// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Some UI stuff for participants page. * This is also used by the report/participants/index.php because it has the same functionality. * * @module core_user/participants * @package core_user * @copyright 2017 Damyon Wiese * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define(['jquery', 'core/str', 'core/modal_factory', 'core/modal_events', 'core/templates', 'core/notification', 'core/ajax'], function($, Str, ModalFactory, ModalEvents, Templates, Notification, Ajax) { var SELECTORS = { BULKACTIONSELECT: "#formactionid", BULKUSERCHECKBOXES: "input.usercheckbox", BULKUSERNOSCHECKBOXES: "input.usercheckbox[value='0']", BULKUSERSELECTEDCHECKBOXES: "input.usercheckbox:checked", BULKACTIONFORM: "#participantsform", CHECKALLBUTTON: "#checkall", CHECKALLNOSBUTTON: "#checkallnos", CHECKALLONPAGEBUTTON: "#checkallonpage", CHECKNONEBUTTON: "#checknone" }; /** * Constructor * * @param {Object} options Object containing options. Contextid is required. * Each call to templates.render gets it's own instance of this class. */ var Participants = function(options) { this.courseId = options.courseid; this.noteStateNames = options.noteStateNames; this.stateHelpIcon = options.stateHelpIcon; this.attachEventListeners(); }; // Class variables and functions. /** * @var {Modal} modal * @private */ Participants.prototype.modal = null; /** * @var {int} courseId * @private */ Participants.prototype.courseId = -1; /** * @var {Object} noteStateNames * @private */ Participants.prototype.noteStateNames = {}; /** * @var {String} stateHelpIcon * @private */ Participants.prototype.stateHelpIcon = ""; /** * Private method * * @method attachEventListeners * @private */ Participants.prototype.attachEventListeners = function() { $(SELECTORS.BULKACTIONSELECT).on('change', function(e) { var action = $(e.target).val(); if (action.indexOf('#') !== -1) { e.preventDefault(); var ids = []; $(SELECTORS.BULKUSERSELECTEDCHECKBOXES).each(function(index, ele) { var name = $(ele).attr('name'); var id = name.replace('user', ''); ids.push(id); }); if (action == '#messageselect') { this.showSendMessage(ids).fail(Notification.exception); } else if (action == '#addgroupnote') { this.showAddNote(ids).fail(Notification.exception); } $(SELECTORS.BULKACTIONSELECT + ' option[value=""]').prop('selected', 'selected'); } else if (action !== '') { if ($(SELECTORS.BULKUSERSELECTEDCHECKBOXES).length > 0) { $(SELECTORS.BULKACTIONFORM).submit(); } else { $(SELECTORS.BULKACTIONSELECT + ' option[value=""]').prop('selected', 'selected'); } } }.bind(this)); $(SELECTORS.CHECKALLBUTTON).on('click', function() { var showallink = $(this).data('showallink'); if (showallink) { window.location = showallink; } }); $(SELECTORS.CHECKALLNOSBUTTON).on('click', function() { $(SELECTORS.BULKUSERNOSCHECKBOXES).prop('checked', true); }); $(SELECTORS.CHECKALLONPAGEBUTTON).on('click', function() { $(SELECTORS.BULKUSERCHECKBOXES).prop('checked', true); }); $(SELECTORS.CHECKNONEBUTTON).on('click', function() { $(SELECTORS.BULKUSERCHECKBOXES).prop('checked', false); }); }; /** * Show the add note popup * * @method showAddNote * @private * @param {int[]} users * @return {Promise} */ Participants.prototype.showAddNote = function(users) { if (users.length == 0) { // Nothing to do. return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); } var states = []; for (var key in this.noteStateNames) { switch (key) { case 'draft': states.push({value: 'personal', label: this.noteStateNames[key]}); break; case 'public': states.push({value: 'course', label: this.noteStateNames[key], selected: 1}); break; case 'site': states.push({value: key, label: this.noteStateNames[key]}); break; } } var context = {stateNames: states, stateHelpIcon: this.stateHelpIcon}; var titlePromise = null; if (users.length == 1) { titlePromise = Str.get_string('addbulknotesingle', 'core_notes'); } else { titlePromise = Str.get_string('addbulknote', 'core_notes', users.length); } return $.when( ModalFactory.create({ type: