/* =================================================== * czr-post-formats.js v1.0.1 * =================================================== * (c) 2015 Nicolas Guillaume, Nice, France * * License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * =================================================== */ ( function($) { "use strict"; $( function() { if ( ! CZRPostFormatsParams ) return; if ( ! CZRPostFormatsParams.postFormatSections ) return; // temporary workaround to make sure gutenberg elements have been rendered, see https://github.com/presscustomizr/customizr/issues/1576 setTimeout( function() { var _wpPostFormatsInputSelectorClassical = '#post-formats-select input[name="post_format"]', _wpPostFormatsInputSelectorGutenberg = '.editor-post-format select', _gutenbergEditorSelector = '#editor.block-editor__container', _isClassical = $(_wpPostFormatsInputSelectorClassical).length > 0, _isGutenberg = $(_gutenbergEditorSelector).length > 0; if ( !( _isClassical || _isGutenberg ) ) { return; } var _onChangePostFromatSelector = _isClassical ? _wpPostFormatsInputSelectorClassical + ':radio' : _wpPostFormatsInputSelectorGutenberg, _postFormatsMap = _.object( _.chain( CZRPostFormatsParams.postFormatSections ) .map( function( _section ) { var _post_format = _section.replace( '_section', '' ), _mbsectionSelector = '#' + _section + 'id'; //create a pair [ audio , #audio_sectionid ] return [ _post_format, _mbsectionSelector ]; }) //remove duplicates .compact() //values the chain .value() );//transform the list in an object like { audio: #audio_sectionid, video: #video_sectionid } if ( _postFormatsMap ) { init(); } function init() { //initial Visibility setVisibilities( CZRPostFormatsParams.currentPostFormat ); //bind change // Hide/show post format meta box when option changed $('body').on( 'change', _onChangePostFromatSelector, function(evt) { setVisibilities( $(this).val() ); }); } function setVisibilities( _val ) { //hide all $( _.values( _postFormatsMap ).join() ).hide(); //show selected $( _.pluck( [_postFormatsMap], _val ).join() ).show(); } }, 300 ); }); })( jQuery );