$select = new single_select($PAGE->url, 'roleid', $nameswithcounts, $roleid, null);
$select->label = get_string('assignanotherrole', 'core_role');
echo $OUTPUT->render($select);
echo '
' . get_string('backtoallroles', 'core_role') . '
echo '
} else if (empty($assignableroles)) {
// Print a message that there are no roles that can me assigned here.
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('notabletoassignroleshere', 'core_role'), 3);
} else {
// Show UI for choosing a role to assign.
// Print a warning if we are assigning system roles.
if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_SYSTEM) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('globalroleswarning', 'core_role'));
// Print instruction.
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('chooseroletoassign', 'core_role'), 3);
// Get the names of role holders for roles with between 1 and MAX_USERS_TO_LIST_PER_ROLE users,
// and so determine whether to show the extra column.
$roleholdernames = array();
$strmorethanmax = get_string('morethan', 'core_role', MAX_USERS_TO_LIST_PER_ROLE);
$showroleholders = false;
foreach ($assignableroles as $roleid => $notused) {
$roleusers = '';
if (0 < $assigncounts[$roleid] && $assigncounts[$roleid] <= MAX_USERS_TO_LIST_PER_ROLE) {
$userfields = 'u.id, u.username, ' . get_all_user_name_fields(true, 'u');
$roleusers = get_role_users($roleid, $context, false, $userfields);
if (!empty($roleusers)) {
$strroleusers = array();
foreach ($roleusers as $user) {
$strroleusers[] = '