. /** * Defines the editing form for the shortanswer question type. * * @package qtype * @subpackage shortanswer * @copyright 2007 Jamie Pratt * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Short answer question editing form definition. * * @copyright 2007 Jamie Pratt * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class qtype_shortanswer_edit_form extends question_edit_form { protected function definition_inner($mform) { $menu = array( get_string('caseno', 'qtype_shortanswer'), get_string('caseyes', 'qtype_shortanswer') ); $mform->addElement('select', 'usecase', get_string('casesensitive', 'qtype_shortanswer'), $menu); $mform->addElement('static', 'answersinstruct', get_string('correctanswers', 'qtype_shortanswer'), get_string('filloutoneanswer', 'qtype_shortanswer')); $mform->closeHeaderBefore('answersinstruct'); $this->add_per_answer_fields($mform, get_string('answerno', 'qtype_shortanswer', '{no}'), question_bank::fraction_options()); $this->add_interactive_settings(); } protected function get_more_choices_string() { return get_string('addmoreanswerblanks', 'qtype_shortanswer'); } protected function data_preprocessing($question) { $question = parent::data_preprocessing($question); $question = $this->data_preprocessing_answers($question); $question = $this->data_preprocessing_hints($question); return $question; } public function validation($data, $files) { $errors = parent::validation($data, $files); $answers = $data['answer']; $answercount = 0; $maxgrade = false; foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) { $trimmedanswer = trim($answer); if ($trimmedanswer !== '') { $answercount++; if ($data['fraction'][$key] == 1) { $maxgrade = true; } } else if ($data['fraction'][$key] != 0 || !html_is_blank($data['feedback'][$key]['text'])) { $errors["answeroptions[{$key}]"] = get_string('answermustbegiven', 'qtype_shortanswer'); $answercount++; } } if ($answercount==0) { $errors['answeroptions[0]'] = get_string('notenoughanswers', 'qtype_shortanswer', 1); } if ($maxgrade == false) { $errors['answeroptions[0]'] = get_string('fractionsnomax', 'question'); } return $errors; } public function qtype() { return 'shortanswer'; } }