'Tester', 'namespace' => '', 'include' => [], 'paths' => [], 'extends' => null, 'suites' => [], 'modules' => [], 'extensions' => [ 'enabled' => [], 'config' => [], 'commands' => [], ], 'reporters' => [ 'xml' => 'Codeception\PHPUnit\Log\JUnit', 'html' => 'Codeception\PHPUnit\ResultPrinter\HTML', 'report' => 'Codeception\PHPUnit\ResultPrinter\Report', 'tap' => 'PHPUnit\Util\Log\TAP', 'json' => 'PHPUnit\Util\Log\JSON', 'phpunit-xml' => 'Codeception\PHPUnit\Log\PhpUnit', ], 'groups' => [], 'bootstrap' => false, 'settings' => [ 'colors' => true, 'bootstrap' => false, 'strict_xml' => false, 'lint' => true, 'backup_globals' => true, 'log_incomplete_skipped' => false, 'report_useless_tests' => false, 'disallow_test_output' => false, 'be_strict_about_changes_to_global_state' => false, 'shuffle' => false, ], 'coverage' => [], 'params' => [], 'gherkin' => [] ]; public static $defaultSuiteSettings = [ 'actor' => null, 'class_name' => null, // Codeception <2.3 compatibility 'modules' => [ 'enabled' => [], 'config' => [], 'depends' => [] ], 'step_decorators' => 'Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion', 'path' => null, 'extends' => null, 'namespace' => null, 'groups' => [], 'formats' => [], 'shuffle' => false, 'extensions' => [ // suite extensions 'enabled' => [], 'config' => [], ], 'error_level' => 'E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED', 'convert_deprecations_to_exceptions' => false ]; protected static $params; /** * Loads global config file which is `codeception.yml` by default. * When config is already loaded - returns it. * * @param null $configFile * @return array * @throws Exception\ConfigurationException */ public static function config($configFile = null) { if (!$configFile && self::$config) { return self::$config; } if (self::$config && self::$lock) { return self::$config; } if ($configFile === null) { $configFile = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'codeception.yml'; } if (is_dir($configFile)) { $configFile = $configFile . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'codeception.yml'; } $dir = realpath(dirname($configFile)); self::$dir = $dir; // set the one default base directory for included setup if (!self::$baseDir) { self::$baseDir = $dir; } $configDistFile = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'codeception.dist.yml'; if (!(file_exists($configDistFile) || file_exists($configFile))) { throw new ConfigurationException("Configuration file could not be found.\nRun `bootstrap` to initialize Codeception.", 404); } // Preload config to retrieve params such that they are applied to codeception config file below $tempConfig = self::$defaultConfig; $distConfigContents = ""; if (file_exists($configDistFile)) { $distConfigContents = file_get_contents($configDistFile); $tempConfig = self::mergeConfigs($tempConfig, self::getConfFromContents($distConfigContents, $configDistFile)); } $configContents = ""; if (file_exists($configFile)) { $configContents = file_get_contents($configFile); $tempConfig = self::mergeConfigs($tempConfig, self::getConfFromContents($configContents, $configFile)); } self::prepareParams($tempConfig); // load config using params $config = self::mergeConfigs(self::$defaultConfig, self::getConfFromContents($distConfigContents, $configDistFile)); $config = self::mergeConfigs($config, self::getConfFromContents($configContents, $configFile)); if ($config == self::$defaultConfig) { throw new ConfigurationException("Configuration file is invalid"); } // we check for the "extends" key in the yml file if (isset($config['extends'])) { // and now we search for the file $presetFilePath = codecept_absolute_path($config['extends']); if (file_exists($presetFilePath)) { // and merge it with our configuration file $config = self::mergeConfigs(self::getConfFromFile($presetFilePath), $config); } } self::$config = $config; // compatibility with suites created by Codeception < 2.3.0 if (!isset($config['paths']['output']) and isset($config['paths']['log'])) { $config['paths']['output'] = $config['paths']['log']; } if (isset(self::$config['actor'])) { self::$config['actor_suffix'] = self::$config['actor']; // old compatibility } if (!isset($config['paths']['support']) and isset($config['paths']['helpers'])) { $config['paths']['support'] = $config['paths']['helpers']; } if (!isset($config['paths']['output'])) { throw new ConfigurationException('Output path is not defined by key "paths: output"'); } self::$outputDir = $config['paths']['output']; // fill up includes with wildcard expansions $config['include'] = self::expandWildcardedIncludes($config['include']); // config without tests, for inclusion of other configs if (count($config['include'])) { self::$config = $config; if (!isset($config['paths']['tests'])) { return $config; } } if (!isset($config['paths']['tests'])) { throw new ConfigurationException( 'Tests directory is not defined in Codeception config by key "paths: tests:"' ); } if (!isset($config['paths']['data'])) { throw new ConfigurationException('Data path is not defined Codeception config by key "paths: data"'); } if (!isset($config['paths']['support'])) { throw new ConfigurationException('Helpers path is not defined by key "paths: support"'); } self::$dataDir = $config['paths']['data']; self::$supportDir = $config['paths']['support']; self::$testsDir = $config['paths']['tests']; if (isset($config['paths']['envs'])) { self::$envsDir = $config['paths']['envs']; } Autoload::addNamespace(self::$config['namespace'], self::supportDir()); if ($config['settings']['bootstrap']) { $bootstrap = self::$config['settings']['bootstrap']; Notification::deprecate("'settings: bootstrap: $bootstrap' option is deprecated! Replace it with: 'bootstrap: $bootstrap' (not under settings section). See: https://codeception.com/docs/reference/Configuration"); try { self::loadBootstrap($bootstrap, self::testsDir()); } catch (ConfigurationException $exception) { Notification::deprecate("Bootstrap file ($bootstrap) is defined in configuration but can't be loaded. Disable 'settings: bootstrap:' configuration to remove this message"); } } self::loadBootstrap($config['bootstrap'], self::testsDir()); self::loadSuites(); return $config; } public static function loadBootstrap($bootstrap, $path) { if (!$bootstrap) { return; } $bootstrap = \Codeception\Util\PathResolver::isPathAbsolute($bootstrap) ? $bootstrap : rtrim($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $bootstrap; if (!file_exists($bootstrap)) { throw new ConfigurationException("Bootstrap file $bootstrap can't be loaded"); } require_once $bootstrap; } protected static function loadSuites() { $suites = Finder::create() ->files() ->name('*.{suite,suite.dist}.yml') ->in(self::$dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::$testsDir) ->depth('< 1') ->sortByName(); self::$suites = []; foreach (array_keys(self::$config['suites']) as $suite) { self::$suites[$suite] = $suite; } /** @var SplFileInfo $suite */ foreach ($suites as $suite) { preg_match('~(.*?)(\.suite|\.suite\.dist)\.yml~', $suite->getFilename(), $matches); self::$suites[$matches[1]] = $matches[1]; } } /** * Returns suite configuration. Requires suite name and global config used (Configuration::config) * * @param string $suite * @param array $config * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public static function suiteSettings($suite, $config) { // cut namespace name from suite name if ($suite != $config['namespace'] && substr($suite, 0, strlen($config['namespace'])) == $config['namespace']) { $suite = substr($suite, strlen($config['namespace'])); } if (!in_array($suite, self::$suites)) { throw new ConfigurationException("Suite $suite was not loaded"); } // load global config $globalConf = $config['settings']; foreach (['modules', 'coverage', 'namespace', 'groups', 'env', 'gherkin', 'extensions'] as $key) { if (isset($config[$key])) { $globalConf[$key] = $config[$key]; } } $settings = self::mergeConfigs(self::$defaultSuiteSettings, $globalConf); // load suite config $settings = self::loadSuiteConfig($suite, $config['paths']['tests'], $settings); // load from environment configs if (isset($config['paths']['envs'])) { $envConf = self::loadEnvConfigs(self::$dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $config['paths']['envs']); $settings = self::mergeConfigs($settings, $envConf); } if (!$settings['actor']) { // Codeception 2.2 compatibility $settings['actor'] = $settings['class_name']; } if (!$settings['path']) { // take a suite path from its name $settings['path'] = $suite; } $config['paths']['tests'] = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $config['paths']['tests']); $settings['path'] = self::$dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $config['paths']['tests'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $settings['path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; return $settings; } /** * Loads environments configuration from set directory * * @param string $path path to the directory * @return array */ protected static function loadEnvConfigs($path) { if (isset(self::$envConfig[$path])) { return self::$envConfig[$path]; } if (!is_dir($path)) { self::$envConfig[$path] = []; return self::$envConfig[$path]; } $envFiles = Finder::create() ->files() ->name('*.yml') ->in($path) ->depth('< 2'); $envConfig = []; /** @var SplFileInfo $envFile */ foreach ($envFiles as $envFile) { $env = str_replace(['.dist.yml', '.yml'], '', $envFile->getFilename()); $envConfig[$env] = []; $envPath = $path; if ($envFile->getRelativePath()) { $envPath .