* @since 2.0.8 */ class UserPanel extends Panel { /** * @var array the rule which defines who allowed to switch user identity. * Access Control Filter single rule. Ignore: actions, controllers, verbs. * Settable: allow, roles, ips, matchCallback, denyCallback. * By default deny for everyone. Recommendation: can allow for administrator * or developer (if implement) role: ['allow' => true, 'roles' => ['admin']] * @see http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-security-authorization.html * @since 2.0.10 */ public $ruleUserSwitch = [ 'allow' => false, ]; /** * @var UserSwitch object of switching users * @since 2.0.10 */ public $userSwitch; /** * @var Model|UserSearchInterface Implements of User model with search method. * @since 2.0.10 */ public $filterModel; /** * @var array allowed columns for GridView. * @see http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/yii-grid-gridview.html#$columns-detail * @since 2.0.10 */ public $filterColumns = []; /** * @var string|User ID of the user component or a user object * @since 2.0.13 */ public $userComponent = 'user'; /** * @var string Display Name of the debug panel. * @since 2.1.4 */ public $displayName = 'User'; /** * {@inheritdoc} * @throws InvalidConfigException */ public function init() { if (!$this->isEnabled() || $this->getUser()->isGuest) { return; } $this->userSwitch = new UserSwitch(['userComponent' => $this->userComponent]); $this->addAccessRules(); if (is_string($this->filterModel) && class_exists($this->filterModel) && in_array('yii\debug\models\search\UserSearchInterface', class_implements($this->filterModel), true) ) { $this->filterModel = new $this->filterModel; } elseif ($this->getUser() && $this->getUser()->identityClass) { if (is_subclass_of($this->getUser()->identityClass, 'yii\db\ActiveRecord')) { $this->filterModel = new \yii\debug\models\search\User(); } } } /** * @return User|null * @since 2.0.13 * @throws InvalidConfigException */ public function getUser() { /* @var $user User */ return is_string($this->userComponent) ? Yii::$app->get($this->userComponent, false) : $this->userComponent; } /** * Add ACF rule. AccessControl attach to debug module. * Access rule for main user. * @throws InvalidConfigException */ private function addAccessRules() { $this->ruleUserSwitch['controllers'] = [$this->module->getUniqueId() . '/user']; $this->module->attachBehavior( 'access_debug', [ 'class' => 'yii\filters\AccessControl', 'only' => [$this->module->getUniqueId() . '/user', $this->module->getUniqueId() . '/default'], 'user' => $this->userSwitch->getMainUser(), 'rules' => [ $this->ruleUserSwitch, ], ] ); } /** * Get model for GridView -> FilterModel * @return Model|UserSearchInterface */ public function getUsersFilterModel() { return $this->filterModel; } /** * Get model for GridView -> DataProvider * @return DataProviderInterface */ public function getUserDataProvider() { return $this->getUsersFilterModel()->search(Yii::$app->request->queryParams); } /** * Check is available search of users * @return bool */ public function canSearchUsers() { return (isset($this->filterModel) && $this->filterModel instanceof Model && $this->filterModel->hasMethod('search') ); } /** * Check can main user switch identity. * @return bool * @throws InvalidConfigException */ public function canSwitchUser() { if ($this->getUser()->isGuest) { return false; } $allowSwitchUser = false; $rule = new AccessRule($this->ruleUserSwitch); /** @var Controller $userController */ $userController = null; $controller = $this->module->createController('user'); if (isset($controller[0]) && $controller[0] instanceof UserController) { $userController = $controller[0]; } //check by rule if ($userController) { $action = $userController->createAction('set-identity'); $user = $this->userSwitch->getMainUser(); $request = Yii::$app->request; $allowSwitchUser = $rule->allows($action, $user, $request) ?: false; } return $allowSwitchUser; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getName() { return $this->displayName; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getSummary() { return Yii::$app->view->render('panels/user/summary', ['panel' => $this]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getDetail() { return Yii::$app->view->render('panels/user/detail', ['panel' => $this]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function save() { $identity = Yii::$app->{$this->userComponent}->identity; if (!isset($identity)) { return null; } $rolesProvider = null; $permissionsProvider = null; try { $authManager = Yii::$app->getAuthManager(); if ($authManager instanceof \yii\rbac\ManagerInterface) { $roles = ArrayHelper::toArray($authManager->getRolesByUser($this->getUser()->id)); foreach ($roles as &$role) { $role['data'] = $this->dataToString($role['data']); } unset($role); $rolesProvider = new ArrayDataProvider([ 'allModels' => $roles, ]); $permissions = ArrayHelper::toArray($authManager->getPermissionsByUser($this->getUser()->id)); foreach ($permissions as &$permission) { $permission['data'] = $this->dataToString($permission['data']); } unset($permission); $permissionsProvider = new ArrayDataProvider([ 'allModels' => $permissions, ]); } } catch (\Exception $e) { // ignore auth manager misconfiguration } $identityData = $this->identityData($identity); foreach ($identityData as $key => $value) { $identityData[$key] = VarDumper::dumpAsString($value); } // If the identity is a model, let it specify the attribute labels if ($identity instanceof Model) { $attributes = []; foreach (array_keys($identityData) as $attribute) { $attributes[] = [ 'attribute' => $attribute, 'label' => $identity->getAttributeLabel($attribute), ]; } } else { // Let the DetailView widget figure the labels out $attributes = null; } return [ 'id' => $identity->getId(), 'identity' => $identityData, 'attributes' => $attributes, 'rolesProvider' => $rolesProvider, 'permissionsProvider' => $permissionsProvider, ]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isEnabled() { try { $this->getUser(); } catch (InvalidConfigException $exception) { return false; } return true; } /** * Converts mixed data to string * * @param mixed $data * @return string */ protected function dataToString($data) { if (is_string($data)) { return $data; } return VarDumper::export($data); } /** * Returns the array that should be set on [[\yii\widgets\DetailView::model]] * * @param IdentityInterface $identity * @return array */ protected function identityData($identity) { if ($identity instanceof Model) { return $identity->getAttributes(); } return get_object_vars($identity); } }