{ "$schema": "https://developer.joomla.org/schemas/json-schema/web_assets.json", "name": "cassiopeia", "version": "4.0.0", "description": "This file contains details of the assets used by Cassiopeia, the default Joomla 4 site template.", "license": "GPL-2.0-or-later", "assets": [ { "name": "template.cassiopeia.ltr", "description": "The css file to be used when the site is left to right (LTR).", "type": "style", "uri": "template.min.css", "dependencies": [ "fontawesome" ] }, { "name": "template.cassiopeia.rtl", "description": "The css file to be used when the site is right to left (RTL).", "type": "style", "uri": "template-rtl.min.css", "dependencies": [ "fontawesome" ] }, { "name": "template.offline", "description": "The css file to be used when the site is offline and offline.php is being used.", "type": "style", "uri": "offline.css" }, { "name": "template.active.language", "description": "An asset to allow language specific css, eg 'language/[lang-CODE]/[lang-CODE].css', to use it as a dependency to the active template", "type": "style", "uri": "", "class": "LangActiveAssetItem", "dependencies": [ "template.active" ] }, { "name": "template.user", "description": "A file where a user can add their own css.", "type": "style", "uri": "user.css", "dependencies": [ "template.active", "template.active.language" ] }, { "name": "template.cassiopeia", "description": "The file containing the javascript for this template.", "type": "script", "uri": "template.js", "attributes" : { "defer": true }, "dependencies": [ "core" ] }, { "name": "template.active", "description": "A dummy asset to allow extensions to use it as a dependency to the active template.", "type": "script", "uri": "", "dependencies": [ "template.cassiopeia" ] }, { "name": "template.user", "description": "The name of a file where a user can add their own javascript", "type": "script", "uri": "user.js", "dependencies": [ "template.active" ] }, { "name": "template.cassiopeia.ltr", "type": "preset", "dependencies": [ "template.cassiopeia.ltr#style", "template.cassiopeia#script" ] }, { "name": "template.cassiopeia.rtl", "type": "preset", "dependencies": [ "template.cassiopeia.rtl#style", "template.cassiopeia#script" ] }, { "name": "searchtools", "type": "style", "uri": "system/searchtools/searchtools.min.css" }, { "name": "fontawesome", "type": "style", "uri": "system/joomla-fontawesome.min.css" } ] }