var DEBUG = false; // User info retrieved from chats is store in this object var context = {}; // Cache conversation position var conversationPos; /* --------------- Utility Functions --------------- */ function getCurrentTime() { var date = new Date(); var hours = date.getHours(); var minutes = date.getMinutes(); var ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM'; hours = hours % 12; hours = hours ? hours : 12; minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0'+minutes : minutes; var strTime = hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm; return strTime; } /** * Cast string * * @param string value * @returns string */ function _phpCastString (value) { var type = typeof value switch (type) { case 'boolean': return value ? '1' : '' case 'string': return value case 'number': if (isNaN(value)) { return 'NAN' } if (!isFinite(value)) { return (value < 0 ? '-' : '') + 'INF' } return value + '' case 'undefined': return '' case 'object': if (Array.isArray(value)) { return 'Array' } if (value !== null) { return 'Object' } return '' case 'function': // fall through default: throw new Error('Unsupported value type') } } /** * Strip tags from a string * * big thanks to http://locutus.io/php/strings/strip_tags/ * * @param string input * @param string allowed * @returns string */ function strip_tags (input, allowed) { // making sure the allowed arg is a string containing only tags in lowercase (
) allowed = (((allowed || '') + '').toLowerCase().match(/<[a-z][a-z0-9]*>/g) || []).join('') var tags = /<\/?([a-z0-9]*)\b[^>]*>?/gi var commentsAndPhpTags = /|<\?(?:php)?[\s\S]*?\?>/gi var after = _phpCastString(input) // removes tha '<' char at the end of the string to replicate PHP's behaviour after = (after.substring(after.length - 1) === '<') ? after.substring(0, after.length - 1) : after // recursively remove tags to ensure that the returned string doesn't contain forbidden tags after previous passes (e.g. '<
switch/>') while (true) { var before = after after = before.replace(commentsAndPhpTags, '').replace(tags, function ($0, $1) { return allowed.indexOf('<' + $1.toLowerCase() + '>') > -1 ? $0 : '' }) // return once no more tags are removed if (before === after) { return after } } } function renderStatement(statement) { // Strip html tags from statement statement = strip_tags(statement); jQuery('.chat-container').append('
' + getCurrentTime() + '
' + statement + '
'); } function showTyping() { jQuery('.chat-container').append('
' + botName +'
'); } function hideTyping() { jQuery('.typing-wrapper').remove(); } var chatWrapper = jQuery('.bot-chat-wrapper'); function scrollToBottom() { chatWrapper.animate({ scrollTop: 600 }, "slow"); } /** * Input checking */ function inputError(msg) { jQuery('.bot-error p').text(msg); jQuery('.bot-error') .animate({bottom: 0}, 500) .delay(3000) .animate({bottom: "-70px"}, 500); } function checkInput(option) { var input = jQuery('.bot-container input[type=text]').val(); // Strip html tags from input input = strip_tags(input); if (input.length > 2) { showResponse(option); } else { inputError(botVars.validationName); } return false; } function checkEmail(option) { var input = jQuery('.bot-container input[type=email]').val(); var regex = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; var result = regex.test(String(input.toLowerCase())); if (input.length > 7 && result === true) { // Add new entry to our db var bot_user_email = jQuery('.bot-container input[type=email]').serialize(); var subscribe_bot_data = 'action=wpmm_add_subscriber&' + bot_user_email; jQuery.post(wpmm_vars.ajax_url, subscribe_bot_data, function(response) { if (!response.success) { alert(response.data); return false; } }, 'json'); showResponse(option); } else { inputError(botVars.validationEmail); } return false; } function clearChat() { jQuery('.chat-container').empty(); } function clearFooter() { jQuery('.choices').empty(); jQuery('.input').empty(); } /* ------------------------ Setup Conversation Data ------------------------ */ function startConversation(conv, pos) { clearFooter(); clearChat(); // Set conversation position // 'conversation' is in the global scope conversationPos = conv; // Load conversation data jQuery.getScript( botVars.uploadsBaseUrl + "data.js", function( data ) { // Show first bot statement showStatement(pos); }); } /* ------------------- Show Bot Statement ------------------- */ function showStatement(pos) { // Where are we in conversationData? var node = conversationData[conversationPos][pos]; // If there is a side effect execute that within the context if ('sideeffect' in node && jQuery.type(node['sideeffect'] === "function")) { node['sideeffect'](context); } // Wrap the statements in an array (if they're not already) var statements; if (jQuery.type(node['statement']) === "array") { statements = node['statement']; } else if (jQuery.type(node['statement']) === "string") { statements = [node['statement']]; } else if (jQuery.type(node['statement']) === "function") { statements = node['statement'](context); } /* ------------------------ Render Bot Statement(s) ------------------------ Run this function over each statement */ async.eachSeries(statements, function(item, callback) { // Emulate typing then scroll to bottom showTyping(); scrollToBottom(); // Create random delay // If statement is short, delay 1.8 seconds // Else, random delay based on statement length if (item.length <= 50) { var delay = 1800; } else { var delay = (item.length / 3) * 30 * (Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1.2); } if (DEBUG) { delay = 0; } setTimeout(function() { hideTyping(); renderStatement(item); scrollToBottom(); callback(); }, delay); }, /* ---------------------- Render User Option(s) ---------------------- This is the final callback of the series */ function (err) { /* ---------------------------- If User Option is Button(s) ---------------------------- */ if ('options' in node) { jQuery('.input').hide(); jQuery('.choices').show(); // Get the options' data var options = node["options"]; // If there are options render them // Otherwise this is the end if (options.length > 0) { // Pause 750ms, then render options setTimeout(function() { for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { var option = options[i]; var extraClass; var clickFunction; // Check option for a consequence if (option['consequence'] === null) { // The consequence is null meaning this is a branch we won't be exploring // The button is given class 'disabled' and does nothing on click clickFunction = null; extraClass = "disabled"; } else { // Else, click function (showResponse) is binded to it clickFunction = function(option) { showResponse(option); }.bind(null, option); extraClass = ""; } // Render button var button = jQuery('
', { text: option['choice'], "class": "chat-message user", click: clickFunction }).appendTo('.choices'); } }, 750); } /* ------------------------ If User Option is Input ------------------------ */ } else if ('input' in node) { jQuery('.input').show(); jQuery('.choices').hide(); var option = node['input']; /* Render Input --------------- */ // Create a form to hold our input and submit button var form = jQuery('
', { submit: checkInput.bind(null, option) }); // Create a user bubble, append to form var inputBubble = jQuery('
', { "class": "chat-message user" }).appendTo(form); // Create an input, append to user bubble var input = jQuery('
', { type: 'text', placeholder: botVars.typeName, name: option['name'], autocomplete: 'off', required: true }).appendTo(inputBubble); // Create an input button, append to user bubble var button = jQuery('
', { text: botVars.send, click: checkInput.bind(null, option) }).appendTo(inputBubble); // Append form to div.input form.appendTo('.input'); // Focus on the input we just put into the DOM async.nextTick(function() { input.focus(); }); /* ------------------------ If User Option is Email ------------------------ */ } else if ('email' in node) { jQuery('.input').show(); jQuery('.choices').hide(); var option = node['email']; /* Render Input --------------- */ // Create a form to hold our input and submit button var form = jQuery('
', { "class": "bot_subscribe_form", submit: checkEmail.bind(null, option) }); // Create a user bubble, append to form var inputBubble = jQuery('
', { "class": "chat-message user" }).appendTo(form); // Create email input, append to user bubble var input = jQuery('
', { type: 'email', placeholder: botVars.typeEmail, name: option['email'], autocomplete: 'off' }).appendTo(inputBubble); // Create an input button, append to user bubble var button = jQuery('
', { text: botVars.send, // "class": "user-email-trigger", click: checkEmail.bind(null, option) }).appendTo(inputBubble); // Append form to div.input form.appendTo('.input'); // Focus on the input we just put into the DOM async.nextTick(function() { input.focus(); }); } scrollToBottom(); }); } /* --------------------- Render User Response --------------------- */ function showResponse(option) { // If there was an input element, put that into the global context var feedback = ""; if ('name' in option) { context[option['name']] = jQuery('.bot-container input[type=text]').val(); feedback = context[option['name']]; } else if('email' in option) { context[option['email']] = jQuery('.bot-container input[type=email]').val(); feedback = context[option['email']]; } else { feedback = option['choice']; } clearFooter(); // Strip html tags from feedback feedback = strip_tags(feedback); // Show what the user chose jQuery(".chat-container").append('
' + feedback + '
'); if ('consequence' in option) { showStatement(option['consequence']); } else { // xxx } }