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NOT NULL, "content" text, "ordering" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "position" varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "checked_out" integer, "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone, "publish_up" timestamp without time zone, "publish_down" timestamp without time zone, "published" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "module" varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, "access" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "showtitle" smallint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, "params" text NOT NULL, "client_id" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "language" varchar(7) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE INDEX "#__modules_published" ON "#__modules" ("published", "access"); CREATE INDEX "#__modules_newsfeeds" ON "#__modules" ("module", "published"); CREATE INDEX "#__modules_idx_language" ON "#__modules" ("language"); -- -- Dumping data for table `#__modules` -- INSERT INTO "#__modules" ("id", "asset_id", "title", "note", "content", "ordering", "position", "publish_up", "publish_down", "published", "module", "access", "showtitle", "params", "client_id", "language") VALUES (1, 39, 'Main Menu', '', '', 1, 'sidebar-right', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_menu', 1, 1, '{"menutype":"mainmenu","startLevel":"0","endLevel":"0","showAllChildren":"1","tag_id":"","class_sfx":"","window_open":"","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":"1","cache_time":"900","cachemode":"itemid"}', 0, '*'), (2, 40, 'Login', '', '', 1, 'login', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_login', 1, 1, '', 1, '*'), (3, 41, 'Popular Articles', '', '', 3, 'cpanel', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_popular', 3, 1, '{"count":"5","catid":"","user_id":"0","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":"0", "bootstrap_size": "12","header_tag":"h2"}', 1, '*'), (4, 42, 'Recently Added Articles', '', '', 4, 'cpanel', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_latest', 3, 1, '{"count":"5","ordering":"c_dsc","catid":"","user_id":"0","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":"0", "bootstrap_size": "12","header_tag":"h2"}', 1, '*'), (8, 43, 'Toolbar', '', '', 1, 'toolbar', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_toolbar', 3, 1, '', 1, '*'), (9, 44, 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'sidebar', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_loginsupport', 1, 1, '{"forum_url":"https://forum.joomla.org/","documentation_url":"https://docs.joomla.org/","news_url":"https://www.joomla.org/announcements.html","automatic_title":1,"prepare_content":1,"layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":1,"cache_time":900,"module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"0","header_tag":"h3","header_class":"","style":"0"}', 1, '*'), (91, 72, 'System Dashboard', '', '', 1, 'cpanel-system', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_submenu', 1, 0, '{"menutype":"*","preset":"system","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":"","style":"System-none"}', 1, '*'), (92, 73, 'Content Dashboard', '', '', 1, 'cpanel-content', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_submenu', 1, 0, '{"menutype":"*","preset":"content","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":"","style":"System-none"}', 1, '*'), (93, 74, 'Menus Dashboard', '', '', 1, 'cpanel-menus', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_submenu', 1, 0, '{"menutype":"*","preset":"menus","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":"","style":"System-none"}', 1, '*'), (94, 75, 'Components Dashboard', '', '', 1, 'cpanel-components', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_submenu', 1, 0, '{"menutype":"*","preset":"components","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":"","style":"System-none"}', 1, '*'), (95, 76, 'Users Dashboard', '', '', 1, 'cpanel-users', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_submenu', 1, 0, '{"menutype":"*","preset":"users","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":"","style":"System-none"}', 1, '*'), (96, 86, 'Popular Articles', '', '', 3, 'cpanel-content', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_popular', 3, 1, '{"count":"5","catid":"","user_id":"0","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":"0", "bootstrap_size": "12","header_tag":"h2"}', 1, '*'), (97, 87, 'Recently Added Articles', '', '', 4, 'cpanel-content', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_latest', 3, 1, '{"count":"5","ordering":"c_dsc","catid":"","user_id":"0","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":"0", "bootstrap_size": "12","header_tag":"h2"}', 1, '*'), (98, 88, 'Logged-in Users', '', '', 2, 'cpanel-users', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_logged', 3, 1, '{"count":"5","name":"1","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":"0", "bootstrap_size": "12","header_tag":"h2"}', 1, '*'), (99, 77, 'Frontend Link', '', '', 5, 'status', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_frontend', 1, 1, '', 1, '*'), (100, 78, 'Messages', '', '', 4, 'status', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_messages', 3, 1, '', 1, '*'), (101, 79, 'Post Install Messages', '', '', 3, 'status', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_post_installation_messages', 3, 1, '', 1, '*'), (102, 80, 'User Status', '', '', 6, 'status', 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'{"context":"mod_quickicon","header_icon":"icon-boxes","load_plugins":"1","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":1,"cache_time":900,"style":"0","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":""}', 1, '*'), (106, 83, 'Help Dashboard', '', '', 1, 'cpanel-help', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_submenu', 1, 0, '{"menutype":"*","preset":"help","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","style":"System-none","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":""}', 1, '*'), (107, 84, 'Privacy Requests', '', '', 1, 'cpanel-privacy', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_privacy_dashboard', 1, 