. /** * Contains the helper class for the select missing words question type tests. * * @package qtype_gapselect * @copyright 2011 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Test helper class for the select missing words question type. * * @copyright 2011 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class qtype_gapselect_test_helper { /** * Get an example gapselect question to use for testing. This examples has one of each item. * @return qtype_gapselect_question */ public static function make_a_gapselect_question() { question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('gapselect'); $gapselect = new qtype_gapselect_question(); test_question_maker::initialise_a_question($gapselect); $gapselect->name = 'Selection from drop down list question'; $gapselect->questiontext = 'The [[1]] brown [[2]] jumped over the [[3]] dog.'; $gapselect->generalfeedback = 'This sentence uses each letter of the alphabet.'; $gapselect->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('gapselect'); $gapselect->shufflechoices = true; test_question_maker::set_standard_combined_feedback_fields($gapselect); $gapselect->choices = array( 1 => array( 1 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('quick', 1), 2 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('slow', 1)), 2 => array( 1 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('fox', 2), 2 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('dog', 2)), 3 => array( 1 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('lazy', 3), 2 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('assiduous', 3)), ); $gapselect->places = array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3); $gapselect->rightchoices = array(1 => 1, 2 => 1, 3 => 1); $gapselect->textfragments = array('The ', ' brown ', ' jumped over the ', ' dog.'); return $gapselect; } /** * Get an example gapselect question to use for testing. This exmples had unlimited items. * @return qtype_gapselect_question */ public static function make_a_maths_gapselect_question() { question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('gapselect'); $gapselect = new qtype_gapselect_question(); test_question_maker::initialise_a_question($gapselect); $gapselect->name = 'Selection from drop down list question'; $gapselect->questiontext = 'Fill in the operators to make this equation work: ' . '7 [[1]] 11 [[2]] 13 [[1]] 17 [[2]] 19 = 3'; $gapselect->generalfeedback = 'This sentence uses each letter of the alphabet.'; $gapselect->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('gapselect'); $gapselect->shufflechoices = true; test_question_maker::set_standard_combined_feedback_fields($gapselect); $gapselect->choices = array( 1 => array( 1 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('+', 1, true), 2 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('-', 1, true), 3 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('*', 1, true), 4 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('/', 1, true), )); $gapselect->places = array(1 => 1, 2 => 1, 3 => 1, 4 => 1); $gapselect->rightchoices = array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 1, 4 => 2); $gapselect->textfragments = array('7 ', ' 11 ', ' 13 ', ' 17 ', ' 19 = 3'); return $gapselect; } /** * Get an example gapselect question with multilang entries to use for testing. * @return qtype_gapselect_question */ public static function make_a_multilang_gapselect_question() { question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('gapselect'); $gapselect = new qtype_gapselect_question(); test_question_maker::initialise_a_question($gapselect); $gapselect->name = 'Multilang select missing words question'; $gapselect->questiontext = '
[[1]] ' . '
sat on the
сидела на
[[2]].'; $gapselect->generalfeedback = 'This sentence uses each letter of the alphabet.'; $gapselect->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('gapselect'); $gapselect->shufflechoices = true; test_question_maker::set_standard_combined_feedback_fields($gapselect); $gapselect->choices = array( 1 => array( 1 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('
', 1, true), 2 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('
', 1, true)), 2 => array( 1 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('
', 2, true), 2 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('
', 2, true)) ); $gapselect->places = array(1 => 1, 2 => 2); $gapselect->rightchoices = array(1 => 1, 2 => 1); $gapselect->textfragments = array('
', '
sat on the
сидела на
', '.'); return $gapselect; } /** * This examples includes choices with currency like options. * @return qtype_gapselect_question */ public static function make_a_currency_gapselect_question() { question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('gapselect'); $gapselect = new qtype_gapselect_question(); test_question_maker::initialise_a_question($gapselect); $gapselect->name = 'Selection from currency like choices'; $gapselect->questiontext = 'The price of the ball is [[1]] approx.'; $gapselect->generalfeedback = 'The choice is yours'; $gapselect->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('gapselect'); $gapselect->shufflechoices = true; test_question_maker::set_standard_combined_feedback_fields($gapselect); $gapselect->choices = [ 1 => [ 1 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('$2', 1), 2 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('$3', 1), 3 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('$4.99', 1), 4 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('-1', 1) ] ]; $gapselect->places = array(1 => 1); $gapselect->rightchoices = array(1 => 1); $gapselect->textfragments = array('The price of the ball is ', ' approx.'); return $gapselect; } }