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $envFile->getRelativePath(); } foreach (['.dist.yml', '.yml'] as $suffix) { $envConf = self::getConfFromFile($envPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $env . $suffix, null); if ($envConf === null) { continue; } $envConfig[$env] = self::mergeConfigs($envConfig[$env], $envConf); } } self::$envConfig[$path] = ['env' => $envConfig]; return self::$envConfig[$path]; } /** * Loads configuration from Yaml data * * @param string $contents Yaml config file contents * @param string $filename which is supposed to be loaded * @return array * @throws ConfigurationException */ protected static function getConfFromContents($contents, $filename = '(.yml)') { if (self::$params) { $template = new Template($contents, '%', '%'); $template->setVars(self::$params); $contents = $template->produce(); } try { return Yaml::parse($contents); } catch (ParseException $exception) { throw new ConfigurationException( sprintf( "Error loading Yaml config from `%s`\n \n%s\nRead more about Yaml format https://goo.gl/9UPuEC", $filename, $exception->getMessage() ) ); } } /** * Loads configuration from Yaml file or returns given value if the file doesn't exist * * @param string $filename filename * @param mixed $nonExistentValue value used if filename is not found * @return array * @throws ConfigurationException */ protected static function getConfFromFile($filename, $nonExistentValue = []) { if (file_exists($filename)) { $yaml = file_get_contents($filename); return self::getConfFromContents($yaml, $filename); } return $nonExistentValue; } public static function suites() { return self::$suites; } /** * Return list of enabled modules according suite config. * * @param array $settings suite settings * @return array */ public static function modules($settings) { return array_filter( array_map( function ($m) { return is_array($m) ? key($m) : $m; }, $settings['modules']['enabled'], array_keys($settings['modules']['enabled']) ), function ($m) use ($settings) { if (!isset($settings['modules']['disabled'])) { return true; } return !in_array($m, $settings['modules']['disabled']); } ); } public static function isExtensionEnabled($extensionName) { return isset(self::$config['extensions']['enabled']) && in_array($extensionName, self::$config['extensions']['enabled']); } /** * Returns current path to `_data` dir. * Use it to store database fixtures, sql dumps, or other files required by your tests. * * @return string */ public static function dataDir() { return self::$dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::$dataDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } /** * Return current path to `_helpers` dir. * Helpers are custom modules. * * @return string */ public static function supportDir() { return self::$dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::$supportDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } /** * Returns actual path to current `_output` dir. * Use it in Helpers or Groups to save result or temporary files. * * @return string * @throws Exception\ConfigurationException */ public static function outputDir() { if (!self::$outputDir) { throw new ConfigurationException("Path for output not specified. Please, set output path in global config"); } $dir = self::$outputDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!codecept_is_path_absolute($dir)) { $dir = self::$dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dir; } if (!file_exists($dir)) { @mkdir($dir, 0777, true); } if (!is_writable($dir)) { @chmod($dir, 0777); } if (!is_writable($dir)) { throw new ConfigurationException( "Path for output is not writable. Please, set appropriate access mode for output path: {$dir}" ); } return $dir; } /** * Compatibility alias to `Configuration::logDir()` * @return string * @throws ConfigurationException */ public static function logDir() { return self::outputDir(); } /** * Returns path to the root of your project. * Basically returns path to current `codeception.yml` loaded. * Use this method instead of `__DIR__`, `getcwd()` or anything else. * @return string */ public static function projectDir() { return self::$dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } /** * Returns path to the base dir for config which consists with included setup * Returns path to `codeception.yml` which was executed. * If config doesn't have "include" section the result is the same as `projectDir()` * @return string */ public static function baseDir() { return self::$baseDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } /** * Returns