1, '{"layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":1,"cache_time":900,"cachemode":"static","style":"0","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":""}', 1, '*'), (108, 85, 'Privacy Status', '', '', 1, 'cpanel-privacy', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_privacy_status', 1, 1, '{"layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":1,"cache_time":900,"cachemode":"static","style":"0","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":""}', 1, '*'); SELECT setval('#__modules_id_seq', 109, false); -- -- Table structure for table `#__modules_menu` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__modules_menu" ( "moduleid" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "menuid" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("moduleid", "menuid") ); -- -- Dumping data for table `#__modules_menu` -- INSERT INTO "#__modules_menu" ("moduleid", "menuid") VALUES (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0), (4, 0), (6, 0), (7, 0), (8, 0), (9, 0), (10, 0), (12, 0), (14, 0), (15, 0), (16, 0), (17, 0), (79, 0), (86, 0), (87, 0), (88, 0), (89, 0), (90, 0), (91, 0), (92, 0), (93, 0), (94, 0), (95, 0), (96, 0), (97, 0), (98, 0), (99, 0), (100, 0), (101, 0), (102, 0), (103, 0), (104, 0), (105, 0), (106, 0), (107, 0), (108, 0); -- -- Table structure for table `#__schemas` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__schemas" ( "extension_id" bigint NOT NULL, "version_id" varchar(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("extension_id", "version_id") ); -- -- Table structure for table `#__session` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__session" ( "session_id" bytea NOT NULL, "client_id" smallint DEFAULT NULL, "guest" smallint DEFAULT 1, "time" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "data" text, "userid" bigint DEFAULT 0, "username" varchar(150) DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY ("session_id") ); CREATE INDEX "#__session_userid" ON "#__session" ("userid"); CREATE INDEX "#__session_time" ON "#__session" ("time"); CREATE INDEX "#__session_idx_client_id_guest" ON "#__session" ("client_id", "guest"); -- -- Table structure for table `#__tags` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__tags" ( "id" serial NOT NULL, "parent_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "lft" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "rgt" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "level" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "path" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "title" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "alias" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, 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NULL, "template" varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "hash_id" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "extension_id" bigint DEFAULT 0, "state" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "action" varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "client_id" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "created_date" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, "modified_date" timestamp without time zone, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE INDEX "#__template_overrides_idx_template" ON "#__template_overrides" ("template"); CREATE INDEX "#__template_overrides_idx_extension_id" ON "#__template_overrides" ("extension_id"); -- -- Table structure for table `#__template_styles` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__template_styles" ( "id" serial NOT NULL, "template" varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "client_id" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "home" varchar(7) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, "title" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "inheritable" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "parent" varchar(50) DEFAULT '', "params" text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE INDEX "#__template_styles_idx_template" ON "#__template_styles" ("template"); CREATE INDEX "#__template_styles_idx_client_id" ON "#__template_styles" ("client_id"); CREATE INDEX "#__template_styles_idx_client_id_home" ON "#__template_styles" ("client_id", "home"); -- -- Dumping data for table `#__template_styles` -- INSERT INTO "#__template_styles" ("id", "template", "client_id", "home", "title", "inheritable", "parent", "params") VALUES (10, 'atum', 1, '1', 'Atum - Default', 0, '', '{"hue":"hsl(214, 63%, 20%)","bg-light":"#f0f4fb","text-dark":"#495057","text-light":"#ffffff","link-color":"#2a69b8","special-color":"#001b4c","monochrome":"0","loginLogo":"","loginLogoAlt":"","logoBrandLarge":"","logoBrandLargeAlt":"","logoBrandSmall":"","logoBrandSmallAlt":""}'), (11, 'cassiopeia', 0, '1', 'Cassiopeia - Default', 0, '', '{"brand":"1","logoFile":"","siteTitle":"","siteDescription":"","useFontScheme":"0","colorName":"colors_standard","fluidContainer":"0","stickyHeader":0,"backTop":0}'); SELECT 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DEFAULT '', "checked_out" integer, "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("update_site_id") ); COMMENT ON TABLE "#__update_sites" IS 'Update Sites'; -- -- Dumping data for table `#__update_sites` -- INSERT INTO "#__update_sites" ("update_site_id", "name", "type", "location", "enabled", "last_check_timestamp") VALUES (1, 'Joomla! Core', 'collection', 'https://update.joomla.org/core/list.xml', 1, 0), (2, 'Accredited Joomla! Translations', 'collection', 'https://update.joomla.org/language/translationlist_4.xml', 1, 0), (3, 'Joomla! Update Component Update Site', 'extension', 'https://update.joomla.org/core/extensions/com_joomlaupdate.xml', 1, 0); SELECT setval('#__update_sites_update_site_id_seq', 4, false); -- -- Table structure for table `#__update_sites_extensions` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__update_sites_extensions" ( "update_site_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "extension_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("update_site_id", "extension_id") ); COMMENT ON TABLE "#__update_sites_extensions" IS 'Links extensions to update sites'; -- -- Dumping data for table `#__update_sites_extensions` -- INSERT INTO "#__update_sites_extensions" ("update_site_id", "extension_id") SELECT 