. /** * Unit tests for the select missing words question edit form. * * @package qtype_gapselect * @copyright 2012 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/engine/tests/helpers.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/edit_question_form.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/gapselect/edit_gapselect_form.php'); /** * Subclass of qtype_gapselect_edit_form_base that is easier to used in unit tests. * * @copyright 2012 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class qtype_gapselect_edit_form_base_testable extends qtype_gapselect_edit_form_base { public function get_illegal_tag_error($text) { return parent::get_illegal_tag_error($text); } /** * Set the list of allowed tags. * @param array $allowed */ public function set_allowed_tags(array $allowed) { $this->allowedhtmltags = $allowed; } } /** * Unit tests for select missing words question edit form. * * @copyright 2012 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class qtype_gapselect_edit_form_test extends advanced_testcase { /** * Helper method. * * @param string $classname the question form class to instantiate. * * * @return array with two elements: * question_edit_form great a question form instance that can be tested. * stdClass the question category. */ protected function get_form($classname) { $this->setAdminUser(); $this->resetAfterTest(); $syscontext = context_system::instance(); $category = question_make_default_categories(array($syscontext)); $fakequestion = new stdClass(); $fakequestion->qtype = 'gapselect'; // Does not actually matter if this is wrong. $fakequestion->contextid = $syscontext->id; $fakequestion->createdby = 2; $fakequestion->category = $category->id; $fakequestion->questiontext = 'Test [[1]] question [[2]]'; $fakequestion->options = new stdClass(); $fakequestion->options->answers = array(); $fakequestion->formoptions = new stdClass(); $fakequestion->formoptions->movecontext = null; $fakequestion->formoptions->repeatelements = true; $fakequestion->inputs = null; $form = new $classname(new moodle_url('/'), $fakequestion, $category, new question_edit_contexts($syscontext)); return [$form, $category]; } public function test_get_illegal_tag_error() { list($form) = $this->get_form('qtype_gapselect_edit_form_base_testable'); $this->assertEquals('', $form->get_illegal_tag_error('frog')); $this->assertEquals('', $form->get_illegal_tag_error('
')); $a = new stdClass(); $a->tag = '<ijk>'; $a->allowed = '<sub>, <sup>, <b>, <i>, <em>, <strong>, <span>'; $this->assertEquals(get_string('tagsnotallowed', 'qtype_gapselect', $a), $form->get_illegal_tag_error('
')); $a->tag = '</cat>'; $this->assertEquals(get_string('tagsnotallowed', 'qtype_gapselect', $a), $form->get_illegal_tag_error('')); $a->tag = '<br />'; $this->assertEquals(get_string('tagsnotallowed', 'qtype_gapselect', $a), $form->get_illegal_tag_error('
')); $form->set_allowed_tags(array()); $this->assertEquals('', $form->get_illegal_tag_error('frog')); $a->tag = '<i>'; $this->assertEquals(get_string('tagsnotallowedatall', 'qtype_gapselect', $a), $form->get_illegal_tag_error('
')); $a->tag = '<ijk>'; $this->assertEquals(get_string('tagsnotallowedatall', 'qtype_gapselect', $a), $form->get_illegal_tag_error('
')); $a->tag = '</cat>'; $this->assertEquals(get_string('tagsnotallowedatall', 'qtype_gapselect', $a), $form->get_illegal_tag_error('')); $a->tag = '<i>'; $this->assertEquals(get_string('tagsnotallowedatall', 'qtype_gapselect', $a), $form->get_illegal_tag_error('
')); } /** * Test the form shows the right number of groups of choices. */ public function test_number_of_choice_groups() { list($form) = $this->get_form('qtype_gapselect_edit_form'); // Use reflection to get the protected property we need. $property = new ReflectionProperty('qtype_gapselect_edit_form', '_form'); $property->setAccessible(true); $mform = $property->getValue($form); $choices = $mform->getElement('choices[0]'); $groupoptions = $choices->_elements[1]; $this->assertCount(20, $groupoptions->_options); } /** * Test the form correctly validates the HTML allowed in choices. */ public function test_choices_validation() { list($form, $category) = $this->get_form('qtype_gapselect_edit_form'); $submitteddata = [ 'category' => $category->id, 'questiontext' => ['text' => 'Test [[1]] question [[2]]', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML], 'choices' => [ ['answer' => 'frog'], ['answer' => '
'], ], ]; $errors = $form->validation($submitteddata, []); $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('choices[0]', $errors); $this->assertEquals('<b> is not allowed. (No HTML is allowed here.)', $errors['choices[1]']); } }