/** * @globals CZRHSParams * Inspired by the GPLv3 work of Pippin Williamson and Zack Katz with the GF plugin * Adapted by Nicolas Guillaume * License: GPLv3 */ var CZRHSParams = CZRHSParams || {}; var HS_Search; jQuery( function($) { HS_Search = $.extend( CZRHSParams, { searching: false, /** Prevent new results from being shown by setting to true */ cancelled: false, has_searched: false, count: 0, query: '', /** Hold the ms since the user stopped typing */ timeout: null, /** Search field container */ wrap: $( '.frm_form_fields .helpscout-docs' ), form: $( '.frm_form_fields .helpscout-docs' ).closest( '.frm-show-form' ), field: $( '.frm_form_fields .helpscout-docs' ).find( 'input[type="text"]' ), onclick : '', keypress : '', results: {}, performed_search : 0, performed_search_list : [], visited_doc_articles : [], //when resolved => HS_Search.form.find('.go-next-step').show(); has_searched_enough : ( function() { return $.Deferred( function() { var dfd = this, _resolveAfterDelay = function() { _.delay( function() { //if at least one search has been performed, resolve. If not, fire again if ( HS_Search.performed_search > 0 ) { dfd.resolve(); } else { _resolveAfterDelay(); } }, 20000 ); }; _resolveAfterDelay(); return dfd.promise(); }); })(), init: function () { HS_Search.form.find('.go-next-step').hide(); HS_Search.has_searched_enough.done( function() { HS_Search.form.find('.go-next-step').show(); }); HS_Search.form .on( 'keypress', function(e) { var code = e.which || e.keyCode; if( ! HS_Search.field.is(':focus') ) { return; } if( code == 13 && ! $( e.target ).is( 'textarea,input[type="submit"],input[type="button"]' ) ) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); HS_Search.wrap .append( '
' ); //fire search on field change HS_Search.field .attr( 'autocomplete', 'off' ) .on( 'keydown keyup change', HS_Search.search_changed ); //populate the visited doc list when clicking a doc link HS_Search.wrap.find( '.docs-search-wrap' ).on( 'click', '.docs-search-results .article', function( ev ) { var _docLinkEl = $(this).find('.article--open-original'), _docTitleEl = $(this).find('a[data-beacon-article]').first(); if ( 1 == _docLinkEl.length && 1 == _docTitleEl.length && ! _.isEmpty( _docLinkEl.attr('href') ) && ! _.isEmpty( _docTitleEl.html() ) ) { HS_Search.visited_doc_articles.push( { title : _docTitleEl.html() , url : _docLinkEl.attr('href') } ); var _cleanCollection = []; //remove duplicated _cleanCollection = _.uniq( HS_Search.visited_doc_articles, function( _link_ ) { return _link_.url; } ); HS_Search.wrap.trigger( 'new_doc_visited', { doc_links : _cleanCollection } ); } }); }, /** * Perform search on keyup * @param e */ search_changed: function ( e ) { //skip cases when focus is lost, no key pressed, and there's already an not-empty search result printed if ( _.isUndefined( e.which ) && ! _.isEmpty( HS_Search.results ) ) return; var ignored_key_codes = [ 9, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 91, 93 ]; if ( ignored_key_codes.indexOf( e.which ) > -1 ) { HS_Search.log( 'Ignored key press', e.which ); return; } HS_Search.log( 'Starting search countdown in %d ms', parseInt( CZRHSParams.searchDelay, 10 ) ); var $el = $( this ); // Used inside setTimout // Clear the timeout if it has already been set. clearTimeout( HS_Search.timeout ); // Make a new timeout set to go off in HS_Search.searchDelay ms HS_Search.timeout = setTimeout( function () { HS_Search.log( 'Performing search', e.which ); HS_Search.query = $el.val(); // Deleted, empty search box if ( HS_Search.query.length < CZRHSParams.minLength || ( 8 === e.which || 46 === e.which ) && HS_Search.query.length === 0 ) { HS_Search.cancelled = true; // Prevent new results from being shown HS_Search.set_results( {} ); return; } // Check whether a search is being performed. If not, start one. if ( !HS_Search.searching ) { // Reset the results array HS_Search.perform_search(); } }, parseInt( CZRHSParams.searchDelay, 10 ) ); }, /** * Reset results and fetch a new batch using fetch_results */ perform_search: function () { // Reset results HS_Search.results = {}; HS_Search.cancelled = false; HS_Search.fetch_results(); HS_Search.performed_search++; //add search to history //only create a new entry if the new one doesn't start with the previous one and vice versa //else, update the last entry created var _lastSearch = _.isEmpty( HS_Search.performed_search_list ) ? '' : _.last( HS_Search.performed_search_list ), _isLastEntryUpdate = false; //ancienne recherche améliorée if ( ! _.isEmpty( _lastSearch ) ) { if ( _lastSearch.length < HS_Search.query.length ) { _isLastEntryUpdate = HS_Search.query.substr( 0, _lastSearch.length ) == _lastSearch; } //ancienne recherche diminuée else { _isLastEntryUpdate = _lastSearch.substr( 0, HS_Search.query.length ) == HS_Search.query; } } if ( _isLastEntryUpdate ) { HS_Search.performed_search_list.pop(); } HS_Search.performed_search_list.push( HS_Search.query ); HS_Search.wrap.trigger( 'new_search_performed', { searches : HS_Search.performed_search_list } ); }, /** * Alias for console.log, but check if debug is enabled. * @param item * @param item2 */ log: function ( item, item2 ) { if ( HS_Search.debug && console && console.log ) { console.log( item, item2 ); } }, get_results_html: function () { var output = '', count = 0; if ( 'undefined' !