1, "extension_id" FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'files_joomla'; INSERT INTO "#__update_sites_extensions" ("update_site_id", "extension_id") SELECT 2, "extension_id" FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'English (en-GB) Language Pack'; INSERT INTO "#__update_sites_extensions" ("update_site_id", "extension_id") SELECT 3, "extension_id" FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_joomlaupdate'; 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SELECT setval('#__usergroups_id_seq', 10, false); -- -- Table structure for table `#__users` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__users" ( "id" serial NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "username" varchar(150) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "email" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "password" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "block" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "sendEmail" smallint DEFAULT 0, "registerDate" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, "lastvisitDate" timestamp without time zone, "activation" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "params" text NOT NULL, "lastResetTime" timestamp without time zone, "resetCount" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "otpKey" varchar(1000) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "otep" varchar(1000) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "requireReset" smallint DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"), CONSTRAINT "#__users_idx_username" UNIQUE ("username") ); CREATE INDEX "#__users_idx_name" ON "#__users" ("name"); CREATE INDEX "#__users_idx_block" ON "#__users" ("block"); CREATE INDEX "#__users_email" ON "#__users" ("email"); CREATE INDEX "#__users_email_lower" ON "#__users" (lower("email")); COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__users"."lastResetTime" IS 'Date of last password reset'; COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__users"."resetCount" IS 'Count of password resets since lastResetTime'; COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__users"."requireReset" IS 'Require user to reset password on next login'; -- -- Table structure for table `#__user_keys` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__user_keys" ( "id" serial NOT NULL, "user_id" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "token" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "series" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "time" varchar(200) NOT NULL, "uastring" varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id"), CONSTRAINT "#__user_keys_series" UNIQUE ("series") ); CREATE INDEX "#__user_keys_idx_user_id" ON "#__user_keys" ("user_id"); -- -- Table structure for table `#__user_notes` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__user_notes" ( "id" serial NOT NULL, "user_id" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "catid" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "subject" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "body" text NOT NULL, "state" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "checked_out" integer, "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone, "created_user_id" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "created_time" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, "modified_user_id" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "modified_time" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, "review_time" timestamp without time zone, "publish_up" timestamp without time zone, "publish_down" timestamp without time zone, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE INDEX "#__user_notes_idx_user_id" ON "#__user_notes" ("user_id"); CREATE INDEX "#__user_notes_idx_category_id" ON "#__user_notes" ("catid"); -- -- Table structure for table `#__user_profiles` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__user_profiles" ( "user_id" bigint NOT NULL, "profile_key" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "profile_value" text NOT NULL, "ordering" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "#__user_profiles_idx_user_id_profile_key" UNIQUE ("user_id", "profile_key") ); COMMENT ON TABLE "#__user_profiles" IS 'Simple user profile storage table'; -- -- Table structure for table `#__user_usergroup_map` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__user_usergroup_map" ( "user_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "group_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("user_id", "group_id") ); COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__user_usergroup_map"."user_id" IS 'Foreign Key to #__users.id'; COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__user_usergroup_map"."group_id" IS 'Foreign Key to #__usergroups.id'; -- -- Table structure for table `#__viewlevels` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__viewlevels" ( "id" serial NOT NULL, "title" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "ordering" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "rules" varchar(5120) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id"), CONSTRAINT "#__viewlevels_idx_assetgroup_title_lookup" UNIQUE ("title") ); COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__viewlevels"."id" IS 'Primary Key'; COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__viewlevels"."rules" IS 'JSON encoded access control.'; -- -- Dumping data for table `#__viewlevels` -- INSERT INTO "#__viewlevels" ("id", "title", "ordering", "rules") VALUES (1, 'Public', 0, '[1]'), (2, 'Registered', 2, '[6,2,8]'), (3, 'Special', 3, '[6,3,8]'), (5, 'Guest', 1, '[9]'), (6, 'Super Users', 4, '[8]'); SELECT setval('#__viewlevels_id_seq', 7, false); -- -- Table structure for table `#__workflows` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__workflows" ( "id" serial NOT NULL, "asset_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "published" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "title" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "description" text NOT NULL, "extension" varchar(50) NOT