<?php /** * @package Joomla.Plugin * @subpackage Content.joomla * * @copyright (C) 2010 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org> * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ defined('_JEXEC') or die; use Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplicationInterface; use Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper; use Joomla\CMS\Language\Language; use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text; use Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin; use Joomla\CMS\Table\CoreContent; use Joomla\CMS\User\User; use Joomla\CMS\Workflow\WorkflowServiceInterface; use Joomla\Component\Workflow\Administrator\Table\StageTable; use Joomla\Component\Workflow\Administrator\Table\WorkflowTable; use Joomla\Database\DatabaseDriver; use Joomla\Database\ParameterType; use Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper; /** * Example Content Plugin * * @since 1.6 */ class PlgContentJoomla extends CMSPlugin { /** * Application object * * @var CMSApplicationInterface * @since 4.0.0 */ protected $app; /** * Database Driver Instance * * @var DatabaseDriver * @since 4.0.0 */ protected $db; /** * The save event. * * @param string $context The context * @param object $table The item * @param boolean $isNew Is new item * @param array $data The validated data * * @return boolean * * @since 4.0.0 */ public function onContentBeforeSave($context, $table, $isNew, $data) { if ($context === 'com_menus.item') { return $this->checkMenuItemBeforeSave($context, $table, $isNew, $data); } // Check we are handling the frontend edit form. if (!in_array($context, ['com_workflow.stage', 'com_workflow.workflow']) || $isNew) { return true; } $item = clone $table; $item->load($table->id); if ($item->published != -2 && $data['published'] == -2) { switch ($context) { case 'com_workflow.workflow': return $this->_canDeleteWorkflow($item->id); case 'com_workflow.stage': return $this->_canDeleteStage($item->id); } } return true; } /** * Example after save content method * Article is passed by reference, but after the save, so no changes will be saved. * Method is called right after the content is saved * * @param string $context The context of the content passed to the plugin (added in 1.6) * @param object $article A JTableContent object * @param boolean $isNew If the content is just about to be created * * @return void * * @since 1.6 */ public function onContentAfterSave($context, $article, $isNew): void { // Check we are handling the frontend edit form. if ($context !== 'com_content.form') { return; } // Check if this function is enabled. if (!$this->params->def('email_new_fe', 1)) { return; } // Check this is a new article. if (!$isNew) { return; } $db = $this->db; $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->select($db->quoteName('id')) ->from($db->quoteName('#__users')) ->where($db->quoteName('sendEmail') . ' = 1') ->where($db->quoteName('block') . ' = 0'); $db->setQuery($query); $users = (array) $db->loadColumn(); if (empty($users)) { return; } $user = $this->app->getIdentity(); // Messaging for new items $default_language = ComponentHelper::getParams('com_languages')->get('administrator'); $debug = $this->app->get('debug_lang'); foreach ($users as $user_id) { if ($user_id != $user->id) { // Load language for messaging $receiver = User::getInstance($user_id); $lang = Language::getInstance($receiver->getParam('admin_language', $default_language), $debug); $lang->load('com_content'); $message = array( 'user_id_to' => $user_id, 'subject' => $lang->_('COM_CONTENT_NEW_ARTICLE'), 'message' => sprintf($lang->_('COM_CONTENT_ON_NEW_CONTENT'), $user->get('name'), $article->title), ); $model_message = $this->app->bootComponent('com_messages')->getMVCFactory() ->createModel('Message', 'Administrator'); $model_message->save($message); } } } /** * Don't allow categories to be deleted if they contain items or subcategories with items * * @param string $context The context for the content passed to the plugin. * @param object $data The data relating to the content that was deleted. * * @return boolean * * @since 1.6 */ public function onContentBeforeDelete($context, $data) { // Skip plugin if we are deleting something other than categories if (!in_array($context, ['com_categories.category', 'com_workflow.stage', 'com_workflow.workflow'])) { return true; } switch ($context) { case 'com_categories.category': return $this->_canDeleteCategories($data); case 'com_workflow.workflow': return $this->_canDeleteWorkflow($data->id); case 'com_workflow.stage': return $this->_canDeleteStage($data->id); } } /** * Don't allow workflows/stages to be deleted if they contain items * * @param string $context The context for the content passed to the plugin. * @param object $pks The IDs of the records which will be changed. * @param object $value The new state. * * @return boolean * * @since 4.0.0 */ public function onContentBeforeChangeState($context, $pks, $value) { if ($value != -2 || !in_array($context, ['com_workflow.workflow', 'com_workflow.stage'])) { return true; } $result = true; foreach ($pks as $id) { switch ($context) { case 'com_workflow.workflow': return $result && $this->_canDeleteWorkflow($id); case 'com_workflow.stage': $result = $result && $this->_canDeleteStage($id); } } return true; } /** * Checks if a given category can be deleted * * @param object $data The category object * * @return boolean */ private function _canDeleteCategories($data) { // Check if this function is enabled. if (!