. /** * Test helpers for the truefalse question type. * * @package qtype * @subpackage truefalse * @copyright 2011 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Test helper class for the truefalse question type. * * @copyright 2011 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class qtype_truefalse_test_helper extends question_test_helper { public function get_test_questions() { return array('true', 'false'); } /** * Makes a truefalse question with correct answer true. * @return qtype_truefalse_question */ public function make_truefalse_question_true() { question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('truefalse'); $tf = new qtype_truefalse_question(); test_question_maker::initialise_a_question($tf); $tf->name = 'True/false question'; $tf->questiontext = 'The answer is true.'; $tf->generalfeedback = 'You should have selected true.'; $tf->penalty = 1; $tf->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('truefalse'); $tf->rightanswer = true; $tf->truefeedback = 'This is the right answer.'; $tf->falsefeedback = 'This is the wrong answer.'; $tf->truefeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML; $tf->falsefeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML; $tf->trueanswerid = 13; $tf->falseanswerid = 14; return $tf; } public function get_truefalse_question_form_data_true() { $form = new stdClass(); $form->name = 'True/false question'; $form->questiontext = array(); $form->questiontext['format'] = '1'; $form->questiontext['text'] = 'The answer is true.'; $form->defaultmark = 1; $form->generalfeedback = array(); $form->generalfeedback['format'] = '1'; $form->generalfeedback['text'] = 'You should have selected true.'; $form->correctanswer = '1'; $form->feedbacktrue = array(); $form->feedbacktrue['format'] = '1'; $form->feedbacktrue['text'] = 'This is the right answer.'; $form->feedbackfalse = array(); $form->feedbackfalse['format'] = '1'; $form->feedbackfalse['text'] = 'This is the wrong answer.'; $form->penalty = 1; return $form; } function get_truefalse_question_data_true() { $q = new stdClass(); $q->name = 'True/false question'; $q->questiontext = 'The answer is true.'; $q->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML; $q->generalfeedback = 'You should have selected true.'; $q->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML; $q->defaultmark = 1; $q->penalty = 1; $q->qtype = 'truefalse'; $q->length = '1'; $q->hidden = '0'; $q->createdby = '2'; $q->modifiedby = '2'; $q->options = new stdClass(); $q->options->trueanswer = '0'; $q->options->falseanswer = '1'; $q->options->answers = array(); $q->options->answers[0] = new stdClass(); $q->options->answers[0]->answer = 'True'; $q->options->answers[0]->fraction = 1.0; $q->options->answers[0]->feedback = 'This is the right answer.'; $q->options->answers[0]->feedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML; $q->options->answers[1] = new stdClass(); $q->options->answers[1]->answer = 'False'; $q->options->answers[1]->fraction = 0.0; $q->options->answers[1]->feedback = 'This is the wrong answer.'; $q->options->answers[1]->feedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML; return $q; } /** * Makes a truefalse question with correct answer false. * @return qtype_truefalse_question */ public function make_truefalse_question_false() { question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('truefalse'); $tf = new qtype_truefalse_question(); test_question_maker::initialise_a_question($tf); $tf->name = 'True/false question'; $tf->questiontext = 'The answer is false.'; $tf->generalfeedback = 'You should have selected false.'; $tf->penalty = 1; $tf->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('truefalse'); $tf->rightanswer = false; $tf->truefeedback = 'This is the wrong answer.'; $tf->falsefeedback = 'This is the right answer.'; $tf->truefeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML; $tf->falsefeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML; $tf->trueanswerid = 13; $tf->falseanswerid = 14; return $tf; } }