/** * Ajax scripts for slider * * @package Customizr * @since Customizr 1.0 */ var CzrSlider; ( function($) { "use strict"; $( function(){ CzrSlider = function() { //attribute valorization this.$body = $('body'); this._action = 'slider_action'; this._nonce = SliderAjax.SliderCheckNonce; this.$_slider_section_box = $('#slider_sectionid'); this.$_slider_fields_box = $('#slider-fields-box'); this.$_tc_post_id = $('input#tc_post_id'); //context: attachment or post? this._check_field = 'slider_check_field'; this._context = 'attachment'; if ( $('input#post_slider_check_field').length > 0 ) { this._check_field = 'post_slider_check_field'; this._context = 'post'; } this.$_slider_check_field = $('input#' + this._check_field); this._color_picker_on = 'post' == this.$_context; if ( this._color_picker_on ) this._color_picker_func = ( typeof jQuery.wp === 'object' && typeof jQuery.wp.wpColorPicker === 'function' ) ? 'wpColorPicker' : 'farbtastic' ; // initial data to send over $_POST, the acual sent data will be an extension of this this._data = { 'action' : this._action, 'tc_post_id' : this.$_tc_post_id.val(), 'SliderCheckNonce' : this._nonce, 'tc_post_type' : this._context }; //event connecting this.eventListeners(); //init sortable, other ext plugins already initialized this._init_sortable(); //init multipicker this._init_multipicker(); //init checkboxes this._init_checkboxes(); }; $.extend( CzrSlider.prototype, { eventListeners : function(){ var self = this; // elements events //enable slider this.$body.on('change', 'input#' + this._check_field, function(){ self.ajax( self._build_data('enable') ); //select different slider }).on( 'change', 'select#post_slider_field', function(){ self.ajax( self._build_data('select_slider') ); //sort slides }).on( 'sortupdate', '#slider_sectionid #sortable',function() { self.ajax( self._build_data('reorder_slides'), '_reorder_slides_response' ); //create new slider }).on('click', '#tc_create_slider', function(){ self.ajax( self._build_data('new_slider') ); //delete slider }).on('click', '#delete-slider', function(){ self.ajax( self._build_data('delete_slider') ); }); }, ajax : function( _data, _callback ){ var self = this; this.$_slider_fields_box.find('.spinner').show(); $.post( ajaxurl,//global var declared by WP when is_admin() => ajaxurl = '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', _data, function( response ){ if ( _callback ){ self[_callback]( response ); return; } self._default_response( response ); } );//end $.post }, //handle ajax default response _default_response : function( response ){ this.$_slider_fields_box.empty().append(response); this.$_slider_fields_box.find('.spinner').hide(); this._init_ext_plugins(); }, //handle reordering slides ajax response _reorder_slides_response : function(){ var slider_update = $( '
' ).addClass( 'updated' ) .css( 'opacity' ,0) .html( '
Slider updated
' ) .appendTo( '#update-status' ); slider_update.animate({opacity:0.9}, function(){ slider_update.delay(1200).fadeOut(function(){ slider_update.remove(); }); }); this.$_slider_fields_box.find('.spinner').hide(); this._init_sortable(); }, //build the data to pass over $_POST depending on the event _build_data : function( _event ){ var _data = {}; switch ( _event ) { case 'new_slider': case 'select_slider': _data = $.extend( {}, this._data, { 'post_slider_name' : $( 'select#post_slider_field').val(), 'new_slider_name' : $( 'input#slider_field' ).val(), }); if ( 'attachment' == this._context ) $.extend( _data, this._data, { 'slide_title_field' : $( 'input#slide_title_field' ).val(), 'slide_text_field' : $( 'textarea#slide_text_field' ).val(), 'slide_color_field' : $( 'input#slide_color_field' ).val(), 'slide_button_field' : $( 'input#slide_button_field' ).val(), 'slide_link_field' : $( 'select#slide_link_field' ).val(), 'slide_custom_link_field' : $( 'input#slide_custom_link_field').val(), 'slide_link_target_field' : $( 'input#slide_link_target_field').is(':checked') ? 1 : '', 'slide_link_whole_slide_field' : $( 'input#slide_link_whole_slide_field').is(':checked') ? 1 : '', }); break; case 'delete_slider': _data = $.extend( {}, this._data, { 'delete_slider' : true, 'currentpostslider' : $( 'select#post_slider_field' ).val(), //reset new_slider_name if needed 'new_slider_name' : null, }); break; case 'reorder_slides': _data = $.extend( {}, this._data, { //position array 'newOrder' : this.$_slider_section_box.find('#sortable').sortable( 'toArray' ).toString(), //current post slider 'currentpostslider' : $( 'select#post_slider_field' ).val() }); break; default : _data = this._data; } _data[this._check_field] = this.$_slider_check_field.is(':checked') ? 1 : ''; return _data; }, //init external plugins such as sortable, color pickers, iphone check _init_ext_plugins : function(){ this._init_color_picker(); this._init_checkboxes(); this._init_sortable(); this._init_multipicker(); }, //init color picker _init_color_picker : function(){ if ( this._color_picker_on ){ var $_slide_color_field = $('#slide_color_field'); switch ( this._color_picker_func ){ case 'farbtastic' : $('#colorfield').farbtastic( $_slide_color_field ); break; default: $_slide_color_field.wpColorPicker(); } } }, //init checkboxes _init_checkboxes : function(){ var _checkwraper_selector = '.czr-toggle-check', _checkboxes_selector = _checkwraper_selector + ' input[type="checkbox"]'; var _do_ = function( $checkboxes ) { $checkboxes.each( function() { var $input = $(this), $checkWrapper = $input.closest( _checkwraper_selector ); $checkWrapper.toggleClass( 'is-checked', $input.is(':checked') ); $checkWrapper.find('svg').remove(); $checkWrapper.append( ! $input.is(':checked') ? '
' : '
' ); }); }; this.$_slider_section_box.on( 'change', _checkboxes_selector, function() { _do_( $(this) ); }); _do_( $( _checkboxes_selector ) ); }, //init sortable _init_sortable : function(){ this.$_slider_section_box.find( '#sortable' ).sortable({ placeholder: "ui-state-highlight", }).disableSelection(); }, //init czrSelect2 multipicker _init_multipicker : function(){ if ( typeof $.fn.czrSelect2 !== 'function' ) return; this.$_slider_section_box.find('select.czr_multiple_picker, select.tc_multiple_picker').czrSelect2({ closeOnSelect: false, formatSelection: tcEscapeMarkup }); function tcEscapeMarkup(obj) { //trim dashes return obj.text.replace(/\u2013|\u2014/g, ""); } } }); new CzrSlider(); }); })(jQuery);