NULL, "default" smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "ordering" bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "created" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, "created_by" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "modified" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, "modified_by" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone, "checked_out" integer, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE INDEX "#__workflows_idx_asset_id" ON "#__workflows" ("asset_id"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflows_idx_title" ON "#__workflows" ("title"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflows_idx_extension" ON "#__workflows" ("extension"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflows_idx_default" ON "#__workflows" ("default"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflows_idx_created" ON "#__workflows" ("created"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflows_idx_created_by" ON "#__workflows" ("created_by"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflows_idx_modified" ON "#__workflows" ("modified"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflows_idx_modified_by" ON "#__workflows" ("modified_by"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflows_idx_checked_out" ON "#__workflows" ("checked_out"); INSERT INTO "#__workflows" ("id", "asset_id", "published", "title", "description", "extension", "default", "ordering", "created", "created_by", "modified", "modified_by") VALUES (1, 56, 1, 'COM_WORKFLOW_BASIC_WORKFLOW', '', 'com_content.article', 1, 1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 42, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 42); SELECT setval('#__workflows_id_seq', 2, false); -- -- Table structure for table `#__workflow_associations` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__workflow_associations" ( "item_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "stage_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "extension" varchar(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("item_id", "extension") ); CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_associations_idx_item_stage_extension" ON "#__workflow_associations" ("item_id", "stage_id", "extension"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_associations_idx_item_id" ON "#__workflow_associations" ("item_id"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_associations_idx_stage_id" ON "#__workflow_associations" ("stage_id"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_associations_idx_extension" ON "#__workflow_associations" ("extension"); COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__workflow_associations"."item_id" IS 'Extension table id value'; COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__workflow_associations"."stage_id" IS 'Foreign Key to #__workflow_stages.id'; -- -- Table structure for table `#__workflow_stages` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__workflow_stages" ( "id" serial NOT NULL, "asset_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "ordering" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "workflow_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "published" smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "title" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "description" text NOT NULL, "default" smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone, "checked_out" integer, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_stages_idx_workflow_id" ON "#__workflow_stages" ("workflow_id"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_stages_idx_title" ON "#__workflow_stages" ("title"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_stages_idx_asset_id" ON "#__workflow_stages" ("asset_id"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_stages_idx_default" ON "#__workflow_stages" ("default"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_stages_idx_checked_out" ON "#__workflow_stages" ("checked_out"); -- -- Dumping data for table `#__workflow_stages` -- INSERT INTO "#__workflow_stages" ("id", "asset_id", "ordering", "workflow_id", "published", "title", "description", "default") VALUES (1, 57, 1, 1, 1, 'COM_WORKFLOW_BASIC_STAGE', '', 1); SELECT setval('#__workflow_stages_id_seq', 2, false); -- -- Table structure for table `#__workflow_transitions` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__workflow_transitions" ( "id" serial NOT NULL, "asset_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "ordering" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "workflow_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "published" smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "title" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "description" text NOT NULL, "from_stage_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "to_stage_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "options" text NOT NULL, "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone, "checked_out" integer, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_transitions_idx_title" ON "#__workflow_transitions" ("title"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_transitions_idx_asset_id" ON "#__workflow_transitions" ("asset_id"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_transitions_idx_from_stage_id" ON "#__workflow_transitions" ("from_stage_id"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_transitions_idx_to_stage_id" ON "#__workflow_transitions" ("to_stage_id"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_transitions_idx_workflow_id" ON "#__workflow_transitions" ("workflow_id"); CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_transitions_idx_checked_out" ON "#__workflow_transitions" ("checked_out"); INSERT INTO "#__workflow_transitions" ("id", "asset_id", "published", "ordering", "workflow_id", "title", "description", "from_stage_id", "to_stage_id", "options") VALUES (1, 58, 1, 1, 1, 'Unpublish', '', -1, 1, '{"publishing":"0"}'), (2, 59, 1, 2, 1, 'Publish', '', -1, 1, '{"publishing":"1"}'), (3, 60, 1, 3, 1, 'Trash', '', -1, 1, '{"publishing":"-2"}'), (4, 61, 1, 4, 1, 'Archive', '', -1, 1, '{"publishing":"2"}'), (5, 62, 1, 5, 1, 'Feature', '', -1, 1, '{"featuring":"1"}'), (6, 63, 1, 6, 1, 'Unfeature', '', -1, 1, '{"featuring":"0"}'), (7, 64, 1, 7, 1, 'Publish & Feature', '', -1, 1, '{"publishing":"1","featuring":"1"}'); SELECT setval('#__workflow_transitions_id_seq', 8, false);