// Loop over each breakpoint @each $breakpoint in map-keys($grid-breakpoints) { // Generate media query if needed @include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint) { $infix: breakpoint-infix($breakpoint, $grid-breakpoints); // Loop over each utility property @each $key, $utility in $utilities { // The utility can be disabled with `false`, thus check if the utility is a map first // Only proceed if responsive media queries are enabled or if it's the base media query @if type-of($utility) == "map" and (map-get($utility, responsive) or $infix == "") { @include generate-utility($utility, $infix); } } } } // RFS rescaling @media (min-width: $rfs-mq-value) { @each $breakpoint in map-keys($grid-breakpoints) { $infix: breakpoint-infix($breakpoint, $grid-breakpoints); @if (map-get($grid-breakpoints, $breakpoint) < $rfs-breakpoint) { // Loop over each utility property @each $key, $utility in $utilities { // The utility can be disabled with `false`, thus check if the utility is a map first // Only proceed if responsive media queries are enabled or if it's the base media query @if type-of($utility) == "map" and map-get($utility, rfs) and (map-get($utility, responsive) or $infix == "") { @include generate-utility($utility, $infix, true); } } } } } // Print utilities @media print { @each $key, $utility in $utilities { // The utility can be disabled with `false`, thus check if the utility is a map first // Then check if the utility needs print styles @if type-of($utility) == "map" and map-get($utility, print) == true { @include generate-utility($utility, "-print"); } } }