. /** * Single insight view page. * * @package report_insights * @copyright 2017 David Monllao {@link http://www.davidmonllao.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace report_insights\output; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Single insight view page. * * @package report_insights * @copyright 2017 David Monllao {@link http://www.davidmonllao.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class insight implements \renderable, \templatable { /** * @var \core_analytics\model */ protected $model; /** * @var \core_analytics\prediction */ protected $prediction; /** * @var bool */ protected $includedetailsaction = false; /** * Constructor * * @param \core_analytics\prediction $prediction * @param \core_analytics\model $model * @param bool $includedetailsaction * @return void */ public function __construct(\core_analytics\prediction $prediction, \core_analytics\model $model, $includedetailsaction = false) { $this->prediction = $prediction; $this->model = $model; $this->includedetailsaction = $includedetailsaction; } /** * Exports the data. * * @param \renderer_base $output * @return \stdClass */ public function export_for_template(\renderer_base $output) { // Get the prediction data. $predictiondata = $this->prediction->get_prediction_data(); $target = $this->model->get_target(); $data = new \stdClass(); $data->insightname = format_string($target->get_name()); $data->showpredictionheading = true; if (!$target->is_linear()) { $nclasses = count($target::get_classes()); $nignoredclasses = count($target->ignored_predicted_classes()); if ($nclasses - $nignoredclasses <= 1) { // Hide the prediction heading if there is only 1 class displayed. Otherwise it is redundant with the insight name. $data->showpredictionheading = false; } } // Get the details. $data->timecreated = userdate($predictiondata->timecreated); $data->timerange = ''; if (!empty($predictiondata->timestart) && !empty($predictiondata->timeend)) { $timerange = new \stdClass(); $timerange->timestart = userdate($predictiondata->timestart); $timerange->timeend = userdate($predictiondata->timeend); $data->timerange = get_string('timerangewithdata', 'report_insights', $timerange); } // Sample info (determined by the analyser). list($data->sampledescription, $samplerenderable) = $this->model->prediction_sample_description($this->prediction); // Sampleimage is a renderable we should pass it to HTML. if ($samplerenderable) { $data->sampleimage = $output->render($samplerenderable); } // Prediction info. $predictedvalue = $predictiondata->prediction; $predictionid = $predictiondata->id; $data->predictiondisplayvalue = $target->get_display_value($predictedvalue); list($data->style, $data->outcomeicon) = self::get_calculation_display($target, floatval($predictedvalue), $output); $actions = $target->prediction_actions($this->prediction, $this->includedetailsaction); if ($actions) { $actionsmenu = new \action_menu(); $actionsmenu->set_menu_trigger(get_string('actions')); $actionsmenu->set_owner_selector('prediction-actions-' . $predictionid); $actionsmenu->set_alignment(\action_menu::TL, \action_menu::BL); // Add all actions defined by the target. foreach ($actions as $action) { $actionsmenu->add($action->get_action_link()); } $data->actions = $actionsmenu->export_for_template($output); } else { $data->actions = false; } // Calculated indicators values. $data->calculations = array(); $calculations = $this->prediction->get_calculations(); foreach ($calculations as $calculation) { // Hook for indicators with extra features that should not be displayed (e.g. discrete indicators). if (!$calculation->indicator->should_be_displayed($calculation->value, $calculation->subtype)) { continue; } if ($calculation->value === null) { // We don't show values that could not be calculated. continue; } $obj = new \stdClass(); $obj->name = call_user_func(array($calculation->indicator, 'get_name')); $obj->displayvalue = $calculation->indicator->get_display_value($calculation->value, $calculation->subtype); list($obj->style, $obj->outcomeicon) = self::get_calculation_display($calculation->indicator, floatval($calculation->value), $output, $calculation->subtype); $data->calculations[] = $obj; } if (empty($data->calculations)) { $data->nocalculations = (object)array( 'message' => get_string('nodetailsavailable', 'report_insights'), 'closebutton' => false ); } return $data; } /** * Returns display info for the calculated value outcome. * * @param \core_analytics\calculable $calculable * @param float $value * @param \renderer_base $output * @param string|false $subtype * @return array The style as 'success', 'info', 'warning' or 'danger' and pix_icon */ public static function get_calculation_display(\core_analytics\calculable $calculable, $value, $output, $subtype = false) { $outcome = $calculable->get_calculation_outcome($value, $subtype); switch ($outcome) { case \core_analytics\calculable::OUTCOME_NEUTRAL: $style = ''; $text = get_string('outcomeneutral', 'report_insights'); $icon = 't/check'; break; case \core_analytics\calculable::OUTCOME_VERY_POSITIVE: $style = 'success'; $text = get_string('outcomeverypositive', 'report_insights'); $icon = 't/approve'; break; case \core_analytics\calculable::OUTCOME_OK: $style = 'info'; $text = get_string('outcomeok', 'report_insights'); $icon = 't/check'; break; case \core_analytics\calculable::OUTCOME_NEGATIVE: $style = 'warning'; $text = get_string('outcomenegative', 'report_insights'); $icon = 'i/warning'; break; case \core_analytics\calculable::OUTCOME_VERY_NEGATIVE: $style = 'danger'; $text = get_string('outcomeverynegative', 'report_insights'); $icon = 'i/warning'; break; default: throw new \coding_exception('The outcome returned by ' . get_class($calculable) . '::get_calculation_outcome is ' . 'not one of the accepted values. Please use \core_analytics\calculable::OUTCOME_VERY_POSITIVE, ' . '\core_analytics\calculable::OUTCOME_OK, \core_analytics\calculable::OUTCOME_NEGATIVE, ' . '\core_analytics\calculable::OUTCOME_VERY_NEGATIVE or \core_analytics\calculable::OUTCOME_NEUTRAL'); } $icon = new \pix_icon($icon, $text); return array($style, $icon->export_for_template($output)); } }