. /** * Class with static back-end methods used by the file type tool. * * @package tool_filetypes * @copyright 2014 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace tool_filetypes; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Class with static back-end methods used by the file type tool. * * @package tool_filetypes * @copyright 2014 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class utils { /** * Checks if the given file type extension is invalid. * The added file type extension must be unique and must not begin with a dot. * * @param string $extension Extension of the file type to add * @param string $oldextension Extension prior to update (empty string if adding new type) * @return bool True if it the file type trying to add already exists */ public static function is_extension_invalid($extension, $oldextension = '') { $extension = trim($extension); if ($extension === '' || $extension[0] === '.') { return true; } $mimeinfo = get_mimetypes_array(); if ($oldextension !== '') { unset($mimeinfo[$oldextension]); } return array_key_exists($extension, $mimeinfo); } /** * Checks if we are allowed to turn on the 'default icon' option. You can * only have one of these for a given MIME type. * * @param string $mimetype MIME type * @param string $oldextension File extension name (before any change) */ public static function is_defaulticon_allowed($mimetype, $oldextension = '') { $mimeinfo = get_mimetypes_array(); if ($oldextension !== '') { unset($mimeinfo[$oldextension]); } foreach ($mimeinfo as $extension => $values) { if ($values['type'] !== $mimetype) { continue; } if (!empty($values['defaulticon'])) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Gets all unique file type icons from a specific path, not including * sub-directories. * * Icon files such as pdf.png, pdf-24.png and pdf-36.png etc. are counted as * the same icon type. * * The resultant array has both key and value set to the icon name prefix, * such as 'pdf' => 'pdf'. * * @param string $path The path of the icon path * @return array An array of unique file icons within the given path */ public static function get_icons_from_path($path) { $icons = array(); if ($handle = @opendir($path)) { while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { $matches = array(); if (preg_match('~(.+?)(?:-24|-32|-48|-64|-72|-80|-96|-128|-256)?\.(?:svg|gif|png)$~', $file, $matches)) { $key = $matches[1]; $icons[$key] = $key; } } closedir($handle); } ksort($icons); return $icons; } /** * Gets unique file type icons from pix/f folder. * * @return array An array of unique file type icons e.g. 'pdf' => 'pdf' */ public static function get_file_icons() { global $CFG; $path = $CFG->dirroot . '/pix/f'; return self::get_icons_from_path($path); } }