ModalFactory.types.SAVE_CANCEL, body: Templates.render('core_user/add_bulk_note', context) }), titlePromise ).then(function(modal, title) { // Keep a reference to the modal. this.modal = modal; this.modal.setTitle(title); this.modal.setSaveButtonText(title); // We want to focus on the action select when the dialog is closed. this.modal.getRoot().on(ModalEvents.hidden, function() { var notification = $('#user-notifications [role=alert]'); if (notification.length) { notification.focus(); } else { $(SELECTORS.BULKACTIONSELECT).focus(); } this.modal.getRoot().remove(); }.bind(this)); this.modal.getRoot().on(ModalEvents.save, this.submitAddNote.bind(this, users)); this.modal.show(); return this.modal; }.bind(this)); }; /** * Add a note to this list of users. * * @method submitAddNote * @private * @param {int[]} users * @return {Promise} */ Participants.prototype.submitAddNote = function(users) { var noteText = this.modal.getRoot().find('form textarea').val(); var publishState = this.modal.getRoot().find('form select').val(); var notes = [], i = 0; for (i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { notes.push({userid: users[i], text: noteText, courseid: this.courseId, publishstate: publishState}); } return Ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_notes_create_notes', args: {notes: notes} }])[0].then(function(noteIds) { if (noteIds.length == 1) { return Str.get_string('addbulknotedonesingle', 'core_notes'); } else { return Str.get_string('addbulknotedone', 'core_notes', noteIds.length); } }).then(function(msg) { Notification.addNotification({ message: msg, type: "success" }); return true; }).catch(Notification.exception); }; /** * Show the send message popup. * * @method showSendMessage * @private * @param {int[]} users * @return {Promise} */ Participants.prototype.showSendMessage = function(users) { if (users.length == 0) { // Nothing to do. return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); } var titlePromise = null; if (users.length == 1) { titlePromise = Str.get_string('sendbulkmessagesingle', 'core_message'); } else { titlePromise = Str.get_string('sendbulkmessage', 'core_message', users.length); } return $.when( ModalFactory.create({ type: ModalFactory.types.SAVE_CANCEL, body: Templates.render('core_user/send_bulk_message', {}) }), titlePromise ).then(function(modal, title) { // Keep a reference to the modal. this.modal = modal; this.modal.setTitle(title); this.modal.setSaveButtonText(title); // We want to focus on the action select when the dialog is closed. this.modal.getRoot().on(ModalEvents.hidden, function() { $(SELECTORS.BULKACTIONSELECT).focus(); this.modal.getRoot().remove(); }.bind(this)); this.modal.getRoot().on(ModalEvents.save, this.submitSendMessage.bind(this, users)); this.modal.show(); return this.modal; }.bind(this)); }; /** * Send a message to these users. * * @method submitSendMessage * @private * @param {int[]} users * @param {Event} e Form submission event. * @return {Promise} */ Participants.prototype.submitSendMessage = function(users) { var messageText = this.modal.getRoot().find('form textarea').val(); var messages = [], i = 0; for (i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { messages.push({touserid: users[i], text: messageText}); } return Ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_message_send_instant_messages', args: {messages: messages} }])[0].then(function(messageIds) { if (messageIds.length == 1) { return Str.get_string('sendbulkmessagesentsingle', 'core_message'); } else { return Str.get_string('sendbulkmessagesent', 'core_message', messageIds.length); } }).then(function(msg) { Notification.addNotification({ message: msg, type: "success" }); return true; }).catch(Notification.exception); }; return /** @alias module:core_user/participants */ { // Public variables and functions. /** * Initialise the unified user filter. * * @method init * @param {Object} options - List of options. * @return {Participants} */ 'init': function(options) { return new Participants(options); } }; });