@core @core_admin @core_admin_roles Feature: Highlight non-inherited permissions In order that the status of capabilities can be more easily seen As an admin I need altered permissions to be highlighted Background: Given the following "courses" exist: | fullname | shortname | | Course fullname | C_shortname | And I log in as "admin" @javascript Scenario: Override a permission Given I am on "Course fullname" course homepage And I navigate to "Users > Permissions" in current page administration And I select "Manager (0)" from the "roleid" singleselect And I click on "Prohibit" "radio" in the "View added and updated modules in recent activity block" "table_row" And I press "Save changes" And I select "Manager (1)" from the "roleid" singleselect Then the "class" attribute of "View added and updated modules in recent activity block" "table_row" should contain "overriddenpermission"