// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * JavaScript to make drag-drop into text questions work. * * Some vocabulary to help understand this code: * * The question text contains 'drops' - blanks into which the 'drags', the missing * words, can be put. * * The thing that can be moved into the drops are called 'drags'. There may be * multiple copies of the 'same' drag which does not really cause problems. * Each drag has a 'choice' number which is the value set on the drop's hidden * input when this drag is placed in a drop. * * These may be in separate 'groups', distinguished by colour. * Things can only interact with other things in the same group. * The groups are numbered from 1. * * The place where a given drag started from is called its 'home'. * * @module qtype_ddwtos/ddwtos * @package qtype_ddwtos * @copyright 2018 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since 3.6 */ define(['jquery', 'core/dragdrop', 'core/key_codes'], function($, dragDrop, keys) { "use strict"; /** * Object to handle one drag-drop into text question. * * @param {String} containerId id of the outer div for this question. * @param {boolean} readOnly whether the question is being displayed read-only. * @constructor */ function DragDropToTextQuestion(containerId, readOnly) { this.containerId = containerId; if (readOnly) { this.getRoot().addClass('qtype_ddwtos-readonly'); } this.resizeAllDragsAndDrops(); this.cloneDrags(); this.positionDrags(); } /** * In each group, resize all the items to be the same size. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.resizeAllDragsAndDrops = function() { var thisQ = this; this.getRoot().find('.answercontainer > div').each(function(i, node) { thisQ.resizeAllDragsAndDropsInGroup( thisQ.getClassnameNumericSuffix($(node), 'draggrouphomes')); }); }; /** * In a given group, set all the drags and drops to be the same size. * * @param {int} group the group number. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.resizeAllDragsAndDropsInGroup = function(group) { var thisQ = this, dragHomes = this.getRoot().find('.draggrouphomes' + group + ' span.draghome'), maxWidth = 0, maxHeight = 0; // Find the maximum size of any drag in this groups. dragHomes.each(function(i, drag) { maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, Math.ceil(drag.offsetWidth)); maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, Math.ceil(0 + drag.offsetHeight)); }); // The size we will want to set is a bit bigger than this. maxWidth += 8; maxHeight += 2; // Set each drag home to that size. dragHomes.each(function(i, drag) { thisQ.setElementSize(drag, maxWidth, maxHeight); }); // Set each drop to that size. this.getRoot().find('span.drop.group' + group).each(function(i, drop) { thisQ.setElementSize(drop, maxWidth, maxHeight); }); }; /** * Set a given DOM element to be a particular size. * * @param {HTMLElement} element * @param {int} width * @param {int} height */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.setElementSize = function(element, width, height) { $(element).width(width).height(height).css('lineHeight', height + 'px'); }; /** * Invisible 'drag homes' are output by the renderer. These have the same properties * as the drag items but are invisible. We clone these invisible elements to make the * actual drag items. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.cloneDrags = function() { var thisQ = this; this.getRoot().find('span.draghome').each(function(index, draghome) { thisQ.cloneDragsForOneChoice($(draghome)); }); }; /** * Clone drag item for one choice. * * @param {jQuery} dragHome the drag home to clone. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.cloneDragsForOneChoice = function(dragHome) { if (dragHome.hasClass('infinite')) { var noOfDrags = this.noOfDropsInGroup(this.getGroup(dragHome)); for (var i = 0; i < noOfDrags; i++) { this.cloneDrag(dragHome); } } else { this.cloneDrag(dragHome); } }; /** * Clone drag item. * * @param {jQuery} dragHome */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.cloneDrag = function(dragHome) { var drag = dragHome.clone(); drag.removeClass('draghome') .addClass('drag unplaced moodle-has-zindex') .offset(dragHome.offset()); this.getRoot().find('div.drags').append(drag); }; /** * Update the position of drags. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.positionDrags = function() { var thisQ = this, root = this.getRoot(); // First move all items back home. root.find('span.drag').each(function(i, dragNode) { var drag = $(dragNode), currentPlace = thisQ.getClassnameNumericSuffix(drag, 'inplace'); drag.addClass('unplaced') .removeClass('placed') .offset(thisQ.getDragHome(thisQ.getGroup(drag), thisQ.getChoice(drag)).offset()); if (currentPlace !