path to tests directory * * @return string */ public static function testsDir() { return self::$dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::$testsDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } /** * Return current path to `_envs` dir. * Use it to store environment specific configuration. * * @return string */ public static function envsDir() { if (!self::$envsDir) { return null; } return self::$dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::$envsDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } /** * Is this a meta-configuration file that just points to other `codeception.yml`? * If so, it may have no tests by itself. * * @return bool */ public static function isEmpty() { return !(bool)self::$testsDir; } /** * Adds parameters to config * * @param array $config * @return array */ public static function append(array $config = []) { self::$config = self::mergeConfigs(self::$config, $config); if (isset(self::$config['paths']['output'])) { self::$outputDir = self::$config['paths']['output']; } if (isset(self::$config['paths']['data'])) { self::$dataDir = self::$config['paths']['data']; } if (isset(self::$config['paths']['support'])) { self::$supportDir = self::$config['paths']['support']; } if (isset(self::$config['paths']['tests'])) { self::$testsDir = self::$config['paths']['tests']; } return self::$config; } public static function mergeConfigs($a1, $a2) { if (!is_array($a1)) { return $a2; } if (!is_array($a2)) { return $a1; } $res = []; // for sequential arrays if (isset($a1[0], $a2[0])) { return array_values(array_unique(array_merge_recursive($a2, $a1), SORT_REGULAR)); } // for associative arrays foreach ($a2 as $k2 => $v2) { if (!isset($a1[$k2])) { // if no such key $res[$k2] = $v2; unset($a1[$k2]); continue; } $res[$k2] = self::mergeConfigs($a1[$k2], $v2); unset($a1[$k2]); } foreach ($a1 as $k1 => $v1) { // only single elements here left $res[$k1] = $v1; } return $res; } /** * Loads config from *.dist.suite.yml and *.suite.yml * * @param $suite * @param $path * @param $settings * @return array * @throws ConfigurationException */ protected static function loadSuiteConfig($suite, $path, $settings) { if (isset(self::$config['suites'][$suite])) { // bundled config return self::mergeConfigs($settings, self::$config['suites'][$suite]); } $suiteDir = self::$dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path; $suiteDistConf = self::getConfFromFile($suiteDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "$suite.suite.dist.yml"); $suiteConf = self::getConfFromFile($suiteDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "$suite.suite.yml"); // now we check the suite config file, if a extends key is defined if (isset($suiteConf['extends'])) { $presetFilePath = codecept_is_path_absolute($suiteConf['extends']) ? $suiteConf['extends'] // If path is absolute – use it : realpath($suiteDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $suiteConf['extends']); // Otherwise try to locate it in the suite dir if (file_exists($presetFilePath)) { $settings = self::mergeConfigs(self::getConfFromFile($presetFilePath), $settings); } } $settings = self::mergeConfigs($settings, $suiteDistConf); $settings = self::mergeConfigs($settings, $suiteConf); return $settings; } /** * Replaces wildcarded items in include array with real paths. * * @param $includes * @return array * @throws ConfigurationException */ protected static function expandWildcardedIncludes(array $includes) { if (empty($includes)) { return $includes; } $expandedIncludes = []; foreach ($includes as $include) { $expandedIncludes = array_merge($expandedIncludes, self::expandWildcardsFor($include)); } return $expandedIncludes; } /** * Finds config files in given wildcarded include path. * Returns the expanded paths or the original if not a wildcard. * * @param $include * @return array * @throws ConfigurationException */ protected static function expandWildcardsFor($include) { if (1 !== preg_match('/[\?\.\*]/', $include)) { return [$include,]; } try { $configFiles = Finder::create()->files() ->name('/codeception(\.dist\.yml|\.yml)/') ->in(self::$dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $include); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw new ConfigurationException( "Configuration file(s) could not be found in \"$include\"." ); } $paths = []; foreach ($configFiles as $file) { $paths[] = codecept_relative_path($file->getPath()); } return array_unique($paths); } private static function prepareParams($settings) { self::$params = []; $paramsLoader = new ParamsLoader(); foreach ($settings['params'] as $paramStorage) { static::$params = array_merge(self::$params, $paramsLoader->load($paramStorage)); } } }