namePrepData = new NamePrepData2008(); return; } if ($idnVersion == 2003) { $this->namePrepData = new NamePrepData2003(); return; } throw new InvalidIdnVersionException('IDN version must bei either 2003 or 2008'); } /** * @param array $inputArray * * @return array * @throws InvalidCharacterException */ public function do(array $inputArray): array { $outputArray = $this->applyCharacterMaps($inputArray); $outputArray = $this->hangulCompose($outputArray); $outputArray = $this->combineCodePoints($outputArray); return $outputArray; } /** * @param array $inputArray * * @return array * @throws InvalidCharacterException */ private function applyCharacterMaps(array $inputArray): array { $outputArray = []; foreach ($inputArray as $codePoint) { // Map to nothing == skip that code point if (in_array($codePoint, $this->namePrepData->mapToNothing)) { continue; } // Try to find prohibited input if (in_array($codePoint, $this->namePrepData->prohibit) || in_array($codePoint, $this->namePrepData->generalProhibited) ) { throw new InvalidCharacterException(sprintf('Prohibited input U+%08X', $codePoint), 101); } foreach ($this->namePrepData->prohibitRanges as $range) { if ($range[0] <= $codePoint && $codePoint <= $range[1]) { throw new InvalidCharacterException(sprintf('Prohibited input U+%08X', $codePoint), 102); } } if (0xAC00 <= $codePoint && $codePoint <= 0xD7AF) { // Hangul syllable decomposition foreach ($this->hangulDecompose($codePoint) as $decomposed) { $outputArray[] = (int) $decomposed; } } elseif (isset($this->namePrepData->replaceMaps[$codePoint])) { foreach ($this->applyCanonicalOrdering($this->namePrepData->replaceMaps[$codePoint]) as $reordered) { $outputArray[] = (int) $reordered; } } else { $outputArray[] = (int) $codePoint; } } return $outputArray; } private function combineCodePoints(array $codePoints): array { $previousClass = 0; $previousStarter = 0; $outputLength = count($codePoints); for ($outerIndex = 0; $outerIndex < $outputLength; ++$outerIndex) { $combiningClass = $this->getCombiningClass($codePoints[$outerIndex]); if ( ($previousClass === 0 || $previousClass > $combiningClass) && $combiningClass !== 0 ) { // Try to match $sequenceLength = $outerIndex - $previousStarter; $combined = $this->combine(array_slice($codePoints, $previousStarter, $sequenceLength)); // On match: Replace the last starter with the composed character and remove // the now redundant non-starter(s) if (false !== $combined) { $codePoints[$previousStarter] = $combined; if ($sequenceLength > 1) { for ($innerIndex = $outerIndex + 1; $innerIndex < $outputLength; ++$innerIndex) { $codePoints[$innerIndex - 1] = $codePoints[$innerIndex]; } unset($codePoints[$outputLength]); } // Rewind the for loop by one, since there can be more possible compositions $outerIndex--; $outputLength--; $previousClass = 0; if ($outerIndex !== $previousStarter) { $this->getCombiningClass($codePoints[$outerIndex - 1]); } continue; } } if ($combiningClass === 0) { $previousStarter = $outerIndex; } $previousClass = $combiningClass; } return $codePoints; } /** * Decomposes a Hangul syllable * (see http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr15/#Hangul * @param integer 32bit UCS4 code point * @return array Either Hangul Syllable decomposed or original 32bit value as one value array */ private function hangulDecompose(int $codePoint): array { $sIndex = (int) $codePoint - self::sBase; if ($sIndex < 0 || $sIndex >= self::sCount) { return [$codePoint]; } $result = [ (int) self::lBase + $sIndex / self::nCount, (int) self::vBase + ($sIndex % self::nCount) / self::tCount, ]; $T = intval(self::tBase + $sIndex % self::tCount); if ($T != self::tBase) { $result[] = $T; } return $result; } /** * Compose a Hangul syllable * (see http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr15/#Hangul * * @param array $input Decomposed UCS4 sequence * @return array UCS4 sequence with syllables composed */ private function hangulCompose(array $input): array { $inputLength = count($input); if ($inputLength === 0) { return []; } $previousCharCode = (int) $input[0]; // copy first codepoint from input to output $result = [ $previousCharCode, ]; for ($i = 1; $i < $inputLength; ++$i) { $charCode = (int) $input[$i]; $sIndex = $previousCharCode - self::sBase; $lIndex = $previousCharCode - self::lBase; $vIndex = $charCode - self::vBase; $tIndex = $charCode - self::tBase; // Find out, whether two current characters are LV and T if (0 <= $sIndex && $sIndex < self::sCount && ($sIndex % self::tCount == 0) && 0 <= $tIndex && $tIndex <= self::tCount ) { // create syllable of form LVT $previousCharCode += $tIndex; $result[(count($result) - 1)] = $previousCharCode; // reset last continue; // discard char } // Find out, whether two current characters form L and V if (0 <= $lIndex && $lIndex < self::lCount && 0 <= $vIndex && $vIndex < self::vCount ) { // create syllable of form LV $previousCharCode = (int) self::sBase + ($lIndex * self::vCount + $vIndex) * self::tCount; $result[(count($result) - 1)] = $previousCharCode; // reset last continue; // discard char } // if neither case was true, just add the character $previousCharCode = $charCode; $result[] = $charCode; } return $result; } /** * Returns the combining class of a certain wide char * @param integer $char Wide char to check (32bit integer) * @return integer Combining class if found, else 0 */ private function getCombiningClass(int $char): int { return isset($this->namePrepData->normalizeCombiningClasses[$char]) ? $this->namePrepData->normalizeCombiningClasses[$char] : 0; } /** * Applies the canonical ordering of a decomposed UCS4 sequence * @param array $input Decomposed UCS4 sequence * @return array Ordered USC4 sequence */ private function applyCanonicalOrdering(array $input): array { $needsSwapping = true; $inputLength = count($input); while ($needsSwapping) { $needsSwapping = false; $previousClass = $this->getCombiningClass(intval($input[0])); for ($outerIndex = 0; $outerIndex < $inputLength - 1; ++$outerIndex) { $nextClass = $this->getCombiningClass(intval($input[$outerIndex + 1])); if ($nextClass !== 0 && $previousClass > $nextClass) { // Move item leftward until it fits for ($innerIndex = $outerIndex + 1; $innerIndex > 0; --$innerIndex) { if ($this->getCombiningClass(intval($input[$innerIndex - 1])) <= $nextClass) { break; } $charToMove = intval($input[$innerIndex]); $input[$innerIndex] = intval($input[$innerIndex - 1]); $input[$innerIndex - 1] = $charToMove; $needsSwapping = true; } // Reentering the loop looking at the old character again $nextClass = $previousClass; } $previousClass = $nextClass; } } return $input; } /** * Do composition of a sequence of starter and non-starter * @param array $input UCS4 Decomposed sequence * @return array|false Ordered USC4 sequence */ private function combine(array $input) { $inputLength = count($input); if (0 === $inputLength) { return false; } foreach ($this->namePrepData->replaceMaps as $namePrepSource => $namePrepTarget) { if ($namePrepTarget[0] !== $input[0]) { continue; } if (count($namePrepTarget) !== $inputLength) { continue; } $hit = false; foreach ($input as $k2 => $v2) { if ($v2 === $namePrepTarget[$k2]) { $hit = true; } else { $hit = false; break; } } if ($hit) { return $namePrepSource; } } return false; } }