== null) { drag.removeClass('inplace' + currentPlace); } }); // Then place the once that should be placed. root.find('input.placeinput').each(function(i, inputNode) { var input = $(inputNode), choice = input.val(), place = thisQ.getPlace(input); // Record the last known position of the drop. var drop = root.find('.drop.place' + place), dropPosition = drop.offset(); drop.data('prev-top', dropPosition.top).data('prev-left', dropPosition.left); if (choice === '0') { // No item in this place. return; } thisQ.getUnplacedChoice(thisQ.getGroup(input), choice) .removeClass('unplaced') .addClass('placed inplace' + place) .offset(root.find('.drop.place' + place).offset()); }); }; /** * Check to see if a drop target has moved. If so, refresh the layout. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.fixLayoutIfDropsMoved = function() { var thisQ = this, root = this.getRoot(), didMove = false; root.find('input.placeinput').each(function(i, inputNode) { var place = thisQ.getPlace($(inputNode)), drop = root.find('.drop.place' + place), dropPosition = drop.offset(), prevTop = drop.data('prev-top'), prevLeft = drop.data('prev-left'); if (prevLeft === undefined || prevTop === undefined) { // Question is not set up yet. Nothing to do. return; } if (prevTop === dropPosition.top && prevLeft === dropPosition.left) { // Things have not moved. return; } didMove = true; }); if (didMove) { // We need to reposition things. this.positionDrags(); } }; /** * Handles the start of dragging an item. * * @param {Event} e the touch start or mouse down event. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.handleDragStart = function(e) { var thisQ = this, drag = $(e.target).closest('.drag'); var info = dragDrop.prepare(e); if (!info.start) { return; } var currentPlace = this.getClassnameNumericSuffix(drag, 'inplace'); if (currentPlace !== null) { this.setInputValue(currentPlace, 0); drag.removeClass('inplace' + currentPlace); } drag.addClass('beingdragged'); dragDrop.start(e, drag, function(x, y, drag) { thisQ.dragMove(x, y, drag); }, function(x, y, drag) { thisQ.dragEnd(x, y, drag); }); }; /** * Called whenever the currently dragged items moves. * * @param {Number} pageX the x position. * @param {Number} pageY the y position. * @param {jQuery} drag the item being moved. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.dragMove = function(pageX, pageY, drag) { var thisQ = this; this.getRoot().find('span.drop.group' + this.getGroup(drag)).each(function(i, dropNode) { var drop = $(dropNode); if (thisQ.isPointInDrop(pageX, pageY, drop)) { drop.addClass('valid-drag-over-drop'); } else { drop.removeClass('valid-drag-over-drop'); } }); }; /** * Called when user drops a drag item. * * @param {Number} pageX the x position. * @param {Number} pageY the y position. * @param {jQuery} drag the item being moved. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.dragEnd = function(pageX, pageY, drag) { var thisQ = this, root = this.getRoot(), placed = false; root.find('span.drop.group' + this.getGroup(drag)).each(function(i, dropNode) { var drop = $(dropNode); if (!thisQ.isPointInDrop(pageX, pageY, drop)) { // Not this drop. return true; } // Now put this drag into the drop. drop.removeClass('valid-drag-over-drop'); thisQ.sendDragToDrop(drag, drop); placed = true; return false; // Stop the each() here. }); if (!placed) { this.sendDragHome(drag); } }; /** * Animate a drag item into a given place (or back home). * * @param {jQuery|null} drag the item to place. If null, clear the place. * @param {jQuery} drop the place to put it. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.sendDragToDrop = function(drag, drop) { // Is there already a drag in this drop? if so, evict it. var oldDrag = this.getCurrentDragInPlace(this.getPlace(drop)); if (oldDrag.length !== 0) { this.sendDragHome(oldDrag); } if (drag.length === 0) { this.setInputValue(this.getPlace(drop), 0); } else { this.setInputValue(this.getPlace(drop), this.getChoice(drag)); drag.removeClass('unplaced') .addClass('placed inplace' + this.getPlace(drop)); this.animateTo(drag, drop); } }; /** * Animate a drag back to its home. * * @param {jQuery} drag the item being moved. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.sendDragHome = function(drag) { drag.removeClass('placed').addClass('unplaced'); var currentPlace = this.getClassnameNumericSuffix(drag, 'inplace'); if (currentPlace !== null) { drag.removeClass('inplace' + currentPlace); } this.animateTo(drag, this.getDragHome(this.getGroup(drag), this.getChoice(drag))); }; /** * Handles keyboard events on drops. * * Drops are focusable. Once focused, right/down/space switches to the next choice, and * left/up switches to the previous. Escape clear. * * @param {KeyboardEvent} e */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.handleKeyPress = function(e) { var drop = $(e.target).closest('.drop'), currentDrag = this.getCurrentDragInPlace(this.getPlace(drop)), nextDrag = $(); switch (e.keyCode) { case keys.space: case keys.arrowRight: case keys.arrowDown: nextDrag = this.getNextDrag(this.getGroup(drop), currentDrag); break; case keys.arrowLeft: case keys.arrowUp: nextDrag = this.getPreviousDrag(this.getGroup(drop), currentDrag); break; case keys.escape: break; default: return; // To avoid the preventDefault below. } e.preventDefault(); this.sendDragToDrop(nextDrag, drop); }; /** * Choose the next drag in a group. * * @param {int} group which group. * @param {jQuery} drag current choice (empty jQuery if there isn't one). * @return {jQuery} the next drag in that group, or null if there wasn't one. