. /** * Defines the editing form for the random question type. * * @package qtype * @subpackage random * @copyright 2007 Jamie Pratt me@jamiep.org * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * random editing form definition. * * @copyright 2007 Jamie Pratt me@jamiep.org * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class qtype_random_edit_form extends question_edit_form { /** * Build the form definition. * * This adds all the form files that the default question type supports. * If your question type does not support all these fields, then you can * override this method and remove the ones you don't want with $mform->removeElement(). */ protected function definition() { $mform = $this->_form; // Standard fields at the start of the form. $mform->addElement('header', 'generalheader', get_string("general", 'form')); $mform->addElement('questioncategory', 'category', get_string('category', 'question'), array('contexts' => $this->contexts->having_cap('moodle/question:useall'), 'top' => true)); $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'questiontext[text]', get_string('includingsubcategories', 'qtype_random'), null, null, array(0, 1)); $tops = question_get_top_categories_for_contexts(array_column($this->contexts->all(), 'id')); $mform->hideIf('questiontext[text]', 'category', 'in', $tops); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'qtype'); $mform->setType('qtype', PARAM_ALPHA); $this->add_hidden_fields(); $buttonarray = array(); $buttonarray[] = $mform->createElement('submit', 'submitbutton', get_string('savechanges')); $buttonarray[] = $mform->createElement('cancel'); $mform->addGroup($buttonarray, 'buttonar', '', array(' '), false); $mform->closeHeaderBefore('buttonar'); } public function set_data($question) { $question->questiontext = array('text' => $question->questiontext); // We don't want the complex stuff in the base class to run. moodleform::set_data($question); } public function validation($fromform, $files) { // Validation of category is not relevant for this question type. return array(); } public function qtype() { return 'random'; } }