$this->params->def('check_categories', 1)) { return true; } $extension = $this->app->input->getString('extension'); // Default to true if not a core extension $result = true; $tableInfo = array( 'com_banners' => array('table_name' => '#__banners'), 'com_contact' => array('table_name' => '#__contact_details'), 'com_content' => array('table_name' => '#__content'), 'com_newsfeeds' => array('table_name' => '#__newsfeeds'), 'com_users' => array('table_name' => '#__user_notes'), 'com_weblinks' => array('table_name' => '#__weblinks'), ); // Now check to see if this is a known core extension if (isset($tableInfo[$extension])) { // Get table name for known core extensions $table = $tableInfo[$extension]['table_name']; // See if this category has any content items $count = $this->_countItemsInCategory($table, $data->get('id')); // Return false if db error if ($count === false) { $result = false; } else { // Show error if items are found in the category if ($count > 0) { $msg = Text::sprintf('COM_CATEGORIES_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED', $data->get('title')) . ' ' . Text::plural('COM_CATEGORIES_N_ITEMS_ASSIGNED', $count); $this->app->enqueueMessage($msg, 'error'); $result = false; } // Check for items in any child categories (if it is a leaf, there are no child categories) if (!$data->isLeaf()) { $count = $this->_countItemsInChildren($table, $data->get('id'), $data); if ($count === false) { $result = false; } elseif ($count > 0) { $msg = Text::sprintf('COM_CATEGORIES_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED', $data->get('title')) . ' ' . Text::plural('COM_CATEGORIES_HAS_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS', $count); $this->app->enqueueMessage($msg, 'error'); $result = false; } } } } return $result; } /** * Checks if a given workflow can be deleted * * @param int $pk The stage ID * * @return boolean * * @since 4.0.0 */ private function _canDeleteWorkflow($pk) { // Check if this workflow is the default stage $table = new WorkflowTable($this->db); $table->load($pk); if (empty($table->id)) { return true; } if ($table->default) { throw new Exception(Text::_('COM_WORKFLOW_MSG_DELETE_IS_DEFAULT')); } $parts = explode('.', $table->extension); $component = $this->app->bootComponent($parts[0]); $section = ''; if (!empty($parts[1])) { $section = $parts[1]; } // No core interface => we're ok if (!$component instanceof WorkflowServiceInterface) { return true; } /** @var \Joomla\Component\Workflow\Administrator\Model\StagesModel $model */ $model = $this->app->bootComponent('com_workflow')->getMVCFactory() ->createModel('Stages', 'Administrator', ['ignore_request' => true]); $model->setState('filter.workflow_id', $pk); $model->setState('filter.extension', $table->extension); $stages = $model->getItems(); $stage_ids = array_column($stages, 'id'); $result = $this->_countItemsInStage($stage_ids, $table->extension); // Return false if db error if ($result > 0) { throw new Exception(Text::_('COM_WORKFLOW_MSG_DELETE_WORKFLOW_IS_ASSIGNED')); } return true; } /** * Checks if a given stage can be deleted * * @param int $pk The stage ID * * @return boolean * * @since 4.0.0 */ private function _canDeleteStage($pk) { $table = new StageTable($this->db); $table->load($pk); if (empty($table->id)) { return true; } // Check if this stage is the default stage if ($table->default) { throw new Exception(Text::_('COM_WORKFLOW_MSG_DELETE_IS_DEFAULT')); } $workflow = new WorkflowTable($this->db); $workflow->load($table->workflow_id); if (empty($workflow->id)) { return true; } $parts = explode('.', $workflow->extension); $component = $this->app->bootComponent($parts[0]); // No core interface => we're ok if (!