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.getNextDrag = function(group, drag) { var choice, numChoices = this.noOfChoicesInGroup(group); if (drag.length === 0) { choice = 1; // Was empty, so we want to select the first choice. } else { choice = this.getChoice(drag) + 1; } var next = this.getUnplacedChoice(group, choice); while (next.length === 0 && choice < numChoices) { choice++; next = this.getUnplacedChoice(group, choice); } return next; }; /** * Choose the previous drag in a group. * * @param {int} group which group. * @param {jQuery} drag current choice (empty jQuery if there isn't one). * @return {jQuery} the next drag in that group, or null if there wasn't one. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.getPreviousDrag = function(group, drag) { var choice; if (drag.length === 0) { choice = this.noOfChoicesInGroup(group); } else { choice = this.getChoice(drag) - 1; } var previous = this.getUnplacedChoice(group, choice); while (previous.length === 0 && choice > 1) { choice--; previous = this.getUnplacedChoice(group, choice); } // Does this choice exist? return previous; }; /** * Animate an object to the given destination. * * @param {jQuery} drag the element to be animated. * @param {jQuery} target element marking the place to move it to. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.animateTo = function(drag, target) { var currentPos = drag.offset(), targetPos = target.offset(); drag.addClass('beingdragged'); // Animate works in terms of CSS position, whereas locating an object // on the page works best with jQuery offset() function. So, to get // the right target position, we work out the required change in // offset() and then add that to the current CSS position. drag.animate( { left: parseInt(drag.css('left')) + targetPos.left - currentPos.left, top: parseInt(drag.css('top')) + targetPos.top - currentPos.top }, { duration: 'fast', done: function() { drag.removeClass('beingdragged'); // It seems that the animation sometimes leaves the drag // one pixel out of position. Put it in exactly the right place. drag.offset(targetPos); } } ); }; /** * Detect if a point is inside a given DOM node. * * @param {Number} pageX the x position. * @param {Number} pageY the y position. * @param {jQuery} drop the node to check (typically a drop). * @return {boolean} whether the point is inside the node. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.isPointInDrop = function(pageX, pageY, drop) { var position = drop.offset(); return pageX >= position.left && pageX < position.left + drop.width() && pageY >= position.top && pageY < position.top + drop.height(); }; /** * Set the value of the hidden input for a place, to record what is currently there. * * @param {int} place which place to set the input value for. * @param {int} choice the value to set. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.setInputValue = function(place, choice) { this.getRoot().find('input.placeinput.place' + place).val(choice); }; /** * Get the outer div for this question. * * @returns {jQuery} containing that div. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.getRoot = function() { return $(document.getElementById(this.containerId)); }; /** * Get drag home for a given choice. * * @param {int} group the group. * @param {int} choice the choice number. * @returns {jQuery} containing that div. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.getDragHome = function(group, choice) { return this.getRoot().find('.draghome.group' + group + '.choice' + choice); }; /** * Get an unplaced choice for a particular group. * * @param {int} group the group. * @param {int} choice the choice number. * @returns {jQuery} jQuery wrapping the unplaced choice. If there isn't one, the jQuery will be empty. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.getUnplacedChoice = function(group, choice) { return this.getRoot().find('.drag.group' + group + '.choice' + choice + '.unplaced').slice(0, 1); }; /** * Get the drag that is currently in a given place. * * @param {int} place the place number. * @return {jQuery} the current drag (or an empty jQuery if none). */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.getCurrentDragInPlace = function(place) { return this.getRoot().find('span.drag.inplace' + place); }; /** * Return the number of blanks in a given group. * * @param {int} group the group number. * @returns {int} the number of drops. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.noOfDropsInGroup = function(group) { return this.getRoot().find('.drop.group' + group).length; }; /** * Return the number of choices in a given group. * * @param {int} group the group number. * @returns {int} the number of choices. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.noOfChoicesInGroup = function(group) { return this.getRoot().find('.draghome.group' + group).length; }; /** * Return the number at the end of the CSS class name with the given prefix. * * @param {jQuery} node * @param {String} prefix name prefix * @returns {Number|null} the suffix if found, else null. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.getClassnameNumericSuffix = function(node, prefix) { var classes = node.attr('class'); if (classes !== '') { var classesArr = classes.split(' '); for (var index = 0; index < classesArr.length; index++) { var patt1 = new RegExp('^' + prefix + '([0-9])+$'); if (patt1.test(classesArr[index])) { var patt2 = new RegExp('([0-9])+$'); var match = patt2.exec(classesArr[index]); return Number(match[0]); } } } return null; }; /** * Get the choice number of a drag. * * @param {jQuery} drag the drag. * @returns {Number} the choice number. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.getChoice = function(drag) { return this.getClassnameNumericSuffix(drag, 'choice'); }; /** * Given a DOM node that is significant to this question * (drag, drop, ...) get the group it belongs to. * * @param {jQuery} node a DOM node. * @returns {Number} the group it belongs to. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.getGroup = function(node) { return this.getClassnameNumericSuffix(node, 'group'); }; /** * Get the place number of a drop, or its corresponding hidden input. * * @param {jQuery} node the DOM node. * @returns {Number} the place number. */ DragDropToTextQuestion.prototype.getPlace = function(node) { return this.getClassnameNumericSuffix(node, 'place'); }; /** * Singleton that tracks all the DragDropToTextQuestions on this page, and deals * with event dispatching. * * @type {Object} */ var questionManager = { /** * {boolean} used to ensure the event handlers are only initialised once per page. */ eventHandlersInitialised: false, /** * {DragDropToTextQuestion[]} all the questions on this page, indexed by containerId (id on the .que div). */ questions: {}, /** * Initialise questions. * * @param {String} containerId id of the outer div for this question. * @param {boolean} readOnly whether the question is being displayed read-only. */ init: function(containerId, readOnly) { questionManager.questions[containerId] = new DragDropToTextQuestion(containerId, readOnly); if (!questionManager.eventHandlersInitialised) { questionManager.setupEventHandlers(); questionManager.eventHandlersInitialised = true; } }, /** * Set up the event handlers that make this question type work. (Done once per page.) */ setupEventHandlers: function() { $('body').on('mousedown touchstart', '.que.ddwtos:not(.qtype_ddwtos-readonly) span.drag', questionManager.handleDragStart) .on('keydown', '.que.ddwtos:not(.qtype_ddwtos-readonly) span.drop', questionManager.handleKeyPress); $(window).on('resize', questionManager.handleWindowResize); setTimeout(questionManager.fixLayoutIfThingsMoved, 100); }, /** * Handle mouse down / touch start on drags. * @param {Event} e the DOM event. */ handleDragStart: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var question = questionManager.getQuestionForEvent(e); if (question) { question.handleDragStart(e); } }, /** * Handle key down / press on drops. * @param {KeyboardEvent} e */ handleKeyPress: function(e) { var question = questionManager.getQuestionForEvent(e); if (question) { question.handleKeyPress(e); } }, /** * Handle when the window is resized. */ handleWindowResize: function() { for (var containerId in questionManager.questions) { if (questionManager.questions.hasOwnProperty(containerId)) { questionManager.questions[containerId].positionDrags(); } } }, /** * Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things change in a way that cannot * be specifically caught (e.g. dock expanding or collapsing in Boost). * Therefore, we need to periodically check everything is in the right position. */ fixLayoutIfThingsMoved: function() { for (var containerId in questionManager.questions) { if (questionManager.questions.hasOwnProperty(containerId)) { questionManager.questions[containerId].fixLayoutIfDropsMoved(); } } // We use setTimeout after finishing work, rather than setInterval, // in case positioning things is slow. We want 100 ms gap // between executions, not what setInterval does. setTimeout(questionManager.fixLayoutIfThingsMoved, 100); }, /** * Given an event, work out which question it affects. * * @param {Event} e the event. * @returns {DragDropToTextQuestion|undefined} The question, or undefined. */ getQuestionForEvent: function(e) { var containerId = $(e.currentTarget).closest('.que.ddwtos').attr('id'); return questionManager.questions[containerId]; } }; /** * @alias module:qtype_ddwtos/ddwtos */ return { /** * Initialise one drag-drop into text question. * * @param {String} containerId id of the outer div for this question. * @param {boolean} readOnly whether the question is being displayed read-only. */ init: questionManager.init }; });