que.ddmarker:not(.qtype_ddmarker-readonly) div.dragitems .dragitem', questionManager.handleDragStart) .on('keydown keypress', '.que.ddmarker:not(.qtype_ddmarker-readonly) div.dragitems .dragitem', questionManager.handleKeyPress); $(window).on('resize', questionManager.handleWindowResize); setTimeout(questionManager.fixLayoutIfThingsMoved, 100); }, /** * Handle mouse down / touch start events on markers. * @param {Event} e the DOM event. */ handleDragStart: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var question = questionManager.getQuestionForEvent(e); if (question) { question.handleDragStart(e); } }, /** * Handle key down / press events on markers. * @param {Event} e */ handleKeyPress: function(e) { var question = questionManager.getQuestionForEvent(e); if (question) { question.handleKeyPress(e); } }, /** * Handle when the window is resized. */ handleWindowResize: function() { for (var containerId in questionManager.questions) { if (questionManager.questions.hasOwnProperty(containerId)) { questionManager.questions[containerId].handleResize(); } } }, /** * Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things change in a way that cannot * be specifically caught (e.g. dock expanding or collapsing in Boost). * Therefore, we need to periodically check everything is in the right position. */ fixLayoutIfThingsMoved: function() { for (var containerId in questionManager.questions) { if (questionManager.questions.hasOwnProperty(containerId)) { questionManager.questions[containerId].fixLayoutIfBackgroundMoved(); } } // We use setTimeout after finishing work, rather than setInterval, // in case positioning things is slow. We want 100 ms gap // between executions, not what setInterval does. setTimeout(questionManager.fixLayoutIfThingsMoved, 100); }, /** * Given an event, work out which question it effects. * @param {Event} e the event. * @returns {DragDropMarkersQuestion|undefined} The question, or undefined. */ getQuestionForEvent: function(e) { var containerId = $(e.currentTarget).closest('.que.ddmarker').attr('id'); return questionManager.questions[containerId]; } }; /** * @alias module:qtype_ddmarker/question */ return { /** * Initialise one drag-drop markers question. * * @param {String} containerId id of the outer div for this question. * @param {String} bgImgUrl the URL of the background image. * @param {boolean} readOnly whether the question is being displayed read-only. * @param {String[]} visibleDropZones the geometry of any drop-zones to show. */ init: questionManager.init }; });