$component instanceof WorkflowServiceInterface) { return true; } $stage_ids = [$table->id]; $result = $this->_countItemsInStage($stage_ids, $workflow->extension); // Return false if db error if ($result > 0) { throw new Exception(Text::_('COM_WORKFLOW_MSG_DELETE_STAGE_IS_ASSIGNED')); } return true; } /** * Get count of items in a category * * @param string $table table name of component table (column is catid) * @param integer $catid id of the category to check * * @return mixed count of items found or false if db error * * @since 1.6 */ private function _countItemsInCategory($table, $catid) { $db = $this->db; $query = $db->getQuery(true); // Count the items in this category $query->select('COUNT(' . $db->quoteName('id') . ')') ->from($db->quoteName($table)) ->where($db->quoteName('catid') . ' = :catid') ->bind(':catid', $catid, ParameterType::INTEGER); $db->setQuery($query); try { $count = $db->loadResult(); } catch (RuntimeException $e) { $this->app->enqueueMessage($e->getMessage(), 'error'); return false; } return $count; } /** * Get count of items in assigned to a stage * * @param array $stageIds The stage ids to test for * @param string $extension The extension of the workflow * * @return bool * * @since 4.0.0 */ private function _countItemsInStage(array $stageIds, string $extension) : bool { $db = $this->db; $parts = explode('.', $extension); $stageIds = ArrayHelper::toInteger($stageIds); $stageIds = array_filter($stageIds); $section = ''; if (!empty($parts[1])) { $section = $parts[1]; } $component = $this->app->bootComponent($parts[0]); $table = $component->getWorkflowTableBySection($section); if (empty($stageIds) || !$table) { return false; } $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select('COUNT(' . $db->quoteName('b.id') . ')') ->from($db->quoteName('#__workflow_associations', 'wa')) ->from($db->quoteName('#__workflow_stages', 's')) ->from($db->quoteName($table, 'b')) ->where($db->quoteName('wa.stage_id') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('s.id')) ->where($db->quoteName('wa.item_id') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('b.id')) ->whereIn($db->quoteName('s.id'), $stageIds); try { return (int) $db->setQuery($query)->loadResult(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->app->enqueueMessage($e->getMessage(), 'error'); } return false; } /** * Get count of items in a category's child categories * * @param string $table table name of component table (column is catid) * @param integer $catid id of the category to check * @param object $data The data relating to the content that was deleted. * * @return mixed count of items found or false if db error * * @since 1.6 */ private function _countItemsInChildren($table, $catid, $data) { $db = $this->db; // Create subquery for list of child categories $childCategoryTree = $data->getTree(); // First element in tree is the current category, so we can skip that one unset($childCategoryTree[0]); $childCategoryIds = array(); foreach ($childCategoryTree as $node) { $childCategoryIds[] = (int) $node->id; } // Make sure we only do the query if we have some categories to look in if (count($childCategoryIds)) { // Count the items in this category $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->select('COUNT(' . $db->quoteName('id') . ')') ->from($db->quoteName($table)) ->whereIn($db->quoteName('catid'), $childCategoryIds); $db->setQuery($query); try { $count = $db->loadResult(); } catch (RuntimeException $e) { $this->app->enqueueMessage($e->getMessage(), 'error'); return false; } return $count; } else // If we didn't have any categories to check, return 0 { return 0; } } /** * Change the state in core_content if the stage in a table is changed * * @param string $context The context for the content passed to the plugin. * @param array $pks A list of primary key ids of the content that has changed stage. * @param integer $value The value of the condition that the content has been changed to * * @return boolean * * @since 3.1 */ public function onContentChangeState($context, $pks, $value) { $pks = ArrayHelper::toInteger($pks); if ($context === 'com_workflow.stage' && $value == -2) { foreach ($pks as $pk) { if (!$this->_canDeleteStage($pk)) { return false; } } return true; } $db = $this->db; $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->select($db->quoteName('core_content_id')) ->from($db->quoteName('#__ucm_content')) ->where($db->quoteName('core_type_alias') . ' = :context') ->whereIn($db->quoteName('core_content_item_id'), $pks) ->bind(':context', $context); $db->setQuery($query); $ccIds = $db->loadColumn(); $cctable = new CoreContent($db); $cctable->publish($ccIds, $value); return true; } /** * The save event. * * @param string $context The context * @param object $table The item * @param boolean $isNew Is new item * @param array $data The validated data * * @return boolean * * @since 3.9.12 */ private function checkMenuItemBeforeSave($context, $table, $isNew, $data) { // Check we are handling the frontend edit form. if ($context === 'com_menus.item') { return true; } // Special case for Create article menu item if ($table->link !== 'index.php?option=com_content&view=form&layout=edit') { return true; } // Display error if catid is not set when enable_category is enabled $params = json_decode($table->params, true); if ($params['enable_category'] == 1 && empty($params['catid'])) { $table->setError(Text::_('COM_CONTENT_CREATE_ARTICLE_ERROR')); return false; } return true; } }