== typeof( HS_Search.results.articles ) && HS_Search.results.articles.results.length ) { //show the next if there's a match HS_Search.form.find('.go-next-step').show(); output = CZRHSParams.template.before; $.each( HS_Search.results.articles.results, function ( key, article ) { // Default to true var keep = true; // Make sure article is in the specified collection ID(s) if( CZRHSParams.collections.length > 0 ) { // If we are searching within specific collections, we need to check the article's collection ID keep = false; $.each( CZRHSParams.collections, function ( collection_key, value ) { // Check to see if the article is in the collection var regex = new RegExp("^/docs/" + value ); if( regex.exec( article.docsUrl ) ) { // Collection ID of article matches whitelist, keep the article keep = true; } } ); } // Don't show more than the limit if ( count < HS_Search.limit && keep ) { count++; output += HS_Search.get_article_html( article ); } } ); output += CZRHSParams.template.after; } else { //if there's no match but the user performed already 4 searches, or HS_Search.has_searched_enough.state() == 'resolved' then show if ( 4 <= HS_Search.performed_search || 'resolved' == HS_Search.has_searched_enough.state() ) { HS_Search.form.find('.go-next-step').show(); } else { HS_Search.form.find('.go-next-step').hide(); } } return HS_Search.get_results_found( count ) + output; }, /** * Use localized CZRHSParams.item_template as html template for each article * @param article * @returns {string} */ get_article_html: function ( article ) { var output = CZRHSParams.template.item; for ( var key in article ) { if ( article.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { output = output.replace( RegExp( '{' + key + '}', "g" ), article[ key ] ); } } return output; }, get_results_found: function ( count ) { var found_text = ''; var css_class = 'results-found'; if ( HS_Search.query.length === 0 ) { found_text = CZRHSParams.text.enter_search; css_class += ' message-enter_search'; } else if ( HS_Search.query.length < HS_Search.minLength ) { found_text = CZRHSParams.text.not_long_enough.replace( '{minLength}', HS_Search.minLength ); css_class += ' message-minlength'; } else if ( 0 === count ) { found_text = CZRHSParams.text.no_results_found; css_class += ' message-no_results'; } else { found_text = ( count === 1 ) ? CZRHSParams.text.result_found : CZRHSParams.text.results_found; css_class += ' message-results'; } return CZRHSParams.template.results_found.replace( '{css_class}', css_class ).replace( '{text}', found_text ).replace( '{count}', count ); }, /** * Set the results object and trigger re-generation of the HTML * @param results */ set_results: function ( results ) { HS_Search.log( 'Adding results:', results ); HS_Search.results = results; HS_Search.wrap.find( '.docs-search-wrap' ) .html( HS_Search.get_results_html() ) .not(':visible').slideDown(); }, /** * HelpScout doesn't support searching for exotic characters like brackets. * * @param query * @returns {*} */ sanitize_query: function ( query ) { query = query.replace( /[\{\}\[\]]/g, ' ' ); HS_Search.log( 'Searching for %s', query ); return query; }, /** * Perform a search */ fetch_results: function () { query = HS_Search.sanitize_query( HS_Search.query ); $search_wrap = HS_Search.wrap.find( '.docs-search-wrap' ); // Extensions $.ajax( { url: 'https://' + CZRHSParams._subdomain + '.helpscoutdocs.com/search/ajax?ref=support&query=' + encodeURIComponent( query ), async: true, dataType: 'json', beforeSend: function () { HS_Search.searching = true; $search_wrap.addClass('docs-searching'); // Show a spinner HS_Search.wrap.find( '.docs-search-wrap' ) .show() .html( '
' ); $( 'body' ).trigger( 'gf_hs_search_started' ); }, success: function ( results ) { if ( !HS_Search.cancelled ) { HS_Search.set_results( results ); $( 'body' ).trigger( 'gf_hs_search_results_found' ); HS_Search.has_searched = true; } }, error: function ( e ) { HS_Search.log( 'Error: %s', e ); $( 'body' ).trigger( 'gf_hs_search_error' ); } } ).always( function () { HS_Search.searching = false; $search_wrap.removeClass('docs-searching'); } ); } } ); //HS_Search.init(); } );//jQuery( function($) { jQuery( function($) { _.delay( function() { HS_Search.init(); }, 300 ); } );